process error
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2021 ◽  
pp. 111672
Mengjia Chen ◽  
Ruifeng Zhu ◽  
Youling Lin ◽  
Zhengqian Zhao ◽  
Lufeng Che

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (22) ◽  
pp. 7660
Shih-Ming Wang ◽  
Ren-Qi Tu ◽  
Hariyanto Gunawan

This study proposed an error-matching measurement and compensation method for curve mating and complex mating. With use of polynomial curve fitting and least squares methods for error analysis, an algorithm for error identification and error compensation were proposed. Furthermore, based on the proposed method, an online error-matching compensation system with an autorevising function module for autogenerating an error-compensated NC program for machining was built. Experimental verification results showed that the proposed method can effectively improve the accuracy of assembly matching. In a curve-type mating experiment, the matching error without compensation was 0.116 mm, and it decreased to 0.048 mm after compensation. The assembly accuracy was improved by 28%. In a complex-type mating experiment, the verification results showed that the error reductions after compensation for three mating shapes (straight line, triangle, and curve shape) were 81%, 87%, and 79%, respectively. It showed that the proposed method can improve the assembly accuracy for complex mating shapes, which would also be improved without losing production efficiency.

Ariela Nachmani ◽  
Muhamed Masalha ◽  
Firas Kassem

Purpose This purpose of this study was to assess the frequency and types of phonological process errors in patients with velopharyngeal dysfunction (VPD) and the different types of palatal anomalies. Method A total of 808 nonsyndromic patients with VPD, who underwent follow-up at the Center for Cleft Palate and Craniofacial Anomalies, from 2000 to 2016 were included. Patients were stratified into four age groups and five subphenotypes of palatal anomalies: cleft lip and palate (CLP), cleft palate (CP), submucous cleft palate (SMCP), occult submucous cleft palate (OSMCP), and non-CP. Phonological processes were compared among groups. Results The 808 patients ranged in age from 3 to 29 years, and 439 (54.3%) were male. Overall, 262/808 patients (32.4%) had phonological process errors; 80 (59.7%) ages 3–4 years, 98 (40, 0%) ages 4.1–6 years, 48 (24.7%) 6.1–9 years, and 36 (15.3%) 9.1–29 years. Devoicing was the most prevalent phonological process error, found in 97 patients (12%), followed by cluster reduction in 82 (10.1%), fronting in 66 (8.2%), stopping in 45 (5.6%), final consonant deletion in 43 (5.3%), backing in 30 (3.7%), and syllable deletion and onset deletion in 13 (1.6%) patients. No differences were found in devoicing errors between palatal anomalies, even with increasing age. Phonological processes were found in 61/138 (44.20%) with CP, 46/118 (38.1%) with SMCP, 61/188 (32.4%) with non-CP, 70/268 (26.1%) with OSMCP, and 25/96 (26.2%) with CLP. Phonological process errors were most frequent with CP and least with OSMCP ( p = .001). Conclusions Phonological process errors in nonsyndromic VPD patients remained relatively high in all age groups up to adulthood, regardless of the type of palatal anomaly. Our findings regarding the phonological skills of patients with palatal anomalies can help clarify the etiology of speech and sound disorders in VPD patients, and contribute to general phonetic and phonological studies.

eLife ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
Haining Zhong ◽  
Cesar C Ceballos ◽  
Crystian I Massengill ◽  
Michael A Muniak ◽  
Lei Ma ◽  

Precise and efficient insertion of large DNA fragments into somatic cells using gene editing technologies to label or modify endogenous proteins remains challenging. Non-specific insertions/deletions (INDELs) resulting from the non-homologous end joining pathway make the process error-prone. Further, the insert is not readily removable. Here, we describe a method called CRISPR-mediated insertion of exon (CRISPIE) that can precisely and reversibly label endogenous proteins using CRISPR/Cas9-based editing. CRISPIE inserts a designer donor module, which consists of an exon encoding the protein sequence flanked by intron sequences, into an intronic location in the target gene. INDELs at the insertion junction will be spliced out, leaving mRNAs nearly error-free. We used CRISPIE to fluorescently label endogenous proteins in mammalian neurons in vivo with previously unachieved efficiency. We demonstrate that this method is broadly applicable, and that the insert can be readily removed later. CRISPIE permits protein sequence insertion with high fidelity, efficiency, and flexibility.

2021 ◽  
Xin Xu ◽  
Zongren Dai ◽  
Yifan Wang ◽  
Mingfang Li ◽  
Yidong Tan

<div> <p>An optical rotary sensor based on laser self-mixing interferometry is proposed, which enables noncontact and full-circle rotation measurement of non-cooperative targets with high resolution and sensitivity. The prototype demonstrates that the resolution is 0.1μrad and the linearity is 2.33×10<sup>-4</sup>. Stability of the prototype is 2μrad over 3600s and the repeatability error is below 0.84°under 9-gruop full-circle tests. The theoretical resolution reaches up to 16nrad. Random rotation has been successfully traced with a bionic hand to simulate the tremor process. Error analysis and limitation discussion have been also carried out in the paper. Although the accuracy needs further improvement compared with the best rotary sensor, this method has its unique advantages of non-cooperative target sensing, high sensitivity and electromagnetic immunity. Hence, the optical rotary sensor provides a promising alternative in precise rotation measurement, tremor tracing and nano-motion monitoring.</p> </div> <b><br></b>

2021 ◽  
Xin Xu ◽  
Zongren Dai ◽  
Yifang Wang ◽  
Mingfang Li ◽  
Yidong Tan

<div> <p>An optical rotary sensor based on laser self-mixing interferometry is proposed, which enables noncontact and full-circle rotation measurement of non-cooperative targets with high resolution and sensitivity. The prototype demonstrates that the resolution is 0.1μrad and the linearity is 2.33×10<sup>-4</sup>. Stability of the prototype is 2μrad over 3600s and the repeatability error is below 0.84°under 9-gruop full-circle tests. The theoretical resolution reaches up to 16nrad. Random rotation has been successfully traced with a bionic hand to simulate the tremor process. Error analysis and limitation discussion have been also carried out in the paper. Although the accuracy needs further improvement compared with the best rotary sensor, this method has its unique advantages of non-cooperative target sensing, high sensitivity and electromagnetic immunity. Hence, the optical rotary sensor provides a promising alternative in precise rotation measurement, tremor tracing and nano-motion monitoring.</p> </div> <b><br></b>

2021 ◽  
Xin Xu ◽  
Zongren Dai ◽  
Yifang Wang ◽  
Mingfang Li ◽  
Yidong Tan

<div> <p>An optical rotary sensor based on laser self-mixing interferometry is proposed, which enables noncontact and full-circle rotation measurement of non-cooperative targets with high resolution and sensitivity. The prototype demonstrates that the resolution is 0.1μrad and the linearity is 2.33×10<sup>-4</sup>. Stability of the prototype is 2μrad over 3600s and the repeatability error is below 0.84°under 9-gruop full-circle tests. The theoretical resolution reaches up to 16nrad. Random rotation has been successfully traced with a bionic hand to simulate the tremor process. Error analysis and limitation discussion have been also carried out in the paper. Although the accuracy needs further improvement compared with the best rotary sensor, this method has its unique advantages of non-cooperative target sensing, high sensitivity and electromagnetic immunity. Hence, the optical rotary sensor provides a promising alternative in precise rotation measurement, tremor tracing and nano-motion monitoring.</p> </div> <b><br></b>

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 339
Siti Puri Andriani ◽  
Triyanto Triyanto ◽  
Farida Nurhasanah

This research is intended to describe students' procedural errors in solving problems derivative of algebraic functions and efforts to overcome these errors by using the defragmentation process. Error analysis is carried out based on the procedural error theory based on Elbrink which includes the following aspects of errors: 1) Mis-identification; 2) Mis-generalization; 3) Repair Theory; and 4) Overspecialization. The subjects in this study are students of class XII MIPA Islamic State Senior High School (MAN) 3 Tulungagung taken from snowball random sampling. In taking the subject, the researchers select one of the students who make procedural errors by considering the completeness of the students when solving the given problems based on the problem-solving phase according to Polya. Based on the results of this study, it is found that the procedural errors made by the students are repair theory errors and overspecialization.  The defragmenting process to correct these errors is intended to provide dis-equilibration and scaffolding. The results after the defragmenting process are the students can correct their mistakes and the structure of their thinking.Keywords: Defragmenting structure thinking; derivative algebraic functions; problem solving; procedural errors. AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan kesalahan prosedural siswa dalam menyelesaikan masalah turunan fungsi aljabar dan upaya untuk mengatasi kesalahan tersebut dengan menggunakan proses defragmenting. Analisis kesalahan dilakukan berdasarkan konsep teori kesalahan prosedural menurut Elbrink yang mencakup aspek kesalahan sebagai berikut: Mis-identificstion; 2) Mis-generalization; 3) Repair Theory; dan 4) Overspecialization. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas XII MIPA MAN 3 Tulungagung yang diambil secara snowball  random sampling. Dalam pengambilan subjek dipilih salah satu siswa yang melakukan kesalahan prosedural dengan mempertimbangkan kelengkapan siswa ketika menyelesaikan masalah yang diberikan berdasarkan tahap pemecahan masalah menurut Polya. Dari hasil penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa kesalahan prosedural yang dilakukan siswa ialah kesalahan repair theory dan overspecialization. Proses defragmenting yang dilakukan untuk memperbaiki kesalahan tersebut ialah dengan memberikan dissequillibrasi dan scaffolding. Hasil yang diperoleh setelah proses defragmenting dilakukan ialah siswa mampu memperbaiki kesalahannya dan struktur berpikirnya.Kata kunci: Defragmenting struktur berpikir, kesalahan prosedural, pemecahan masalah, turunan fungsi aljabar.

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (6) ◽  
pp. 1365-1374
Hao CHEN ◽  
Yun CAO ◽  
Xin-jie WANG ◽  
Jiong WANG ◽  

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