2011 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 80-91
Hurip Pratomo ◽  
Iman Supriatna ◽  
Wasmen Manalu ◽  
Adi Winarto

Pasak bumi is popular as an aphrodisiac in the traditional medical herb. Boiled drink water of the root powder of pasak bumi is believed can increase the secondary reproduction characters such as libido and the duration of erection. This article is part of the research report that focus on: the distribution of hypophysis acidophil and basophil cells caused of the pasak bumi optimal dose treatment. Research carried out in an experiment using Hemaktosilin Eosin(HE) staining method to study micromorphological distribution of the acidophil and basophil cells of the male rat hypophysis after pasak bumi treatment (the dose of 18 mg pasak bumi/200 g body weight during three days, and the control of 1 ml aquadest). Result of the research showed that: Basophyl cells increased significantly in the third days of pasak bumi administered. Meanwhile acidophyl cells decreased in the third days of pasak bumi administered.  

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
Condro Suro Miyarso ◽  
Tri Cahyani Widiastuti ◽  
Naelaz Zukhruf Wakhidatul Kiromah

The root of pasak bumi (Eurycoma longifolia, Jack) is one of plant from Indonesia known as aphrodisiac. The study about its standardized extract as aphrodisiac was show increasing libido, testosterone level, FSH and LH on male rats. This study was conducted to evaluate testosterone level and histopathological changes of the testes of male rats of standardized extract of pasak bumi root. There are 50 old male rats which ages 3-4 months old divided to five groups. Group I as negative control was administered aquadestilata. Group II as positive control was administered testosterone (Andriol®). Group III, IV and V ware given standardized extract of pasak bumi root at the dose 50, 100 and 200 mg/kg body weight Respectively. The extract was given orally twice a day for six days and forty nine days and then the testes was taken out on 7th and 50th day. The histopathological of the testes was evaluated using quantitative parameter by the presence of testes weight, number and diameter of Leydig cells. Testosterone level was taken on 7th and 50th day used ELISA method. The results were analyzed using parametric test, one way ANOVA (P<0,05), post hoc Dunnet (2-sided) (P < 0,05). The result of this study shows that the standardized extract of pasak bumi root was not effect on histopathological changes of the testes but it could increased the level of testosterone m at the dose 100 and 200 mg/kg body weight.  Key word : Eurycoma longifolia, Jack, aphrodisiac, histopathological testes testosteron

2019 ◽  
pp. 300-307
Laipanov ◽  
Begiev ◽  
Bittirov ◽  

The article gives an assessment of the effect of the new complex anthelmintic preparation "Prazinal F" on milk productivity and on the biochemical composition of milk of cows of black and white breeds with paramphistomatosis. Determination of the optimal dose after milking the cows of the black and white breed of the new preparation "Prazinal F" with paramphistomatosis showed that during the second, third, fourth and fifth months of lactation for milk production, the dose of 25 mg / kg of body weight has the most beneficial effect. During the second, third and subsequent months of lactation after prescribing "Prazinal F" in a dose of 25 mg / kg body weight, the milk productivity of the cows of the experimental groups and, especially, of the third group is increased. The cows of the 3rd group in terms of gross milk yield exceeded the cows of the control group infected with paramphistomatosis by 36,0%. In comparison with the control infected group, the difference for the third month of lactation, respectively, was 2.9-3.7-4.5 kg in favor of the experimental groups, 3.0-3.5-4.4 kg for the fourth month and the fifth month – 2,6-3,8-4,6 kg. The use of "Prazinal F" in the paramphistomatosis of cows of black and motley breed at a dose of 25 mg / kg of body weight, once allowed to increase the content of iodine, cobalt, magnesium and iron in milk by 31.7-45.6%. The appointment of the drug "Prazinal F" in the paramphistomatosis of cows of black and motley breed at a dose of 25 mg / kg of body weight, once allowed to increase the production of cow's milk, significantly enriching it with nutrient microelements.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Hurip Pratomo

Abstract—Background:The ability of reproductive disorders in men and experimental male rat is characterized among other things by a decrease in androgen such as testosterone levels. Materials of pasak bumi root (Eurycoma longifolia Jack) increased libido behavior of experimental male rat. Libido associated with higher levels of testosterone, it is therefore necessary to evaluate the effect of pasak bumi on androgen levels such as testosterone. Methods: Male rats at 9.00 am treated controls and pasak bumi, then at 14.00 pm tempted with estrus female rats 10 minutes. Then, both control and pasak bumi blood  samples were collected from male rat heart on day 1st  and day 3rd  at 14.15 pm. Measurement of testosterone levels were calculated using radioimmunoassay (RIA). Results: An increase in serum  testosterone levels in the blood on day-3rd  administration pasak bumi boiled water 18 mg/200 g dose  significantly different than the  control within day 1st to 3rd. The average levels of testosterone administration control (boiled water of aquades) day 1st = 0.50 ng/ml, day 3rd = 2.46 ng / ml, increased markedly on pasak bumi treatment day 1st = 4.00 ng / ml and day 3 = 9.73 ng / ml, (Duncan test, α=0.05). Conclusions: Testosterone levels can be increased markedly after the consumption of the pasak bumi boiled water for 3 days.Keywords—Pasak bumi, a dose of  18 mg/200 g, testosterone.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Hurip Pratomo

Abstract—Background:The ability of reproductive disorders in men and experimental male rat is characterized among other things by a decrease in androgen such as testosterone levels. Materials of pasak bumi root (Eurycoma longifolia Jack) increased libido behavior of experimental male rat. Libido associated with higher levels of testosterone, it is therefore necessary to evaluate the effect of pasak bumi on androgen levels such as testosterone. Methods: Male rats at 9.00 am treated controls and pasak bumi, then at 14.00 pm tempted with estrus female rats 10 minutes. Then, both control and pasak bumi blood  samples were collected from male rat heart on day 1st  and day 3rd  at 14.15 pm. Measurement of testosterone levels were calculated using radioimmunoassay (RIA). Results: An increase in serum  testosterone levels in the blood on day-3rd  administration pasak bumi boiled water 18 mg/200 g dose  significantly different than the  control within day 1st to 3rd. The average levels of testosterone administration control (boiled water of aquades) day 1st = 0.50 ng/ml, day 3rd = 2.46 ng / ml, increased markedly on pasak bumi treatment day 1st = 4.00 ng / ml and day 3 = 9.73 ng / ml, (Duncan test, α=0.05). Conclusions: Testosterone levels can be increased markedly after the consumption of the pasak bumi boiled water for 3 days.Keywords—Pasak bumi, a dose of  18 mg/200 g, testosterone.

1954 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-49 ◽  
D. W. Snair ◽  
Sybil E. Jaffray ◽  
H. C. Grice ◽  
L. I. Pugsley

The temporary effects of the administration of stilbestrol upon body weight, weight of the accessory sex organs, and the reproductive capacity of the male white rat have been studied. A linear relationship was obtained when the logarithm of the dose of stilbestrol administered (0.0125 to 5.0 mgm.) was plotted against the percentage decrease in testes weight. This same relationship was also found when the log of the dose was plotted against the percentage decrease in body weight although this line had a much more gradual slope.When the administration of stilbestrol was discontinued, the seminal vesicles coagulating glands, and ventral prostrates regained their weight by the third to fourth week but the weights of the testes remained below the control values until the sixth to ninth week. In a breeding experiment it was shown that a daily dose of 7.5 μgm. of stilbestrol causes sterility in the male. This does also slightly affected the weight of the accessory sex organs and their cellular structure.

1954 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-49 ◽  
D. W. Snair ◽  
Sybil E. Jaffray ◽  
H. C. Grice ◽  
L. I. Pugsley

The temporary effects of the administration of stilbestrol upon body weight, weight of the accessory sex organs, and the reproductive capacity of the male white rat have been studied. A linear relationship was obtained when the logarithm of the dose of stilbestrol administered (0.0125 to 5.0 mgm.) was plotted against the percentage decrease in testes weight. This same relationship was also found when the log of the dose was plotted against the percentage decrease in body weight although this line had a much more gradual slope.When the administration of stilbestrol was discontinued, the seminal vesicles coagulating glands, and ventral prostrates regained their weight by the third to fourth week but the weights of the testes remained below the control values until the sixth to ninth week. In a breeding experiment it was shown that a daily dose of 7.5 μgm. of stilbestrol causes sterility in the male. This does also slightly affected the weight of the accessory sex organs and their cellular structure.

2016 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 69
N. M. Heriyanto ◽  
Reny Sawitri ◽  
Endro Subiandono

<p>The study indicated that 88 species found belonged to 29 families. The predominant species was Shorea parvifolia (meranti) and Dipterocarpus costulatus (keruing). The highest dominance value belonged to second transect (0,0998) and the lowest dominant value was the fourth transect (0,0526). The highest diversity index value belonged to fifth transect (2,28) and the lowest of diversity index value was fourth transect (1,41). The abundance of pasak bumi was different in transect, for trees level it was 2 individuals/ha (first transect and third transect), however, in the second, fourth and fifth transect were none. For belta level, it was 10 individuals/ha (the first transect), 20 individuals/ha (the third transect) and 20 individuals/ ha (the fifth transect), while in the second and fourth transect were none. For seedling level it was 280 individuals/ ha (the third transect), 60 individuals/ha (the fourth transect) and 100 individuals/ha (the fifth transect), while in the first and the second were none. This intolerant species was adapted in slope and dry areas. The rarity of pasak bumi was not affecting local people because they were seldom used for traditional medicine.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p>Dari hasil penelitian dijumpai 88 jenis tumbuhan yang termasuk ke dalam 29 famili. Jenis tumbuhan yang mendominasi tegakan adalah Shorea parvifolia (meranti) dan Dipterocarpus costulatus (keruing). Nilai dominansi tertinggi tingkat pohon dimiliki oleh jalur II (0,0998) dan terendah pada jalur IV (0,0526). Nilai indeks keanekaragaman jenis tertinggi di tingkat ini dimiliki oleh jalur V (2,28) dan terendah pada jalur IV (1,41). Kelimpahan pasak bumi pada setiap jalur berbeda-beda, untuk tingkat pohon adalah 2 pohon/ha pada jalur I dan jalur III. Pada jalur II, IV, dan V tidak dijumpai jenis pohon pasak bumi. Pada tingkat belta dijumpai 10 individu/ha pada jalur I, 20 individu/ha pada jalur III, dan 20 individu/ha pada jalur V. Pada jalur II dan IV tidak dijumpai jenis pasak bumi. Pada tingkat semai dijumpai 280 individu/ha pada jalur III, 60 individu/ ha pada jalur IV, dan jalur V memiliki kelimpahan 100 individu/ha. Pada jalur I dan II tidak dijumpai jenis pasak bumi. Tempat tumbuh yang disukai oleh pasak bumi adalah tanah miring dan tidak pernah tergenang air. Tumbuhan muda tidak toleran pada cahaya langsung. Ancaman terhadap kelangkaan pasak bumi di Bengkulu tidak terlalu merisaukan karena masyarakat setempat jarang yang memanfaatkannya untuk obat tradisional.</p><p> </p>

Ni Made Ridla Parwata

Overtraining syndrome is a decrease in physical capacity, emotions and immunity due to training that is too often without adequate periods of rest. Overtraining is often experienced by athletes who daily undergo heavy training with short break periods. This research aims to look at the effect of overtraining aerobic physical exercise on memory in mice. The research method was experimental in vivo with the subject of adult male rat (Rattus Norvegicus) Winstar strain aged 8-10 weeks, body weight 200-250 gr. Divided into three groups, namely the control group, aerobic group and overtraining group. The results of memory tests with water E Maze showed an increase in the duration of travel time and the number of animal errors made by the overtraining group (p = 0.003). This study concludes that overtraining aerobic physical exercise can reduce memory in rat hippocampus.

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