scholarly journals Initial Training of Primary School Teachers: Development of Competencies for Inclusion and Attention to Diversity

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. 413
Carmen Nuria Arvelo-Rosales ◽  
Olga María Alegre de la Rosa ◽  
Remedios Guzmán-Rosquete

Teachers need to be prepared to attend to all learners regardless of their abilities or needs. This implies that future teachers must develop, throughout their initial training, the necessary competencies to provide inclusive education to all students. The aim of this research was to analyze the level of development of competencies related to inclusion and attention to diversity among university students of a degree in primary education. Based on the project developed by the European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education (EADSNE) on the profile of the inclusive teacher, an ad hoc survey was prepared based on the four fundamental competencies proposed: valuing student diversity, supporting all students, working as part of a team, and developing one’s professional and personal qualities. This survey was administered to 440 students of the degree in primary education from the University of La Laguna (San Cristóbal de La Laguna, Spain). The results showed a positive development of the four competencies, with a higher development of the competencies of continuing professional development. It was also found that the students had the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for promoting inclusion and encouraging attention to diversity in their classrooms.

Mirian Miranda Morais ◽  
Joaquín Lorenzo Burguera Condon ◽  
José Miguel Arias Blanco ◽  
Elsa Peña Suárez

RESUMEN El objetivo de este estudio es conocer la perspectiva del profesorado de Orientación Educativa respecto a cómo se responde a la diversidad en los centros educativos que imparten las enseñanzas correspondientes a la enseñanza básica, Educación Primaria (EP) y Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO), identificar las diferencias que existen y analizar  fortalezas y debilidades en función de la etapa. Se ha realizado un estudio descriptivo mediante encuesta, aplicando un cuestionario de elaboración propia que incluye aspectos referidos a variables sociodemográficas y al contexto de centro, una escala Likert, compuesta por 43 ítems, que tiene por objeto la evaluación de la atención a la diversidad en los centros y una serie de preguntas abiertas para conocer los aspectos que favorecen y dificultan la atención a la diversidad y propuestas de mejora. En la investigación han participado un total de 143 orientadores de la Comunidad Autónoma del Principado de Asturias. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto una valoración media de la atención a la diversidad ligeramente positiva, aunque con un amplio margen de mejora. La comparación entre las etapas evidencia que existen diferencias significativas en la valoración global y en los elementos referidos a las actitudes, la formación del profesorado, la organización y la contextualización de los documentos del centro para atender a la diversidad. Estas valoraciones alcanzan puntuaciones medias superiores en la ESO y los informantes perciben más fortalezas en esta etapa que en la EP.ABSTRACT  The aim of this paper is to analyze the school counselors' perspective on how the schools respond to diversity in Primary Education (PE) and Compulsory Secondary Education (CSE) in order to identify differences and analyze strengths and weaknesses according to educational stages. A descriptive study has been conducted through a survey. Different instruments have been applied for data collection: an "ad hoc" questionnaire, which includes aspects related to sociodemographic variables, issues related to the context of the schools, a Likert scale composed of 43 items that aims to evaluate diversity (measures of attention to diversity) in the schools and a set of open questions to know which aspects favor and hinder the real application of the measures of attention to the diversity and the proposals of improvement. The research involved 143 school counselors from the Autonomous Community of the Principality of Asturias. The results show a slight positive average valuation of diversity, although with a wide margin of improvement. The comparison between the stages shows that there are significant differences in the overall assessment and elements related to attitudes, teacher training, organization and contextualization of the schools’ documents to address diversity. These assessments reach higher average scores in the CSE stage and teachers perceive more strenghts at this stage than in Primary Education stage.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (5) ◽  
pp. 634
Verónica Marín Díaz ◽  
Begoña Esther Sampedro Requena ◽  
Juan Manuel Muñoz González

RESUMEN En el presente trabajo planteamos la valoración, por parte de los futuros docentes, de la realidad aumentada como recurso didáctico dentro de la Educación Primaria. La investigación la abordamos desde una metodología cuantitativa, a través del uso de un cuestionario creado ad hoc y conformado por 32 ítem que hacen referencia a determinados aspectos educativos (inclusividad, necesidades educativas especiales, procesos de e-a…). Se ha trabajado con una muestra de carácter incidental de 208 estudiantes, pertenecientes al Grado de Educación Primaria de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Córdoba. Las conclusiones nos indican que los futuros maestros, en su formación inicial, consideran la realidad aumentada como una herramienta que puede ser valiosa y relevante para el desarrollo de los currículos, así como de la educación inclusiva.   PALABRAS CLAVE: Realidad aumentada; formación inicial docente; educación primaria; metodología; TIC.     RESUMO Neste trabalho, propomos a avaliação de futuros professores, a realidade aumentada como recurso didático no ensino primário. A abordagem de pesquisa a partir de uma metodologia quantitativa através do uso de um questionário criado ad hoc e composta por 32 itens que se referem a certos aspectos educacionais (inclusividade, necessidades educativas especiais, processos e-a ...). Ele tem trabalhado com uma amostra de 208 estudantes caráter incidental pertencente ao grau de Educação Primária, Faculdade de Ciências da Educação da Universidade de Córdoba. Os resultados indicam que os futuros professores na sua formação inicial, realidade aumentada considerado como uma ferramenta que pode ser útil e relevante para o desenvolvimento de currículos, bem como a educação inclusiva.   PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Realidade aumentada; de formação inicial de profesores; educação primária; metodología; TIC.     ABSTRACT In this paper we propose the assessment of the augmented reality by future teachers, as a teaching resource in the Primary Education stage. The research was carried out from a quantitative methodology approach, using a 32-item questionnaire that was created ad hoc and refer to specific learning aspects (inclusivity, special educational needs, teaching-learning processes…). We worked with an incidental sample of 208 students from the Primary School Teaching Degree belonging to the Faculty of Educational Sciences in the University of Cordoba. The findings indicated that future teachers in their initial training, considered the augmented reality as a valuable resource that can help improve learning processes and stimulate the development of curriculum objectives and inclusive education.   KEYWORDS: Augmented reality; initial teacher training; primary education; methodology; ICT.  

Pilar Arnaiz Sánchez ◽  
Miryam Martínez Rodríguez

RESUMENLa atención a la diversidad requiere una respuesta educativa que permita a todo el alumnado alcanzar metas acordes a sus posibilidades, lo que muchas veces no se consigue, especialmente, en educación secundaria. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar los resultados que obtienen ocho centros, cinco de educación infantil y primaria y tres de secundaria dela Regiónde Murcia a partir de la autoevaluación que realiza el profesorado de los logros del alumnado en la adquisición de conocimientos, valores y obtención del graduado en Secundaria. Para ello se llevó a cabo una investigación descriptiva no-experimental de carácter cuantitativo en la que participaron 130 docentes seleccionados de manera no probabilística por conveniencia. Se utilizó el instrumento ACADI (Autoevaluación de Centros parala Atenciónala Diversidaddesdela Inclusión), en concreto, el ámbito D “Resultados”. Los análisis realizados mostraron que el profesorado tiene en cuenta la situación de partida del alumnado, especialmente del más vulnerable, y que aplica en su respuesta educativa estrategias, medidas y apoyos que facilitan el aprendizaje y la obtención del graduado en educación secundaria obligatoria.  Asimismo evidencian el desarrollo de valores inclusivos, de hábitos de buena conducta y la resolución dialogada de conflictos. Se concluye afirmando que la atención a la diversidad del alumnado está presente, que la aplicación de medidas de atención a la diversidad ha mejorado el logro de los estudiantes y que hay que seguir potenciando la participación de todos los agentes educativos para que la educación inclusiva impregne todas sus acciones.ABSTRACTAttention to diversity requires and educational response that enables all students to meet goals that are in line with their possibilities, something which is often not achieved, especially in secondary education. The overall aim of this article is to analyze the results obtained from eight centres - five infant and primary schools and three secondary schools in the Region of Murcia (Spain) – from self-assessments made by the teachers of students’ achievements in terms of knowledge acquisition, values and gaining the high school qualification. A non experimental descriptive study of a quantitative nature was carried out with 130 teachers who, for the sake of convenience were selected no probabilistically. The ACADI (Autoevaluación de Centros parala Atenciónala Diversidaddesdela Inclusión– School based self-assessment of diversity awareness from an inclusive approach) was used, specifically, the field D "Results". The analyses revealed that teachers take into consideration the initial situations of their students, especially those of the most vulnerable and respond educationally by applying strategies, measures and support to facilitate learning and the certificate of graduation at the end of compulsory secondary education.  Likewise, the findings show the practice of inclusive values, good behavior habits and use of dialogs to resolve conflicts. The conclusions state that attention to student diversity is present, that the application of attention to diversity measures has improved students’ achievements and that there is a need to continue to boost the participation of all educational agents so that inclusive education filters through to all actions performed.

Mathematics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (14) ◽  
pp. 1697
María Jesús Caurcel Cara ◽  
Emilio Crisol Moya ◽  
Carmen del Pilar Gallardo-Montes

Research on teachers’ perceptions about diversity is key to understanding the different approaches to be implemented to build inclusive education. Within this framework, the perceptions and attitudes of 73 students in the Mathematics specialization of the University Master’s Degree in Teacher Training for Secondary Education, Bachillerato, Vocational Training and Language Teaching (Máster Universitario en Profesorado de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, Formación Profesional y Enseñanza de Idiomas (MAES) at the University of Granada (Spain) were analyzed to determine their views about the initial training they received on attention to diversity during the Master’s program. The study is a descriptive and correlational-predictive transversal examination of the responses obtained from the “Questionnaire for preservice secondary education teachers on perceptions about attention to diversity” (Colmenero Ruiz and Pegalajar Palomino, 2015). The findings demonstrate that the students—preservice secondary education teachers—held favorable attitudes toward diversity and the principle of inclusion. The findings also show that contact with persons with disability influences perception of this population. The authors conclude that better training and knowledge of the elements that condition the teaching–learning process for high-quality attention to diversity predict better pedagogical preparation in matters of attention to diversity.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-5
Alberto Regagliolo

Abstract This article illustrates the importance of teaching Roman numerals, a component of a Latin language programme, as part of a Maths curriculum in a Spanish primary school. The aim is to contextualise the topic with concrete examples, supported by ancient Roman objects such as the milestone. The author discusses the relevance of a more integrated cross-curricular lesson to teach Roman numerals so that students better understand their use and make comparisons between ancient Roman and more modern traditions and culture, and to understand Roman influences on the modern age. Lastly, the author describes a teaching experiment in a Spanish primary school using some ad hoc materials to fulfil the aim of the study. The study outlines the positive results of integrating Roman numerals within the Maths lesson and shows that the students gained a richer and more valuable learning experience as they made reference to the concrete objects.

1997 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 176-181
Ian Abbott ◽  
Caron Coldicott ◽  
Moss Foley ◽  
Prue Huddleston ◽  
Peter Stagg

The Economics and Business Studies Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) at the University of Warwick has been at the forefront of developing links between initial teacher education and business. The latest stage in this process occurred in January 1996 when 22 PGCE students undertook a three-day residential course established in a partnership between the University of Warwick, Understanding British Industry (UBI) and the UK Post Office. This course was the first of its kind in the UK to be sponsored by an individual company and has been designed to provide a model which can be used in all areas of initial teacher education links between business and initial teacher education. The authors address practical and theoretical issues relating to the development of links between business and initial teacher education. The broader theoretical issues considered include the significance of this type of activity in relation to the changes taking place in initial teacher education in England and Wales, such as the development of competencies, the role of continuing professional development and the appropriateness of the model. The authors also address the practical implications of working with business, and the development of a residential programme in a crowded timetable, and assess some of the curriculum materials produced by students.

Retos ◽  
2016 ◽  
pp. 88-95
Irene Moya-Mata ◽  
Laura Ruiz Sanchis ◽  
Julio Martin Ruiz ◽  
Petra María Pérez Alonso-Geta ◽  
Concepción Ros Ros

El objetivo de la investigación es mostrar cómo se representan las personas con discapacidad en las imágenes de los libros de texto de Educación Física en la etapa de Educación Primaria. El estudio es de tipo empírico, descriptivo y comparativo entre los libros de texto analizados. La muestra recogió 3836 imágenes de libros de texto publicados en España entre los años 2006 y 2013, bajo la Ley Orgánica de Educación (LOE). La técnica de investigación fue el análisis de contenido a través de un sistema de categorías elaborado ad hoc, previa validación y fiabilidad mediante una prueba piloto, una consulta a expertos/as y una prueba intercodificadores. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó el software SPSS 19.0. Se realizó un análisis univariante y bivariante con la prueba Kolmogorov-Smirnov, la prueba de Levene y el test Ji-Cuadrado de Pearson con un nivel de significación del 5%. Los resultados mostraron que las personas con discapacidad son prácticamente excluidas en dichas imágenes, siendo casi invisible la mujer con discapacidad. A su vez, la persona con discapacidad es de raza blanca, entre niña y joven y con una discapacidad física, principalmente representada en silla de ruedas. La actividad física que aparece en este colectivo se asocia a la práctica deportiva, en un ámbito competitivo y de máximo nivel. Estos resultados están muy alejados de la inclusión de la discapacidad en la sociedad actual y concretamente, en los libros de texto de Educación Física en Primaria, del sistema educativo español.  Abstract. The objective of this research is to show how people with disabilities are represented in Physical Education textbooks in use in Primary Education. The study design is empirical, descriptive, and focuses on comparing between the analyzed textbooks. A sample of 3,836 images were collected from textbooks published in Spain between 2006 and 2013, under the Organic Law of Education (LOE). A research technique based on content analysis was employed through a tailor-made system of categories, which was previously tested for validity and reliability in a pilot study, by consulting experts, as well as by intercoder agreement test. The statistical analysis of data was performed using the software SPSS 19.0. Univariate and bivariate analysis with Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Levene test and Pearson Chi-Square test were performed, setting the significance level at 5%. Results showed that people with disabilities are mostly excluded in these images, especially impaired women. Disabled people are represented as Caucasian, either children or youth with a physical disability, mostly using wheelchair. Physical activity appearing in this group is associated with sports at a competitive and maximum level. These results are far from the inclusion of disability in today's society and specifically in textbooks of Physical Education in Primary Education within the Spanish educational system.

Temitope Funminiyi Egbedeyi

Teachers play significant role in the process of implementing inclusive lower primary education, but it is important to note that inclusive education is yet to be fully implemented in Nigeria despite the numerous benefits associated to it. As one of the major implementers of inclusive lower primary, it is imperative to study teachers’ knowledge of inclusive lower primary education in Ifako-Ijaiye, as to provide empirical evidence. Descriptive survey research design was adopted with thirty five (35) teachers who were sampled using simple random. A self-designed research instrument titled Teachers Knowledge of Inclusive Education Questionnaire (α = 0.92) was used to collect data. One research question was answered and two hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. Teachers have average knowledge of inclusive lower primary education (Average Percentage = 53.6). Regular and special teachers have no significant difference on knowledge of inclusive education (t = 0.50; df = 33; p0.05). Based on the findings, it was recommended that Nigerian Government, concerned Non-Governmental Organizations and Scholars should ensure that regular trainings are organized for lower primary teachers in order to update their knowledge about inclusive education

Marite Rozenfelde

The article provides a summary of a theoretical study on the main provisions of the activity of the educational institution’s administration in creating and implementing an inclusive educational process at the institution. Inclusive education is teamwork – the responsibility and obligation shared by the whole educational institution is a challenge to the whole team of the educational institution and first of all, a challenge to the administration of the educational institution. Inclusive education can be implemented in various ways all united by organizational culture with positive perception of student diversity, an understanding that the leaders working at educational institutions with their colleagues have a central role in promoting the inclusive culture. The role of administration in the development of the inclusive educational process at an educational institution is to ensure the implementation of the norms concerning the rights of students with special needs to be included, to maintain inclusive policy in the activity of the educational institution, to provide everyone involved in the learning process with information about the special needs of the students, to allocate funds for providing for the special needs, to guarantee accessibility of the educational institution. The administration and the support specialists of the educational institution must work as a team, must develop a plan of measures for the implementation of a further inclusive education process of the educational institution, for providing the support in education where the measures for educational support include determining and assessment of the needs of a student; consultations and support for all students, including the students with special needs, professional development, consultations and support for teachers, the students’ parents and the specialists; consultations of the support team specialists and services, also attracting specialists from other institutions; technical aids and equipment (if necessary); an opportunity to study using sign language and the services of an interpreter (if necessary); transportation services (if necessary, also with an accompanying person); assistant services, etc. The make-up of specialists of the support team of the educational institution – speech and language pathologist, psychologist, social pedagogue, special education pedagogue, medical specialist, etc. can vary depending on the needs and circumstances of the students of the specific educational institution. Work responsibilities of these support team professionals in the general support system of the educational institution are analyzed in the article.

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