information errors
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2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 97-108
Ainun Ishak ◽  
Nikmasari Pakaya

Dalam mempromosikan jasa pernikahan, suatu wedding organizer (WO) belum dapat menyajikan informasi paket pernikahan secara lengkap. Banyak permasalahan yang terjadi seperti dalam pengolahan daftar paket pernikahan yang terbaru serta data transaksi yang dikerjakan secara manual yang memungkinan terjadinya kekeliruan informasi dalam detail pemesanan serta pencarian data pesanan pelanggan. Ini juga mengakibatkan kesalahan dalam pencatatan serta perhitungan untuk mengetahui keuntungan dan kerugian usaha. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyajikan data informasi secara lengkap sehingga membantu penyedia jasa mempromosikan layanan secara efektif. Adapun metode yang digunakan adalah metode pengembangan sistem dengan model prototype dimana tahapannya, yaitu: communication, quick plan and modelling quick design, contruction of prototype dan deployment delivery and feedback. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa sistem aplikasi WO dapat menginformasikan paket pernikahan secara lengkap, dapat melakukan update terbaru daftar paket pernikahan, proses transaksi pemesan dilakukan secara real time serta informasi data pesanan yang masuk secara otomatis. In promoting wedding services, a wedding organizer is yet able to present complete wedding package information. Many problems occur, such as in the processing of the latest wedding package lists and transaction data that is done manually, which allows for information errors in order details and search for customer order data. This also results in errors in recording and calculating in finding out the profits and losses of the business. This study aimed to present complete information data so as to help service providers promoting the services effectively. The method employed was a system development method with a prototype model where the stages are communication, quick plan and modeling quick design, construction of prototype and deployment delivery, and feedback. The results indicate that the Wedding Organizer Information System can provide complete information on wedding packages, can update the latest list of wedding packages, process customer transactions and information on incoming order data in real time and automatically.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 992
Valeriu Savu ◽  
Mădălin Ion Rusu ◽  
Dan Savastru

The neutrinos of cosmic radiation, due to interaction with any known medium in which the Cherenkov detector is used, produce energy radiation phenomena in the form of a Cherenkov cone, in very large frequency spectrum. These neutrinos carry with them the information about the phenomena that produced them and by detecting the electromagnetic energies generated by the Cherenkov cone, we can find information about the phenomena that formed in the universe, at a much greater distance, than possibility of actually detection with current technologies. At present, a very high number of sensors for detection electromagnetic energy is required. Thus, some sensors may detect very low energy levels, which can lead to the erroneous determination of the Cherenkov cone, thus leading to information errors. As a novelty, we propose, to use these sensors for determination of the dielectrically permittivity of any known medium in which the Cherenkov detector is used, by preliminary measurements, the subsequent simulation of the data and the reconstruction of the Cherenkov cone, leading to a significant reduction of problems and minimizing the number of sensors, implicitly the cost reductions. At the same time, we offer the possibility of reconstructing the Cherenkov cone outside the detector volume.

Jizhou Lu ◽  
Gengzhong Feng ◽  
Stephen Shum ◽  
Kin Keung Lai

2021 ◽  
Jizhou Lu ◽  
Leela Nageswaran ◽  
Jinpeng Xu ◽  
Jin Kyung Kwak ◽  
Srinagesh Gavirneni

2020 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Martinus Helmiawan

Reference lists from 13 book manuscripts that were submitted to LIPI Press in 2018 written by the writers from LIPI were examined. In total, there were 879 reference list entries, and the accuracy of each citation was examined. The examination was conducted by firstly determining the type of error and reference style used for cross-checking. Afterwards, each entry was thoroughly checked for errors. Found errors were grouped into each type of error. The result, only 100 entries were error-free, and from the 779 entries that contain errors, 3,651 errors were found. The errors were categorized into 1,576 punctuation errors; 396 capitalization errors; 338 italicization errors, 206 spelling and word choice errors; 126 syntax errors; 642 spacing errors; 46 extraneous information errors; and 321 missing data errors. From that result, error rate of 4.15 was achieved. This paper concluded that the overall huge error rate found shows the negligence of the writers in composing references.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 160
Ana Luisa Fuentes-Colmenero

Resumen: Introducción: La comunicación posibilita el establecimiento de vínculos profesionales, facilitando la colaboración interdisciplinar, así como la elaboración de planes conjuntos. Los problemas de comunicación interprofesional durante la actividad asistencial habitual, pueden transformarse en errores de información que afecten a la seguridad del paciente. Objetivo: Analizar las variables, temas y categorías que caracterizan la comunicación entre profesionales de enfermería y medicina para una atención sanitaria segura. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión sistemática de los estudios primarios publicados en bases de datos electrónicas en inglés y español sobre la comunicación entre profesionales de enfermería y medicina. Resultados: Diecisiete estudios cumplieron los criterios de la revisión. Tanto en estudios cuantitativos como cualitativos se puso de manifiesto que hablar de forma clara y precisa favorecía la seguridad del paciente. Por el contrario, el uso de lenguaje indirecto o su inhibición dificultó una comunicación interprofesional eficaz. En estudios cualitativos, los profesionales de enfermería recomendaron el mantenimiento de una actitud profesional respetuosa, de colaboración, reconocimiento profesional y mayor escucha. Conclusiones: Hay una ausencia generalizada de adaptación transcultural y validación de los cuestionarios en los estudios cuantitativos. La mayoría de los estudios están circunscritos a entornos de atención en servicios especiales. Se necesitan más estudios en hospitalización.Palabras clave: comunicación; comunicación interprofesional; relaciones enfermeros-médicos; seguridad del paciente.Abstract: Introduction: Communication enables the establishment of professional links, facilitating interdisciplinary collaboration, as well as the elaboration of joint plans. Interprofessional communication problems during usual care activity can be transformed into information errors that affect patient safety. Objective: To analyze the variables, themes and categories that characterize the communication between nursing and medical professionals for safe health care. Methodology: A systematic review of the primary studies published in electronic databases in English and Spanish on communication between nursing and medical professionals was carried out. Results: Seventeen studies met the criteria of the review. Both quantitative and qualitative studies showed that speaking clearly and precisely favored patient safety. On the contrary, the use of indirect language or its inhibition hindered effective interprofessional communication. In qualitative studies, nursing professionals recommended the maintenance of a respectful professional attitude, collaboration, professional recognition and greater listening. Conclusions: There is a general absence of cross-cultural adaptation and validation of questionnaires in quantitative studies. Most of the studies are limited to special services care settings. More studies in hospitalization are needed.Keywords: communication; interprofessional communication; nurses-physician relations; patient safety.

A. S. Poljakov ◽  
I. L. Kuznetsova

The results of study of the characteristics of the proposed method [1] for correction of errors arising during information transmission via communication lines are presented. The estimates of the efficiency of search for errors and the performance of an algorithm developed to realize the proposed method using the parity values of binary matrix coordinates are obtained; among these errors are rows, columns, main and auxiliary diagonals, are obtained. We have determined the dependence of algorithm characteristics on the intensity (density) of bit errors in the message obtained after transmission via communication lines and on the size of matrices, into which a transmitted message is divided.The time spent for calculating the parity values of matrix coordinates and for the algorithm used to find transmitted information errors are given. Recommendations on an optimal choice of sizes of binary matrices are presented. It is shown that, when the bit error rate is 10–2 and less, the algorithm detects all the available errors.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 53
Ni Luh Yuni Ari Pratiwi ◽  
I Wayan Suja ◽  
I Nyoman Selamat

ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menjelaskan profil model mental siswa, serta menganalisis faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi terbentuknya model mental alternatif siswa kelas X MIA di SMA Laboratorium Undiksha Singaraja pada materi ikatan ion dan ikatan kovalen. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan mix methods, jenis sekuensial. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, tes model mental, dan wawancara. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah tes diagnostik pilihan ganda dua tingkat dan wawancara dengan pertanyaan menyelidik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan persentase siswa yang memiliki model mental ilmiah tentang ikatan ion dan kovalen sebanyak 53,33% model mental alternatif sebanyak 38,89%, dan 7,78% tidak memberikan tanggapan. Faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi terbentuknya model mental alternatif meliputi kekurangan informasi, kekeliruan penalaran, dan buku teks kimia yang digunakan siswa sebagai sarana belajar. Sehubungan dengan temuan tersebut, guru kimia di SMA perlu menerapkan strategi pembelajaran yang tepat untuk mengajarkan ketiga level kimia secara utuh.Kata Kunci: ikatan ion, ikatan kovalen, model mental, model mental alternatifABSTRACTThis research was aimed to describe and explain the profile of mental model student’s, and analyze the factors that influence the formation of alternative mental models of class X MIA students at SMA Laboratorium Undiksha Singaraja about ionic bonding and covalent bonds material. This research is a mix method approaches in research, a sequential type. Data collection is done by observation, mental model tests, and interviews. The instrument used in this study was a diagnostic test two tier and interview with probing questions. The results showed the percentage of students who experienced a scientific mental model of ion bonds and covalent bonds of 53.33% of students, had an alternative mental model of 38.89%, and as many as 7.78% did not have a mental model. Factors that influence the formation of alternative mental models include lack of information, errors of reasoning, and chemical textbooks that students used. Related with that research, chemistry teachers in high schools need to apply appropriate learning strategies in the process of learning chemistry.Keywords: ionic bonding, covalent bonding, mental model, mental model alternative

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