scholarly journals Differentiation and Changes of Household Electricity Prices in EU Countries

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (21) ◽  
pp. 6894
Tomasz Rokicki ◽  
Piotr Bórawski ◽  
Barbara Gradziuk ◽  
Piotr Gradziuk ◽  
Aldona Mrówczyńska-Kamińska ◽  

The paper’s main purpose is to identify the differentiation and variation of electricity prices for households in EU countries. The specific objectives are to highlight the directions and differentiation of price changes in EU states, determine the degree of volatility (or stability) of electricity rates, and establish the correlation between electricity prices for household consumers and economic and energy parameters. All members of the European Union were chosen for this project as of 31 December 2019 (28 countries). The analyzed period covered the years 2008–2019. The source of collected information was the thematic literature review and the data from Eurostat. Descriptive, tabular and graphical methods, constant-based dynamics indicators, coefficient of variation, Kendall’s tau correlation coefficient, and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient were used to analyze and present the materials. It was determined that higher electricity prices for households in the EU states were associated with better economic parameters. Developed countries must have higher energy rates because they will ensure energy transformation, i.e., implementing energy-saving technologies. In the EU, electricity prices for household consumers showed little volatility, but that variability increased in line with the surge of the volume of household energy consumption.

Tomasz Dorożyński ◽  
Agnieszka Dorożyńska ◽  
Anetta Kuna-Marszałek

The main goal of the chapter is to make an assessment of the innovative position, the level of internationalization and potential of small and medium-sized enterprises in the EU in the light of challenges implied by the building of knowledge-based economy. The chapter comprises several parts. Main attention is paid to the substance and factors that shape the knowledge-based economy, determinants of innovation in SMEs and the assessment of SMEs' innovation and internationalization in the EU. We also analyzed dependence between the development level of the EU Member States and R&D expenditure and the level of innovation and competitiveness of individual countries. To this end we used Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. Final part of the chapter is devoted to the EU support scheme for small and medium-sized enterprises, in particular it focuses on instruments connected with innovation and internationalization.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (11) ◽  
pp. 3170
Bogdan Klepacki ◽  
Barbara Kusto ◽  
Piotr Bórawski ◽  
Aneta Bełdycka-Bórawska ◽  
Konrad Michalski ◽  

The main purpose of the study was to identify the level and factors influencing investments in renewable energy sources (RES) in basic local government units in rural areas. The specific objectives were to define the conditions for the development of renewable energy sources in Poland, to determine the directions of changes as well as the importance of renewable energy in Poland, to present the relationship between the level of expenditure on renewable energy and budget components in rural and rural-urban communes. The Świętokrzyskie voivodeship (Voivodship—a unit of the highest administration level in Poland, since 1990 a unit of the primary territorial division of government administration, since 1999 also a unit of local government, there were 16 voivodships in Poland.), which is one of the centrally located voivodeships in Poland, was purposefully selected for the research. The research period covered the years 2016–2019. The sources of materials were the literature on the subject, as well as empirical materials obtained at the Voivodeship Statistical Office. The following methods were used for the analysis and presentation of materials: descriptive, tabular, graphical, Gini concentration coefficient, Lorenz concentration curve, Kendall’s tau correlation coefficient and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. Poland is one of the countries with quite high dependence on hard and brown coal. Changes in the structure of energy sources are slow. Investments in renewable energy are necessary. The problem in this respect is the lack of a proper law. Despite this, investments in renewable energy are being made in rural areas. In the Świętokrzyskie voivodeship, only 28% of communes made such investments. It was found that only in urban rural communes the amount of investment expenditures in renewable energy sources was related to the level of budget expenditures and property expenditures of the commune. The amount of support from the European Union aid funds was positively correlated with the level of expenditure on investments in renewable energy. Therefore, it can be concluded that without the support from EU funds, it is not possible to invest in renewable energy in local government units.

Blood ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 116 (21) ◽  
pp. 3839-3839 ◽  
Sweta Gupta ◽  
Megan A. Lemanczyk ◽  
Pamela A. Christopherson ◽  
Ke Yan ◽  
Raymond G Hoffmann ◽  

Abstract Abstract 3839 Menorrhagia is a common symptom of haemostatic disorders and often triggers an evaluation for a bleeding disorder. Clinical screening tools, to identify women with menorrhagia who have an underlying bleeding disorder, are very desirable. Scoring systems to quantify menstrual blood loss in women, the Pictorial Blood Loss Assessment Chart, (PBAC), and to assess the severity of bleeding symptoms in individuals diagnosed with von Willebrand disease (VWD), European Union Bleeding Score (EU-BS) (MCMDM-1VWD), were evaluated for their ability to predict the presence of low von Willebrand factor (VWF) level in a cohort of 150 women recruited from an outpatient gynecology clinic. One of us (SG or ML) completed a PBAC and an EU Bleeding questionnaire with the participant. Menorrhagia cases were defined by a PBAC ≥185 and controls by a PBAC<185 (n=75 in each group). Complete blood count (CBC), ABO blood group, VWF activity (VWF:RCo) and VWF antigen (VWF:Ag) were measured in all subjects. Due to the variability in the laboratory testing of VWF: RCo and to capture all women with low levels, low VWF level was defined as VWF:RCo or VWF:Ag’60 IU/dl in our study. PBAC score correlated with the presence of menorrhagia defined by the menorrhagia score of MCMDM-1VWD (Spearman's Rank correlation coefficient, r=0.51, p<0.0001). PBAC of ≥185 had a sensitivity and specificity of 86% and 64% for predicting a menorrhagia score≥1 (AUC=0.80, p<0.0001). When women were evaluated for bleeding symptoms using the EU questionnaire, the most common bleeding symptom in the entire cohort was bruising in 42% followed by menorrhagia in 35%. Compared to women without menorrhagia, women with menorrhagia had an increased frequency of other bleeding symptoms including bleeding with invasive procedures (bleeding with tooth extraction 11% vs. 1% and bleeding with surgery 12% vs. 4%), post partum hemorrhage 15% vs. 8% and epistaxis 11% vs. 4%. Of the 150 women, 20 had an overall EU score of ≥4, mean 7.5 (range 4–22) indicating significant bleeding symptoms including menorrhagia and bruising in 85%, bleeding after surgical procedures in 45% followed by post partum hemorrhage and epistaxis in 35 %. Comparing menorrhagia cases to controls, the statistically significant difference between the two groups was in the median overall EU-BS (1 vs. 0, p=0.007) and poor wound healing with frequent scarring (24% vs. 9.3%, p=0.027).We found that 21.3% women with menorrhagia had low VWF level (VWF:RCo or VWF:Ag ≤ 60 IU/dl) compared to 14.6% women without menorrhagia (p =0.28). Comparing the 27 subjects with low VWF level with the 123 subjects with normal VWF level, the median VWF:RCo was 47 vs. 101IU/dl (p<0.0001), median PBAC was 234 vs. 176 (p=0.34), median EU-BS was 0 in both groups. There was no predictive correlation between the PBAC score and VWF:RCo (Spearman's Rank correlation coefficient r=0.05, p=0.54) and between the EU-BS and VWF: RCo level (Spearman's Rank correlation coefficient, r=0.07, p=0.37). The only predictor of low VWF: RCo was blood group O (OR: 8.9, 95% CI 2.9–27.6). The majority (87%) of blood group O subjects with low VWF level did not have a bleeding phenotype (EU-BS ≤3).In our cohort, the predictor of post partum hemorrhage was menorrhagia (OR: 4.1, 95% CI-1.4-11.8, p=0.009) and the only predictor of surgical bleeding and bleeding with tooth extraction was bleeding from minor wounds (OR: 11,95% CI-2.5-47, p=0.001; OR: 34,95% CI-6.9-166, p<0.0001 respectively). We conclude that PBAC is an easy and quick method for assessing the severity of menorrhagia in an outpatient setting. A score of ≥185 can be reliably used to diagnose clinical menorrhagia and as a threshold score to screen for other bleeding symptoms using the EU questionnaire. Women with menorrhagia are more likely to have bleeding with other invasive procedures, post partum bleeding and epistaxis. Menorrhagia could be a surrogate marker for an underlying bleeding disorder or a connective tissue disorder as reflected by the higher EU-BS and symptoms of poor wound healing in women with increased menstrual blood loss. We could not determine a PBAC score or EU-BS that could be used to identify women with low VWF. Low VWF level correlated best with blood group O, however a majority of these women did not have a bleeding phenotype (EU-BS≤3). Studies in a large cohort of women to identify reliable predictors of clinical bleeding are warranted. Disclosures: Gill: CSL Behring: Research Funding.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (6) ◽  
pp. 1570
Tomasz Rokicki ◽  
Aleksandra Perkowska ◽  
Bogdan Klepacki ◽  
Piotr Bórawski ◽  
Aneta Bełdycka-Bórawska ◽  

The paper’s main purpose was to identify and present the current situation and changes in energy consumption in agriculture in the European Union (EU) countries. The specific objectives were the determination of the degree of concentration of energy consumption in agriculture in the EU countries, showing the directions of their changes, types of energy used, and changes in this respect, establishing the correlation between energy consumption and changes in the economic and agricultural situation in the EU countries. All member states of the European Union were deliberately selected for research on 31 December 2018 (28 countries). The research period covered the years 2005–2018. The sources of materials were the literature on the subject, and data from Eurostat. Descriptive, tabular, and graphical methods were used to analyze and present materials, dynamics indicators with a stable base, Gini concentration coefficient, concentration analysis using the Lorenz curve, coefficient of variation, Kendall’s tau correlation coefficient, and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. A high concentration of energy consumption in agriculture was found in several EU countries, the largest in countries with the largest agricultural sector, i.e., France and Poland. There were practically no changes in the concentration level. Only in the case of renewable energy, a gradual decrease in concentration was visible. More and more countries developed technologies that allow the use of this type of energy. However, the EU countries differed in terms of the structure of the energy sources used. The majority of the basis was liquid fuels, while stable and gaseous fuels were abandoned in favor of electricity and renewable sources—according to which, in the EU countries, the research hypothesis was confirmed: a gradual diversification of energy sources used in agriculture, with a systematic increase in the importance of renewable energy sources. The second research hypothesis was also confirmed, according to which the increase in the consumption of renewable energy in agriculture is closely related to the economy’s parameters. The use of renewable energy is necessary and results from concern for the natural environment. Therefore, economic factors may have a smaller impact.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 58-68
T. Chernykh ◽  
V. Mulyk ◽  
K. Mulyk ◽  
А. Skaliy ◽  
А. Ostrowski ◽  

Purpose: to determine the relationship between the performance of basic elements and indicators of static and dynamic balance in the training process of young acrobats 6-7 years. Material and methods. The study involved 16 young acrobats at the stage of initial training (age 6-7 years). All parents of the participants gave written consent for the participation of children in the study. The study involved testing the technique of performing basic elements of sports acrobatics and assessing the static and dynamic balance of young athletes. The relationship between (swallow, shoulder blade, forward squat, wheel (sideways overturning), bridges) and static and dynamic equilibrium tests was determined. Spearman's rank correlation coefficient method was used as a method of statistical analysis. Results. It is established that the largest relationship between the performance of basic elements and static balance in the basic exercises of young acrobats have: Romberg's test with the elements "Swallow", "Stand on the shoulders", "Bridge"; Biryuk test with elements "Swallow", "Wheel", "Bridge"; balance "Swallow" with elements "Swallow", "Wheel"; static equilibrium test with the elements "Swallow", "Rack on the shoulders", "Rolling forward with a squat", "Wheel". Reliable values ​​of the correlation coefficient were established between the tests of dynamic balance and the basic elements of sports acrobatics in young athletes 6-7 years, namely: "Swallow", "Flip forward with a squat", "Wheel" and "Bridge". The analysis of special tests of static and dynamic balance in mastering the basic elements of acrobatics at the first stage of long-term training makes it possible to use them to determine the level of coordination capabilities of young athletes and further improve the use of acrobatic exercises. Conclusions. A reliable relationship between the performance of basic exercises and indicators of static and dynamic balance in young acrobats at the initial stage of training. It is shown that the level of static and dynamic balance is of great importance for the assimilation and improvement of basic elements of technology by young acrobats 6-7 years. Static and dynamic balance tests can be used to individually build training programs and young acrobats. It is shown that sports acrobatics is a significant means of developing the balance of children 6-7 years.

2022 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 32-38
A. S. Putneva ◽  
T. M. Karavaeva ◽  
M. V. Maksimenya ◽  
P. P. Tereshkov ◽  
M. N. Mishchenko ◽  

Aim. To determine the saliva level of immunoregulatory proteins in patients with rampant caries and 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) deficiency and evaluate the association of their concentration with 25(OH)D plasma level.Materials and methods. The study was performed in two groups. The experimental group included 15 patients aged 20–22 years with rampant caries and the 25(OH)D plasma level of < 20 ng / ml. The control group encompassed 15 healthy age-matched volunteers with the 25(OH)D plasma level of 20–100 ng / ml. The concentrations of B7.2 (CD86), free active TGF-β1, CTLA-4, PD-1, Tim-3, LAG-3, IGFBP-4, and ICAM-1 were assessed using flow cytometry. The levels of LL-37 and secretory immunoglobulin A (sIgA) were measured using ELISA. The Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient was used to reveal a correlation between the indicated proteins and the 25(OH)D plasma level.Results. A decrease in B7.2 (CD86), PD-1, Tim-3, sIgA, and LL-37 and elevation of IGFBP-4 and ICAM-1 saliva levels were detected in patients with rampant caries and 25-hydroxyvitamin D deficiency. A positive Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient was revealed between plasma 25(OH)D and saliva levels of free active TGF-β1, CTLA4, B7.2 (CD86), LL-37, and sIgA. A negative correlation was revealed between 25(OH)Dand ICAM-1.Conclusion. 25(OH)D deficiency in patients with rampant caries is associated with decreased levels of B7.2 (CD86), PD-1, Tim-3, sIgA, and LL-37 and elevated levels of IGFBP-4 and ICAM-1 in the saliva. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Xuan Zhao ◽  
Wei Lin ◽  
Jiawei Li ◽  
Yunhui Chen ◽  
Anamica Patel ◽  

Dosage is essential for studying the compatibility and effectiveness of traditional Chinese medicine. Danggui and Chuanxiong are widely used in traditional Chinese medicine for ailments and treatment of various disorders. 628 traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions containing Danggui and Chuanxiong were extracted from the self-built prescription database and screened for the three groups of prescriptions, i.e., irregular menstruation, sores, and stroke. We processed and tested the dosage of Danggui and Chuanxiong and selected the optimal copula function, Gumbel copula function, from the Archimedes function family and elliptical copula function family to establish the data model. To establish the presence of a correlation between the dose of Danggui and Chuanxiong, a graph of the joint distribution function of rank correlation coefficients, Kendall’s rank correlation coefficient and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient, was used. Our results suggest that the model using the Gumbel copula function better reflects the correlation between the dose of Danggui and Chuanxiong. For irregular menstruation, sores, and strokes, Kendall’s rank correlation coefficients were 0.6724, 0.5930, and 0.7757, respectively, and Spearman’s correlation coefficients were 0.8536, 0.7812, and 0.9285, respectively. In all three prescription groups, the dose of Danggui and Chuanxiong was positively correlated, implying that, as the dosage of one drug increases, the dosage of the other increases as well. From the perspective of data mining and mathematical statistics, the use of the copula function model to evaluate the correlation between the prescribed dosage of the two drugs was innovative and provided a new model for the scientific interpretation of the compatibility of traditional drugs. This might also serve to guide the clinical use of traditional Chinese medicine.

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