scholarly journals Quantitative Determination of the Effects of He-Ne Laser Irradiation on Seed Thermodynamics, Germination Attributes and Metabolites of Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) in Relation with the Activities of Germination Enzymes

Agronomy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (7) ◽  
pp. 1411
Rashida Perveen ◽  
Xiukang Wang ◽  
Yasir Jamil ◽  
Qasim Ali ◽  
Shafaqat Ali ◽  

The present investigation was undertaken to assess the effects of different doses (100, 300, and 500 mJ) of low power He–Ne laser (632.8 nm) irradiation on seed germination and thermodynamics attributes and activities of potential germinating enzymes in relation with changes in seed metabolites. He–Ne laser seed irradiation increased the amylase (Amy), protease (Pro) and glucosidase (Gluco) activities, with a significant improvement in seed thermodynamics and seed germination attributes. A fast increase was found in free fatty acids (FFA), free amino acids (FAA), chlorophyll (Chl), carotenoids (Car), total soluble sugars (TSS) and reducing sugars (RS) in laser treated seeds in parallel with fast decline in seed oil contents and total soluble proteins (TSP). Significant positive correlations were recorded in laser-induced enhanced seed energy levels, germination, activities of germination enzymes with levels of FAA, FFA, Chl, TSS and RS, but a negative correlation with the levels of TSP and oil. In conclusion, the seed treatment with 100 and 300 mJ He–Ne laser was more effective to improve the seed germination potential associated with an improvement in seed energy levels due to increased activities of germination enzymes due to the speedy breakdown of seed reserves to simple metabolites as building blocks.

1970 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
A. Bista ◽  
G. B. Khattri ◽  
B. D. Acharya ◽  
S. C. Srivastava

To find out the ability of Orobanche seeds to germinate immediately after seed set, seeds were germinated periodically at an interval of three months for one year in GR24. Some Orobanche seeds were capable of germination immediately after seed set but most required about nine months as after ripening or incubation period to be able to germinate. The phenomenon of after ripening in Orobanche seeds could be taken as an ecological measure to dormant over following unfavorable wet summer season. The growth hormone studies on Orobanche seed germination have shown that GA3 at a concentration of 100 ppm substantially enhanced seed germination when applied during pre-conditioning period. NAA showed some stimulatory effect at 0.5 - 1.0 ppm when applied during post-conditioning period but the hormone if applied during pre-conditioning period inhibited the germination. Kinetin failed to stimulate the germination at all the concentrations tested. Key words: Germination, root-parasite, hormone. Ecoprint Vol.11(1) 2004.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 992
Valeriu Savu ◽  
Mădălin Ion Rusu ◽  
Dan Savastru

The neutrinos of cosmic radiation, due to interaction with any known medium in which the Cherenkov detector is used, produce energy radiation phenomena in the form of a Cherenkov cone, in very large frequency spectrum. These neutrinos carry with them the information about the phenomena that produced them and by detecting the electromagnetic energies generated by the Cherenkov cone, we can find information about the phenomena that formed in the universe, at a much greater distance, than possibility of actually detection with current technologies. At present, a very high number of sensors for detection electromagnetic energy is required. Thus, some sensors may detect very low energy levels, which can lead to the erroneous determination of the Cherenkov cone, thus leading to information errors. As a novelty, we propose, to use these sensors for determination of the dielectrically permittivity of any known medium in which the Cherenkov detector is used, by preliminary measurements, the subsequent simulation of the data and the reconstruction of the Cherenkov cone, leading to a significant reduction of problems and minimizing the number of sensors, implicitly the cost reductions. At the same time, we offer the possibility of reconstructing the Cherenkov cone outside the detector volume.

1973 ◽  
Vol 22 (7) ◽  
pp. 347-347
W. Fahrner ◽  
A. Goetzberger

2004 ◽  
Vol 21 (2-4) ◽  
pp. 793-797
Wataru Susaki ◽  
Soichiro Ukawa ◽  
Ssatoshi Yokota ◽  
Nobuhito Ohno ◽  
Hideo Takeuchi ◽  

ChemInform ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 25 (50) ◽  
pp. no-no

1985 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-49 ◽  
D. L. Ketring ◽  
H. E. Pattee

Abstract Following harvest, peanuts are usually subjected to a period of storage. During storage biochemical changes are known to occur. The objectives of this study were to determine the changes and relationship in ethylene production, germination, and lipoxygenase (LG) activity during cold storage of dormant NC-13 peanut seeds. Two seed lots (SL) were used: one grown in Oklahoma (SL80) and the other grown in N. Carolina (SL81). SL80 and SL81 were stored at 2 to 5 C for 193 and 242 days, respectively. Samples were taken at about 28-day intervals for determination of germination, ethylene production, and LG activity. Seeds of two and three maturities were tested for SL80 and SL81, respectively. As afterripening of stored seeds proceeded, ethylene production gradually increased, with the maximum at 48 hours of germination. Germination showed a concomitant gradual increase. Lipoxygenase activity of both seedlots was less for mature than for immature seeds and showed a sharp increase during storage at 2 to 5 C, particularly for immature seeds. After heat-treatment to break dormancy of sublots from SL81, there was a progessive increase in ethylene production and germination, but most notably for mature seeds. In contrast to ethylene production and germination, after heat-treatment LG activity declined. Linear correlation coefficient (r) values between ethylene production and germination were highly significant for mature seeds from SL80 at 48 and 72 hours of germination, but only at 72 hours for immature seeds. For SL81 as for SL80, significant positive correlations were found between ethylene production and germination. However, correlations between LG activity and the other variables were not significant except for mature seeds from SL81. Significant positive correlations for both ethylene production and germination with LG activity also existed for these seeds. But after heat-treatment these correlations no longer occurred. The data indicate that the metabolic processes related to ethylene production and germination are occurring simultaneously with those of LG activity. The possibility that metabolites from LG activity serve as substrates for ethylene production can not be precluded.

1982 ◽  
Vol 62 (4) ◽  
pp. 1045-1048 ◽  
N. D. G. WHITE ◽  
R. N. SINHA ◽  

A rapid method of determining wheat seed germination after 1 day (G1) of incubation was found. Germination of wheat seed stored at [Formula: see text] moisture content is estimated by adding 12% to G1; at <17% moisture content germination is not consistently predicted by G1.

Nurcan Yigit ◽  
Hakan Sevik ◽  
Mehmet Cetin ◽  
Nur Kaya

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