historical origins
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2022 ◽  
Vol 505 ◽  
pp. 119868
Thomas Gschwantner ◽  
Iciar Alberdi ◽  
Sébastien Bauwens ◽  
Susann Bender ◽  
Dragan Borota ◽  

Chiara Zamboni

Symbolic politics has been one of the key phrases in Italian feminism since the 1970s. This text describes the historical origins and significance of this concept together with the difference in the use of the symbolic dimension in traditional male politics. The most important difference is that female politics are born from living and affective relations which cannot be permanently established and rotate around non-formalized procedural practices. The sense that emerges is felt during the actual process and the symbolic is therefore experienced and transformed from the inside with the authority that comes from these practices, which influence and modify each other due to their closeness. They spread by proximity.

2022 ◽  
Vol 47 (1) ◽  
Enric Pérez ◽  
Joana Ibáñez

AbstractIn this paper, we deal with the historical origins of Fermi–Dirac statistics, focusing on the contribution by Enrico Fermi of 1926. We argue that this statistics, as opposed to that of Bose–Einstein, has been somewhat overlooked in the usual accounts of the old quantum theory. Our main objective is to offer a critical analysis of Fermi’s seminal paper and its immediate impact. Secondly, we are also interested in assessing the status of the particle concept in the years 1926–1927, especially regarding the germ of quantum indistinguishability. We will see, for example, that the first applications of the Fermi–Dirac statistics to the study of metals or stellar matter had a technical nature, and that their main instigators barely touched upon interpretative matters. Finally, we will discuss the reflections and remarks made in these respects in two famous events in physics of 1927, the Como conference and the fifth Solvay congress.

2021 ◽  
Vol 42 (1) ◽  
Lana Zdravković

The text attempts to rethink the concept of emancipation and how it is structured as political action, while describing its historical origins and how it is further understood by the three important political philosophers: Karl Marx, Hannah Arendt, and Jacques Rancière. All three of them – specifically and with substantial differences – understand politics as a space for political action that leads to emancipation in the name of equality. In order to determine the historical origin of the concept in more detail, the argumentation of the text rely upon its elaboration within the school of “conceptual history”, which deals with the historical semantics of terms and sees the etymology of and the change in the meaning of terms as forming a crucial basis for a contemporary cultural, conceptual, and linguistic understanding, and afterwards it links this “pre-history” with Marx’s, Arendt’s, and Rancière’s understanding of the concept of emancipation, and see how they differ and are related to each other, considering what theoretical conclusions about the concept of emancipation we can take from these relations. Particular interest is aimed at how the concept of emancipation is perceived today, who the subject of emancipation is, what the method and final goal of emancipation is, and, finally, how these understandings can help us in the present time when it seems that we need emancipation more than ever.

Tatiana Dyman ◽  
Valeria Shulgina

The purpose of the article  is to determine the historical origins of vocal-instrumental performance from ancient times to the present day, in revealing the influence of some prominent personalities on the further development of vocal and instrumental art and the selection of famous modern ensembles, which are the face of the late XX-early XXI century. Methodology. The research methodology is based on methods of analysis and synthesis, comparative method, method of historicism, and interpretation. The combination of such a technological process makes it possible to more fully disclose the research topic. Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty lies in the systematization of the material on the development of vocal-instrumental performance in Ukraine from its origins to the beginning of the XXI century and the substantiation of the originality of performance in different historical circumstances. Conclusions. Performance as an aspect of the synthesis of the arts over the centuries has had various forms of self-expression. It developed in the conditions of real events, improved according to time, and acquired certain advantages at the turn of the century in different historical periods of spiritual upsurge. Kobzars, bandura players, chamber-instrumental and vocal-instrumental ensembles have passed a difficult way of professional growth and laid the foundation for further development of performing arts. The formation of the national school and the development of bandura performance in Ukraine took place thanks to the great work of the outstanding composer Mykola Lysenko, which inspired the creative work of Ukrainian artists Hnat Khotkevych, Serhiy Bashtan, and others. In the 70s of the XX century ensembles enriched their concert repertoire with arrangements of Ukrainian folk songs and compositions of outstanding composers of their time. Vocal-instrumental ensemble "DakhaBrakha", born in modern conditions at the beginning of the XXI century (2004) stylistically diversified the direction of its activities, synthesizing folk and contemporary music. Keywords: historical milestones of vocal-instrumental development performance, synthesis of arts, the figure of Gregory Skovoroda as a philosopher, composer and musician, activity of the founder of the national school Mykola Lysenko, bandura performance, Ukrainian group "DakhaBrakha".  

Anastasiіa Varyvonchyk

Purpose of the article. Trace the historical origins and genesis of embroidery decoration of traditional Ukrainian clothing and analyze the implementation of technological and technical innovations in the decoration of Ukrainian clothing. The methodology is based on the principles of historicism, art history analysis, scientific objectivity, and consistency in the study of the genesis of the decoration of the Ukrainian dress. Scientific novelty. The current state of embroidery decoration of traditional Ukrainian clothing is revealed and the issue of introducing innovative technologies in modern clothing design is raised. Conclusions. Based on the results of the study, we can conclude that modern decoration imitates the traditions of folk dress, including more and more the latest technologies. The unique experience of modern masters is analyzed and the ways of development in the direction of the art of embroidery decoration are determined. A variety of embroidery techniques with limitless skillful potential appear alongside machine embroidery works. Keywords: traditions, fashion designer, embroidery, creativity, innovation, education.

Anastasiіa Varyvonchyk

The purpose of the article is to highlight the provisions and track the historical evolution of a special Ukrainian art craft, known as the art of tapestry in environmental design. The research methods are based on art history analysis, the principles of historicism, scientific consistency, and objectivity in the study of Ukrainian tapestry. Scientific novelty. The historical origins of tapestry art are revealed, the issue of introducing innovative techniques for making tapestry is raised, which influenced the modern design of the environment of the XXI century. Based on the results of the study, we can conclude that the art of tapestry follows the traditions of folk carpet weaving. In modern conditions, the tapestry is able to actively fill the ethnocultural environment, in rare cases, it is a monumental decorative art. From aristocratic and elite art, it becomes more democratic, decorating the interiors of the premises of the XXI century. Keywords: tapestry, carpet weaving, tradition, innovation, environmental design.

2021 ◽  
pp. 69-97
S. Alexander Reed

This chapter offers the first in-depth musical analysis of Big Science’s second half. Using the paradigms of chronos and kairos explained in chapter 1, it uncovers historical origins, intertextualities, structural characteristics, and the remarkable signs of the songs. Tracks discussed are “O Superman,” “Example #22,” “Let X = X,” and “It Tango.” Particularly noteworthy is the new historical research into the origins of “O Superman,” Laurie Anderson’s top-charting and most well-known song.

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