Impacts of macrozoobenthic invasions on a temperate coastal food web

2020 ◽  
Vol 653 ◽  
pp. 19-39
AS Jung ◽  
HW van der Veer ◽  
CJM Philippart ◽  
AM Waser ◽  
BJ Ens ◽  

Invasions of marine species are changing coastal food webs worldwide, impacting on trophic interactions between native species (e.g. predator-prey relationships). Here, the impact of 3 macrozoobenthic invasive species on food web structure and functioning at Balgzand (western Wadden Sea) is quantified by using ecological network analysis (ENA). The bivalves Ensis leei and Magallana gigas were observed for the first time in 1984 and 2001, respectively, and the polychaete Marenzelleria viridis appeared in 1989. Although E. leei and M. viridis reached similar peak biomasses in the 2000s (ca. 1700 and 2000 mg C m-2, respectively), the bivalve consumption was higher (>45% of total consumption) than that of the polychaete (<10%). Biomass and impact of M. gigas remained relatively low. E. leei occupied an ecological niche that was relatively unoccupied, which led to competitive advantage with respect to other suspension feeders. Increasing biomass of E. leei coincided with a 70% increase of trophic carbon transfer from primary to secondary producers and an 80% increase from secondary producers to detritus. Carbon flows from secondary producers to higher trophic levels were reduced by more than 60%. These shifts in trophic transfer were stronger than those observed during the invasion of M. gigas in the NE Wadden Sea. At Balgzand, biomass of M. gigas and M. viridis rapidly declined to low values in the 2010s, implying a temporally limited impact. In the 2010s, E. leei was still responsible for 30% of the total consumption in the 2010s, indicating a longer-term impact.

NeoBiota ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 66 ◽  
pp. 75-94
Sergey Golubkov ◽  
Alexei Tiunov ◽  
Mikhail Golubkov

The paucity of data on non-indigenous marine species is a particular challenge for understanding the ecology of invasions and prioritising conservation and research efforts in marine ecosystems. Marenzelleria spp. are amongst the most successful non-native benthic species in the Baltic Sea during recent decades. We used stable isotope analysis (SIA) to test the hypothesis that the dominance of polychaete worm Marenzelleria arctia in the zoobenthos of the Neva Estuary after its invasion in the late 2000s is related to the position of this species in the benthic food webs. The trend towards a gradual decrease in the biomass of Marenzelleria worms was observed during 2014–2020, probably due to significant negative relationships between the biomass of oligochaetes and polychaetes, both of which, according to SIA, primarily use allochthonous organic carbon for their production. The biomass of benthic crustaceans practically did not change and remained very low. The SIA showed that, in contrast to the native crustacean Monoporeia affinis, polychates are practically not consumed either by the main invertebrate predator Saduria entomon, which preys on M. affinis, oligochaetes and larvae of chironomids or by benthivorous fish that prefer native benthic crustaceans. A hypothetical model for the position and functional role of M. arctia in the bottom food web is presented and discussed. According the model, the invasion of M. arctia has created an offshoot food chain in the Estuary food webs. The former dominant food webs, associated with native crustaceans, are now poorly developed. The lack of top-down control obviously contributes to the significant development of the Marenzelleria food chain, which, unlike native food chains, does not provide energy transfer from autochthonous and allochthonous organic matter to the upper trophic levels. The study showed that an alien species, without displacing native species, can significantly change the structure of food webs, creating blind offshoots of the food chain.

1994 ◽  
Vol 51 (9) ◽  
pp. 2034-2044 ◽  
Alain F. Vézina ◽  
Michael L. Pace

We used inverse methods to reconstruct carbon flows in experimental lakes where the fish community had been purposely altered. These analyses were applied to three years of data from a reference lake and two experimental lakes located in Gogebic County, Michigan. We reconstructed seasonally averaged flows among two size groups of phytoplankton, heterotrophic bacteria, microzooplankton, cladocerans, and copepods. The inverse analysis produced significantly different flow networks for the different lakes that agreed qualitatively with known chemical and biological differences between lakes and with other analyses of the impact of fish manipulations on food web structure and dynamics. The results pointed to alterations in grazing pressure on the phytoplankton that parallel changes in the size and abundance of cladocerans and copepods among lakes. Estimated flows through the microbial food web indicated low bacterial production efficiencies and small carbon transfers from the microbial food web to the larger zooplankton. This study demonstrates the use of inverse methods to identify and compare flow patterns across ecosystems and suggests that microbial flows are relatively insensitive to changes at the upper trophic levels.

2004 ◽  
Vol 61 (9) ◽  
pp. 1565-1581 ◽  
Elisabeth I Meyer ◽  
Rainer Poepperl

Trophic interactions and cycling of matter within the community in a soft-water mountain stream were analyzed on the basis of a compartment food-web model. The model describes (i) the structure of the food web, quantifying biomass, production, and consumption of individual elements as well as of the entire system, and (ii) the flow of matter between compartments as well as trophic levels. Detritus and primary producers sustain a broad variety of invertebrate consumers. Fishes are the top predators; sculpin (Cottus gobio) and a compartment consisting of brown trout (Salmo trutta) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) are at the highest trophic level. Heterotrophic microorganisms (227.1 g dry mass (DW)·m–2·year–1) and aufwuchs algae (150.1 g DW·m–2·year–1) have the highest production. Secondary production of fishes and macroinvertebrates amounts to 2.56 and 19.9 g DW·m–2·year–1, respectively. Total consumption amounts to 1136.41 g DW·m–2·year–1. Main flows occur between the lower trophic levels. Food intake is greatest for microorganisms and Ephemeroptera. A relatively high fraction of invertebrate production is consumed by predators. For 10 of 19 compartments, over 95% of production is used as food by other organisms. Transfer efficiencies are generally low (<10%). A large proportion of matter transfer occurs at the lower discrete trophic levels of the stream.

2014 ◽  
Eric Hertz ◽  
James Robinson ◽  
Marc Trudel ◽  
Asit Mazumder ◽  
Julia K Baum

In aquatic systems, the ratio of predator mass to prey mass (PPMR) is an important constraint on food web structure, and has been correlated with environmental stability. One common approach of estimating PPMR uses nitrogen stable isotopes (δ15N) as an indicator of trophic position, under the assumption that the discrimination between diet and tissue is constant with increasing diet δ15N (an additive approach). However, recent studies have shown that this assumption may not be valid, and that there is a negative trend between the δ15N of the diet and the discrimination value (a scaled approach). We estimated PPMR for a simulated food web using the traditional additive approach and improved scaled approach, before testing our predictions with isotope samples from a North Sea food web. Our simulations show that the additive approach gives incorrect estimates of PPMR, and these biases are reflected in North Sea PPMR estimates. The extent of the bias is dependent on the baseline δ15N and trophic level sampled, with the greatest differences for samples with low baseline δ15N sampled at lower trophic levels. The scaled approach allows for the comparison of PPMR across varying δ15N baselines and trophic levels, and will refine estimates of PPMR.

2002 ◽  
Vol 59 (8) ◽  
pp. 1361-1373 ◽  
Asit Mazumder ◽  
Jim A Edmundson

Using 16 years of data on nutrients, plankton, and sockeye fry and smolts from Packers Lake, Alaska, we test the impact of nutrients and fry stocking on the growth and productivity of juvenile sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka). To enhance sockeye production, this lake was fertilized (1983–1996) and stocked annually (1987–1996) with sockeye fry. Before fertilization, the density of sockeye fry was low (<0.20 fry·m–2), the size and biomass of Daphnia were low, and sockeye smolts were relatively small. Before stocking, all trophic levels responded positively to fertilization. The biomass and mean size of Daphnia increased significantly. The average size of age-1 and age-2 smolts increased three- to four-fold. Fry stocking produced dramatic declines in both biomass and mean length of Daphnia and in size of smolts. When large-sized (>1 mm) Daphnia were significantly reduced in density under heavy predation by sockeye fry, the growth of juvenile sockeye declined, even under continued fertilization. We show that fry density and associated food web structure are major determinants of juvenile sockeye responses to fertilization and stocking. This study probably provides the first long-term experimental results linking limnological and nutrient – food web concepts to trophodynamics and productivity of juvenile sockeye salmon.

2014 ◽  
Eric Hertz ◽  
James Robinson ◽  
Marc Trudel ◽  
Asit Mazumder ◽  
Julia K Baum

In aquatic systems, the ratio of predator mass to prey mass (PPMR) is an important constraint on food web structure, and has been correlated with environmental stability. One common approach of estimating PPMR uses nitrogen stable isotopes (δ15N) as an indicator of trophic position, under the assumption that the discrimination between diet and tissue is constant with increasing diet δ15N (an additive approach). However, recent studies have shown that this assumption may not be valid, and that there is a negative trend between the δ15N of the diet and the discrimination value (a scaled approach). We estimated PPMR for a simulated food web using the traditional additive approach and improved scaled approach, before testing our predictions with isotope samples from a North Sea food web. Our simulations show that the additive approach gives incorrect estimates of PPMR, and these biases are reflected in North Sea PPMR estimates. The extent of the bias is dependent on the baseline δ15N and trophic level sampled, with the greatest differences for samples with low baseline δ15N sampled at lower trophic levels. The scaled approach allows for the comparison of PPMR across varying δ15N baselines and trophic levels, and will refine estimates of PPMR.

Ecology ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 99 (12) ◽  
pp. 2712-2720 ◽  
Tom Clegg ◽  
Mohammad Ali ◽  
Andrew P. Beckerman

2015 ◽  
Abigail Z. Jacobs ◽  
Jennifer A. Dunne ◽  
Cristopher Moore ◽  
Aaron Clauset

Food webs represent the set of consumer-resource interactions among a set of species that co-occur in a habitat, but most food web studies have omitted parasites and their interactions. Recent studies have provided conflicting evidence on whether including parasites changes food web structure, with some suggesting that parasitic interactions are structurally distinct from those among free-living species while others claim the opposite. Here, we describe a principled method for understanding food web structure that combines an efficient optimization algorithm from statistical physics called parallel tempering with a probabilistic generalization of the empirically well-supported food web niche model. This generative model approach allows us to rigorously estimate the degree to which interactions that involve parasites are statistically distinguishable from interactions among free-living species, whether parasite niches behave similarly to free-living niches, and the degree to which existing hypotheses about food web structure are naturally recovered. We apply this method to the well-studied Flensburg Fjord food web and show that while predation on parasites, concomitant predation of parasites, and parasitic intraguild trophic interactions are largely indistinguishable from free-living predation interactions, parasite-host interactions are different. These results provide a powerful new tool for evaluating the impact of classes of species and interactions on food web structure to shed new light on the roles of parasites in food webs.

2021 ◽  
Emanuela Fanelli ◽  
Samuele Menicucci ◽  
Sara Malavolti ◽  
Andrea De Felice ◽  
Iole Leonori

Abstract. Zooplankton are critical to the functioning of ocean food webs because of their utter abundance and vital ecosystem roles. Zooplankton communities are highly diverse and thus perform a variety of ecosystem functions, thus changes in their community or food web structure may provide evidence of ecosystem alteration. Assemblage structure and trophodynamics of mesozooplantkon communities were examined across the Adriatic basin, the northernmost and most productive basin of the Mediterranean Sea. Samples were collected in June–July 2019 along coast-offshore transects covering the whole western Adriatic side, consistently environmental variables were also recorded. Results showed a clear separation between samples from the northern-central Adriatic and the southern ones, with a further segregation, although less clear, of inshore vs. off-shore stations, the latter mostly dominated in the central and southern stations by gelatinous plankton. Such patterns were mainly driven by chlorophyll-a concentration (as a proxy of primary production) for northern-central stations, i.e. closer to the Po river input, and by temperature and salinity, for southern ones, with the DistLM model explaining 46 % of total variance. The analysis of stable isotopes of nitrogen and carbon allowed to identify a complex food web characterized by 3 trophic levels from herbivores to carnivores, passing through the mixed feeding behavior of omnivores, shifting from phytoplankton/detritus ingestion to microzooplankton. Trophic structure also spatially varied according to sub-area, with the northern-central sub-areas differing from each other and from the southern stations. Our results highlighted the importance of environmental variables as drivers of zooplanktonic communities and the complex structure of their food webs. Disentangling and considering such complexity is crucial to generate realistic predictions on the functioning of aquatic ecosystems, especially in high productive and, at the same time, overexploited area such as the Adriatic Sea.

2020 ◽  
Vol 77 (8) ◽  
pp. 1348-1358 ◽  
Jane S. Rogosch ◽  
Julian D. Olden

Food-web investigations inform management strategies by exposing potential interactions between native and nonnative species and anticipating likely outcomes associated with species removal efforts. We leveraged a natural gradient of compositional turnover from native-only to nonnative-only fish assemblages, combined with an intensive removal effort, to investigate underlying food-web changes in response to invasive species expansion in a Lower Colorado River tributary. Nonnative fishes caused coordinated isotopic niche displacement in native fishes by inducing resource shifts toward lower trophic positions and enriched carbon sources. By contrast, nonnative fishes did not experience reciprocal shifts when native fishes were present. Asymmetrical outcomes between native and nonnative fishes indicated species displacement may result from competitive or consumptive interactions. Native species’ isotopic niches returned to higher trophic levels after nonnative green sunfish (Lepomis cyanellus) removal, indicating removal efforts can support trophic recovery of native fishes like desert suckers (Catostomus clarkii) and roundtail chub (Gila robusta). Using stable isotope analysis in preremoval assessments provides opportunities to identify asymmetric interactions, whereas postremoval assessments could identify unintended consequences, like mesopredator release, as part of adaptive decision making to recover native fishes.

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