students with special needs
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Samar Yakoob Almossa ◽  
Sahar Matar Alzahrani

AbstractThis study determines the assessment practices used by teaching staff in Saudi universities, explores how these assessment practices have changed during the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic, and investigates how teaching staffs’ priorities and preferences for education on assessment during the pandemic were shaped. To support professional development, the study also aims to raise teaching staffs’ awareness of assessment practices. Teaching staff in Saudi universities were invited to complete the Approaches to Classroom Inventory survey. The results showed that the most highly endorsed practices included giving feedback, linking assessments to learning objectives and learning outcomes, using scoring guides, and monitoring and revising assessment approaches. The least endorsed practices included mapping summative assessment to curriculum expectations, responding to the cultural and linguistic diversity of students, and accommodating students with special needs/exceptionalities in assessments. Further, during the pandemic, formative assessments were rarely used. Although faculty members from various colleges and fields of specialty showed similar patterns in endorsing assessment practices, they differed in their preferences and needs for assessment education.

2022 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
Coryzoeniawati Coryzoeniawati

Getting proper education is the right of every citizen, both normal students and students with special needs (disabilities). In this case, the tools and learning media needed are very important to support teaching and learning activities. However, there are more learning tools and media available for normal students than students with special needs. The results of the observations that the author saw in SLB Rejang Lebong were still lacking in learning tools in special schools, especially learning tools for counting, especially blind children. Thus encouraging the author to be able to create a learning aid, especially in numeracy skills for children with disabilities, especially blind children in SLB Rejang Lebong Bengkulu. Starting from the problem above, the writer tries to deal with this problem by creating learning media, especially for blind children, namely "Braile Baper" which is simultaneously used as a research on the principle of usefulness of the tool in SLB Rejang Lebong which is a tool used. to practice multiplication counting skills in a simple and fast and not boring way so that it is expected to be useful to help improve understanding of blind children in learning media for numeracy skills in mathematics, especially in arithmetic operations material. The results of the application of the Braille Baper learning media that the student activities observed during the learning process were good, seen in the student activity observation sheets as well as interviews with students applying the Braille Baper learning media were responded positively and effectively applied in learning, especially for blind children.

2022 ◽  
pp. 579-600
Mark Viner ◽  
Ajay Singh ◽  
Michael F. Shaughnessy

This chapter reviews some of the low-tech as well as the high-tech devices available for a wide variety of students with special learning needs. A history of assistive technology devices is explored and defined. Assistive technology has increased in use in recent decades due to accessibility of computers and the digital age. Digital devices such as hand held scanners, online learning environments, and digital resources have changed the educational experiences for students with special needs and disabilities. In response, teacher in-service programs and ongoing professional development programs need to be involved to understand and develop appropriate 21st-century learning opportunities and curricula. Future trends, such as virtual reality (VR) environments, allow opportunities for safe, effective learning. To assist in understanding and choosing the appropriate devices, multiple resources, such as global and national organizations, and online resources are provided.

2022 ◽  
pp. 37-54
Christine M. Gleason ◽  
Kristi L. Santi

The inclusion of students with special needs in general education settings has become an essential component of education. Including all students in the least restrictive environment to the maximum extent possible is the law and an innate human right. However, research reveals that some teachers do not have positive attitudes toward including students with disabilities. The purpose of this chapter is to discuss findings from a study that uncovered factors behind teachers' attitudes toward inclusion. The general findings and themes are discussed. The chapter concludes with a list of resources teachers can access without payment to help them better understand students with disabilities and ways in which the teacher can more easily develop an inclusive, inviting environment for all.

2022 ◽  
pp. 488-509
Pam L. Epler

This chapter is designed to inform and educate 6th- through 12th-grade teachers on how to provide math activities for students with an identified learning disability as defined by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. The chapter provides an introduction to the topic, background information on teaching math at the secondary level, research-based instructional strategies that can be used for teaching math to students with identified special needs, and specific manipulatives that can be created and utilized to teach the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics to this population. Additional resources and readings are included as well.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (58) ◽  
pp. 726-736
Eliane Da Silva Ferreira Moura ◽  
Fabiana Correia Bezerra

Resumo: O intuito da pesquisa foi conhecer a importância da educação de acordo com o processo de inclusão, o que afirmam os pesquisadores acerca do Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH). Quanto ao processo metodológico, foi realizada pesquisa bibliográfica com abordagem qualitativa e estudo de caso com entrevista semiestruturada. Os efeitos apontaram as dificuldades de adaptação por conta da falta de qualificação específica dos professores no ensino regular, falta de conhecimento por parte das famílias, dificuldades de aprendizagens e deficiência quanto à equidade no ensino. Concluiu-se que a educação inclusiva ainda está se moldando e se adaptando, seja na sociedade ou nas políticas públicas. Ao mesmo tempo em que parte da dificuldade de aprendizagem desses alunos com necessidades especiais, é dos pais sem informação adequada e os profissionais da educação, como também a sociedade e a comunidades escolares sem nenhuma formação ou informações adequadas. Palavras-chave: Ensino-aprendizagem. Inclusão. Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade. Capacitação.   __________________________ Abstract: The purpose of the research was to know the importance of education according to the inclusion process, which researchers claim about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). As for the methodological process, a bibliographical research was carried out with a qualitative approach and a case study with semi-structured interview. The effects pointed out the difficulties of adaptation due to the lack of specific qualification of teachers in regular education, lack of knowledge on the part of families, learning difficulties and deficiencies in terms of equity in education. It was concluded that inclusive education is still shaping and adapting, whether in society or in public policies. While part of the learning difficulty of these students with special needs is parents without adequate information and education professionals, as well as society and school communities without any training or adequate information. Keywords: Teaching-learning. Inclusion. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Training.

2021 ◽  
Pujaningsih Pujaningsih ◽  
Rochmat Wahab ◽  
Nurdayati Praptiningrum

Previous research has identified the benefits of science learning to support post-school independence of children with special needs [9]. However, the portion and quality of teaching science to these students is still very limited. This study aimed to explore the barriers faced by teachers in teaching science to children with special needs in both special schools and inclusive school settings. A mixed methods approach was employed to understand the implementation of science learning for children with special needs, especially the support and obstacles faced by teachers and students with special needs. Data were collected through structured interviews and observations of science learning. Interviews and observations were conducted in 11 special classes and 9 inclusive classes when teaching science to reveal the didactic method used by the teacher and the student responses. Guided interviews were conducted with teachers (n = 20, 15 female and 5 male) to understand the teaching process and obstacles experienced. The results of the interviews and observations were validated through a focus group discussion, which was attended by 7 participants. The quality of textbooks with adjustments for students with special needs was found to be the major challenge for teachers as they explained that they have limited time to adjust the content themselves. It was also identified that there is a need for teachers to shift their mindset, as they focus on students’ learning problems as teaching barriers. This study calls for professional development for teachers, with a focus on mindset, teaching strategies and accommodation in science subjects, which would enable teachers to support students with special needs in special and inclusive classrooms. Keywords: science teaching, students with special needs, barriers in teaching

2021 ◽  
pp. 197-232
Tilen Smajla ◽  
Eva Podovšovnik

The chapter presents the results of an online survey conducted among the university students of tourism regarding their attitudes towards the methods of teaching and learning of language for special purposes (LSP) during the COVID-19 pandemic. Three research hypotheses were put forward: Attitudes of tourism students regarding the teaching methods of their online LSP course differ statistically based on their age (RH1), and their gender (RH2), and RH3: There are statistically significant differences in attitudes towards foreign language learning of tourism students regarding their affiliation. Based on results of linear regression and t-test some statistically signifnicant differences were reported among female and male respondents with regard to teaching methods for students with special needs and with regard to the way teachers used online tools to manage the lerning process. Further, statistically significant differences were found among attitudes of two slovenian tourism faculties with regard to six items related to LSP.

2021 ◽  
pp. 026142942110696
Sema Tan

During the school closure in the COVID-19 pandemic, students with special needs including gifted students faced many challenges in terms of educational support. The Turkish Ministry of National Education released a mobile app named “I am special, I am in education” to overcome these challenges. This study aimed to explore how gifted children perceived the experience of learning through this mobile app. Using a phenomenological design, the data were collected from 10 gifted students through focus group interviews and student journals. An inductive approach was used to analyze the data. The findings indicated that although gifted students referred to this experience as weird and different, they also stated that using the app helped their learning. They foregrounded that the app needed improvements and a section for live interaction with other gifted students and teachers to increase their motivation. This study suggests some implications for mobile app developers, educators, and parents.

Rina Maryanti ◽  
Asep Bayu Dani Nandiyanto ◽  
Achmad Hufad ◽  
Sunardi S ◽  

The objective of this study was to determine the use of rice flour as a heat insulator for learning media for students with special needs. Experiments were done method by testing rice flour placed on the wall that heat radiated by bulb lamp with various intensities (i.e. 8, 10, and 12 W). The results showed that rice flour is a good heat insulator. This is confirmed by the test results using thermocouple tools showing a decrease in temperature of the insulator testing toolbox. The rice flour caused the heat from the lamp inside the box to be restrained from spreading out completely. The concept of heat radiation and the change of heat adsorbed by rice flour was explained, which can be further developed for learning media for students with special needs. The results of this study are expected to facilitate teachers in providing understanding to students in understanding the occurrence of heat insulators, especially for students with special needs.

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