poultry meat
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2023 ◽  
Vol 77 (11) ◽  
pp. 6589-2023

The aim of the study was to review the results of scientific research on the effect of herbs and phytogenic feed additives used in poultry nutrition on animal welfare, breeding conditions, and the quality of meat. The article explains the importance of feed additives used in poultry nutrition. It discusses the role of herbs and phytogenic feed additives in nutrition in the context of the increasing demand for and consumption of poultry meat. The article also analyzes the influence of herbs and phytogenic feed additives on animal welfare, rearing conditions, and meat quality. The results of research on the effect of herbs and phytogenic feed additives used in poultry nutrition are not unequivocal. In view of the high demand for poultry meat, there is need for continued research on the optimal composition of herbal mixtures in nutrition to obtain good breeding conditions and high quality meat.

Yu. I. Kovaleva ◽  
R. Z. Abdulkhalikov ◽  
I. I. Ktsoeva ◽  
R. B. Temiraev ◽  
L. A. Vityuk ◽  

   In recent years, the use of adsorbent and antioxidant preparations in the formulation of feed with a high content of heavy metals is a promising direction in the industrial production of broiler meat. The study aims to study the consumer and hygienic properties of broiler meat when including adsorbent Ferrotsin and antioxidant Selenopyran in diets with high heavy metals and aflatoxin B 1 content. The authors experimentally established the necessity of containing the adsorbent Ferrotsin in the dose of 300 g/t feed and the antioxidant Selenopyran in the quantity of 300 g/t feed into the composition of mixed fodder with excessive concentration of heavy metals. This inclusion of adsorbents and antioxidants in the compound feed composition is necessary to increase the nutritional properties and protective properties of poultry meat. Group 3 broiler chickens significantly exceeded (P < 0.05) the control counterparts by 18.88 % by weight of half-gutted carcass and 18.26 % by weight of the gutted carcass. Also, broiler chickens of the 3rd experimental group exceeded the content of solids in the thoracic and thigh muscles by 1,40 and 0,60, and protein by 0,67 % and 0,67 %. Group 3 broilers significantly (P < 0.05) exceeded the control in protein quality index (PQI) of meat by 18.86 %. In broilers of experimental group 3, there was a reliable (P < 0.05) decrease in the level of zinc by 3.07, cadmium by 2.25 and lead by 3.24 times in the samples of breast muscle relative to the control counterparts. The highest final score was obtained by boiled white poultry meat of the 3rd experimental group. This sample of meat reliably (P < 0.05) exceeded the total sum of organoleptic parameters of the control sample by 0.81 points. In broilers of experimental group 3 in examples of breast, thigh muscles and meat homogenate, the level of selenium was significantly higher than in control due to the presence of this substance in Selenopyran.

Sumedha Bobade ◽  
K. Vijayarani ◽  
K.G. Tirumurugaan ◽  
A. Thangavelu ◽  
S. Vairamuthu

Background: Campylobacter species are a leading cause of most important food-borne diarrhoeal illness worldwide while, poultry has been identified as a significant cause of Campylobacter infection in humans. C. jejuni is highly effective in colonizing chicken intestinal mucosa without causing any clinical manifestations and the consumption of poultry meat is the major source of transmission of bacteria to humans. Methods: The total of 19 chicken meat samples collected from retail markets in Chennai were screened by cultural examination, further subjected to phenotypic characterization using biochemical test and genotypic characterization using polymerase chain reaction assay targeting hip O and map A genes. Result: All the isolates showed growth on modified blood free charcoal cefoperazone deoxycholate agar media (mCCDA) and 18 (94.73%) samples showed typical morphological characteristics. The 12 (63.15%) isolates showed biochemical reactions positive. The results from polymerase chain reaction showed that 10 (83.33%) isolates were positive for C. jejuni. This study suggested that, it is essential to investigate the incidence of Campylobacter jejuni infection in poultry and the risk factors at all production stages of meat production to help reducing the disease in humans in terms of food safety.

Ch. R. Gaitov ◽  
M. G. Chabaev ◽  
V. S. Gappoeva ◽  
A. A. Baeva ◽  
A. S. Dzhaboeva ◽  

   Phospholipids are a kind of “solvents” of cholesterol and show a hepatoprotective effect. Also, phospholipids regulate fat and carbohydrate metabolism, improve the functional activity of the liver and its detoxification function. The study aims to study the impact of different doses of phos-pholipid lecithin preparation on economically useful indicators, meat productivity, nutritional value and environmental safety of quail meat at a subtoxic dose of nitrates in their compound feed. This article presents materials that indicate the feasibility of introducing phospholipid preparation of lecithin in the amount of 1.0 % by weight of feed under the presence of a sub-toxic dose of nitrates in the compound feed quail grown for meat. This introduction of phospholipid preparation of lecithin increases the preservation of livestock, body weight gain and reduces the cost of feed per unit gain. Poultry of the 2nd experimental group had an advantage over their control counterparts in preservation rate by 4.0 % and average daily growth by 9.50 % (P<0.05). The authors observed the benefit over the control samples in the concentration of dry substances by 0.98 and 0.99 %, protein by 0.98 and 0.97 % (P<0.05) in the examples of thigh and breast muscles of the poultry of the 2nd experimental group. The value of the protein-quality index (PQI) was higher by 13,55 % (P<0,05) in the samples of white meat from poultry carcasses of the 2nd experimental group as compared with the control counterparts. Also, the examples of poultry meat of the 2nd experimental group had better sanitary and hygienic characteristics. For instance, they had 36.83 % lower nitrate content (P<0.05) and 40.91 % lower nitrites content (P<0.05). This content indicates high denitrifying properties of phospholipid lecithin.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Anja Müller ◽  
Keisuke Sakurai ◽  
Diana Seinige ◽  
Kunihiko Nishino ◽  
Corinna Kehrenberg

The prototype fexA gene confers combined resistance to chloramphenicol and florfenicol. However, fexA variants mediating resistance only to chloramphenicol have been identified, such as in the case of a Staphylococcus aureus isolate recovered from poultry meat illegally imported to Germany. The effects of the individual mutations detected in the fexA sequence of this isolate were investigated in this study. A total of 11 fexA variants, including prototype fexA and variants containing the different previously described mutations either alone or in different combinations, were generated by on-chip gene synthesis and site-directed mutagenesis. The constructs were inserted into a shuttle vector and transformed into three recipient strains (Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Salmonella Typhimurium). Subsequently, minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of florfenicol and chloramphenicol were determined. In addition, protein modeling was used to predict the structural effects of the mutations. The lack of florfenicol-resistance mediating properties of the fexA variants could be attributed to the presence of a C110T and/or G98C mutation. Transformants carrying fexA variants containing either of these mutations, or both, showed a reduction of florfenicol MICs compared to those transformants carrying prototype fexA or any of the other variants. The significance of these mutations was supported by the generated protein models, indicating a substitution toward more voluminous amino-acids in the substrate-binding site of FexA. The remaining mutations, A391G and C961A, did not result in lower florfenicol-resistance compared to prototype fexA.

Benjamin van Selm ◽  
Anita Frehner ◽  
Imke J. M. de Boer ◽  
Ollie van Hal ◽  
Renske Hijbeek ◽  

AbstractIt is not known whether dietary guidelines proposing a limited intake of animal protein are compatible with the adoption of circular food systems. Using a resource-allocation model, we compared the effects of circularity on the supply of animal-source nutrients in Europe with the nutritional requirements of the EAT-Lancet reference diet. We found the two to be compatible in terms of total animal-source proteins but not specific animal-source foods; in particular, the EAT-Lancet guidelines recommend larger quantities of poultry meat over beef and pork, while a circular food system produces mainly milk, dairy-beef and pork. Compared with the EAT-Lancet reference diet, greenhouse gas emissions were reduced by up to 31% and arable land use reduced by up to 42%. Careful consideration of the feasible substitutability between animal-source foods is needed to define potential roles of animal products in circular human diets.

2022 ◽  
Vol 52 (4) ◽  
Hayriye Yeşim Can ◽  
Mehmet Elmalı ◽  
Alper Karagöz ◽  
Hüseyin Burak Dişli

ABSTRACT: Bacillus cereus is an aerobic and facultatively anaerobic, spore-forming bacterium, and it is found naturally in soil and poses a risk factor for the contamination of food and foodstuffs including cereals, vegetables, spices, ready-to-eat (RTE) foods, meats, milk, and dairy products. This study determined the prevalence of B. cereus in raw poultry meat, raw cow’s milk, cheese, spices, and RTE foods in Hatay province. The study also analysed the psychrotrophic properties, toxigenic characteristics, and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) profiles of the isolates. The levels of contamination with B. cereus determined for cheese, raw milk, RTE foods, spices, and raw poultry meat were 16.6%, 34.2%, 42.8%, 49%, and 55.5%, respectively. B. cereus was isolated from 84 (42%) of the 200 samples analysed and the 84 isolates were verified by PCR analysis targeting the haemolysin gene specific for B. cereus. Of the total isolates, 64 (76.1%) were psychrotrophic. The toxin gene profiling of B. cereus isolates was determined by amplifying the four genes nhe, hbl, cytK, and ces. The nhe and cytK genes were most frequently detected in the isolates, while the hbl and ces genes were not found. In addition, a high genetic relationship between the isolates was detected at a 92% similarity level by PFGE analysis. In conclusion, the occurrence of both psychrotrophic and toxigenic B. cereus strains in this study indicated a potential risk for food spoilage and food poisoning.

2022 ◽  
pp. 101703
Triin Tedersoo ◽  
Mati Roasto ◽  
Mihkel Mäesaar ◽  
Veljo Kisand ◽  
Marina Ivanova ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 100 (12) ◽  
pp. 1481-1486
Olga G. Bogdanova ◽  
Natalia V. Efimova ◽  
Olga A. Molchanova

Introduction. Aim. Selection of priority safety indicators and optimal research scope through analysis of potential health risks associated with chemical and microbiological safety of food products (FP). Materials and methods. Retrospectively analyzed data on chemical and microbiological safety of FP addressed on the consumer market of the Republic of Buryatia for 2016-2020. Assessment of the potential risk of harm to human health included prediction performed on linear regression models. Results. The maximum probability of violations of mandatory requirements for chemical and microbiological contamination was noted for dairy products. The minimum probability of violations was identified for the biologically active additives and industrial baby FP. The calculation of potential risks to consumer health based on the results of studies of FP revealed the categories of “high risk” - fish and seafood, “significant risk” - dairy products, confectionery, vegetables, melons, soft drinks. It was found that the supply of fish and seafood, poultry and poultry products had long supply chains, when the risks associated with non-compliance with their transportation and storage conditions were most likely Correlations were revealed between the risk level according to the microbiological criterion associated with the contamination of food, fish, culinary products, poultry meat and the incidence of acute intestinal infections. The indicated factor signs determine from 28.6% to 67.0% of the variance of the incidence. Conclusion. Identification of potential risks of harm to the public health related to FP safety indicates the need for further monitoring of the content of chemical and microbiological contaminants.

Agronomy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 92
Anna Zielińska-Chmielewska ◽  
Jerzy Kaźmierczyk ◽  
Ireneusz Jaźwiński

Business entities strive for continuous adaptation to changing situations and needs. The decisions of business entities entangled in multifaceted processes of economic, social, and environmental progress must be taken on the basis of reliable knowledge, developed know-how, scrupulous recognition of the initial state, and foresight of the multiple consequences of business actions over a long horizon. In such a situation, the measurement of financial efficiency in terms of the profitability of enterprises in meat and poultry industries is extremely desired and provides valuable information on the necessary modifications to reduce the potential risks of business operation. The Polish meat and poultry industries should take into account current and future market requirements, competition, and consumer response. The dynamic progress of technology is forced to take appropriate steps to improve and modernize products, services, and methods of solving profit losses. The aim of the paper is to calculate and evaluate the statistical relationships between profitability ratios in Polish meat and poultry enterprises divided into four groups: slaughterhouses, meat enterprises (small, medium, and large), poultry meat enterprises, and meat trade enterprises. In the theoretical part of the study, methods of descriptive, comparative, deductive, and synthetic analyses were used. In the practical part of the study, panel data from the entire meat and poultry industries in the period from 2010 to 2019 were used. For the measurement of financial efficiency, methods, such as financial indicator analysis, panel database modeling, and nonparametric ANOVA, were applied. The ANOVA method was used to test only the statistically significant relationships between profitability ratios across all groups of examined enterprises in the meat and poultry industries. To summarize, the optimal level of profitability was achieved by all groups of examined enterprises, except small meat enterprises. The highest financial efficiency in the area of profitability was reached by poultry enterprises. Moreover, financial support for small companies in the meat industry can bring tangible benefits such as maintaining a diversified product range locally and transforming small meat companies into buying centers for the local community. Both are effective solutions, especially in view of the post-pandemic situation.

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