Implementation of Information System in Indonesian Traditional Beverage Businesses

Hadi Purnomo ◽  
F R Fitrah ◽  
R Maulana ◽  
M M Pratadina ◽  

This study aims to apply the information system to every business owner who can inform businesses beverage container business through information technology. The function of this information system's application is for business owners and customers interested in buying products business. This study is an application of information systems in the Indonesian Traditional Beverage Business. This study's method was conducted using qualitative descriptive writing method of collecting data through literature study and observation to the growing beverage business owners. Information system development is conducted using the waterfall method. The results of this study show an overview of how the information system is expected by the business owner as well as the beverage business impact that can provide the quality of the business product beverage business is being run. The conclusion is that there is a large information container such as a website application applied to the Indonesian traditional beverage business so that website visitors can see, buy, or provide suggestions or comments regarding the already available products

Brian N. Hilton ◽  
Richard J. Burkhard ◽  
Tarun Abhichandani

An approach to an ontology-based information system design theory for spatial information system development is presented. This approach addresses the dynamic nature of information system development at the beginning of the 21st century and addresses the question of how to establish relationships between the various design components of a spatial information system. It should also help to automate and guide the design process while at the same time improve the quality of the process along with its outputs. An example of this approach is presented, along with examples of the various ontologies utilized in the design of this particular spatial information system. Finally, a method to mitigate the issues regarding the organization and management of a growing library of ontologies is discussed.

I Gusti Ngurah Agung Suaryana ◽  
Eka Damayanthi ◽  
Lely Merkusiwati

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the quality of web-based academic information system in FEB Unud and its impacts to users’ satisfaction. The users of this system are students, lectures, and academic staffs of FEB Unud. This study surveys the perception of students, lectures, and staffs and their satisfaction on the quality of the Academic Information System. The quality system includes three elements, namely the information quality, the system quality, and the service quality. The quality of this web-based academic information system is expected to affect the satisfaction of the users. For FEB Unud, the result of this study is expected to give the feedback for the faculty leaders in order to take further corrective measures. For other educational institutions, the study is expected to be a model of academic information system development.    

Arfan Sansprayada ◽  
Kartika Mariskhana

Abstract—The need for information system development in a company is a basic requirement that must be met by each company in order to run its business processes properly. This is the basic key in a company in order to provide maximum results to find as many profits or profits. Application development or requirements in the application also provide speed for employees to carry out their activities to work properly and optimally. The development of the era requires that companies must be productive and have innovations so that the business wheel of the company can run well. This is based on the development of technology that is so fast that it requires special expertise in its application. This research is expected to be able to help some problems that exist in a company. Where its application can make it easier for employees to carry out their respective duties and roles in order to maximize their potential. For companies, the application of this application can accommodate the company's business wheels so that they can be properly and correctly documented .   Keywords : Systems, Information, Applications

1977 ◽  
William B. Mitchell ◽  
Robin G. Fegeas ◽  
Katherine A. Fitzpatrick ◽  
Cheryl A. Hallam

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-96
Yanni Suherman

Research conducted at the Office of Archives and Library of Padang Pariaman Regency aims to find out the data processing system library and data archiving. All data processing is done is still very manual by using the document in writing and there is also a stacking of archives on the service. By utilizing library information systems and archives that will be applied to the Office of Archives and Library of Padang Pariaman Regency can improve the quality of service that has not been optimal. This research was made by using System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) which is better known as waterfall method. The first step taken on this method is to go directly to the field by conducting interviews and discussions. This information system will be able to assist the work of officers in terms of data processing libraries and facilitate in search data archives by presenting reports more accurate, effective and efficient.

1973 ◽  
Vol 8 (9) ◽  
pp. 117-119 ◽  
Harlan D. Mills ◽  
Max L. Wilson

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