scholarly journals Atmospheric Anomaly Analysis Related to Ms > 6.0 Earthquakes in China during 2020–2021

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (20) ◽  
pp. 4052
Xitong Xu ◽  
Shengbo Chen ◽  
Yan Yu ◽  
Sen Zhang

The attention towards links of atmospheric parameter variation and earthquakes has increased exponentially by utilizing new methods and more accurate observations. Persistent research makes it possible to gain insight into the precursor mechanism of earthquakes. In this paper, we studied the universality of detecting atmospheric anomalies associated with earthquakes based on tidal force fluctuation in China for earthquakes of Ms > 6.0, and explored the influence of tidal force on tectonic stress. The data of air temperature, geopotential height, ozone mixing ratio, and relative humidity from the National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) were analyzed to reveal the spatiotemporal variation of atmospheric anomalies at multiple isobaric surfaces. Furthermore, the coupling of atmospheric parameters was investigated. The results showed that continuous solicitation exerted by tidal forces could change the strength of tectonic stress that causes earthquakes. The evolution pattern of air temperature, geopotential height, and relative humidity could be supported by atmospheric thermal vertical diffusion, while the anomalies of ozone mixing ratio was not evident. This verified the feasibility of detecting multi-parameter atmospheric anomalies associated with earthquakes based on tidal force fluctuation. Our results provide more evidence for understanding the atmospheric precursor characteristics of earthquakes.

2018 ◽  
Vol 210 ◽  
pp. 159-165 ◽  
Ma Weiyu ◽  
Zhang Xuedong ◽  
Jun Liu ◽  
Qi Yao ◽  
Bo Zhou ◽  

2018 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 767-776 ◽  
Xuedong Zhang ◽  
Chunli Kang ◽  
Weiyu Ma ◽  
Jing Ren ◽  
Yong Wang

Four earthquakes above magnitude 5.0 in Yunnan and Tibet, China occurred from 2010 to 2011. By calculating the tidal-force changes induced by celestial bodies in this region, we found that the earthquakes occurred when tidal-forces continuous?ly grew from low to peak levels and approached the maximum amplitude phase, which indicated a tidal-force that had a trigger or inducing effect of active tectonic earthquakes when the ground stress reached a critical point. At the same time analyzing the abnormal changes of outgoing longwave radiation (OLR), along with the tidal cycle, indicated that the regional distribution of the enhancement region of OLR anomalies was closely related to geologic structure, especially ac?tive faults. The OLR radiation anomaly evolved: an initial infrared rise, followed by an enhancement reaching peak, attenuation, and then a return to normal. The entire process was similar to changes observed in rock-breaking process under stress loads. Our investigation showed that the tidal-force changes caused by ce?lestial bodies could trigger an earthquake when tectonic stress reached its critical breaking point, and the OLR anomaly was the radiation signature of the change in seismic tectonic stress. Therefore, the method of combining measurements of the tidal-force changes induced by celestial bodies with those of thermal-anomaly changes has some practical value for detecting the precursor state of impending earthquakes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Andrea de Almeida Brito ◽  
Heráclio Alves de Araújo ◽  
Gilney Figueira Zebende

AbstractDue to the importance of generating energy sustainably, with the Sun being a large solar power plant for the Earth, we study the cross-correlations between the main meteorological variables (global solar radiation, air temperature, and relative air humidity) from a global cross-correlation perspective to efficiently capture solar energy. This is done initially between pairs of these variables, with the Detrended Cross-Correlation Coefficient, ρDCCA, and subsequently with the recently developed Multiple Detrended Cross-Correlation Coefficient, $${\boldsymbol{DM}}{{\boldsymbol{C}}}_{{\bf{x}}}^{{\bf{2}}}$$DMCx2. We use the hourly data from three meteorological stations of the Brazilian Institute of Meteorology located in the state of Bahia (Brazil). Initially, with the original data, we set up a color map for each variable to show the time dynamics. After, ρDCCA was calculated, thus obtaining a positive value between the global solar radiation and air temperature, and a negative value between the global solar radiation and air relative humidity, for all time scales. Finally, for the first time, was applied $${\boldsymbol{DM}}{{\boldsymbol{C}}}_{{\bf{x}}}^{{\bf{2}}}$$DMCx2 to analyze cross-correlations between three meteorological variables at the same time. On taking the global radiation as the dependent variable, and assuming that $${\boldsymbol{DM}}{{\boldsymbol{C}}}_{{\bf{x}}}^{{\bf{2}}}={\bf{1}}$$DMCx2=1 (which varies from 0 to 1) is the ideal value for the capture of solar energy, our analysis finds some patterns (differences) involving these meteorological stations with a high intensity of annual solar radiation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Kevin Lanza ◽  
Melody Alcazar ◽  
Deanna M. Hoelscher ◽  
Harold W. Kohl

Abstract Background Latinx children in the United States are at high risk for nature-deficit disorder, heat-related illness, and physical inactivity. We developed the Green Schoolyards Project to investigate how green features—trees, gardens, and nature trails—in school parks impact heat index (i.e., air temperature and relative humidity) within parks, and physical activity levels and socioemotional well-being of these children. Herein, we present novel methods for a) observing children’s interaction with green features and b) measuring heat index and children’s behaviors in a natural setting, and a selection of baseline results. Methods During two September weeks (high temperature) and one November week (moderate temperature) in 2019, we examined three joint-use elementary school parks in Central Texas, United States, serving predominantly low-income Latinx families. To develop thermal profiles for each park, we installed 10 air temperature/relative humidity sensors per park, selecting sites based on land cover, land use, and even spatial coverage. We measured green features within a geographic information system. In a cross-sectional study, we used an adapted version of System for Observing Play and Recreation in Communities (SOPARC) to assess children’s physical activity levels and interactions with green features. In a cohort study, we equipped 30 3rd and 30 4th grade students per school during recess with accelerometers and Global Positioning System devices, and surveyed these students regarding their connection to nature. Baseline analyses included inverse distance weighting for thermal profiles and summing observed counts of children interacting with trees. Results In September 2019, average daily heat index ranged 2.0 °F among park sites, and maximum daily heat index ranged from 103.4 °F (air temperature = 33.8 °C; relative humidity = 55.2%) under tree canopy to 114.1 °F (air temperature = 37.9 °C; relative humidity = 45.2%) on an unshaded playground. 10.8% more girls and 25.4% more boys interacted with trees in September than in November. Conclusions We found extreme heat conditions at select sites within parks, and children positioning themselves under trees during periods of high heat index. These methods can be used by public health researchers and practitioners to inform the redesign of greenspaces in the face of climate change and health inequities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 201
Pau Chung Leng ◽  
Gabriel Hoh Teck Ling ◽  
Mohd Hamdan Ahmad ◽  
Dilshan Remaz Ossen ◽  
Eeydzah Aminudin ◽  

The provision requirement of 10% openings of the total floor area stated in the Uniform Building By-Law 1984 Malaysia is essential for natural lighting and ventilation purposes. However, focusing on natural ventilation, the effectiveness of thermal performance in landed residential buildings has never been empirically measured and proven, as most of the research emphasized simulation modeling lacking sufficient empirical validation. Therefore, this paper drawing on field measurement investigates natural ventilation performance in terraced housing with an air-well system. The key concern as to what extent the current air-well system serving as a ventilator is effective to provide better thermal performance is to be addressed. By adopting an existing single-story air-welled terrace house, indoor environmental conditions and thermal performance were monitored and measured using HOBO U12 air temperature and humidity, the HOBO U12 anemometer, and the Delta Ohm HD32.3 Wet Bulb Globe Temperature meter for a six-month duration. The results show that the air temperature of the air well ranged from 27.48 °C to 30.92 °C, with a mean relative humidity of 72.67% to 79.25%. The mean air temperature for a test room (single-sided ventilation room) ranged from 28.04 °C to 30.92 °C, with a relative humidity of 70.16% to 76.00%. These empirical findings are of importance, offering novel policy insights and suggestions. Since the minimum provision of 10% openings has been revealed to be less effective to provide desirable thermal performance and comfort, mandatory compliance with and the necessity of the bylaw requirement should be revisited.

Atmosphere ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (12) ◽  
pp. 1377
Weifang Shi ◽  
Nan Wang ◽  
Aixuan Xin ◽  
Linglan Liu ◽  
Jiaqi Hou ◽  

Mitigating high air temperatures and heat waves is vital for decreasing air pollution and protecting public health. To improve understanding of microscale urban air temperature variation, this paper performed measurements of air temperature and relative humidity in a field of Wuhan City in the afternoon of hot summer days, and used path analysis and genetic support vector regression (SVR) to quantify the independent influences of land cover and humidity on air temperature variation. The path analysis shows that most effect of the land cover is mediated through relative humidity difference, more than four times as much as the direct effect, and that the direct effect of relative humidity difference is nearly six times that of land cover, even larger than the total effect of the land cover. The SVR simulation illustrates that land cover and relative humidity independently contribute 16.3% and 83.7%, on average, to the rise of the air temperature over the land without vegetation in the study site. An alternative strategy of increasing the humidity artificially is proposed to reduce high air temperatures in urban areas. The study would provide scientific support for the regulation of the microclimate and the mitigation of the high air temperature in urban areas.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 ◽  
pp. 1-7 ◽  
Arun Kumar Shrestha ◽  
Arati Thapa ◽  
Hima Gautam

Monitoring and prediction of the climatic phenomenon are of keen interest in recent years because it has great influence in the lives of people and their environments. This paper is aimed at reporting the variation of daily and monthly solar radiation, air temperature, relative humidity (RH), and dew point over the year of 2013 based on the data obtained from the weather station situated in Damak, Nepal. The result shows that on a clear day, the variation of solar radiation and RH follows the Gaussian function in which the first one has an upward trend and the second one has a downward trend. However, the change in air temperature satisfies the sine function. The dew point temperature shows somewhat complex behavior. Monthly variation of solar radiation, air temperature, and dew point shows a similar pattern, lower at winter and higher in summer. Maximum solar radiation (331 Wm-2) was observed in May and minimum (170 Wm-2) in December. Air temperature and dew point had the highest value from June to September nearly at 29°C and 25°C, respectively. The lowest value of the relative humidity (55.4%) in April indicates the driest month of the year. Dew point was also calculated from the actual readings of air temperature and relative humidity using the online calculator, and the calculated value showed the exact linear relationship with the observed value. The diurnal and nocturnal temperature of each month showed that temperature difference was relatively lower (less than 10°C) at summer rather than in winter.

2021 ◽  
Vol 134 (1) ◽  
Zin Mie Mie Sein ◽  
Irfan Ullah ◽  
Vedaste Iyakaremye ◽  
Kamran Azam ◽  
Xieyao Ma ◽  

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