GMPSO-VMD Algorithm and Its Application to Rolling Bearing Fault Feature Extraction
The vibration signal of an early rolling bearing is nonstationary and nonlinear, and the fault signal is weak and difficult to extract. To address this problem, this paper proposes a genetic mutation particle swarm optimization variational mode decomposition (GMPSO-VMD) algorithm and applies it to rolling bearing vibration signal fault feature extraction. Firstly, the minimum envelope entropy is used as the objective function of the GMPSO to find the optimal parameter combination of the VMD algorithm. Then, the optimized VMD algorithm is used to decompose the vibration signal of the rolling bearing and several intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) are obtained. The envelope spectrum analysis of GMPSO-VMD decomposed rolling bearing fault signal IMF1 was carried out. Moreover, the feature frequency of the four fault states of the rolling bearing are extracted accurately. Finally, the GMPSO-VMD algorithm is utilized to analyze the simulation signal and rolling bearing fault vibration signal. The effectiveness of the GMPSO-VMD algorithm is verified by comparing it with the fixed parameter VMD (FP-VMD) algorithm, complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition adaptive noise (CEEMDAN) algorithm and empirical mode decomposition (EMD) algorithm.