2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-107
Juliana Lubis ◽  
Nurhanifah Siregar

Vaginal discharge is vaginal discharge that is not blood which is sometimes a clinical manifestation of various infections, malignancies, or benign reproductive tumors, which always wet and cause irritation, itching and reduce comfort in sex. This study aims to determine the relationship with the incidence of flour albus in women of childbearing age in the Labuhan Rasoki Public Health Center, Southeast Padangsidimpuan District. The design of this research is an analytic survey with a cross sectional approach. The sampling technique used the solvin formula and obtained 30 respondents. Analysis of the data with univariate and bivariate analysis with a significance level of 0.05. The results showed that there was a relationship between knowledge and the incidence of flour albus in women of childbearing age in the working area of ​​the Labuhan Rasoki Public Health Center, Padangsidimpuan, Southeast with p = 0.000 < p = 0.05. It is expected that respondents will increase their knowledge, especially about flour albus by actively participating in counseling and reading a lot from mass media and electronics.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 66
Nurfitriani Nurfitriani

In Indonesia Cervical cancer is Cancer with the highest prevalence of about 0.8% or about 98,692 patients.Data from the health department Jambi city indicated that the women of childbearing age that positive cervical cancer on examination IVA at the public health center Putri Ayu Jambi city. This study aimed to determine the correlation of knowledge and attitude of women of childbearing age with cervical cancer prevention efforts. This is a quantitative research by using Cross Sectional design. This study was conducted on Aprils/d August  2018 with samples were 45 respondents, it used questionnaire, analyzed as univariate.The findings indicated that, 24 respondents (53,3%) have hightprevention efforts, 27 respondents (60%) have hight knowledge, and than  21 respondents (46,7%) have positive attitude.The higer the knowledge the better the prevention efforts, the attitude of a person does not affect the influence of prevention efforts, prevention efforts do not affect the attitude. It is expected that the public health center can provide information to childbearing age about prevention cervical cancer by health promotion or counseling and giving motivation to women of childbearing age to do the examination IVA or pap smear.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 109
Yuyun Sarinengsih

ABSTRAKStunting yaitu keadaan gagal tumbuh akibat dari kekurangan gizi kronis. Prevalensi stunting di Kabupaten Tasikmalaya menempati urutan keempat, dimana kecamatan Sukahening menempati urutan pertama tertinggi dengan jumlah 155 balita mengalami stunting. Faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi kejadian stunting yaitu pengasuhan anak yang kurang baik dimana tidak diberikannya ASI secara Ekslusif. Pencegahan stunting yaitu pada 1000 hari kehidupan dimana salah satunya pemberian ASI secara Ekslusif.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pemberian ASI Ekslusif dengan kejadian stunting pada balita 1-5 tahun di Puskesmas Sukahening Kecamatan Sukahening Kabupaten Tasikmalaya.Jenis Penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif korelasional dengan pendekatan cross-sectional. Populasi total sampling sebanyak 95 responden menggunakan teknik purposive sampling.Hasil Penelitian diperoleh lebih dari setengah responden 51,6% tidak diberikan ASI secara Ekslusif, dan sebagian besar 65,3% balita mengalami stunting. Hasil perhitungan chi-square diperoleh ρ.value (0,000<0,05) maka H0 ditolak sehingga terdapat hubungan antara Pemberian ASI Ekslusif dengan kejadian stunting pada balita 1-5 tahun di Puskesmas Sukahening Kecamatan Sukahening Kabupaten Tasikmalaya.Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberi informasi yang bermanfaat dan perlu dilakukan pendidikan kesehatan ulang yang terjadwal terkait nutrisi yang terjangkau dan sehat sehingga dapat meningkatkan cakupan ASI Ekslusif dan dapat menurunkan angka stunting.Kata Kunci : ASI Ekslusif, StuntingDaftar Pustaka : 25 buku (2010-2018)9 jurnal (2013-2019)2 Website (2010-2017) ABSTRACTStunting is a condition of growth failure due to chronic malnutrition. The stunting prevalence in Tasikmalaya Regency was at the fourth place where Sukahening sub-district was at the highest with 155 stunting. Factor that can influence the occurrence of stunting is a poor parenting where exclusive breastfeeding is not given. The best prevention of stunting is on 1000 days of life where exclusive breastfeeding is given. The impact, if the baby is not given exclusive breastfeeding, they will lack of nutrition and also will have an impact on the growth or inappropriate height. This aims of the research is to determine the relationship between exclusive breastfeeding and the incidence of stunting on toddler under 5 years of at Sukahening Public Health Center, Sukahening Sub district, Tasikmalaya Regency. The type of research used is descriptive correlation with a cross-sectional approach. The total samplings were 95 respondents which used purposive sampling technique. The results of the research were obtained more than half of the respondents 51.6% were given exclusive breastfeeding, and most 65.3% of children under five had stunting. The chi-square calculation results obtained that ρ.value (0,000 <0,05) then H0 is rejected so that there is a relationship between exclusive breastfeeding and the incidence of stunting on toddlers under 5 years in Sukahening Public Health Center, Sukahening Sub district, Tasikmalaya Regency. Performed the health education related to affordable and healthy nutrition so that it can increase the coverage of exclusive breastfeeding and can reduce stunting rates. Keywords : Exclusive breastfeeding, Stunting Bibliography : 25 books (2010-2018) 9 journals (2013-2019) 2 Websites (2010-2017) 

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  

Hypertension is a disease that usually occurs in the circulatory system which can cause an increase in blood pressure above the normal value, which exceeds 140/90 mmHg. The intention of this study aims to understand the relationship between lifestyle and the incidence of hypertension in Antang Makassar Public Health Center in 2018. This research method uses quantitative analytic motives using a cross sectional approach with a population of 46 people and a sample of 36 respondents. This research was conducted on July 14-16 June. The method used is simple random sampling and the tool used to obtain data is a questionnaire. The scale used is Liker and Guttmann scale with univariate, bivariate analysis and chi-square test with significant a = 0, 05. The results of this study indicate there is a relationship between lifestyle and the incidence of hypertension in the Makassar Antang Health Center with P = 0, 01 smaller than the value of a = 0.05. Suggestions are for hypertensive patients, namely the need to check their health routinely to health workers in order to know the development of blood pressure and obtain information from health workers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 111-116
Marni Br Karo ◽  
Nurfauziah Cahyanti ◽  
Farida Simanjuntak ◽  
R. Haryo Bimo Setiarto

Abstrak Latar belakang: Kandidiasis vulvovaginalis adalah infeksi mukosa pada vagina maupun vulva yang disebabkan oleh jamur Candida. Infeksi terjadi secara akut, subakut, dan kronis, baik endogen maupun eksogen yang menimbulkan keluhan pada vagina. Umumnya infeksi pertama di vagina disebut vulvitis. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis hubungan kebersihan vulva dengan kejadian kandidiasis vulvovaginalis pada usia subur di Puskesmas Kecamatan Cipayung. Metode: Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Februari sampai Juli 2018 di Unit Infeksi Menular Seksual Puskesmas Kecamatan Cipayung. Populasinya adalah sejumlah orang yang datang ke Puskesmas Kecamatan Cipayung. Sampel adalah sebanyak 33 orang, metode pengambilan sampel adalah secara accidental sampling kemudian data dikumpulkan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner dan pemeriksaan laboratorium. Analisis statistik yang digunakan adalah Chi-Square.  Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebersihan vulva tidak baik (75,8%) dan berpengaruh positif terhadap kandidiasis vulvovaginalis di Puskesmas Cipayung (87,9%). Hasil uji statistik diperoleh nilai p = 0,036 (p<0,05), atau ada hubungan kebersihan vulva dengan kejadian kandidiasis vulvovaginalis pada wanita usia subur di Puskesmas Cipayung. Kesimpulan: Kebersihan vulva ada hubungannya dengan kejadian kandidiasis vulvovaginalis di Puskesmas Kecamatan Cipayung. Hal ini disebabkan oleh kurangnya kebersihan vagina pada wanita usia subur yang menyebabkan meningkatnya kejadian kandidiasis.   Kata kunci: Kebersihan vulva, kandidiasis vulvovaginalis, wanita usia subur, puskesmas cipayung   Abstract Background: Vulvovaginalis candidiasis is infection in the mucosal of vagina or vulva caused by Candida fungus. Infection can occur acutely, subacute, and chronic, both endogenously and exogenously which often cause symptoms in the vagina. Generally, first infection in the vagina called vulvitis. Objective: This study aims to determine the association of the vulva higiene with vulvovaginal candidiasis on fertile age in Cipayung sub-district Public Health Center (PHC). Method: The study used cross sectional design approach. The study was conducted from February to July 2018 in sexually transmitted infection unit. Total sample was 33 patients at Cipayung sub-district PHC. The sampling method is purposive sampling and data were collected by questionnaire and laboratory results. Statistical analysis used is Chi-Square. Results: The results showed that the vulva hygiene was poor (75.8%) and there was positive association with vulvovaginal candidiasis in Cipayung PHC (87.9%). The result of statistical tests obtained p-value = 0.036 (p <0.05), or there is a relationship of vulva hygiene with vulvovaginal candidiasis in women of childbearing age at Cipayung PHC. Conclusion: There is a relationship between vulva hygiene and vulvovaginal candidiasis at Cipayung sub-district PHC due to lack of vaginal hygiene on woman of childbearing age, which increased the incidence of candidiasis. Keywords: Vulva hygiene, vulvovaginal candidiasis, woman age reproductive, public health center cipayung

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-77
Pawiliyah Pawiliyah ◽  
Epi Susanti

Labor events are physiological events whose processes can run smoothly and safely if the helper in labor can monitor labor to detect complications early. The purpose  of this study was to look at the factors related to the selection of Birth assistance places for labor mothers in Lingkar Timur Public Health Center of Bengkulu City. This study used descriptive correlational using Cross Sectional design. The sample in this study was taken by using purposive sampling technique that is taking as many as 78 samples. Data were tested using the chi-square test. To determine the closeness of the relationship, a contingency coefficient (C) test has been used. There is a relationship between age with the selection of birth assistance places in labor mothers in the Lingkar Timur Public Health Center in Bengkulu City with p=0,000 0,05 a close relationship category. There is a relationship of parity with the selection of birth places in delivery mothers in the Lingkar Timur Public Health Center Work Area with p=0,003 0,05 medium relationship category. There is an educational relationship with the selection of birth places in delivery mothers in Lingkar Timur Public Health Center with p=0,000 0,05 in the category of close relationships. There is a relationship between the complication of labor and the choice of place of delivery assistance for women giving birth in Lingkar Timur Public Health Center of Bengkulu City with p=0,000 0,05 a close relationship category. Based on the results of the study recommends the importance of health promotion such as Antenatal care, conducting pregnant mothers class programs, so that pregnant women get information and knowledge about their pregnancy conditions and can choose the right place of delivery according to their pregnancy conditions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 345-354
Linda Purnamawati Suherman ◽  
Pudjiastuti Kartidjo ◽  
Iis Rukmawati ◽  
Vina Septiani ◽  
Fazrin Azzura

Dyspepsia is a condition of pain in the epigastrium and a burning sensation that radiates to the chest. Dyspepsia occupies the 10th position in the 20 largest non-communicable diseases in a Public Health Center in Bandung. The heterogeneous symptoms and the absence of specific treatments can lead to irrational treatment. The research objective is to determine the pattern of drug use in patients with dyspepsia, including the right indication, the proper drug selection, the correct dose, and the proper interval of administration in a Public Health Center in Batununggal District Bandung. This study was an observational study using a cross-sectional study design that was descriptive in nature. The sampling technique employed the purposive sampling method retrospectively. The research was conducted on 104 patients diagnosed with dyspepsia with comorbidities and receiving drugs at an Outpatient Clinic in a Public Health Center in Batununggal District Bandung from January-March 2020. There were 38 male patients (36.538%) and 66 female patients (63.462%). The majority of patients were aged 56-65 years (28.846%). The most used drug class was antacids (60.448%), and the dosage form that was mostly used was tablets (40.299%). The most used single drug was antacids (51.923%), while the most used drug combination was antacids and omeprazole (23.077%). The accuracy of drug selection and the accuracy of indications were 100% correct, the accuracy of the dosage was 59.62% correct, the accuracy of the time interval for drug administration was 71% correct, and the accuracy of the duration of drug administration was 9.62% correct.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Jek Amidos Pardede ◽  
Mathalena Simamora ◽  
Farhana Irwan

Nurses’ caring attitude is the core in nursing standard practices that is mandatory for all nurses. In practicing caring attitudes, nurses show their empathy and care to patients in order to positively affect patients’ healing process. Furthermore, caring attitudes by nurses to mothers are expected to increase mothers’ motivation to attend to child immunization at public health centers regularly. The objective of the study was to identify the relationship between nurses’ caring attitude and the motivation of mothers in regularly taking their children for immunization at Belawan Public Health Center. This study employed correlational descriptive method using cross sectional approach. A total number of 52 mothers with the children of 0-12 months old served as research population. Sampling technique was total sampling technique in this study. By performing spearman rank statistical test, it was obtained that there was a strong correlation between caring attitude of nurses and mothers’ motivation for child immunization attendance (p= 0.005; r= 0.551). It is concluded that caring attitude of the nurses improve the motivation of mothers for child immunization attendance. It is suggested that nurses should practice caring while serving mother patients in order to increase awareness and internal motivation among mothers to bring their children to Public Health Center for immunization. Keywords: caring attitude of nurses; mothers’ motivation; immunization attendance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 15
Dwi Astuti

AbstrakLatar Belakang: Premenopause terjadi pada usia dewasa madya, masa dewasa madya dalam terminologi kronologis yaitu tahun-tahun antar usia 45 dan 65 tahun. Pada masa dewasa madya ini seksualitas mengalami penurunan. Masa dewasa madya ditandai dengan adanya perubahan-perubahan jasmani dan mental. Perubahan kejiwaan yang dialami seorang wanita menjelang prmenopause meliputi merasa tua, tidak menarik lagi, tertekan karena takut menjadi tua, mudah tersinggung, mudah kaget sehingga jantung berdebar, takut tidak bisa memenuhi kebutuhan seksual suami, rasa takut bahwa suami akan menyeleweng, keinginan seksual menurun dan sulit mencapai kepuasaan (orgasme), merasa sudah tidak berguna dan tidak menghasilkan sesuatu, merasa memberatkan keluarga dan orang lain. Tujuan: Mengetahui Hubungan Antara Selt acceptance Dengan Kecemasan Dalam Menghadapi Menopouse Pada Wanita Premenopouse Di Puskesmas gabus II Pati Metode: analitik korelasi dengan pendekatan Cross sectional, sampel seluruh pasien premenopouse di Puskesmas Gabus II Pati usia 40-45 tahun sebanyak 40 orang sebanyak 36 orang. teknik Purposive sampling. Data di analisa dengan uji statistik Chi square. Hasil: Ada hubungan selt acceptance dengan kecemasan dalam menghadapi menopouse pada wanita premenopouse di Puskesmas Gabus II Pati dengan nilai P Value 0,001< 0,05. Kata kunci      : Selt acceptance, Kecemasan, perimenopouseDaftar Pustaka : 39 Daftar Pustaka (2009-2016) ABSTRACTBackground: Premenopause occurs in middle adulthood, middle adulthood in chronological terminology, namely years between 45 and 65 years. During this middle adulthood sexuality has decreased. Middle adulthood is characterized by physical and mental changes. Psychiatric changes experienced by a woman before prmenopause include feeling old, not attractive anymore, depressed for fear of growing old, easily offended, easily shocked so that heart palpitations, fear of not being able to meet the sexual needs of the husband, fear that the husband will deviate, decreased sexual desire and difficult to achieve satisfaction (orgasm), feel it is useless and does not produce something, feel burdensome for family and others. Objective: To find out the relationship between self-acceptance and anxiety in dealing with menopause in premenopouse women in Public Health center Gabus II. Method: analytic correlation with cross sectional approach, a sample of all premenopouse patients in Public Health Center Gabus II, 40-45 years old, 36 people, 36 person. Purposive sampling technique. Data were analyzed by Chi square statistical test. Results: There is a relationship of self-acceptance with anxiety in facing menopause in premenopausal women in Public Health Center Gabus II Pati Health Center area with a P value of 0.001 <0.05

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 305-316
Reny Marischa Putri ◽  
Bambang Setiaji ◽  
Ferizal Masra ◽  
Endang Budiati

Hypertension is dubbed the silent killer because this disease has no specific symptoms, hypertension can attack anyone, and at any time, and can cause degenerative diseases, to death. According to several studies, people with hypertension are 12 times more likely to have a stroke and 6 times more likely to have a heart attack. Hypertension is usually not realized by the public because the symptoms are not clear and resemble health complaints in general. Patients only find out that they have hypertension after checking their blood pressure, or after the onset of other diseases. Type of research is quantitative, analytical survey research design with Cross Sectional approach. The research population of all residents aged over 45 years who live in Bandar Lampung City based on data from the population and civil registration office of Bandar Lampung city in 2020 as many as 424,183 people, with the Proportional Random Sampling technique as many as 216 people. In this study, researchers used interview techniques using questionnaires. Data analysis used Chi Square statistical test and Logistics Regression. The research was carried out on March 2021. Research result there was a correlation between caffeinee (p-value = 0.022, and OR = 1.951), smoking habits (p-value = 0.017, and OR = 2.006) obesity (p-value = 0.000, and OR = 3.580), physical activity (exercise) (p-value = 0.012, and OR = 2.078) with the incidence of hypertension in Bandar Lampung City in 2021. Obesity variable is the dominant factor that is most related to the incidence of hypertension in Bandar Lampung City in 2021 (p-value = 0.000, and OR = 32,891). This can be done by holding regular counseling at the Posyandu for the elderly and holding regular exercise programs at the Public Health Center, namely doing morning exercises with the community every Friday. Furthermore, leaflets can be distributed about hypertension when exercising at the Public Health Center, as well as posting posters about the importance of maintaining a healthy diet, maintaining an ideal body weight and exercising regularly in places that are easily accessible by the community, such as at the market, at the village hall. or at the community meeting hall. 

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (01) ◽  
pp. 696-702
Ny. Hikma

Background: Visual Inspection with Acetic Acid (IVA) is a simple way to detect cervical cancer as early as possible. IVA is the examination of the cervix (cervical) by looking directly (with the naked eye) cervix after cervical neck with a solution of acetic acid 3-5%.Objective: To know the factors associated with the IVA examination in the Mother Age Fertile Age at Wara Palopo Public Health Center of 2017.Method: This research use analytic survey with cross sectional study approach. The population in this study were all mothers of fertile age couples in Wara Puskesmas of East Luwu Regency as many as 6,276 people. The sample in this research is part of population with sampling technique yiatu purposive sampling counted 98 people. Data collection through primary data (questionnaire) and secondary data. The data were processed using Statistical Product and Servise Solutions (SPSS) version 20.0 and analyzed univariat and bivariate with chi square statistical test and presented in the form of frequency distribution table.Results: There is a knowledge relationship with IVA examination (p Value = 0.002 <0.05 and there is an implementation relationship with IVA examination (p Value = 0,000 <0.05).Conclusion: There is a relationship of knowledge with IVA examination at Puskesmas Wara Kota Palopo Year 2017. There is an implementation relationship with IVA examination at Wara Palopo Public Health Center of 2017 Keywords : IVA Examination, Knowledge, Implementation

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