scholarly journals Role of Advanced Producer Services Shaping Globalization Processes in a Post-Industrial Region: The Case of the Górnośląsko-Zagłębiowska Metropolis

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 211
Elżbieta Zuzańska-Żyśko

The paper discusses the emergence of a new regional network of connectivities in the area of advanced producer services in a formerly industrial region in southern Poland. Changes in the region’s job market and the influx of foreign firm centers suggest the presence of globalization processes in the economy. Advanced producer service companies tend to cluster around the regional capital of Katowice and use the city as a gateway to other parts of the studied region. This process leads to the replacement of jobs characterized by lower qualifications with jobs requiring more advanced knowledge, new technologies, and a variety of forms of innovation. International economic networks play an increasingly large role in the entrenchment of economic globalization in the Górnośląsko-Zagłebiowska Metropolis, which has helped the city join other Polish cities in the classification of the World Cities Research Network.

2018 ◽  
Vol 42 (2) ◽  
pp. 207-229 ◽  
Zachary P. Neal ◽  
Ben Derudder ◽  
Peter J. Taylor

The literature on firm location selection allows us to retrospectively explain why firms did locate in particular places. However, it remains challenging to prospectively predict where they will locate. In this article, we propose a simple conceptual model of firm location decisions, then operationalize it using the ordinal stochastic degree sequence model (oSDSM). We use this model to predict whether 104 advanced producer service firms will expand, contract, or maintain their presence in each of 525 cities, and find that these predictions are accurate in more than 86 percent of cases. We conclude with suggestions for further refinement of this model.

The main principle of the strategy for the complex improvement of the functioning of northern cities in winter, including their infrastructure development, is a comprehensive solution of the problem of industrial-scale snow-mass collection, removal and utilization at different areas of urban roadway networks. For its implementation in the capital of Russia, “MosvodokanalNIIproject” JSC developed in 2002 the Snow Removal Master Plan for the city of Moscow. The meteorological conditions in the city, which have changed considerably in the recent years, including the changes in the snow-cover depth and in the road-surface areas to be cleaned, as well as emerging of new technologies for the cleaning of urban streets, yards and sidewalks and some new types of deicing agents, resulted in the necessity to update the above-mentioned Snow Removal Master Plan developed for the city of Moscow. Efficient application of deicing agents is of special importance for its updating in the context of the environmental safety of the city in a winter period. The article considers the results of the implementation of the updated Snow Removal Master Plan and contains some proposals concerning snow removal under the conditions of extreme snowfalls.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 2028
Marek Jóźwiak ◽  
Patrycja Sieg

In the article presented, the authors have attempted to define the development of post-industrial facilities, on the example of a thematic trail located in Bydgoszcz, as well as to assess the impact of this route on the city’s attractiveness. The TeH2O thematic trail is an example of a business model that utilizes post-industrial facilities for the development of a business partnership between the route facilities, the objects located in the vicinity, as well as the route participants. The article discusses the use of post-industrial facilities for tourist purposes and the legal aspects associated with the process of transforming such facilities. This paper presents the results of a research carried out on two groups of respondents, i.e., the residents of the city of Bydgoszcz and the tourists who have visited or are about to visit the city of Bydgoszcz. As a result of the research carried out, it has been found that the thematic trail examined affects the attractiveness of the city of Bydgoszcz. Both the respondents from the city of Bydgoszcz as well as the tourists visiting the city acknowledged it. The TeH2O thematic trail is more popular among the inhabitants of Bydgoszcz than among the visitors.

2021 ◽  
pp. 147447402098725
Susanne Frank

Since 2000, the City of Dortmund has pursued an ambitious flagship project in the district of Hoerde. On the enormous site of a former steel plant, and in the middle of an impoverished working class district, a large new upper-middle class residential area (Phoenix) has been developed around an artificial lake. Qualitative fieldwork suggests that the project has generated mixed feelings among longtime working class dwellers in the old part of Hoerde. Widespread enthusiasm about new lakeside living is interwoven with emotions of sadness and loss, reflecting a neighborhood transformation which unmistakably demonstrates their social, cultural, and political marginalization – feelings that were not allowed to become part of the jubilant official discourse which has marketed the Phoenix project as a shining example of the City’s successful post-industrial structural change. Ever since its announcement, the project has been blamed for triggering gentrification processes – despite the fact that there are still no empirical signs of rising rents or displacement. I argue that the concept of gentrification has been taken up so readily because it is popular, polyvalent, polemical, and critical, enabling citizens to find a language to denounce the blatant social inequalities and power imbalances that competitive urbanism has fostered in Dortmund. However, I also claim that the core of the prevailing sadness – the loss of the familiar neighborhood which could not be grieved over – remains under the radar of standard gentrification discourse. The article thus proposes neighborhood melancholy as a concept to account for the unclear, subconscious, and deeply ambivalent ways in which long-established residents experience their neighborhood’s transformation, expressed within the rubric of gentrification.

Urban Studies ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 48 (13) ◽  
pp. 2749-2769 ◽  
Wouter Jacobs ◽  
Hans Koster ◽  
Peter Hall

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 86-90
Tri Akhyari Romadhon ◽  
M. Izman Herdiansyah

Open Government is committed to improving the quality of information availability on government activities, supporting civil society participation in government, upholding professional standards in public administration to prevent corruption, abuse of power and increasing access to the use of new technologies to support accountability and openness. Currently, many governments have implemented e-government which supports the government's goals in open government. Where, e-government is used to describe the use of technology in carrying out several government tasks. The city government of Palembang has several applications or e-government systems that are open government. The city government of Palembang has not made a quality measurement of the e-government that has been implemented, so it is not known the level of quality in each application or system implemented. Based on this explanation, it is necessary to analyze the level of service quality in the system that has been implemented by the Palembang City Government.

Prostor ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (1 (61)) ◽  
pp. 118-129
Ljiljana Vujadinović ◽  
Svetlana K. Perović

This paper is studying influence of new technologies on city development with accent on socio-spatial dimension. The primary goal of the paper is to point out the reflections of earlier ideas in the context of modern technological processes in cities. All social, technical and technological components of a community, and finally civilization, are reflected within space of the city. Although having remained the greatest consumer of many material goods, city has also become a ‘’producer’’ of many technical-technological and spiritual values of civilization. Taking into account acceleration of phenomena in the world of technology and technology featuring modernity, it reasonably brings a question on realistic chance for prediction of their further course and related social changes that are about to cause it. In many scenarios of urban future, one can sense the idea of a city as a result of high technological achievements of civilization. Special attention is paid on informational city which, connecting a lot of people into systems of interactive information technology change the way of their mutual communication, as well as their social life and culture of behaviour. Measure of organization and function of city is set by telecommunication technologies, information, and computers. If city is a ‘’print of a society in space’’, then a contemporary moment refers to ‘’digitalization’’ of human beings, digitalization of their interactions, new aesthetics, value and other criteria. The tendency of this paper is to contribute to the understanding of new technologies on 21st century cities interpreted primarily through the prism of certain theoretical and experimental ideas and concepts of the 20th century.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 291-303
R.Y. Fedorov ◽  
O.S. Sizov ◽  
V.V. Kuklina ◽  
A.A. Lobanov ◽  

On example of the city of Nadym, located in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area, the authors consider the socio-ecological problems of the development of green, blue and white open urban spaces. The research approach presented in the article is based on the study of a multifaceted complex of urban social and natural systems in their integrated unity, not just as public places, but as biomes — highly integrated urban ecosystems. A posteriori the reserchers based on the materials of interviews conducted in 2020 with experts who in different years took part in the study or planned the development of the open urban spaces in Nadym, as well as on the analysis of available publications on this topic and publicly available data. The study found that factors such as the short summer, during which many residents leave the city, as well as the prevalence of freezing temperatures for almost eight months, in fact, transform the green and blue spaces of Nadym into white. This situation indicates the advisability of a more active appeal to the concept of a “winter city” in the development of the city urban environment. The application of the concept principles can be in demand in the process of creating more comfortable living conditions and spatial mobility of the Nadym residents, as well as for developing the recreational opportunities of the city open spaces and integrating them into the natural environment surrounding the city, which in general can be considered as one of the factors for the sustainable development of the city and the formation of post-industrial features in its socio-economic life.

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