Cooperative Buffering Schemes for Time-Shifted Live Streaming of Distributed Appliances
Distributed appliances connected to the Internet have provided various multimedia services. In particular, networked Personal Video Recorders (PVRs) can store broadcast TV programs in their storage devices or receive them from central servers, enabling people to watch the programs they want at any desired time. However, the conventional CDNs capable of supporting a large number of concurrent users have limitations in scalability because more servers are required in proportion to the increased users. To address this problem, we have developed a time-shifted live streaming system over P2P networks so that PVRs can share TV programs with each other. We propose cooperative buffering schemes to provide the streaming services for time-shifted periods even when the number of PVRs playing back at the periods is not sufficient; we do so by utilizing the idle resources of the PVRs playing at the live broadcast time. To determine which chunks to be buffered, they consider the degree of deficiency and proximity and the ratio of playback requests to chunk copies. Through extensive simulations, we show that our proposed buffering schemes can significantly extend the time-shifting hours and compare the performance of two buffering schemes in terms of playback continuity and startup delay.