scholarly journals Web of Objects Based Ambient Assisted Living Framework for Emergency Psychiatric State Prediction

Sensors ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 16 (9) ◽  
pp. 1431 ◽  
Md Alam ◽  
Sarder Abedin ◽  
Moshaddique Al Ameen ◽  
Choong Hong
Ashish D Patel ◽  
Jigarkumar H. Shah

The aged population of the world is increasing by a large factor due to the availability of medical and other facilities. As the number grows rapidly, requirements of this segment of age (65+) are increasing rapidly as well as the percentage of aged persons living alone is also increasing with the same rate due to the inevitable socio-economic changes. This situation demands the solution of many problems like loneliness, chronic conditions, social interaction, transportation, day-to-day life and many more for independent living person. A large part of aged population may not be able to interact directly with new technologies. This sought some serious development towards the use of intelligent systems i.e. smart devices which helps the people with their inability to use the available as well future solutions. Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) is the answer to these problems. In this paper, issues related to AAL systems are studied. Study of challenges and limitations of this comparatively new field will help the designers to remove the barriers of AAL systems.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 388-391
Roman Siedel ◽  
Tobias Scheck ◽  
Ana C. Perez Grassi ◽  
Julian B. Seuffert ◽  
André Apitzsch ◽  

AbstractIn recent years, the demographic change in conjunction with a lack of professional caregivers led to retirement homes reaching capacity. The Alzheimer Disease International stated that over 50 million people suffered from dementia in 2019 worldwide and twice the amount will presumably be effected in 2030. The field of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) tackles this problem by facilitating technical system-aided everyday life. AUXILIA is such an AAL system and does not only support elderly people with dementia in an early phase, but also monitors their activities to provide behaviour analysis results for care attendants, relatives and physicians. Moreover, the system is capable of recognizing emergency situations like human falls. Furthermore, sleep quality estimation is employed to be able to draw conclusions about the current behaviour of an affected person. This article presents the current development state of AUXILIA.

2015 ◽  
Vol 48 (6) ◽  
pp. 167-177 ◽  
Olufemi Adeluyi ◽  
Jeong-A Lee

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