scholarly journals Ukrainian Soviet Family: Formative stages

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (38) ◽  
pp. 188-196
Oksana Gumeniuk ◽  
Yevhen Durnov ◽  
Olena Shkuratenko ◽  
Tetiana Kumeda ◽  
Roman Savytskyi

The purpose of the article: is to determine the peculiarities of the formation of family policy of the Soviet government and the co-existence of private and public in the household of Ukrainian families during the existence of the Soviet system. Research methods: comparative method, method of analogy, analysis and synthesis method, method induction and deduction were used in the course of the research. The results of the research. A comparative analysis of the peculiarities of the existence of Soviet families at different stages of the Soviet period was conducted. The parallels were drawn between the traditional Ukrainian family in the pre-revolutionary period and family innovations in the Soviet period. Practical implication. A generalized description of the position of the Ukrainians as a common element of the Soviet people under the Soviet system is provided. Value/Originality. The role of statistics alongside memories for a better reflection of the daily life of the Ukrainian Soviet family under the conditions of double standards of Soviet society is shown for the first time.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 100
Liudmyla Panova ◽  
Vitalii Makhinchuk

The purpose of the article is to examine the civil law nature of electronic money. The subject of the research is the features of the civil law nature of electronic money. Methodology. Research methods are chosen based on the object, subject and purpose of the study. The study used general scientific and special methods of legal science. Thus, the analysis and synthesis method as well as the logical method were used to formulate a holistic view on electronic money, their features and legal nature. The logical-semantic method was used to establish the meaning of the concepts “electronic money”, “non-cash money”, “payment instrument”, “electronic payment instrument”. The comparative method was used when analyzing scientific categories, definitions and approaches. The legal modeling method was applied to formulate the author’s definition of the term “electronic money”. Results. The article generalizes scientific views on the civil law nature of electronic money. A distinction has been made between electronic money and currency unit, non-cash money and the right to claim. As the result it has been established that electronic money is the monetary obligation. Practical implication. The study should assist in developing the unified approach to the issue of the civil law nature of electronic money. Value/originality. As the result of the study the author’s definition of the concept “electronic money” with regard to its civil law nature has been proposed.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 125
Oleksandr Sviderskyi ◽  
Andrii Lubentsov

The purpose of the article is to examine the impact of corruption on the development of legal and economic systems of State. The subject of the research is the impact of corruption on the development of legal and economic systems of States. Methodology. Research methods are chosen based on the object, subject and purpose of the study. The study used general scientific and special methods of legal science. Thus, the analysis and synthesis method as well as the logical method were used to formulate a holistic view on corruption, its features, aspects as well as the ways in which it can be manifested. The logical-semantic method was used to establish the meaning of the term “corruption”, “informal sector”, “legal system”. The comparative method was used when analyzing scientific categories, definitions and approaches. The legal modeling method has been applied to develop proposals for improving anti-corruption regulatory framework. Results. The article generalizes scientific views on the interpretation of the concept of corruption, on the basis of which the authors’ view on this category is proposed. Psychological and sociological aspects of corruption are explored. The scientific opinion that corruption is a negative phenomenon that impedes the proper functioning of social, economic and legal systems of State is substantiated. Practical implication. Particular attention is paid to the fact that corruption is directly related to the informal sector. Therefore, it is emphasized that the legislator should create all the necessary organizational and legal conditions in order to minimize the risks of corruption in State. Value/originality. There is a need to raise legal awareness of citizens as an important factor in counteracting corruption and its manifestations in society, because nowadays corruption is treated with higher tolerance, is being taken for granted, that is, it is becoming a norm in modern society.

Eren Tasar

This introduction describes the main arguments and historiographical interventions undertaken in the present work. The majority of previous scholarship on Islam in Soviet Central Asia has treated the Communist anti-religious campaigns of the 1920s and 1930s as representative of the entire Soviet period. By contrast, this book argues that Stalin’s normalization of church-state relations in 1943–1944 allowed a permanent space for Islam to exist in Soviet society. This space rapidly became the site of an accommodation between Islam and Communism for many Central Asians. The introduction concludes with a discussion of the advantages and limitations of the sources employed throughout the book.

2021 ◽  
Aleksandr Panokin

The paper analyzes the historical retrospective and a comparative study of the verification of court decisions in criminal cases. The author traces the emergence of the idea of checking court decisions and the first experiments of its implementation, the transition from the "court with a judge" to the "audit" procedure for monitoring court decisions, and then to the consideration of complaints against court decisions as a continuation of the dispute between the parties and the formation of methods and procedures for reviewing criminal cases, depending on the subject of appeal. The features of the Romano-German and English models of judicial review are highlighted. Special attention is paid to the Soviet system of verification of sentences, rulings and definitions as the basis of the socialist model of judicial review and its subsequent transformation in Russia in the post-Soviet period. The monograph is intended for researchers, teachers, undergraduate, specialist, master's, postgraduate and doctoral students, as well as practicing lawyers.

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 81-110
David Erkomaishvili

The fall of the Soviet Union in 1991 allowed independent states, which emerged in its place, to construct their own alignments. The choice of the case for empirical analysis had been made based on several unique characteristics. Orthodox Alliance Theory had almost never properly addressed alignments in the post-Soviet space due to the lack of access to information during the Soviet period - along with the structure of the state: only Soviet alignment policies were taken into consideration, instead of those of its constituent republics as well - and modest interest of alliance theorists in the region. Continued disintegration of the post-Soviet space, which has not stopped with the collapse of the Soviet Union but keeps fragmenting further, creates a unique setting for researching the adequacy of Alliance Theory's classic assumptions as well as developing new approaches. This work traces the development of the post-Soviet system of collective security and its subsequent transformation into a series of bilateral security relations, along with the shortfall of multilateralism.

2018 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 345-368
Anzhelika V Gavrilova ◽  
Egor A Bogolyubov

The main function of any ideology is to legitimize the established order of things as true, universal and unshakable. The ideological form is aimed at the formation of the addressee's specific stereotypes of behavior corresponding to the trajectory of officially recognized ideas, values, axioms, principles, norms of law. Legal ideology is a conceptualized expression of normative, political and universal methods of legal understanding. As the methods of ideological influence can be identified scientific-doctrinal and official-legal nomination, legal propaganda, legal education, legal education, etc. Legal propaganda is the systematic and purposeful dissemination in society of certain legal ideas, values, norms and programs of behavior in order to control the addressee and control his thinking and behavior, has a coercive nature in order to prevent deviation from the absolute standards of behavior. Propaganda is often one of the main means of political manipulation. At present," legal propaganda" as the most radical concept has given way to softer methods of ideological influence - "legal education" and " legal upbringing". Legal literacy and legal awareness of citizens in modern Russia is an important area of public policy, the implementation of which is entrusted to the Federal and regional public authorities, local governments, professional legal communities and public associations of lawyers, in close collaboration with civil society structures in the form of social partnerships. The involvement of public organizations for legal education of the population through legal propaganda in order to implement the state policy was actively developed in the Soviet period. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze the phenomenon of the Soviet legal ideology in the context of legal propaganda by public organizations. The study was conducted within the framework of socio-cultural approach. That approach allowed expanding the idea of the place and role of legal propaganda in the Soviet society as a product of the state ideology focused on the identification of Soviet cultural values, its reglamentation and practical realisation.

Kavkaz-forum ◽  
2021 ◽  

В статье предлагается анализ Конституции Северо-Осетинской АССР 1978 г., отразившей этап развития ее государственности в советский период. Научное осмысление правовых аспектов истории Северной Осетии в статусе автономной республики, анализ ее места и роли в системе советской государственности во многом объясняет противоречия в реализации органами государственной власти республики функций политического самоуправления в эпоху «застоя» и «кризиса социализма». Анализ показывает, что декретированный ранней советской властью национальный суверенитет народов, населяющих советскую Россию, не нашел правового подтверждения в Конституции СССР 1977 г., на основе и в соответствии с которой были разработаны и приняты Конституции РСФСР и входящих в нее автономных республик, в том числе и СОАССР. Фиксация статуса автономной республики в качестве государственного образования без признания ее государственного суверенитета ограничивало пределы компетенции республиканских органов власти и управления и ставило их в фактическую зависимость от вышестоящих властно-управленческих структур даже в решении вопросов, отнесенных к ведению автономной республики. Все это вместе взятое превращало автономную республику в «квазигосударственное образование», высшие государственные органы которой действовали в режиме «местной власти». Противоречивые конституционные положения 1977-1978 гг., закрепленные в Основных законах СССР, РСФСР и СОАССР, стали одним из факторов деструкции советской власти и социалистической системы и последующего затем «парада суверенитетов» бывших автономных образований в пределах РСФСР. The article analyzes the 1978 Constitution of the North Ossetian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, which reflected the stage of development of its statehood relevant to the Soviet period. Scientific comprehension of the legal aspects of the history of North Ossetia in the status of an autonomous republic, an analysis of its place and role within the system of the Soviet statehood largely accounts for the contradictions in the implementation by the republican state institutions of the functions of political self-government in the era of "stagnation" and "crisis of socialism". Analysis shows that the national sovereignty of the peoples inhabiting Soviet Russia, that was decreed by the early Soviet government, did not find legal confirmation in the USSR Constitution of 1977, on the basis and in accordance with which the Constitution of the RSFSR and its autonomous republics, including NOASSR, were elaborated and adopted. Fixing the status of the autonomous republic as a state entity without recognizing its state sovereignty limited the competence of the republican authorities and made them in fact dependent on the higher power structures even in resolving issues attributed to the jurisdiction of the autonomous republic. All this taken together turned the autonomous republic into a "quasi-state entity", the highest state bodies of which operated in the regime of "local power". Contradictory constitutional provisions of 1977-1978, enshrined in the Fundamental Laws of the USSR, RSFSR and NOASSR, became one of the factors of the destruction of the Soviet power and the socialist system and the subsequent “parade of sovereignties” of the former autonomous entities within the RSFSR.

Arts ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 62
Vilma Gradinskaite

The article presents an analysis of the development stages of synagogue research methodology in Lithuania during the four major historical periods of the country—Lithuania in the Russian Empire (1795–1918), Vilnius Region in the interwar period and the independent Republic of Lithuania (1918–1940), the Soviet period (1940–1990), and the independent Republic of Lithuania restored in 1990. Each chapter of the article deals with the issues of synagogue research, heritage conservation and management, while the part about the restored independent Republic of Lithuania and modern days includes topical issues related to synagogue restoration, commemoration and putting them into operation. The study uses two different sources: archival materials and publications. Written sources and publications are reviewed in chronological order and start from the end of the 18th century. The study employs several research methods—the historical descriptive method, the comparative method and the analysis method.

2002 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 167-182

AbstractThis article is devoted to an examination of the civil law means for protecting subjective civil rights. The subject matter of this study are the provisions of the several civil codes that have been promulgated in the countries of the CIS in the post-Soviet period. The effort to harmonize private law in the region has given rise inter alia to several pieces of model legislation, perhaps the most notable of which is the CIS Model Civil Code.The use of the comparative method allows the author to trace the progressive development of the civil codes—and the model code—of countries in the CIS; this also enables the author to consider whether there are any gaps or codification hiatuses in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. In doing so, the author points to those issues that, in her view, are relevant for court practice. As part of her consideration of this subject, the author has compiled a comparative table of relevant provisions of most of the civil codes in CIS countries.

2021 ◽  
pp. 164-177
A. M. Podoksenov ◽  
V. A. Telkova

The relevance of the study is due to the fact that the subject of the article is the question of the influence of L. D. Trotsky [Bronstein], who was one of the key leaders of Bolshevism, who headed the October Revolution, on the worldview and creativity of M. M. Prishvin, which has not yet been considered in the European studies. It is shown that in Russian art it is difficult to find an artist of the word, whose work would be to the same extent conditioned by the influence of the ideological and political context. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time an attempt was made to show how, through individual characters in his works, Prishvin in an artistic and figurative form reflected the characteristic features of behavior, everyday habits, the style of thinking and speech of Trotsky. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of previously unpublished due to censorship restrictions of the writer’s works: the story “The World Cup”, journalism of the revolutionary years and the 18-volume Diary, which became available to the reader only in the post-Soviet period. It is shown that, depicting Trotsky as a “pharmacist” who, according to his recipes, is trying to create the future of a huge country, Prishvin seeks not only to artistically reflect his moral appearance and personality traits, but also to convey the features of the ideological and political struggle in Soviet society.

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