killing vector fields
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2021 ◽  
Vol 60 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-22
Tatiana A. Andreeva ◽  
Dmitry N. Oskorbin ◽  
Evgeny D. Rodionov

Conformally Killing fields play an important role in the theory of Ricci solitons and also generate an important class of locally conformally homogeneous (pseudo) Riemannian manifolds. In the Riemannian case, V. V. Slavsky and E.D. Rodionov proved that such spaces are either conformally flat or conformally equivalent to locally homogeneous Riemannian manifolds. In the pseudo-Riemannian case, the question of their structure remains open. Pseudo-Riemannian symmetric spaces of order k, where k 2, play an important role in research in pseudo-Riemannian geometry. Currently, they have been investigated in cases k=2,3 by D.V. Alekseevsky, A.S. Galaev and others. For arbitrary k, non-trivial examples of such spaces are known: generalized Kachen - Wallach manifolds. In the case of small dimensions, these spaces and Killing vector fields on them were studied by D.N. Oskorbin, E.D. Rodionov, and I.V. Ernst with the helpof systems of computer mathematics. In this paper, using the Sagemath SCM, we investigate conformally Killing vector fields on five-dimensional indecomposable 2- symmetric Lorentzian manifolds, and construct an algorithm for their computation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 391 ◽  
pp. 107953
Oliver Lindblad Petersen

2021 ◽  
pp. 2150208
Ashfaque H. Bokhari ◽  
Tahir Hussain ◽  
Wajid Hussain ◽  
Fawad Khan

In this paper, we have adopted a new approach to study the Killing vector fields of locally rotationally symmetric and general Bianchi type I spacetimes. Instead of directly integrating the set of Killing’s equations, an algorithm is developed in Maple which converts these equations to the reduced involutive form (Rif) and consequently it imposes some restrictions on the metric functions in the form of a tree, known as Rif tree. The set of Killing’s equations is then solved for each branch of the Rif tree, giving the explicit form of the Killing vector fields. The structure of Lie algebra is presented for each set of the obtained Killing vector fields and some physical implications of the obtained metrics are discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 111 (3) ◽  
Gaetano Fiore ◽  
Thomas Weber

AbstractWe propose a general procedure to construct noncommutative deformations of an embedded submanifold M of $${\mathbb {R}}^n$$ R n determined by a set of smooth equations $$f^a(x)=0$$ f a ( x ) = 0 . We use the framework of Drinfel’d twist deformation of differential geometry of Aschieri et al. (Class Quantum Gravity 23:1883, 2006); the commutative pointwise product is replaced by a (generally noncommutative) $$\star $$ ⋆ -product determined by a Drinfel’d twist. The twists we employ are based on the Lie algebra $$\Xi _t$$ Ξ t of vector fields that are tangent to all the submanifolds that are level sets of the $$f^a$$ f a (tangent infinitesimal diffeomorphisms); the twisted Cartan calculus is automatically equivariant under twisted $$\Xi _t$$ Ξ t . We can consistently project a connection from the twisted $${\mathbb {R}}^n$$ R n to the twisted M if the twist is based on a suitable Lie subalgebra $${\mathfrak {e}}\subset \Xi _t$$ e ⊂ Ξ t . If we endow $${\mathbb {R}}^n$$ R n with a metric, then twisting and projecting to the normal and tangent vector fields commute, and we can project the Levi–Civita connection consistently to the twisted M, provided the twist is based on the Lie subalgebra $${\mathfrak {k}}\subset {\mathfrak {e}}$$ k ⊂ e of the Killing vector fields of the metric; a twisted Gauss theorem follows, in particular. Twisted algebraic manifolds can be characterized in terms of generators and $$\star $$ ⋆ -polynomial relations. We present in some detail twisted cylinders embedded in twisted Euclidean $${\mathbb {R}}^3$$ R 3 and twisted hyperboloids embedded in twisted Minkowski $${\mathbb {R}}^3$$ R 3 [these are twisted (anti-)de Sitter spaces $$dS_2,AdS_2$$ d S 2 , A d S 2 ].

Izumi and Kazanari [2], has calculated and defined on infinitesimal holomorphically projective transformations in compact Kaehlerian manifolds. Also, Malave Guzman [3], has been studied transformations holomorphic ammeters projective equivalentes. After that, Negi [5], have studied and considered some problems concerning Pseudo-analytic vectors on Pseudo-Kaehlerian Manifolds. Again, Negi, et. al. [6],has defined and obtained an analytic HP-transformation in almost Kaehlerian spaces. In this paper we have measured and calculated a Kahlerian manifolds related in H-projective recurrent curvature killing vector fields with vectorial fields and their holomorphic propertiesEinsteinian and the constant curvature manifoldsare established.Kaehlerian holomorphically projective recurrent curvature manifolds with almost complex structures by using the geometrical properties of the harmonic and scalar curvatures calculated overkilling vectorial fieldsare obtained

T.A. Andreeva ◽  
V.V. Balashchenko ◽  
D.N. Oskorbin ◽  
E.D. Rodionov

The papers of many mathematicians are devoted to the study of conformally Killing vector fields. Being a natural generalization of the concept of Killing vector fields, these fields generate a Lie algebra corresponding to the Lie group of conformal transformations of the manifold. Moreover, they generate the class of locally conformally homogeneous (pseudo) Riemannian manifolds studied by V.V. Slavsky and E.D. Rodionov. Ricci solitons, which R. Hamilton first considered, are another important area of research. Ricci solitons are a generalization of Einstein's metrics on (pseudo) Riemannian manifolds. The Ricci soliton equation has been studied on various classes of manifolds by many mathematicians. In particular, a general solution of the Ricci soliton equation was found on 2-symmetric Lorentzian manifolds of low dimension, and the solvability of this equation in the class of 3-symmetric Lorentzian manifolds was proved. The Killing vector fields make it possible to find the general solution of the Ricci soliton equation in the case of the constancy of the Einstein constant in the Ricci soliton equation. However, the role of the Killing fields is played by conformally Killing vector fields for different values of the Einstein constant. In this paper, we investigate conformal Killing vector fields on 5-dimensional 2-symmetric Lorentzian manifolds. The general solution of the conformal analog of the Killing equation on five-dimensional locally indecomposable 2-symmetric Lorentzian manifolds is described in local coordinates, discovered by A.S. Galaev and D.V. Alekseevsky.

2021 ◽  
pp. 211-253
Moataz H. Emam

We discuss mechanics in curved spacetime backgrounds, gravitational time dilation, the motion of free particles, geodesics. We use the Schwarzschild metric as a case study and solve for motion along radial and orbital geodesics. This includes the strange behaviour around the event horizons of a Schwarzschild black hole. Isometries and Killing vector fields are explained and applied. Finally a brief presentation of generally covariant electrodynamics is given.

Symmetry ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 348
Merced Montesinos ◽  
Diego Gonzalez ◽  
Rodrigo Romero ◽  
Mariano Celada

We report off-shell Noether currents obtained from off-shell Noether potentials for first-order general relativity described by n-dimensional Palatini and Holst Lagrangians including the cosmological constant. These off-shell currents and potentials are achieved by using the corresponding Lagrangian and the off-shell Noether identities satisfied by diffeomorphisms generated by arbitrary vector fields, local SO(n) or SO(n−1,1) transformations, ‘improved diffeomorphisms’, and the ‘generalization of local translations’ of the orthonormal frame and the connection. A remarkable aspect of our approach is that we do not use Noether’s theorem in its direct form. By construction, the currents are off-shell conserved and lead naturally to the definition of off-shell Noether charges. We also study what we call the ‘half off-shell’ case for both Palatini and Holst Lagrangians. In particular, we find that the resulting diffeomorphism and local SO(3,1) or SO(4) off-shell Noether currents and potentials for the Holst Lagrangian generically depend on the Immirzi parameter, which holds even in the ‘half off-shell’ and on-shell cases. We also study Killing vector fields in the ‘half off-shell’ and on-shell cases. The current theoretical framework is illustrated for the ‘half off-shell’ case in static spherically symmetric and Friedmann–Lemaitre–Robertson–Walker spacetimes in four dimensions.

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