scholarly journals Influence of Fertilization on Gray-Brown Soils on Change of Food Mode in Soil Under Winter Wheat

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (5) ◽  
pp. 224-232
R. Guliyeva

The article shows the influence of mineral and organic fertilizer norms on gray–brown soils and changes in the nutritional regime in winter wheat soils under irrigation in the Ganja–Gazakh region. It was found that the application of mineral and organic fertilizers for winter wheat in gray–brown soils significantly affected the change in the nutrient regime of the soil, significantly increasing the amount of nutrients easily absorbed by plants in the plowed and subsoil layers of the soil, as compared to the control (unfertilized) option, effective fertility increased, which in turn had a significant impact on productivity. At the end of the growing season, depending on the norm of mineral fertilizers in the soil layer 0–60 cm, ammonia nitrogen is 13.1–14.1, nitrate nitrogen is 7.2–7.4, mobile phosphorus is 7.0–8.0 and exchangeable potassium — 15.6–19.2 mg/kg, depending on the rate of organic fertilizers at the end of the growing season, ammonia nitrogen 12.6-–13.7, nitrate nitrogen 5.3–5.7, mobile phosphorus 6.2–6.6 and metabolic potassium while it increased by 20.4–21.2 mg/kg.

Я. П. Цвей ◽  
М. В. Тищенко ◽  
С. В. Філоненко ◽  
В. В. Ляшенко

Наведено результати досліджень впливу різних доз органічних та мінеральних добрив, що вносяться під цукрові буряки в короткоротаційній плодозмінній сівозміні, на вміст нітратного і мінерального азоту, рухомого фосфору та обмінного калію в чорноземі типовому слабкосолонцюватому. У результаті польових досліджень було встановлено, що в зоні недостатнього зволоження в умовах Лівобережного Лісостепу України в короткоротаційній плодозмінній сівозміні формування поживного режиму чорнозему типового слабкосолонцюватого під цукровими буряками залежало від системи удобрення. Найбільший вміст нітратного і мінерального азоту в орному шарі ґрунту виявився на час сходів цукрових буряків на ділянках, де вносили під культуру 50 т/га гною + N90Р120К90, – 17,2 і 20,1 мг/кг ґрунту відповідно. Така доза органічних і мінеральних добрив забезпечила і найбільшу кількість рухомого фосфору в орному шарі у період сходів культури – 80,0 мг/кг ґрунту, що обумовлено зростаючою рухомістю фосфатів з органічних добрив і меншим переходом фосфору в малорозчинні сполуки. Заміна дози добрив із 25 т/га гною + N180Р240К180, яку вносили під цукрові буряки, на 50 т/га гною + N90Р120К90 сприяла підвищенню вмісту обмінного калію в орному шарі ґрунту на час сходів буряків із 170,0 до 177,0 мг/кг ґрунту, що обумовлено високою дозою внесених органічних добрив під культуру, які після мінералізації гною і забезпечили зростання вмісту обмінного калію в ґрунті. Optimization of mineral nutrition of plants is one of the most significant means to regulate physiological processes that determine yield formation of any crop. In intensive farming the yield of crops depends on the natural fertility of soil and weather conditions only by 25%. In this case, fertilizers provide from 30 to 60% of the yield, high quality seeds – from 5 to 20%, and plant protection products – from 5 to 15%. Therefore, studying of the optimal provision of sugar beet plants with nitrogen, mobile phosphorus and exchangeable potassium due to the application of various doses of organic and mineral fertilizers is important and relevant, especially for the conditions of the zone of inadequate moisture. The purpose of the research was to determine the influence of sugar beet fertilization on the formation of the nutrient regime of the soil underneath in short-rotation fertile crop rotation. The research task was the study of the effect of various doses of organic and mineral fertilizers, applied to sugar beets, on the content of nitrate and mineral nitrogen, as well as  the effect of various fertilization systems used during the cultivation of sugar beets on the content of mobile phosphorus in the field of crop in short-term crop rotation and the study of the content of exchangeable potassium in typical slightly alcanlinized black soil while applying various doses of organic and mineral fertilizers to sugar beets. The following preliminary conclusions can be made based on the data of one-year research: In short-term crop rotation, the highest content of nitrate and mineral nitrogen in the arable soil layer was at the time of germination of sugar beets in the areas where the manure + N90P120K90 was applied in the amount of 50 tons per hectar - 17.2 and 20.1 mg/kg of soil. The application of 50t/ha of manure + N90P120K90provided the largest amount of mobile phosphorus in the arable layer during the period of the crop germination – 80.0 mg/kg of soil, due to the increasing mobility of phosphates from organic fertilizers and a smaller transition of phosphorus in the insoluble compounds. The change of the dose of fertilizers applied to sugar beets from 25 t/ha of manure + N180Р240К180 to 50 t/ha of manure + N90Р120К90resulted in the increase of the content of exchangeable potassium in the arable soil layer during sugar beets germination from 170.0 to 177.0 mg/kg of soil. It is the effect of the application of high dose of organic fertilizers, which after mineralization of manure provided the increase of the content of exchangeable potassium in the soil.

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 ◽  
pp. 00085
Oksana Nikitina ◽  
Vladimir Lazarev ◽  
Anatoly Stifeev

The results of studies on the efficiency of winter wheat cultivation technologies, including fertilization systems with different levels of biologization, are presented. It was found that during the cultivation of winter wheat using intensive technology with a mineral fertilization system, the reserves of productive moisture in the arable layer of the soil were almost equal to the reserves of moisture when cultivated using intensive technology (without fertilization). In variants with the cultivation of winter wheat according to the technology with a 50% level of biologization, the reserves of productive moisture in the arable layer of the soil increased by 0.9 mm, and by a 100% level - by 1.6 mm. Higher reserves of nitrate-nitrogen in the 0-40 cm soil layer before sowing winter wheat were noted in variants where it was cultivated using biotechnology with a 100% supply of nutrients from organic fertilizers. A decrease in the level of biologization of the technology to 50% led to a decrease in the reserves of nitrate-nitrogen by 2.5 kg/ha. The highest weediness of winter wheat crops was noted when it was cultivated using technologies with 50 and 100% biologization levels - 70.6-92.0 pcs/m2. Compared to the mineral fertilization system, when using organic fertilizers, there is an increase in weediness of winter wheat crops by 5.8-18.1%. The highest yield of winter wheat was obtained by cultivating it using intensive technology - 5.98 t/ha. Technologies with 50 and 100% biologization levels ensured the production of 5.87 and 5.41 t/ha, respectively.

2019 ◽  
pp. 21-32
E. Medvedev

Recently, negative processes have been spreading in Ukraine related to the deterioration of the economic situation, the rapid increase in the prices of mineral fertilizers and the limitation of their use, the reduction in the volume of traditional organic fertilizers, and the replacement of traditional tillage on systems with moldboard-free and other resource-saving ones. The consequences of this is loss of soil fertility. The global climate changes observed in Ukraine, which directly affect the vegetation and soil formation processes contributes to the consequences as well. Consequently, there is a need for further and more detailed study of the impact of various tillage systems and fertilizers on soil fertility to prevent negative processes in it and to develop measures for adapting agriculture in accordance with climatic and socio-economic realities. Studying the influence of primary processing methods and fertilizers on the fertility indicators of common black soil in a field rotation link: winter wheat after corn MVR (milk-wax ripeness) – peas – winter wheat in the Northern Steppe of Ukraine to prevent negative phenomena associated with modern soil formation processes, and, in the future, the development of scientifically based recommendations on the cultivation of these crops in the new socio-economic and climatic conditions. The studied methods for treating ordinary heavy loamy chernozem in the field rotation link: winter wheat on corn MVR – peas – winter wheat on the background of dump plowing for corn in the Northern Steppe of Ukraine have a different effect on its nutritional regime. The treatment, based on loosening without dump, improves the agrochemical parameters of the arable layer, contributes to an increase in the amount of nitrate nitrogen, mobile phosphorus and exchange potassium in the soil layer of 0-30 cm compared to plowing. Background plowing for maize in crop rotation reduces drastic differentiation by nutrients by soil profile. The use of mineral fertilizers (recommended in the region: for peas – N45P35K15, winter wheat – N60P60K30; calculated for the planned crop: respectively, N50P30K20 and N90P80K70) contributes to an increase in the content of nitrate nitrogen, mobile phosphorus and exchange potassium in the 0-30 cm layer in the studied options and increase crop productivity. Changes in the agrochemical parameters of the soil did not result in the appearance of a significant difference in their yield on the treatment options. Key words: soil, processing, fertilizers, nitrate nitrogen, mobile phosphorus, exchange potassium, crop rotation.

Ivan Filippovich Medvedev ◽  
Sergey Sergeevich Derevyagin ◽  
Ilya Olegovich Molchanov ◽  
Anastasiya Sergeevna Buzueva ◽  
Mikhail Nikolaevich Panasov ◽  

The effectiveness of sapropel as an organic fertilizer is revealed. It was compared with the traditional organic and mineral fertilizers. So, the most noticeable softening of the soil compared to the control variant was after application of sapropel. During the study, application of sapropel maximally increased the content of nitrate nitrogen in the soil from 2.8 to 4.1 mg/kg, exceeding the indicator of ammonium nitrate by 48.8% and manure by 36.6%.  Sapropel increases the content of mobile forms of potassium in the soil over an average of 2 years from 306 to 316 mg/kg, while the content of mobile phosphorus is minimal - 20.3 mg/kg. The highest yield of spring wheat was in the variant  the variant after application of  ammonium nitrate in a dose of N60 (1.64 t/ha) and sapropel in a dose of 6 t ha (1.57 t/ha).  

А. М. Grebennikov ◽  
V. А. Isaev ◽  
S. А. Yudin ◽  
S. V. Saprykin ◽  
Yu. I. Cheverdin

In the conditions of field experience, the influence of different methods of primary processing (plowing, dump, surface and zero) on the reserves of nutrients (nitrate nitrogen, mobile phosphorus and exchangeable potassium) at depths of 0…10, 10…20 and 20…30 cm and in the layer 0…30 cm was considered. The degree of heterogeneity of the arable layer was estimated by the coefficient of variation at depths of 0…10 and 10…20 cm for each plant nutrient being determined. Stocks of all nutrients both at separate depths and in the layer 0…30 cm of agrochernozems under the conditions of the experiment increased by the end of the growing season of winter wheat. It is shown that the increase in nitrate stocks most significantly occurred when using small treatments, the depth of the impact on agrochernozems which did not exceed 10 cm (surface and zero treatment). The highest reserves of mobile phosphorus in the layer 0…30 cm had the options of experience with in-depth treatment of agrochernozems. However, during the growing season, the rate of increase in the reserves of this food element in the specified layer was higher in options with small treatments due to their significant increase at the upper depths. Approximately the same picture was observed for the exchange of potassium. Clear, observed time trends of homogeneity of arable horizon on stocks of batteries depending on the considered methods of tillage, have been identified. The expected trend related to a higher degree of homogeneity of the distribution of nutrients in the arable horizon of ploughing plots compared to other variants of experience, especially with zero treatment, is not always confirmed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 263 ◽  
pp. 01014
Vladimir Shcherbakov ◽  
Valentina Pomogaeva ◽  
Tatyana Shukina ◽  
Konstantin Chizhik ◽  
Victor Bazhenov

Experimental studies on the decontamination and stabilization of sludge sites sediment with calcium oxide treated with disinfectant. The results of the research discovered that the sewage sludge of Voronezh City is safe and can be used as organic fertilizer for growing agricultural plants. Determination of the content of macro-elements of mineral nutrition in the soil and the reaction of its environment showed that the application of organic fertilizers in the form of sludge increases the amount of nitrate nitrogen, exchangeable potassium, mobile phosphorus in the soil compared to the non-fertilized sample. Contemporaneously, the mass fraction of impurities of toxic elements in the soil decreases when the sewage sludge is used as an organic-lime fertilizer.

2021 ◽  
Vol 247 ◽  
pp. 01029
Aleksandr Gurin ◽  
Svetlana Rezvyakova ◽  
Nikolay Revin

This work aims to study the influence of legume-cereal grasses in the inter-row spacings of the garden on the content of nutrients in the soil and the growth of apple tree roots. The amount of nitrate nitrogen was in direct proportion to the ratio of the legume component in the phytocenosis. The nitrogen content in the control option was the smallest: 19.7 mg/kg in the soil layer of 0-30 cm and 13.4 mg/kg in the layer of 30-60 cm. In the case of natural grassing-down between rows, cereal forbs prevailed. The largest amount of nitrate nitrogen was achieved when sowing the red clover and timothy grass in a ratio of 7:3. The accumulation of nitrate nitrogen is due to the activity of nodule bacteria on the roots of red clover. The accumulation of mobile phosphorus and exchangeable potassium depends on the amount of mowed mass in the inter-row spacings of the garden. The lowest content of mobile phosphorus was detected for natural grassing. In the control option, its amount was 118 mg/kg. In the 0-30 cm soil layer, the content of mobile phosphorus was 127.4-142.6 mg/kg depending on the ratio of legume-cereal grasses, and it amounted to 95.1-103.2 mg/kg in the 30-60 cm layer. For the ratio of red clover and timothy grass 3:7, the highest phosphorus content was detected. The intercropping of the garden with a legume-cereal herbal mixture also contributed to a greater accumulation of exchangeable potassium in the soil relative to natural grassing-down - 122.3-134.9 mg/kg. The optimal ratio of legume-cereal component was 3:7. A higher growth activity of the roots of the apple tree was noted in the option with sodding with a mixture of red clover and timothy grass in a ratio of 7:3.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-22
V. V. Gamayunova ◽  
L. H. Khonenko ◽  
M. I. Fedorchuk ◽  
O. A. Kovalenko

The cultivation expediency of more drought-resistant crops, in particular sorghum, millet, false flax, safflower and others, instead of sunflower in the area of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine is substantiated. This is, first of all, required by climate change both in Ukraine and in the world. Since 2004, researches of field crops were carried out in the conditions of the Educational and Scientific Practical Center of the Mykolaiv National Agrarian University. Soil phase is the southern chernozem with humus content in the 0–30 cm soil layer which consist of 2.96–3.21 %, with medium and high level of availability of mobile phosphorus and potassium and low – mobile nitrogen. Experiments with soriz (Oksamyt hybrid) were conducted during 2004–2006, millet (Tavriiske, Kostantynivske, Skhidnevarieties) in 2008–2010, grain sorghum (Stepovyi 5 hybrid) in 2014–2016, safflower dye (Lahidnyi variety) in 2017–2019. The years of research differed significantly in temperature and even more in the amount of precipitation before sowing and during the growing season of crops. However, the weather conditions were typical of the Southern Steppe zone of Ukraine. It is established that all studied drought-resistant crops respond positively to nutrition optimization – the level of yield and quality of grain or seeds increases. It was found that the soriz productivity depending on the application of fertilizers and sowing dates increased by 37.6–39.2 %, millet –by 33.3–41.6 %, grain sorghum depending on the background of nutrition and growing conditions – by 8.2–33.2 %, dye safflower – by 11.1–64.6 %. It was determined that the optimization of nutrition of cultivated crops allows to increase their resistance to adverse conditions and productivity in the case of application of low doses of the mineral fertilizers before sowing, pre-sowing treatment of seeds, and growth-regulating chemical application of plants on the main stages of the growing season. Key words: drought-resistant plants, climatic conditions, nutrition optimization, yield, crop quality, varieties, sowing dates.

2021 ◽  
pp. 20-24
Artem Vladimirovich Ermilov ◽  
Roman Aleksandrovich Kamenev ◽  
Anatoly Petrovich Solodovnikov ◽  
Vladimir Nikolaevich Maksimchuk

The article presents an analysis of the determination of the effectiveness of mineral and organic fertilizers on the yield of winter wheat grain. The studies were carried out in 2017–2020 in the Rostov region on the southern chernozem. The object of research was the Doneko winter wheat variety. The predecessor is corn for grain. Ammonium nitrate, ANP fertilizer (16-16-16) and urea were used as mineral fertilizers, which were applied in the fertilization system of winter wheat and acted as a background option in the experimental scheme. ANP fertilizer (16-16-16) was introduced when sowing winter wheat, ammonium nitrate - scattered over thawed-frozen soil and carbamide in the heading phase by foliar method. Organomineral fertilizers were represented by the following types: Ruther, Leili 2000, Siamino Pro, Gumiful Pro, Soft Guard and Double Wine MKR (monocaliphosphate) produced by Biokepharm (Switzerland). The raw material for the production of organomineral fertilizers was the algae of the warm seas Laminaria. In the field experiment, the options for the joint application of foliar application and pre-sowing seed treatment with organomineral fertilizers were also studied. The control was the option without mineral fertilizers and the option with the background of the use of mineral fertilizers (farm fertilization system). It was found out that the use of organic fertilizers Ruter (0.5 or 0.25 l / t) and Leyli (0.25 l / t) for seed treatment before sowing, the use of Soft Guard (0.2 l / ha) and Gumiful Pro ( 0.2 l / ha) in the spring tillering phase and in the flag leaf phase against the background of sowing nitroammophoska at a dose of N32P32K32, random fertilizing on thawed-frozen soil with ammonium nitrate at a dose of N40 and the use of carbamide in the heading phase at a dose of N20 increased grain yield on average for 2018–2020 compared with the control (fertilization system of the farm) by 0.73 t / ha, or 23.0%. The maximum yield increase from the root-forming agent Ruther, used for pre-sowing seed treatment, reached 0.36 t / g, or 11.3%.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 2018 (7) ◽  
pp. 76-83
Bogdan KUZNYAK ◽  

The search of forms and methods of promoting the development of organic agriculture, consumption of organic products and its distribution through the long-term marketing concept is considered. Life expectancy in Ukraine in recent years has decreased by 10 years compared to European countries. The natural fertility of the land is gradually deteriorating due to excessive use of mineral fertilizers, pesticides, toxic chemicals and other negative factors. This led to destruction of the fertile soil layer and its most valuable component – humus, the content of which has decreased from 13-14% to 3-5% over the past 100 years. This significantly worsened the living conditions of soil microorganisms ensuring the activities of organic substances and nutrition of agricultural plants and reduced the quality of grown produce, which adversely affects the health of people and nature. The way out of this difficult situation is the transition to organic farming, which at the present stage is increasingly becoming a global strategic direction. The basic principles of organic farming are: (i) refusal to use mineral fertilizers and chemical means of plant protection (pesticides); (ii) use of organic fertilizers and siderates (“green fertilizers”, which fill the soil with organic mass and destroy weeds); (iii) surface cultivation of the soil (not more than 11 cm) sufficient for fluffing its upper layer, protection against weeds and microform balance; (iv) provision of scientifically sound crop rotation, which ensures fertility of the soil and control of weeds and pathogens.

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