scholarly journals On Symmetry Properties of Frobenius Manifolds and Related Lie-Algebraic Structures

Symmetry ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (6) ◽  
pp. 979
Anatolij K. Prykarpatski ◽  
Alexander A. Balinsky

The aim of this paper is to develop an algebraically feasible approach to solutions of the oriented associativity equations. Our approach was based on a modification of the Adler–Kostant–Symes integrability scheme and applied to the co-adjoint orbits of the diffeomorphism loop group of the circle. A new two-parametric hierarchy of commuting to each other Monge type Hamiltonian vector fields is constructed. This hierarchy, jointly with a specially constructed reciprocal transformation, produces a Frobenius manifold potential function in terms of solutions of these Monge type Hamiltonian systems.

Matteo Petrera ◽  
Yuri B. Suris

We give a construction of completely integrable four-dimensional Hamiltonian systems with cubic Hamilton functions. Applying to the corresponding pairs of commuting quadratic Hamiltonian vector fields the so called Kahan–Hirota–Kimura discretization scheme, we arrive at pairs of birational four-dimensional maps. We show that these maps are symplectic with respect to a symplectic structure that is a perturbation of the standard symplectic structure on R 4 , and possess two independent integrals of motion, which are perturbations of the original Hamilton functions and which are in involution with respect to the perturbed symplectic structure. Thus, these maps are completely integrable in the Liouville–Arnold sense. Moreover, under a suitable normalization of the original pairs of vector fields, the pairs of maps commute and share the invariant symplectic structure and the two integrals of motion.

2000 ◽  
Vol 20 (6) ◽  
pp. 1671-1686 ◽  

We study degree $n$ polynomial perturbations of quadratic reversible Hamiltonian vector fields with one center and one saddle point. It was recently proved that if the first Poincaré–Pontryagin integral is not identically zero, then the exact upper bound for the number of limit cycles on the finite plane is $n-1$. In the present paper we prove that if the first Poincaré–Pontryagin function is identically zero, but the second is not, then the exact upper bound for the number of limit cycles on the finite plane is $2(n-1)$. In the case when the perturbation is quadratic ($n=2$) we obtain a complete result—there is a neighborhood of the initial Hamiltonian vector field in the space of all quadratic vector fields, in which any vector field has at most two limit cycles.

Shahriar Aslani ◽  
Patrick Bernard

Abstract In the study of Hamiltonian systems on cotangent bundles, it is natural to perturb Hamiltonians by adding potentials (functions depending only on the base point). This led to the definition of Mañé genericity [ 8]: a property is generic if, given a Hamiltonian $H$, the set of potentials $g$ such that $H+g$ satisfies the property is generic. This notion is mostly used in the context of Hamiltonians that are convex in $p$, in the sense that $\partial ^2_{pp} H$ is positive definite at each point. We will also restrict our study to this situation. There is a close relation between perturbations of Hamiltonians by a small additive potential and perturbations by a positive factor close to one. Indeed, the Hamiltonians $H+g$ and $H/(1-g)$ have the same level one energy surface, hence their dynamics on this energy surface are reparametrisation of each other, this is the Maupertuis principle. This remark is particularly relevant when $H$ is homogeneous in the fibers (which corresponds to Finsler metrics) or even fiberwise quadratic (which corresponds to Riemannian metrics). In these cases, perturbations by potentials of the Hamiltonian correspond, up to parametrisation, to conformal perturbations of the metric. One of the widely studied aspects is to understand to what extent the return map associated to a periodic orbit can be modified by a small perturbation. This kind of question depends strongly on the context in which they are posed. Some of the most studied contexts are, in increasing order of difficulty, perturbations of general vector fields, perturbations of Hamiltonian systems inside the class of Hamiltonian systems, perturbations of Riemannian metrics inside the class of Riemannian metrics, and Mañé perturbations of convex Hamiltonians. It is for example well known that each vector field can be perturbed to a vector field with only hyperbolic periodic orbits, this is part of the Kupka–Smale Theorem, see [ 5, 13] (the other part of the Kupka–Smale Theorem states that the stable and unstable manifolds intersect transversally; it has also been studied in the various settings mentioned above but will not be discussed here). In the context of Hamiltonian vector fields, the statement has to be weakened, but it remains true that each Hamiltonian can be perturbed to a Hamiltonian with only non-degenerate periodic orbits (including the iterated ones), see [ 11, 12]. The same result is true in the context of Riemannian metrics: every Riemannian metric can be perturbed to a Riemannian metric with only non-degenerate closed geodesics, this is the bumpy metric theorem, see [ 1, 2, 4]. The question was investigated only much more recently in the context of Mañé perturbations of convex Hamiltonians, see [ 9, 10]. It is proved in [ 10] that the same result holds: if $H$ is a convex Hamiltonian and $a$ is a regular value of $H$, then there exist arbitrarily small potentials $g$ such that all periodic orbits (including iterated ones) of $H+g$ at energy $a$ are non-degenerate. The proof given in [ 10] is actually rather similar to the ones given in papers on the perturbations of Riemannian metrics. In all these proofs, it is very useful to work in appropriate coordinates around an orbit segment. In the Riemannian case, one can use the so-called Fermi coordinates. In the Hamiltonian case, appropriate coordinates are considered in [ 10,Lemma 3.1] itself taken from [ 3, Lemma C.1]. However, as we shall detail below, the proof of this Lemma in [ 3], Appendix C, is incomplete, and the statement itself is actually wrong. Our goal in the present paper is to state and prove a corrected version of this normal form Lemma. Our proof is different from the one outlined in [ 3], Appendix C. In particular, it is purely Hamiltonian and does not rest on the results of [ 7] on Finsler metrics, as [ 3] did. Although our normal form is weaker than the one claimed in [ 10], it is actually sufficient to prove the main results of [ 6, 10], as we shall explain after the statement of Theorem 1, and probably also of the other works using [ 3, Lemma C.1].

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (11) ◽  
pp. 1950180 ◽  
I. P. Lobo ◽  
G. G. Carvalho

Motivated by the hindrance of defining metric tensors compatible with the underlying spinor structure, other than the ones obtained via a conformal transformation, we study how some geometric objects are affected by the action of a disformal transformation in the closest scenario possible: the disformal transformation in the direction of a null-like vector field. Subsequently, we analyze symmetry properties such as mutual geodesics and mutual Killing vectors, generalized Weyl transformations that leave the disformal relation invariant, and introduce the concept of disformal Killing vector fields. In most cases, we use the Schwarzschild metric, in the Kerr–Schild formulation, to verify our calculations and results. We also revisit the disformal operator using a Newman–Penrose basis to show that, in the null-like case, this operator is not diagonalizable.

2015 ◽  
Vol 12 (08) ◽  
pp. 1560016 ◽  
Víctor Aldaya ◽  
Julio Guerrero ◽  
Francisco F. Lopez-Ruiz ◽  
Francisco Cossío

We face a revision of the role of symmetries of a physical system aiming at characterizing the corresponding Solution Manifold (SM) by means of Noether invariants as a preliminary step towards a proper, non-canonical, quantization. To this end, "point symmetries" of the Lagrangian are generally not enough, and we must resort to the more general concept of contact symmetries. They are defined in terms of the Poincaré–Cartan form, which allows us, in turn, to find the symplectic structure on the SM, through some sort of Hamilton–Jacobi (HJ) transformation. These basic symmetries are realized as Hamiltonian vector fields, associated with (coordinate) functions on the SM, lifted back to the Evolution Manifold through the inverse of this HJ mapping, that constitutes an inverse of the Noether Theorem. The specific examples of a particle moving on S3, at the mechanical level, and nonlinear SU(2)-sigma model in field theory are sketched.

2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
Norbert Mahoungou Moukala ◽  
Basile Guy Richard Bossoto

Francisco Braun ◽  
Claudia Valls

Abstract It is known that a polynomial local diffeomorphism $(f,\, g): {\mathbb {R}}^{2} \to {\mathbb {R}}^{2}$ is a global diffeomorphism provided the higher homogeneous terms of $f f_x+g g_x$ and $f f_y+g g_y$ do not have real linear factors in common. Here, we give a weight-homogeneous framework of this result. Our approach uses qualitative theory of differential equations. In our reasoning, we obtain a result on polynomial Hamiltonian vector fields in the plane, generalization of a known fact.

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