Hubungan Pola Asuh Orang Tua dengan Psychological Self Concept Anak Dalam Kegiatan Pembelajaran di Sekolah Dasar

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 23
Tarmidzi Tarmidzi
P Value ◽  

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengukur hubungan pola asuh orang tua terhadap psychological self concept anak usia sekolah dasar serta menganalisis psychological self concept anak usia sekolah dasar sesuai tipe pola asuh orang tuanya.  Dalam penelitian ini penulis menggunakan metode Penelitian Ex Post Facto.Sampel pada penelitian ini adalah 30 orang tua dan siswa SD Negeri 2 Kemantren Kabupaten Cirebon.  Berdasarkan hasil uji korelasi Pearson Product Moment (rppm) didapatkan nilai korelasi r = 0,301 dengan interpretasi hubungan yang rendah antara pola asuh orang tua dengan psychological self concept siswa.  Sedangkan P-Value yang didapat = 0,106 (P-Value> 0,01)  sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara pola asuh orang tua dengan psychological self concept siswa.  Meskipun terdapat orang tua yang memiliki pola asuh otoriter, tetapi psychological self concept anaknya tetap dalam interpretasi baik. Kata kunci :     Pola Asuh Orang Tua;Psychological Self Concept

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-14
Temitope Olamide Fagbemi ◽  
Olubunmi Florence Osemene ◽  
Oyinlade Agbaje

Sometimes the rivalry between shareholders and management is an indication of the level of entrenchment within the corporate environment. Managers are believed to routinely manipulate earnings in order to mislead shareholders about their company's actual economic outlook or performance. As a result, the study investigated the impact of managerial entrenchment, firm characteristics and earnings management of conglomerate companies in Nigeria. Employing the ex-post facto research design, the data was gathered from secondary source of the 6 listed conglomerate companies for the 11-year period running (2008-2018). The study used discretionary accruals a proxy for earnings management and to calculate discretionary accruals, the study used modified Jones model. The result showed that management entrenchment and firm characteristics have Impact on multinational firms ' earnings management in Nigeria. Specifically, from the conglomerate’s entrenchment proxies, CEO’s tenure has a positive and significant impact on earnings management (coff. =1.062821, p-value =0.0367) and management entrenchment as measured by CEO’s shareholding has a negative and insignificant effect on earnings management (coff. =-6252391, p-value = 0.4090) while firm size, profitability and leverage indicated a significant and positive impact on earnings management (coff, = 0.124587, p-value = 0.0000; coff. = 0.006647, p-value = 0.0431 and coff. = 0.032065, p-value = 0.0000). The study therefore recommended among others that management should reduce the debt in their capital structure in order to improve their companies’ value and their capital structure should be majorly financed by equity rather than debt and reduce CEOs tenure to minimise earnings management practices.

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Shehnaaz Moola

The professional identity of student nurses may fluctuate or even disintegrate when exposed to clinical realities. A self-identity must be integrated firstly with new expectations and modified within a social context to form a professional identity. In the process of developing a professional identity, student nurses either develop a self-concept within a professional role based on attributes, beliefs, values, motives, experiences, morals and ideals of who and what a nurse is, or lack to develop in this role. This study targeted to investigate the perceptions of Saudi student nurses in the evolution of a professional identity. A non-probabilistic and descriptive approach was selected for data collection. A Nurses Professional Identity Scale was constructed by the researcher to explore the evolution of a professional identity as perceived by Saudi student nurses. Mean scores indicated the importance of the self-presentation, self-image, self-esteem, self-categorization and self-concept as dimensions, which facilitates a professional identity. The p-values obtained for all the factors were less than the level of significance (p-value<0.05), which indicated the importance of all the associated factors. The significance of how student nurses identify themselves as professionals during the Baccaulearate program in various role formation has been emphasized. These roles are still undervalued by society and influences stereotypical attitudes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 105-119
Sule Ba’aba ◽  
Mahmud Bashiru

The serious decline in the price of crude oil in recent years has led the state government to look for new sources of revenue and becomes strict and aggressive to the assessment and collection of revenue from the existing sources. This study examines the impact of Corporate Governance Attributes on Tax planning of listed manufacturing companies in Nigeria and Malaysia. The corporate governance parameters include board size and CEO tenure while tax planning is proxied by the effective tax rate and firm size as control variable. The objective is to determine if there is a relationship between corporate governance attributes and tax planning which in turn may improve firm performance. The study adopts comparative and ex-post facto research design and will utilise panel data from annual reports and accounts of the listed companies for the period of five years (2014-2018). The Data were analysed using a panel regression technique to assess the effect of the independent variables on the dependent variable. Hausman specification test was conducted to choose between fixed and random effect estimation and the p-value is0.9863 which insignificant. The resultsfrom random effect estimation modelindicates a negative and significant relationship between CEOT, FSIZE and ETR and a positive relationship between BSIZE and ETR.Therefore, the study concludes that corporate governance mechanism plays a significant role in tax planning and Nigerian manufacturing companies pays high tax charges as compare to Malaysian food and beverages companies.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-44
Rezky Graha Pratiwi ◽  
Yuliansyah Yuliansyah

This study aims to examine the effect of self-regulated learning and self-concept on career aspirations in adolescents. This research uses a quantitative approach with ex-post facto design. This research was conducted in Yogyakarta City which consisted of 223 women and 152 men. Data was collected through CAS-R adaptation for career aspiration scale with 33 items from Obrien (1996), MSLQ for self-regulated learning scale with 44 items from Pintrich and Groot (1990) and TSCS for self-concept scale with 100 items from Fitts (1972) . The category of teenagers who have career aspirations is in the high category. The instrument validation technique uses content validity and Alpha Cronbach coefficient reliability. The results showed that there was an effect of self regulated learning and self-concept on career aspirations in adolescents with a significance value of 0.008 (p <0.05). It can be concluded that Self-regulated learning and self-concept can be strong predictors of career aspirations in adolescent

Dwi Noviana Komsi ◽  
IM Hambali ◽  
M Ramli

Penelitian ini berdasarkan fenomena motivasi belajar siswa yang masuk pada kategori rendah yang dipengaruhi oleh bebrapa faktor seperti; pola asuh orang  tua, konsep diri, serta kontrol diri. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain ex-post facto. Sampel dalam penelitian berjumlah 313 siswa yang diambil dari tiga SMA Negeri di Kota Malang (SMA Negeri 4, SMA Negeri 7, SMA Negeri 10) dengan menggunakan  teknik sampel multistage cluster random sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis data multiple linear /regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian ini adalah adanya kontribusi  yang signifikan variabel pola asuh orang tua dan kontrol diri terhadap motivasi belajar. Namun variabel konsep diri tidak berkontribusi secara parsial terhadap motivasi belajar. The contribution of democratic parenting pattern, self-control and self-concept on the students' learning motivationAbstractThis study is based on the phenomenon of student learning motivation that entered in the low category influenced by several factors such as; parenting patterns, self-concept, and self-control. This research uses quantitative research design with ex-post facto design. Samples in the study amounted to 313 students taken from three SMA Negeri in Malang (SMA Negeri 4, SMA Negeri 7, SMA Negeri 10) by using multistage cluster random sampling technique. This study uses multiple linear data analysis / multiple linear regression. The result of this research is the existence of significant contribution of parenting pattern of parents and self control to motivation learn. However, self concept variables do not contribute partially to the motivation to learn.

2014 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Komang Diah Laxmy Prabadewi ◽  
Putu Nugrahaeni Widiasavitri

  Early adolescence is a period for self-concept formation. The self concept is a set of beliefs and feelings of the individual about their own, including physical characteristics, social, emotional, aspiration and achievement (Hurlock, 1999). Concerned with the need of achievement, adolescents need to develop their self-concept specially their academic self-concept as a particular provision in order to face a competition in the work world later. The self concept is not an innate factor, but it is learned and shaped by individual experience in dealing with others. That is equal with the academic self-concept. When a person living in a different situation with the general one, such as live in an orphanage, it can affect early adolescents in shaping their self-concept, at last it can affect their desire to achieve their achievement. According to these conditions, the researchers wanted to see whether there are relationships between academic self-concept and achievement motivation in early adolescents who lives in an orphanage. This study uses quantitative research methods which is correlation analysis method using product moment that involving 120 early adolescents orphanages as subjects that obtained by using sample taking technique simple random sampling . The result found in this research, there is a positive and significant relationship between academic self-concept and achievement motivation in early adolescents who lives in orphanages in Denpasar, which is indicated by the correlation coefficient (r) between the variables of self-concept and achievement motivation is 0.588 with p value 0.000 (p< 0.05), which means that the variable of academic self-concept and achievement motivation variables correlated significantly and positively and both of those are at moderate intensity   Keywords: self concept, academic self-concept, achievement motivation, orphanages, early adolescents

Seyed Mohamad Kazem Nourbakhsh ◽  
Minoo Atamanesh ◽  
Mohammad Effatpanah ◽  
Mona Salehi ◽  
Morteza Heidari

Objective: High prevalence of behavioral and psychological disorders in children with thalassemia can be associated with a decrease in the self-esteem of patients and can completely alter the person's self-concept. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of behavioral problems and its relationship with self-esteem and self-concept in patients with thalassemia major aged 6 to 18 years. Method: In a cross-sectional study, 30 patients with thalassemia major at the age of 6 to 18 years were enrolled. behavioral problems, self-esteem, and self-concept were evaluated by the child's behavioral check list at the ages of 6 to 18 years (CBCL 6-18), the Coopersmith's Self-Esteem Inventory, and the Piers-Harris Children's Self-Concept Scale. Results: A total of 10.0% of patients had behavioral disorders, 3 (10.0%) desirable self-esteem, 15 (50.0%) moderate self-esteem, and 12 (40.0%) poor self-esteem. There was a strong but adverse correlation between behavioral disorder score and both self-esteem score (correlation coefficient equal to -0.886, p value = 0.001) and self-concept score (correlation coefficient equal to -0.498, p value = 0.001), and thus those patients with behavioral disorder had less appropriate self-esteem and self-concept. Conclusion: The incidence of behavioral disorders is associated with decreased self-esteem and poor self-concept in these patients. Therefore, improvement in behavioral disorders can be expected by improving self-esteem and selfconcept in such patients.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Prasetyo Agung Nugroho

Background. Chronic Kidney Diseases (CKD) is a progressive deviation of kidney, the kidneys are unable to function to maintain metabolic balance , so as to resolve the issue carried out various therapies one of which is dialysis or Hemodialysis (HD). CKD patients undergoing hemodialysis will experience physical and psychosocial problems that affect the behavior and self-concept. This research is to know the Relationship Between Behavior And Self-concept in patients at Chronic Kidney Diseases That Undergoing Hemodialysis In Hemodialysis Unit of Hospital Dr. Moewardi. Methods. This type of research is correlational with the design of cross sectional and analysis the data used is the test Product Moment Pearson. Research Result. The results of this research is there is a relationship between the behavior and self-concept of patients undergoing hemodialysis in Hemodialysis Unit of Hospital Dr. Moewardi. This is evidenced by Pearson Product Moment analysis test which obtained significance value (p value) 0,000 < 0,05 (α = 5 %). Conclusion. Behaviors related to self-concept in patients with CKD undergoing Hemodialysis.

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
Fitria Rizki R ◽  
Koerniasari . ◽  
Sri Mardoyo
T Test ◽  
P Value ◽  
Ex Post ◽  

Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) merupakan penyakit yang jumlah penderitanya semakin meningkat setiap tahun dan penyebarannya semakin luas. Permasalahan yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah upaya penanggulangan fokus (PF) meliputi Penyuluhan, Pemberantasan Sarang Nyamuk (PSN), Larvasidasi, Fogging.Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis perbedaan House Index (HI) sebelum dan sesudah penanggulangan fokus di Kelurahan Tawanganom Kecamatan Magetan Kabupaten Magetan. Jenis Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian analitik Ex Post Facto dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Teknik pengumpulan data lebih diutamakan dengan cara observasi. Jumlah sampel 225 rumah atau kepala/anggota keluarga.Berdasarkan hasil uji T-test sampel berpasangan (paired-sampel T test) menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan yang bermakna House Index (HI) demam berdarah dengue antara sebelum dan sesudah penanggulangan fokus dengan p value (0,000) <α (0,005). Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah penanggulangan fokus dapat meningkatkan Angka Bebas Jentik khususnya House Index (HI) demam berdarah dengue di KPR Asabri I Tawanganom Indah RW.5 Kelurahan Tawanganom Kecamatan Magetan Kabupaten Magetan. Kata Kunci : House Index, Penanggulangan Fokus DBD.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Dusalan Dusalan

The purpose of this study is (1) Want to know how much the contribution of self-concept, and the attention of parents, to the results of mathematics learning in class X SMA in Wera Bima District; (2) Want to know how much the positive contribution of self-concept to the results of mathematics learning in class X SMA in Wera Bima District; and (3) Want to know how much the positive contribution of parents' attention to the results of mathematics learning in class X SMA in Wera Bima District. The type of this study was ex-post facto, the population in this study were Class X students of State High Schools in Wera Bima Subdistrict in the year 2017/2018 which were taken using Proportional stratified random sampling. Instruments used: (1) self-concept scale, (2) the scale of parental attention, (3) tests of mathematics learning outcomes. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and path analysis. The results of the study illustrate that; (1) Positive contribution to self-concept, and parents' attention together (simultaneous) to the mathematics learning outcomes of class X high school students in Wera Bima District, for R2square = 11.10%. (2) The positive contribution of self-concept towards the mathematics learning outcomes of class X high school students in Wera Bima Subdistrict, amounting to 15.70%. and (3) The positive contribution of parents' attention                      to the mathematics learning outcomes of class X high school students in Wera Bima District, amounting to 19.80%.

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