The influence of “Biostrong 510” additive on the meat productivity of broiler chickens

A. I. Nikolaeva ◽  
A. Yu. Lavrentiev ◽  
V. S. Sherne

Vegetable feed additive “Biostrong 510” based on essential oils and plant substances contains active substances exclusively of vegetable origin, which have a more intense eff ect on the animal’s body. The mechanism of action is based on the synergism of several plant substances containing active substances that, when combined, aff ect a certain category of animals. The additive contains essential oils, herbal plants, and seasonings such as anise oil, thyme oil, gentian powder, chili paprika powder, and quillaya extract. The purpose of the research was to determine the feasibility and eff ectiveness of fortifi cation of compound feed with the vegetable feed additive based on essential oils and vegetable substances to increase meat productivity and meat quality. In order to study the eff ectiveness of feeding vegetable feed additive in compound feed for broiler chickens under the conditions of LLC “Akashevskaya poultry Farm” in the Republic of Mari El, a scientifi c and economic experiment has been carried out. Experiments have been performed on broiler chickens of the cross Cobb-500 from the daily to 40-day age of the birds. The eff ect of the vegetable feed additive “Biostrong 510” based on essential oils and vegetable substances on meat productivity and nutritional value of broiler chicken meat has been studied in the paper. The level of feeding and the quality of the feed consumed by poultry has a big infl uence on meat productivity. The use of our selected vegetable feed additive based on essential oils and vegetable substances increase the slaughter weight by 9,0–13,7 %, the slaughter yield by 2–5 %, the amount of muscle tissue and meat qualities of carcasses. The best results have been obtained by including the vegetable feed additive based on essential oils and plant substances in the amount of 0,015 % of the dry substance of the feed.

A. Lavrentiev ◽  
A. Nikolaeva

The development of the poultry industry signifi cantly solves the problem of food for the population and is one of the important tasks of the any state. The use of modern technologies and the use of meat crosses with high productivity is the basis for effi cient production of broiler meat. The purpose of the work was the expediency and effi ciency of enriching compound feed with the plant feed additive Biostrong 510 to increase meat productivity and quality of broiler chickens. In order to study the feasibility and eff ectiveness of feeding the plant feed additive Biostrong 510 in compound feed for broiler chickens under the environments of LLC “Akashevskaya poultry Farm” in the Republic of Mari El, a scientifi c and economic experiment has been carried out. The object of research was broiler chickens of the Cobb 500 cross. Comprehensive studies have been conducted to study the eff ect of diff erent doses of the plant feed additive Biostrong 510 in the technology of feeding broiler chickens. The eff ect of the additive on meat productivity and quality of meat, morphological and biochemical parameters of blood of broiler chickens, and economic eff ectiveness has been studied. Recipes for compound feed with diff erent doses of the feed additive Biostrong 510 have been developed. The absolute gain in live weight in experimental broiler chickens for the accounting period of all experimental groups was greater in comparison with the control group and amounted to 2148,2; 2233,1; 2221,5 g, respectively, for the experimental groups, compared to 2058,5 g in the control group. It has been found that the use of the plant feed additive Biostrong 510 increases the economic eff ectiveness of broiler meat production. The best results have been obtained when this additive was added to the compound feed of broiler chickens of the 2nd experimental group in the amount of 150 g per 1 ton of compound feed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 32-40
andy andytriwibowo ◽  
Novi Eka Wati ◽  
Miki Suhadi ◽  

ABSTRACT Herbal plants can be used as feed additive, on of which is the papaya plant (Carrica papaya L). The reseach was conducted on 11-27 September 2020 at street Wolter Monginsidi alley Nuri number 55, Teluk Betung North District, Bandar Lampung. This study aims to determine the effect of adding papaya leaf juice in drinking water to the performance broiler chickens. The material used was 96 broiler chickens ranging from 5-21 days of age. The method used was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 4 replications. The treatments given was control drinking water without additional (P0), control drinking water + 5 ml papaya leaf juice/liter of water (P1), control drinking water + 10 ml papaya leaf juice/liter of water (P2), control drinking water + 15 ml papaya leaf juice/liter of water (P3). The result showed that the addition of papaya leaf juice up to level 1,5% did not have a significant effect on the performance of broiler chickens at weeks 1, 2, and 3. Based on the reseach result it can be concluded that the addition of papaya leaf juce in drinking water up to level 1.5% has not had a significant effect (P>0,05) on performance broiler chicken. Keywords : Broiler Chicken, Papaya Leaf Juice, Drinking Water, Broiler Performance

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 61-66
S E Silaen

This study aims to examine the purchase of turmeric flour and papaya flour in the ration on the quality of broiler chicken meat. The design used was a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 5 replications. Treatment with various levels of turmeric flour and papaya leaf flour consists of P0: ration without the addition of turmeric flour and papaya leaf flour; P1: ration with the addition of 0.5% turmeric flour; P2: Ration with addition of 2,5% papaya leaf flour and P3: Ration with addition of 0.5% turmeric flour and 2,5% papaya leaf flour. The parameters studied were the level of meat protein, meat fat content, tenderness of meat and shrinkage of cooked meat. The results showed that the treatment effect was a very significant effect   (P<0.01) on meat protein content and  meat fat content, meat tenderness showed significantly different results (P<0.05), but did not provide a significant difference (P<0.05) for  moisture content of meat and to cook meat shrinkage. The conclusion of this study is the addition of turmeric flour and papaya leaves as feed additives in broiler chickens which have a significant effect on the quality of broiler chicken meat.

І. В. Яценко ◽  
В. М. Кириченко

Проаналізовано бактеріальну контамінацію умовно-патогенними та патогенними мікроорганізмамипродуктів забою курчат-бройлерів (білі і червонім’язи, серце, печінка, м’язова частина шлунку) в разізбагачення раціону наномікроелементною кормовоюдобавкою (НМКД) «Мікростимулін» протягом чоти-рьох діб зберігання за температури 0–4 оС. Встанов-лено, що найменший рівень МАФАнМ, БГКП, бакте-рій роду Proteus реєструвався в 3-й дослідній групі,курчатам-бройлерам якої задавали з водою 20 см3/дм3НМКД «Мікростимулін» у всіх досліджуваних продук-тах забою. Найбільший рівень МАФАнМ, БГКП, бак-терій роду Proteus реєструвався в контрольній групі,курчатам-бройлерам якої не задавали НМКД «Мікро-стимулін» з водою. Доведено залежність між дозоюНМКД «Мікростимулін» і кількістю мікроорганізміву продуктах забою птиці. The bacterial contamination of broiler chicken slaughter products (white and red muscles, heart, liver, muscular stomach) by conditionally pathogenic and pathogenic microorganisms when the ration of the chickens was enriched by nanomicroelement feed additive (NMFA) «Microstimulin» for four days of storage at 0–4 ºC has been analyzed. It has been found out that the lowest level of MAFAnM, BGIR, bacteria Proteus in all slaughter products under investigation was registered in the 3rd experimental group the broiler chickens of which were given 20 cm³/dm³ NMFA «Microstimulin» with water. The highest level of MAFAnM, BGIR, bacteria Proteus was registered in the control group the broiler chickens which were not given NMFA «Microstimulin» with water. The dependence between the dose of NMFA «Microstimulin» and the number of microorganisms in the products of slaughtering has been proved.

2021 ◽  
Vol 32 ◽  
pp. 04009
Irina Chervonova

The article presents the results of studying the impact of the spore-forming probiotic “Olin” and the prebiotic “Eсofiltrum” on the meat quality of broiler chicken carcasses of the Ross-308 cross. In the course of the research, it has been found that the inclusion of these preparations in the broiler diet has a positive effect on the studied indicators: the pre-slaughter weight increased by 4.3-5.7%, the weight of the gutted carcass by 4.6-6.2%, the muscle weight 4.8-6.5%, the weight of the loin muscles by 5.7-8.2%. The ratio of edible parts to inedible parts is 4.14 in the third experimental group, 4.08-in the second, and 4.04-in the control. Based on the results of the anatomical cutting of broiler carcasses and according to the fatness indicators the poultry carcasses of the third and second experimental groups, 87.5% and 87.2%, respectively, belong to the first grade, and the yield of the first grade carcasses is 86.2% in the control group. Meat products obtained from both the control poultry and the poultry of both experimental groups has no off-aroma odor and taste, the meat is juicy, tender and aromatic. The products obtained from broiler chickens, whose ration includes the probiotic “Olin” and the prebiotic “Ecofiltrum”, do not have any deviations from the established standards and norms. During the research, it has been found that the use of the studied drugs has a positive effect on the meat quality of poultry carcasses. However, broiler chickens receiving the probiotic “Olin” has more pronounced meat qualities.

V. V. Pankratov ◽  
A. A. Sidorov

One of the main branches of agriculture in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is productive horse breeding. In this regard, we can use the valuable raw materials that the horse gives due to its high adaptability to local conditions. The development of productive horse breeding in particular dairy horse breeding under the conditions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) would allow providing the population with natural, dietary food and more efficient use of land resources. The purpose of the work is to study the effect of zeolite and zeolite-sapropel feed additives in the ration of mares of Megezhek breed on the milk productivity and quality of kumiss under the conditions of Central Yakutia. Two scientific and economic experiments have been carried out where the influence of zeolite from the Suntar deposit (experiment 1) and zeolite-sapropel feed additives (experiment 2) on the milk productivity and physiological parameters of mares of Megezhek breed has been studied. The optimal doses of the effect of zeolite and zeolite-sapropel feed additives on the profi tability of kumiss production have been determined. It has been found in the first scientific and economic experiment that when adding 0,4 g of zeolite per 1 kg of live weight to the daily ration of lactating mares the level of profi tability of milk production increased to 20,4 %, and when adding 0,5 g per 1 kg of live weight the profi tability index increased to 21,5 %, compared to 13,7 % in the control group. In the second scientific and economic experiment the infl uence of the zeolite-sapropel feed additive on the intensity of digestion and assimilation of nutrients in the mares’ rations has been determined. The analysis of the experimental data indicates a high economic efficiency of using zeolite-sapropel feed additive in the 2nd and 3rd experimental groups of mares, where the level of profi tability of production was equal to 27,34 and 32,33 %, respectively, compared to 16,09 % in the control group.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 4-11 ◽  
E. A. Miftakhutdinova ◽  
S. L. Tikhonov ◽  
N. V. Tikhonova ◽  
R. T. Timakova

The paper presents the study on an impact of feed additives Peak anti-stress and SPAO (SPAO-complex) with different lithium content on meat productivity and meat quality of broiler chickens. The feed additives exert a pronounced metabolic effect, have adaptogen properties and allow forming a mechanism that facilitates compensation of the expenditure of the body, which significantly increases upon stress development. It was established that the average daily gain of the broiler chickens increased by 1.8% and 4.3% on the background of using SPAO-complex and Peak anti-stress, respectively, compared to the broiler chickens that did not receive the feed additives in the daily diet. It was shown that addition of feed additives with lithium into a diet led to an improvement of the indices of broiler meat productivity and meat quality: a level of yield of the carcasses of the 1st category increased up to 56.2–79.1%, high organoleptic indices of meat were ensured, the protein content in white and red chicken meat increased and functional-technological properties of minced meat improved. The use of feed additives ensured profitability of industrial poultry production; the highest indices of profitability were established upon introduction of the feed additive Peak anti-stress into a diet — up to 8.67 rubles per each ruble of expenses. The obtained results of the study should be taken into consideration in the technological processes when raising broiler chickens.

2020 ◽  
pp. 57-60
Е.А. Капитонова ◽  
П.В. Арефьев ◽  
Л.П. Мищенко

Цель научно-исследовательской работы – стимуляция продуктивности цыплят-бройлеров кросса «Росс-308» органическими кислотами без снижения питательности рациона птицы. Научно-производственный опыт проводился в условиях ОАО «Витебская бройлерная птицефабрика» Витебской области. Цыплятам-бройлерам кросса «Росс-308» в систему поения, через дозатор ветеринарных препаратов, с водой вводилась жидкая кормовая добавка на основе фульвокислоты (концентрация – 1 г/л ДВ). Исследования показали, что использование органических кислот при выращивании молодняка птицы способствовало активизации неспецифического иммунитета, увеличению сохранности поголовья и повышению мясных качеств цыплят-бройлеров кросса «Росс-308». Так, наблюдалось увеличение средней живой массы птицы к убойному возрасту в опытной группе по сравнению с контролем на 0,8%. От опытной группы птицы было получено на 0,6% (+416 шт.) товарных тушек больше, чем от птицы, выращиваемой в контрольном птичнике. В опытном птичнике было получено тушек I сорта на 0,7 процентных пунктов больше, чем в контрольном птичнике. Соответственно, тушек II сорта было в опытном птичнике получено меньше, по сравнению с контролем. Получение несортовых тушек отмечено не было, так как согласно технологическим правилам предприятия некондиционная птица еженедельно выбраковывается. В совокупности все достигнутые результаты позволили получить весомое увеличение валового производства мяса птицы и дополнительную прибыль для предприятия. The purpose of the research work is to stimulate the productivity of Ross-308 cross broiler chickens with organic acids without reducing the nutritional value of the poultry diet. Scientific and production trial was carried out in the conditions of OAO Vitebsk Broiler Poultry Farm in the Vitebsk Region. Broiler chickens of the Ross-308 cross were introduced into the drinking system through a veterinary drug dispenser, with water a liquid feed additive based on fulvic acid (concentration – 1 g/l AD). Researches have shown that the use of organic acids in the growing of young poultry contributed to the activation of non-specific immunity, an increase in the safety of the livestock and an increase in the meat qualities of Ross-308 cross broiler chickens. Thus, there was an increase in the average live weight gain of poultry by slaughter age in the experimental group compared with the control by 0.8%. From the experimental group of poultry 0.6% (+416 pcs.) more marketable birds were received than from poultry grown in the control poultry house. In the experimental poultry house, birds of 1st class were obtained 0.7 percentage points more than in the control poultry house. Accordingly, birds of 2ndclass were obtained in the experimental poultry house less than in the control. The receiving of grade-out birds was not noted, since according to the technological rules of the enterprise, an off-grade poultry is rejected weekly. For a total all the results achieved made it possible to get a significant increase in the gross production of poultry meat and additional profit for the enterprise.

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