scholarly journals Bird Assemblage Recovery in a Chronosequence of Tropical Dry Forests in Costa Rica

Forests ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 629
Branko Hilje ◽  
Natalie V. Sánchez ◽  
Erin M. Bayne ◽  
Arturo Sánchez-Azofeifa

Research Highlights: While forest structure recovery in successional tropical forests is well studied, the recovery of fauna and changes in species composition and assemblage along forests succession is not well understood in many areas of the Neotropics like tropical dry forests (TDFs). Background and Objectives: To compare bird species richness and assemblage in tropical dry forests (TDFs) of different ages of recovery from cattle ranching and relate both to forest structural characteristics. Materials and Methods: To sample bird species richness and assemblage in 16 successional forest of different ages (i.e., 20, 30, 40, and 60 years old) using autonomous sound recording units in the TDFs in Costa Rica. Results: A total of 64 species of birds was detected across all forest age classes. The highest species richness was found in the 20-year-old class. Species richness decreased as canopy openness increased, suggesting low forest structural complexity and low availability of perches, nesting sites and food sources. However, bird assemblages were similar among the different forest age classes, suggesting that age itself was not a strong predictor, likely because of high variation in structure within age classes. Conclusions: TDFs can recover structural characteristics important to birds in only a few decades, supporting a rapid bird species assemblage recovery. However, this seems to depend on the starting conditions of the site prior to being recovered. Young TDFs, 20 years old, provide similar habitats for birds as 60-year-old forests do. These findings provide relevant information on the influence of TDF recovery after severe human impact on a highly threatened ecosystem.

2019 ◽  
Federico Morelli ◽  

ContextThe negative association between elevation and species richness is a well-recognized pattern in macro-ecology. ObjectivesThe aim of this study was to investigate changes in functional evenness of breeding bird communities along an elevation gradient in Europe. MethodsUsing the bird data from the EBCC Atlas of European Breeding Birds we estimated an index of functional evenness which can be assumed as a measure of the potential resilience of communities.ResultsOur findings confirm the existence of a negative association between elevation and bird species richness in all European eco regions. However, we also explored a novel aspect of this relationship, important for conservation: Our findings provide evidence at large spatial scale of a negative association between the functional evenness (potential community resilience) and elevation, independent of the eco region. We also found that the Natura2000 protected areas covers the territory most in need of protection, those characterized by bird communities with low potential resilience, in hilly and mountainous areas.ConclusionsThese results draw attention to European areas occupied by bird communities characterized by a potential lower capacity to respond to strong ecological changes, and, therefore, potentially more exposed to risks for conservation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 127 ◽  
pp. 107774
Martina L. Hobi ◽  
Laura S. Farwell ◽  
Maxim Dubinin ◽  
Dmitrij Kolesov ◽  
Anna M. Pidgeon ◽  

2008 ◽  
Vol 54 (No. 4) ◽  
pp. 189-193
M. Żmihorski

Clearcuts are one of the results of forest management. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of clearcuts on bird communities in a managed forest in Western Poland. I applied the method of point transect counts. 20 points were located near clearcuts (less than 100 m from the nearest clearcut) and 25 points in the forest interior. In total, 36 bird species were recorded. On average, I found 9.20 bird species at points located near clearcuts and 6.72 species at points situated in the forest interior, and the difference was significant. The cumulative number of bird species for a given number of sampling points in the vicinity of clearcuts was higher than in the forest interior. The obtained results indicate that in managed, even-aged forests the generation of clearcuts can lead to an increase in local bird species richness.

Biologia ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 69 (2) ◽  
Lenka Hajzlerová ◽  
Jiří Reif

AbstractImpacts of invasive alien plant species are threatening biodiversity worldwide and thus it is important to assess their effects on particular groups of organisms. However, such impacts were studied mostly in case of plant or invertebrate communities and our understanding the response of vertebrate species to plant invasions remains incomplete. To improve our knowledge in this respect, we studied bird communities in riparian vegetation along the rivers with different levels of Reynoutria spp. invasion in the Czech Republic. These findings will be interesting for basic ecology enhancing our knowledge of consequences of plant invasions, as well as for conservation practice. We surveyed understory bird species in 26 vegetation blocks along parts of three rivers running from the Beskydy Mountains in spring 2011. We used principal component analysis to assess vegetation structure of particular blocks and the first axis ordinated the blocks according to the degree of invasion by Reynoutria spp. Using generalized linear mixed-effects models we found that counts of Motacilla cinerea, Cinclus cinclus and Sylvia borin, as well as the total bird species richness, significantly decreased with increasing degree of Reynoutria spp. invasion, while Acrocephalus palustris showed the opposite pattern. These results suggest that Reynoutria spp. impacts negatively on the species strictly bond with river banks and habitats specialists, whereas habitat generalist species like Sylvia atricapilla were not affected. Preference of Acrocephalus palustris for Reynoutria spp. corroborates affinity of this species to large invasive herbs observed also in other studies. Our study showed that Reynoutria spp. invasion can reduce species richness of understory birds in riparian communities. Although the distribution of this plant species is still quite limited in central Europe, our results suggest that its more widespread occurrence could potentially threat some river bank bird species. Therefore, we urge for development of management actions that will act counter the Reynoutria spp. invasion.

2014 ◽  
Vol 369 (1643) ◽  
pp. 20130197 ◽  
Véronique St-Louis ◽  
Anna M. Pidgeon ◽  
Tobias Kuemmerle ◽  
Ruth Sonnenschein ◽  
Volker C. Radeloff ◽  

Applications of remote sensing for biodiversity conservation typically rely on image classifications that do not capture variability within coarse land cover classes. Here, we compare two measures derived from unclassified remotely sensed data, a measure of habitat heterogeneity and a measure of habitat composition, for explaining bird species richness and the spatial distribution of 10 species in a semi-arid landscape of New Mexico. We surveyed bird abundance from 1996 to 1998 at 42 plots located in the McGregor Range of Fort Bliss Army Reserve. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index values of two May 1997 Landsat scenes were the basis for among-pixel habitat heterogeneity (image texture), and we used the raw imagery to decompose each pixel into different habitat components (spectral mixture analysis). We used model averaging to relate measures of avian biodiversity to measures of image texture and spectral mixture analysis fractions. Measures of habitat heterogeneity, particularly angular second moment and standard deviation, provide higher explanatory power for bird species richness and the abundance of most species than measures of habitat composition. Using image texture, alone or in combination with other classified imagery-based approaches, for monitoring statuses and trends in biological diversity can greatly improve conservation efforts and habitat management.

2019 ◽  
Vol 221 ◽  
pp. 707-721 ◽  
Vaughn Smith ◽  
Carlos Portillo-Quintero ◽  
Arturo Sanchez-Azofeifa ◽  
Jose L. Hernandez-Stefanoni

Ecosphere ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
A. Andrikou‐Charitidou ◽  
G. Boutsis ◽  
E. Karadimou ◽  
A. S. Kallimanis

2002 ◽  
Vol 27 (6) ◽  
pp. 624-629 ◽  
Scott A. Field ◽  
Andrew J. Tyre ◽  
Hugh P. Possingham

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10 ◽  
Jukka Suhonen ◽  
Jukka Jokimäki

Abstract Temporal dynamics of local assemblages depend on the species richness and the total abundance of individuals as well as local departure and arrival rates of species. We used urban bird survey data collected from the same 31 study plots and methods during three winters (1991–1992; 1999–2000 and 2009–2010) to analyze the temporal relationship between bird species richness and total number of individuals (abundance). We also evaluated local departures and arrivals of species in each assemblage. In total, 13,812 individuals of 35 species were detected. The temporal variation in bird species richness followed the variation in the total number of individuals. The numbers of local departure and arrival events were similar. Also, the mean number of individuals of the recently arrived species (8.6) was almost the same as the mean number of individuals of the departed species (8.2). Risk of species departure was inversely related to number of individuals. Local species richness increased by one species when the total abundance of individuals increased by around 125 individuals and vice versa. Our results highlight the important role of local population departures and arrivals in determining the local species richness-abundance dynamics in human-dominated landscapes. Local species richness patterns depend on the total number of individuals as well as both the departure-arrival dynamics of individual species as well as the dynamics of all the species together. Our results support the more individuals hypothesis, which suggests that individual-rich assemblages have more species.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Danny Vélez ◽  
Edwin Tamayo ◽  
Fernando Ayerbe-Quiñones ◽  
Julián Torres ◽  
Juan Rey ◽  

1. Colombia with 1941 known recorded bird species is one of the most species rich countries in the world. Efforts are necessary to conserve, study and promote sustainable use of this important taxonomic group throughout Colombia’s vast territory. 2. In an ideal world, informed decisions that are based on sound scientific information should be likelier to have successful outcomes. Nevertheless, there are barriers that make it difficult to access and use information in a timely fashion. Those same barriers impede the study, conservation and sustainable use of bird species in Colombia. On the other hand, given that there is good documentation about the ecology of a large number of species, information about the distribution of birds can be easily incorporated into decision-making processes, once this information becomes readily available in a consumable format using Geographic Information Sciences tools. 3. In this context, the main objective of this paper is to present the first compilation of the current distribution of 1889 (97%) species of birds in Colombia, using expert criteria. The shapefiles were used to show the distribution and diversity of bird species in Colombia under both geopolitical and conservation geographic units. 4. The information provided in this paper can be used as a baseline for a huge number of initiatives that aim to strengthen conservation efforts and improve knowledge about one the most unique taxonomic groups in the country. These range from land use planning strategies at the municipal or department scale to sustainable use of bird species - such as those initiatives related to bird watching - in Colombia. This study has considered three key aspects: 1) the importance of birds for Colombia’s ecosystems, 2) the privileged place of Colombia in bird species richness and 3) the importance of data mobilisation in formats easily consumable by Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to facilitate the processes of informed decision-making. We present the first compilation - in shapefile format - for 1889 of the 1941 bird species recorded from Colombia. Using this novel collection, we showed the species richness of birds in Colombia’s 33 Departments plus its Captial District (DPs), 1122 Municipalities (MNs), 58 protected areas (PAs), 39 Regional Autonomous Corporations (the authorities responsible within their respective jurisdictions for regulating the environment and renewable natural resources in Colombia; CARs) and 916 Collectively Titled Territories (including both indigenous reservations and afro-descendant communities; CTTs). In addition, we provide a list of known bird species richness for the above geographic units found in the available literature. The information provided here can be used as a baseline for a huge number of initiatives concerning the study, conservation and sustainable use of bird species present in Colombia, providing access to key features of bird distribution that should facilitate decision-making.

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