scholarly journals Synchronous Generator Rectification System Based on Double Closed-Loop Control of Backstepping and Sliding Mode Variable Structure

Electronics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (15) ◽  
pp. 1832
Jinfeng Liu ◽  
Xin Qu ◽  
Herbert Ho-Ching Iu

Low-voltage and high-current direct current (DC) power supplies are essential for aerospace and shipping. However, its robustness and dynamic response need to be optimized further on some special occasions. In this paper, a novel rectification system platform is built with the low-voltage and high-current permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG), in which the DC voltage double closed-loop control system is constructed with the backstepping control method and the sliding mode variable structure (SMVS). In the active component control structure of this system, reasonable virtual control variables are set to obtain the overall structural control variable which satisfied the stability requirements of Lyapunov stability theory. Thus, the fast-tracking and the global adjustment of the system are realized and the robustness is improved. Since the reactive component control structure is simple and no subsystem has to be constructed, the SMVS is used to stabilize the system power factor. By building a simulation model and experimental platform of the 5 V/300 A rectification module based on the PMSG, it is verified that the power factor of the system can reach about 98.5%. When the load mutation occurs, the DC output achieves stability again within 0.02 s, and the system fluctuation rate does not exceed 2%.

2013 ◽  
Vol 457-458 ◽  
pp. 1298-1302 ◽  
Xuan Zuo Liu ◽  
Qiao Yun Yan ◽  
Fei Yun Tang

AbstractConsidering the influence of the dynamic characteristic of automatic guided vehicle (AGV) on trajectory tracking controlling, double closed loop control structure is proposed to realize the position/force cooperative control. The outer loop controlling uses backstepping to design corresponding position controller for kinematics model of AGV, while the inner control uses the integral sliding mode controlling. Self-adaptive controlling law is used to estimate the uncertain external interference in the driving force controller and stability of AGV trajectories tracking proof is proposed. In order to make the system achieve better control performance and prevent the occurrence of severe wobble, the hyperbolic tangent function in the control law of sliding mode control replaces the sign function to ensure a continuously smooth control input and states of the system. In the Matlab/simulink environment, tracking a given splayed trajectory generated by the S function to verify the double closed loop control structure and the effectiveness of the control algorithm proposed in this paper.

Bahram Yaghooti ◽  
Ali Siahi Shadbad ◽  
Kaveh Safavi ◽  
Hassan Salarieh

In this article, an adaptive nonlinear controller is designed to synchronize two uncertain fractional-order chaotic systems using fractional-order sliding mode control. The controller structure and adaptation laws are chosen such that asymptotic stability of the closed-loop control system is guaranteed. The adaptation laws are being calculated from a proper sliding surface using the Lyapunov stability theory. This method guarantees the closed-loop control system robustness against the system uncertainties and external disturbances. Eventually, the presented method is used to synchronize two fractional-order gyro and Duffing systems, and the numerical simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of this method.

2012 ◽  
Vol 241-244 ◽  
pp. 509-512
Lin Yang ◽  
Gen Wang Liu

In order to improve the dynamic performance of inverter and the output voltage waveform quality, the double-loop control combination with internal current loop and external voltage loop is introduced. The inner loop is used for improving the dynamic performance of the system and rapidly eliminating the effects of load disturbance; the outer loop is used for improving static performance of the system. In the end, MATLAB / Simulink is carried out to build the system model and prove the feasibility of the dual closed-loop control structure in this paper.

2008 ◽  
Vol 55 (12) ◽  
pp. 2842-2843 ◽  
Mir-Mahdi Ebrahimpour ◽  
Abbas Erfanian

Algorithms ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (12) ◽  
pp. 262 ◽  
Swantje Romig ◽  
Luc Jaulin ◽  
Andreas Rauh

In recent years, many applications, as well as theoretical properties of interval analysis have been investigated. Without any claim for completeness, such applications and methodologies range from enclosing the effect of round-off errors in highly accurate numerical computations over simulating guaranteed enclosures of all reachable states of a dynamic system model with bounded uncertainty in parameters and initial conditions, to the solution of global optimization tasks. By exploiting the fundamental enclosure properties of interval analysis, this paper aims at computing invariant sets of nonlinear closed-loop control systems. For that purpose, Lyapunov-like functions and interval analysis are combined in a novel manner. To demonstrate the proposed techniques for enclosing invariant sets, the systems examined in this paper are controlled via sliding mode techniques with subsequently enclosing the invariant sets by an interval based set inversion technique. The applied methods for the control synthesis make use of a suitably chosen Gröbner basis, which is employed to solve Bézout’s identity. Illustrating simulation results conclude this paper to visualize the novel combination of sliding mode control with an interval based computation of invariant sets.

2016 ◽  
Vol 168 ◽  
pp. 1551-1554 ◽  
E.E. Moreira ◽  
J. Cabral ◽  
J. Gaspar ◽  
L.A. Rocha

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