research hypothesis
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2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 111-117
Rizky Ema Wulansari ◽  
Rahmat Azis Nabawi

Based on research conducted by PISA, the ability to solve problems and think critically of Indonesian students is still below the average score set by PISA. Problem based learning is one of the learning models recommended by the Ministry of Education and Culture to be applied in improving these abilities. However, the lack of problem-based learning that has been applied so far is the lack of use of media that can be used as support in learning activities, resulting in inconsistencies in the impact of problem-based learning in improving student skills. The importance of these skills for students to have in this era of the industrial revolution 4.0, makes educators have to be more creative and innovative in implementing learning. Therefore, this study aims at seeing efforts to improve problem solving skills and critical thinking skills through problem based integrated computer assisted instruction (CAI). This study used a quasi-experimental pre-test and post-test control group design. The population in this study were undergraduate students of Mechanical Engineering Education, Padang State University. The instrument used in this research is a questionnaire which is used to see students' problem solving and critical thinking skills. The data analysis technique in this study is in accordance with the research hypothesis, where research hypotheses 1 and 2 use independent sample t-test and research hypothesis 3 uses MANCOVA. The research covered by his study is in line with higher education's continuing search for effective SCL approaches

2021 ◽  
pp. 393-416
Teresa Astramowicz-Leyk ◽  
Yaryna Turchyn

The research aims at presenting and exploring the mechanisms for protection of the rights of national minorities (based on the example of Ukrainian minority) in the Warmia and Mazury Region of the Republic of Poland. The research hypothesis is based on the statement that in fact the protection of rights of national minorities at the level of the Warmia and Mazury Region could be treated as a model, and thus implemented in other regions in Poland, or even in other countries facing the problems related to the protection of national and ethnic minorities. The main research problems are addressed within the questions: how is Ukrainian minority distributed in the studied region?; What are the state and local government institutions working for national minorities in the studied region of Poland?; What activities do these institutions undertake to ensure equal treatment of national minorities and provision for their rights?; How are these activities assessed by organizations/representatives of the Ukrainian national minority? The leading research method was the institutional and legal one. The research also contained the interviewing method as well as the focus group interview. Obtained results of the study confirmed the research hypothesis. It turned out that the Warmia and Mazury Region has created an effective institutional environment for the development of national minorities, including the Ukrainian one. It was possible thanks to the activity of the only Polish Plenipotentiary of the Marshal for national minorities and also the only National and Ethnic Minorities Committee of the Regional Council in Poland.

K. Anbu ◽  
A. Rathiga

Background: Chronic kidney disease is the vital and non-communicable disease epidemic that affects the world population including India. Muscle cramps are a common complication of haemodialysis treatments and they often result in the early termination of the session, it is an important priority to provide timely intervention to improve their muscle cramps of haemodialysis patients. Materials and Methods: The aim of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of intradialytic stretching exercises on muscle cramps among patients on haemodialysis. Time series quasi experimental design was conducted in dialysis unit of Chettinad Super Specialty Hospital, Kelambakkam at Chengalpet District, Tamil Nadu, India.Total sample of 138 belong to 30 to 60 years were selected with the use of purposive sampling technique as per the statistical calculation and equally allocated to control 69 samples and to Study group 69.  The structured questionnaire are demographic, Clinical variables & Modified cramps questionnaire chart was used to assess the effectiveness of intradialytic stretching exercises on level of muscle cramps. Results: The study findings concluded that in pre test 41(59.4 %) of the patients in study group and 38(55.1 %) of the patients in control group had mild muscle cramps whereas in post test 4(5.8 %) of the patients in study group had severe muscle cramps and 16 (23.2 %) of the patients in control group had severe muscle cramps. While comparing the post test mean value of control group 2.652±0.854 the study group mean value was 2.101±0.769 was significantly reduced with‘t’ value of 10.185 at p ≤ 0.000. Therefore the Research hypothesis H1 was retained. Hence there was no significant association between the test scores on intensity of muscle cramps among patients undergoing haemodialysis with selected demographic and clinical variables of group 2 (study) at P ≤ 0.000 level. Therefore the Research hypothesis H2 was rejected.The majority finding of the study results that in pre test 32 (46.4 %) of the patients were in mild muscle cramps in post test 1.More than half of the patients 30 (43.5 %) of moderate muscle cramps in post test 2. And majority 40 (58 %) of the patients in moderate muscle cramps in post test 3.The effect of intradialytic stretching exercises in reducing the level of muscle cramps during haemodialysis. Conclusion: Intradialytic stretching exercises is an effective method which can be used as a preventive therapy in the treatment of muscle cramps.

Błażej Prusak ◽  
Sylwia Morawska ◽  
Michał Łukowski ◽  
Przemysław Banasik

AbstractThe literature review indicates that bankruptcy law may play an important role in and be one of the factors influencing the development of entrepreneurship, innovation, and thus economic growth, among other things. In previous studies, the analysis of the impact of bankruptcy law on individual variables has been conducted independently. Our aim was to conduct a holistic analysis, taking several factors into account simultaneously. Therefore, a descriptive model was proposed, based on which the following research hypothesis was formulated: In countries characterised by an effective legal system and at the same time debtor-friendly bankruptcy law, the level of risk acceptance among entrepreneurs is higher, which is reflected in higher levels of entrepreneurship and innovation. Based on the selected variables, a cross-sectional analysis was conducted using linear models estimated on the basis of the least-squares method. Additionally, to strengthen the conclusions drawn, the models were assessed in such a way enabling the analysis of causality as defined by Granger based on the two-step process. The results obtained allowed us to confirm the research hypothesis: in countries characterised by an efficient legal system and at the same time debtor-friendly bankruptcy law, the level of risk acceptance among entrepreneurs is higher, which is reflected in higher levels of entrepreneurship and innovation. The research results are particularly important from the point of view of legislators who are responsible for drafting amendments to bankruptcy law. Including certain debtor-friendly provisions may, in the long run, lead to increased entrepreneurship and innovation, and thus economic development.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (24) ◽  
pp. 8221
Bartłomiej Iglinski ◽  
Karol Flisikowski ◽  
Michał Bernard Pietrzak ◽  
Urszula Kiełkowska ◽  
Mateusz Skrzatek ◽  

In the era of globalization and rapid economic growth, affecting most world economies, increased production and consumption are leading to higher levels of energy production and consumption. The growing demand for energy means that energy resources from conventional sources are not sufficient; moreover, its production generates high costs and contributes to the emission of greenhouse gases and waste. In view of the above, many countries have opted to implement an energy transformation. The energy transition allows the transition from an energy system based on conventional fuels to an energy system based mainly on renewable energy (RE) and low-emission sources. In the EU, the development of a “green economy” has become a strategic goal in the fight against climate change. The development of RE offers the possibility to improve the energy security of a given country and the entire EU. New, innovative technologies of RE also increase the attractiveness and competitiveness of the economies of the Member States. In line with the EU strategy, the activities carried out aim to achieve a situation in which, in 2050, the activities of economies will not endanger the environment. The main purpose of this article was the assessment of the RE sector in the Pomerania region in the context of energy transformation. To achieve this goal, PEST analysis regarding the functioning of the RE sector in the selected Polish region was used and the potential of the RE sector was determined using GIS tools on the basis of physical conditions. The article presents the research hypothesis that the RE sector within the Pomerania Voivodeship possesses appropriate energy potential, which will allow this Voivodeship to become an energy self-sufficient region based on the use of these energy sources (according to EU strategy). The implementation of the goal set in the article allowed for the verification of the research hypothesis, where the determined energy potential from the RE sector would cover the Voivodeship’s needs due to the use of electricity and heat. The conducted research shows that the RE sector in these regions has high energy potential to meet the criteria outlined in EU legal documents and to implement them successfully within the intended period.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 01-07
Melyani Sari Sitepu ◽  
Juli Maini Sitepu ◽  
Satrio Wicaksono, M.Pd

This research is motivated by the problems of the low value of the student's character on SDN Gedanganak 01, which does not use attributes complete when the flag ceremony, taking out the trash is not in place,  students who do not do their homework. The formulation of the problem is whether scouting extracurricular effect on the character values ​​of elementary school students. This study aims to determine the effect of scouting extracurricular on the character values ​​of student at SDN Gedanganak 01, District East Ungaran. The method used is quantitative. The study population were students of class IV and class V SD Negeri Gedanganak 01 with total 51 students. Data collection techniques in this study was the observation. Research hypothesis testing using t test. The results showed Scouting extracurricular effect on the character value of students at SDN Gedanganak 01. This is evidenced by the results of the analysis of the t-test is equal to 0.000 as significant value. The significant value of 0.000 ≤ α (0.05). So the hypothesis which says scouting extracurricular affect to character value of students at SDN Gedanganak 01, District East Ungaran accepted

PSYCHE 165 ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 336-341
Dewi Anggraini ◽  
Nurul Khumaerah ◽  

This study aims to determine the effect of emotion regulation on pre-match anxiety of Taekwondo UKM athletes in Makassar City. This study uses a quantitative approach. The population in this study was SME Taekwondo athletes in Makassar City totaling 100 people with a sample of 50 people. By analyzing the data using SPSS 23.0 for Windows to test normality and linearity, and to test the hypothesis with simple regression. The results of this study indicate the value of F = 11,978 with a significance of 0.003 (p<0.05) which indicates that emotional regulation has a significant effect on anxiety in dealing with competition in Taekwondo UKM athletes in Makassar City. While the value of R is 0.195, it shows that emotion regulation affects the athlete's anxiety. Based on these results, the research hypothesis is accepted.  

2021 ◽  
Ankit Patel

<p>The objective of this research was to develop a roster-based optimisation system for limited overs cricket by deriving a meaningful, overall team rating using a combination of individual ratings from a playing eleven. The research hypothesis was that an adaptive rating system accounting for individual player abilities, outperforms systems that only consider macro variables such as home advantage, opposition strength and past team performances. The assessment of performance is observed through the prediction accuracy of future match outcomes. The expectation is that in elite sport, better teams are expected to win more often. To test the hypothesis, an adaptive rating system was developed. This framework was a combination of an optimisation system and an individual rating system. The adaptive rating system was selected due to its ability to update player and team ratings based on past performances.  A Binary Integer Programming model was the optimisation method of choice, while a modified product weighted measure (PWM) with an embedded exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) functionality was the adopted individual rating system. The weights for this system were created using a combination of a Random Forest and Analytical Hierarchical Process. The model constraints were objectively obtained by identifying the player’s role and performance outcomes a limited over cricket team must obtain in order to increase their chances of winning. Utilising a random forest technique, it was found that players with strong scoring consistency, scoring efficiency, runs restricting abilities and wicket-taking efficiency are preferred for limited over cricket due to the positive impact those performance metrics have on a team’s chance of winning.   To define pertinent individual player ratings, performance metrics that significantly affect match outcomes were identified. Random Forests proved to be an effective means of optimal variable selection. The important performance metrics were derived in terms of contribution to winning, and were input into the modified PWM and EWMA method to generate a player rating.  The underlying framework of this system was validated by demonstrating an increase in the accuracy of predicted match outcomes compared to other established rating methods for cricket teams. Applying the Bradley-Terry method to the team ratings, generated through the adaptive system, we calculated the probability of teami beating teamj.  The adaptive rating system was applied to the Caribbean Premier League 2015 and the Cricket World Cup 2015, and the systems predictive accuracy was benchmarked against the New Zealand T.A.B (Totalisator Agency Board) and the CricHQ algorithm. The results revealed that the developed rating system outperformed the T.A.B by 9% and the commercial algorithm by 6% for the Cricket World Cup (2015), respectively, and outperformed the T.A.B and CricHQ algorithm by 25% and 12%, for the Caribbean Premier League (2015), respectively. These results demonstrate that cricket team ratings based on the aggregation of individual player ratings are superior to ratings based on summaries of team performances and match outcomes; validating the research hypothesis. The insights derived from this research also inform interested parties of the key attributes to win limited over cricket matches and can be used for team selection.</p>

2021 ◽  
Ankit Patel

<p>The objective of this research was to develop a roster-based optimisation system for limited overs cricket by deriving a meaningful, overall team rating using a combination of individual ratings from a playing eleven. The research hypothesis was that an adaptive rating system accounting for individual player abilities, outperforms systems that only consider macro variables such as home advantage, opposition strength and past team performances. The assessment of performance is observed through the prediction accuracy of future match outcomes. The expectation is that in elite sport, better teams are expected to win more often. To test the hypothesis, an adaptive rating system was developed. This framework was a combination of an optimisation system and an individual rating system. The adaptive rating system was selected due to its ability to update player and team ratings based on past performances.  A Binary Integer Programming model was the optimisation method of choice, while a modified product weighted measure (PWM) with an embedded exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) functionality was the adopted individual rating system. The weights for this system were created using a combination of a Random Forest and Analytical Hierarchical Process. The model constraints were objectively obtained by identifying the player’s role and performance outcomes a limited over cricket team must obtain in order to increase their chances of winning. Utilising a random forest technique, it was found that players with strong scoring consistency, scoring efficiency, runs restricting abilities and wicket-taking efficiency are preferred for limited over cricket due to the positive impact those performance metrics have on a team’s chance of winning.   To define pertinent individual player ratings, performance metrics that significantly affect match outcomes were identified. Random Forests proved to be an effective means of optimal variable selection. The important performance metrics were derived in terms of contribution to winning, and were input into the modified PWM and EWMA method to generate a player rating.  The underlying framework of this system was validated by demonstrating an increase in the accuracy of predicted match outcomes compared to other established rating methods for cricket teams. Applying the Bradley-Terry method to the team ratings, generated through the adaptive system, we calculated the probability of teami beating teamj.  The adaptive rating system was applied to the Caribbean Premier League 2015 and the Cricket World Cup 2015, and the systems predictive accuracy was benchmarked against the New Zealand T.A.B (Totalisator Agency Board) and the CricHQ algorithm. The results revealed that the developed rating system outperformed the T.A.B by 9% and the commercial algorithm by 6% for the Cricket World Cup (2015), respectively, and outperformed the T.A.B and CricHQ algorithm by 25% and 12%, for the Caribbean Premier League (2015), respectively. These results demonstrate that cricket team ratings based on the aggregation of individual player ratings are superior to ratings based on summaries of team performances and match outcomes; validating the research hypothesis. The insights derived from this research also inform interested parties of the key attributes to win limited over cricket matches and can be used for team selection.</p>

Nino Mindiashvili ◽  
Nana Kutsia

Theories of traumatic memory are uniquely topical in modern theoretical discourse, Collective trauma is a complex of psychological sensations, which is formed in witnesses or participants of tragic events, who have to deal with psychological stigma. Theoretical framework about the collective trauma is relevant to events that have taken place in Georgia, as the epochal tragedy has changed ethnic and cultural environment in Abkhazia and Tskhinvali Region. As the subject of research, we have defined the almanacs reflecting Georgian-Abkhazian and Georgian-Ossetian (provoked by the third force) conflicts: 14 Gigabytes and Halleluiah. Uniqueness of 14 Gigabytes is reasoned by the concept set by the editor (Nana Gaprindashvili) and the complier of the almanac (Tea Kalandia) – 14 narrators tell about the Abkhazian episode of Russian-Georgian war. Personal stories create the monumental canvas-reflection of the feelings of youth who have been deprived of childhood. Authors of the poetic almanac Halleluiah published in 2018, under the editorship of Mzia Khetaguri, are united under refugee stigma, pain caused by losing homes, trauma, which marks each of the texts like an unhealed wound. It must be emphasized that in none of the researched authors’ texts reflects hostility or aggression towards “conflicting sides” or even the main provoking power – Russia. The presented discourse allows us to confirm the research hypothesis: conflicts provoked by Russia have forced Georgian population of Abkhazia and Tskhinvali Region to leave their homes, to go through the horrors of war. Refugees have to deal with the stigma of being refugees and grave experience of collective trauma, which is creatively transformed, reflexed in the almanacs 14 Gigabytes and Halleluiah.

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