In-Process Error-Matching Measurement and Compensation Method for Complex Mating
This study proposed an error-matching measurement and compensation method for curve mating and complex mating. With use of polynomial curve fitting and least squares methods for error analysis, an algorithm for error identification and error compensation were proposed. Furthermore, based on the proposed method, an online error-matching compensation system with an autorevising function module for autogenerating an error-compensated NC program for machining was built. Experimental verification results showed that the proposed method can effectively improve the accuracy of assembly matching. In a curve-type mating experiment, the matching error without compensation was 0.116 mm, and it decreased to 0.048 mm after compensation. The assembly accuracy was improved by 28%. In a complex-type mating experiment, the verification results showed that the error reductions after compensation for three mating shapes (straight line, triangle, and curve shape) were 81%, 87%, and 79%, respectively. It showed that the proposed method can improve the assembly accuracy for complex mating shapes, which would also be improved without losing production efficiency.