scholarly journals Mediterranean Red Macro Algae Mats as Habitat for High Abundances of Serpulid Polychaetes

Diversity ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (6) ◽  
pp. 265
Felix I. Rossbach ◽  
Edoardo Casoli ◽  
Milan Beck ◽  
Christian Wild

The Mediterranean Sea harbors more than 17,000 eukaryotic marine species, with several ecosystems recognized as biodiversity hotspots, such as Posidonia oceanica meadows. Recent research indicates that benthic mats formed by the fleshy red alga Phyllophora crispa are also associated with high species richness. Among key groups found in these mats are sessile polychaetes, which live as epiphytes on the red algae thalli. Knowledge of abundance, species richness, and spatial variation of polychaetes associated with these habitats is still scarce. We carried out a comparative assessment focusing on serpulid polychaetes within samples from P. crispa mats and neighboring P. oceanica meadows at six different sampling sites around Giglio Island (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy). A total of 17 serpulid taxa were identified. The abundance of serpulids (5665 individuals m−2 of P. crispa mat) were similar to neighboring P. oceanica meadows (2304 individuals m−2 leaves and 5890 individuals m−2 shoots). The number of serpulid taxa was significantly higher in P. crispa mats (average 6.63 ± 1.32 taxa) compared to P. oceanica beds (average 1.56 ± 0.63 and 1.84 ± 1.04 taxa in leaves and shoots, respectively). Within habitat type, there were no significant differences in species richness between sites. The most abundant species found was Josephella marenzelleri (61% of individuals), while Vermiliopsis spp. and Bathyvermilia sp. were exclusively found in P. crispa samples. Our results highlight that P. crispa mats host an exceptional diversity and that these habitats should be included in conservation strategies. Further research should focus on the significance of other important taxonomic groups within these mats and evaluate the distribution of P. crispa in different regions of the Mediterranean Sea.

Check List ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 489-495
Emanuele Mancini ◽  
Francesco Tiralongo ◽  
Daniele Ventura ◽  
Andrea Bonifazi

Ophelia roscoffensis Augener, 1910 is an opheliid worm identifiable by the number of anterior abranchiate chaetigers and the number of the gill pairs. Although it was already reported in the Mediterranean Sea, it has never been found in the Italian waters. This study represents the first record of Ophelia roscoffensis in the Italian waters. A total of 18 specimens were collected along the coast of Civitavecchia (Tyrrhenian Sea) in a Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile bed at a depth of 7 m.

Diversity ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Felix Ivo Rossbach ◽  
Benedikt Merk ◽  
Christian Wild

The Mediterranean Sea comprises habitats such as Posidonia oceanica seagrass meadows that exhibit high associated biodiversity of sessile organisms. Recent pilot research indicates that benthic mats formed by the scarcely investigated fleshy red alga Phyllophora crispa also host a high diversity of benthic fauna. Among the key taxa found in these mats in the recent pilot studies are benthic foraminifera that live as epiphytes on the red algae thalli. Knowledge about their abundance and species richness associated with this habitat in relation to reference habitats is missing. We thus carried out a comparative assessment focusing on foraminifera within samples from P. crispa mats and neighboring P. oceanica meadows on five different sampling sites around Giglio Island in the Tuscan Archipelago (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy). A total of 104 different foraminiferal taxa were identified, of which a total of 85 taxa were found in P. crispa samples (46 exclusively in this habitat). This biodiversity was higher compared to other studies on phytal habitats in the Mediterranean Sea. The number of foraminiferal taxa associated with P. crispa was significantly higher (average 27.5 ± 8.1 taxa) compared to P. oceanica (leaves average 7.0 ± 3.6, shoots average 7.9 ± 3.4 taxa). The abundance of foraminifera (12,000 individuals m−2 surface area of P. crispa mat) was also higher than in the neighboring P. oceanica meadows (7792 individuals m−2 leaf and 8171 individuals m−2 shoot surface area). The most frequently found taxa across habitats were Miniacina miniacea, Lobatula lobatula, and Sejunctella sp. (24%, 20%, and 6% of the total population, respectively). Our results imply that P. crispa mats host an exceptional diversity of associated foraminifera that is even higher than those associated with seagrass meadows. Red algae mats built by P. crispa may thus be considered as potential refuge habitats and biodiversity reservoirs in management and conservation.

Cemal Turan

The progress on species distribution modelling (SDM) methods has brought new insights into the field of biological invasion management. In particular, statistical niche modelling, for spatio-temporal predictions of marine species’ distribution, is an increasingly used tool, supporting efficient decision-making for prevention and conservation. Earth's climate has changed significantly in the last century and the number of alien species penetrating from Indo-Pacific Ocean and South part of the Atlantic in the Mediterranean will continue to increase over the next decades. The purpose of the present study was to predict the potential geographic distribution and expansion of invasive alien lionfish (Pterois miles and Pterois volitans) with ecological niche modelling along the Mediterranean Sea. Temporal and spatial occurrence data from the first occurrence of a species for each country with coast along the Mediterranean Sea, was used to develop robust predictions of species richness, since the capacity to predict spatial patterns of species richness remains largely unassessed in this region. Marine climatic data layers were collected from the Bio-ORACLE and MARSPEC global databases. Different statistical models were evaluated to establish if these could provide useful predictions of absolute and relative lionfish distribution and expansion. The findings are an important step towards validating the use of SDM for invasive alien lionfish in the Mediterranean Sea.

NeoBiota ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 70 ◽  
pp. 151-165
Francesco Zangaro ◽  
Benedetta Saccomanno ◽  
Eftychia Tzafesta ◽  
Fabio Bozzeda ◽  
Valeria Specchia ◽  

The biodiversity of the Mediterranean Sea is currently threatened by the introduction of Non-Indigenous Species (NIS). Therefore, monitoring the distribution of NIS is of utmost importance to preserve the ecosystems. A promising approach for the identification of species and the assessment of biodiversity is the use of DNA barcoding, as well as DNA and eDNA metabarcoding. Currently, the main limitation in the use of genomic data for species identification is the incompleteness of the DNA barcode databases. In this research, we assessed the availability of DNA barcodes in the main reference libraries for the most updated inventory of 665 confirmed NIS in the Mediterranean Sea, with a special focus on the cytochrome oxidase I (COI) barcode and primers. The results of this study show that there are no barcodes for 33.18% of the species in question, and that 45.30% of the 382 species with COI barcode, have no primers publicly available. This highlights the importance of directing scientific efforts to fill the barcode gap of specific taxonomic groups in order to help in the effective application of the eDNA technique for investigating the occurrence and the distribution of NIS in the Mediterranean Sea.

Check List ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 125-130
Emanuele Mancini ◽  
Francesco Tiralongo ◽  
Daniele Ventura ◽  
Andrea Bonifazi

Goniadella bobrezkii (Annenkova, 1929) is a small goniadid worm identifiable by the number of anterior uniramous parapodia and by the position of the posterior spine-like notochetae arising dorsal to dorsal cirri. Although it was already reported in the Mediterranean Sea, it has never been found in the Italian waters. This study represents the first generic and specific record of G. bobrezkii along Italian coasts. A total of 25 specimens were collected in a Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile bed, depth of 7 m, off Civitavecchia (Rome).

2013 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 193 ◽  

Over the last few years, a widespread regression of Posidonia oceanica meadows has been noticed in the Mediterranean Sea. However, the magnitude of this decline is still debated. The objectives of this study are (i) to assess the spatio-temporal evolution of Posidonia oceanica around Cap Corse (Corsica) over time comparing available ancient maps (from 1960) with a new (2011) detailed map realized combining different techniques (aerial photographs, SSS, ROV, scuba diving); (ii) evaluate the reliability of ancient maps; (iii) discuss observed regression of the meadows in relation to human pressure along the 110 km of coast. Thus, the comparison with previous data shows that, apart from sites clearly identified with the actual evolution, there is a relative stability of the surfaces occupied by the seagrass Posidonia oceanica. The recorded differences seem more related to changes in mapping techniques. These results confirm that in areas characterized by a moderate anthropogenic impact, the Posidonia oceanica meadow has no significant regression and that the changes due to the evolution of mapping techniques are not negligible. However, others facts should be taken into account before extrapolating to the Mediterranean Sea (e.g. actually mapped surfaces) and assessing the amplitude of the actual regression.

2006 ◽  
pp. 253-261
Fabio Badalamenti ◽  
Giuseppe Di Carlo ◽  
Giovanni D’Anna ◽  
Michele Gristina ◽  
Marco Toccaceli

2015 ◽  
Vol 58 (5) ◽  
Micheline Grignon-Dubois ◽  
Bernadette Rezzonico

AbstractThe phenolic fingerprint of the leaves of

2017 ◽  
Vol 98 (5) ◽  
pp. 1003-1009 ◽  
Luca Bittau ◽  
Mattia Leone ◽  
Adrien Gannier ◽  
Alexandre Gannier ◽  
Renata Manconi

Sowerby's beaked whale (Mesoplodon bidens) was previously known in the Mediterranean Sea from a single live stranding of two individuals in the French Riviera. We report here on two live sightings in the western Mediterranean, central-western Tyrrhenian Sea off eastern Corsica (Montecristo Trough) and off eastern Sardinia (Caprera Canyon) in 2010 and 2012, respectively. In both cases single individuals, possibly the same individual, occurred within groups of Cuvier's beaked whales (Ziphius cavirostris) suggesting inter-specific interactions. Based on our close observations of mixed-species groups of Sowerby's and Cuvier's beaked whales, we hypothesize that some previous long-distance sightings of beaked whales in the Mediterranean may not be reliably attributed to Z. cavirostris. The present sightings and previous live stranding indicate that the western Mediterranean Sea is the easternmost marginal area of M. bidens within the North Atlantic geographic range. Notes on behaviour are also provided.

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