М. В. Дзисюк

Definitions of concept and sphere of the concept are widely used in different aspects of modern linguistics. There is no single understanding of these notions and universal methodology of research has not been invented by linguists yet. This predetermines topicality of the article. The aim of our research is analysis, generalization, and systematization of different approaches to the interpretation of the notion ‘concept’ that exist in modern linguistics. It results in the following tasks: analysis of existing definitions of concept and its division into certain ranges and defining classification features. Modern linguists raise the questions of the conceptual and linguistic image of the world, the role of a human factor in its formation and interaction as in a linguistic process more frequently and it is defined as a fact in today’s linguistic scientific literature. The problem of individual language formation, poetic one in particular gains important meaning in this context. Ukrainian linguists use the notion of ‘concept’ for a long time now although they adhere to different views on its definition. Researches of the question define two major approaches in the analysis of the notion ‘concept’ that is linguistic-cognitive and linguistic-cultural. We can claim that words-concepts are agents between material reality and the ideal world that is synthesized in poetry, carriers of sense since with their help the versatility of the real world correlates with eternal spiritual values. Therefore, main features of the notion ‘concept’ in which objectively-cognitive and subjectively-creative features are combines are as follow sensual authenticity, time-spatial features, mediation between material and spiritual, semantic filling, ability to polysemy. A word with a generally symbolic meaning that is implemented in a language process through literary techniques typical for poet’s idiotype is the main core of the concept. The concept in poetic language formation by modern Uman poets is semantically integral, fulfilled, able to penetrate into other concepts and absorb semantically narrower images saving unity and semantic independence, varying numerous interpretations that project it in a certain semantic space, saving potential of real reflection.

2008 ◽  
pp. 61-76
A. Porshakov ◽  
A. Ponomarenko

The role of monetary factor in generating inflationary processes in Russia has stimulated various debates in social and scientific circles for a relatively long time. The authors show that identification of the specificity of relationship between money and inflation requires a complex approach based on statistical modeling and involving a wide range of indicators relevant for the price changes in the economy. As a result a model of inflation for Russia implying the decomposition of inflation dynamics into demand-side and supply-side factors is suggested. The main conclusion drawn is that during the recent years the volume of inflationary pressures in the Russian economy has been determined by the deviation of money supply from money demand, rather than by money supply alone. At the same time, monetary factor has a long-run spread over time impact on inflation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 97-105
Feruza Davronova ◽  

The purpose of this article is to study the image of socio-political activity of women, their role and importance in the life of the state and society.In this, we referred to the unique books of orientalists and studied their opinions and views on this topic. The article considers the socio-political activity of women, their role in the state and society, the role of the mother in the family and raising a child, oriental culture, national and spiritual values, traditions and social significance of women

2020 ◽  
pp. 164-167
Айнура Байтокова

Аннотация. Макала учурдагы актуалдуу проблемалардын бири болгон жаш муундарда жалпы адамзаттык баалуулуктарды тарбиялоо. Макалада Ч. Айтматовдун чыгармаларындагы баалуулуктардын мааниси жана алардын жаш муундарды тарбиялоодогу орду жөнүндө маселени козгойт. Өзгөчө жаңы социалдык экономикалык өзгөрүүлөр менен жаш муундардын адеп-ахлактык, руханий дүйнөсү өзгөрүүдө. Бул жагдайдан алып караганда коомдун социалдык-маданий жактан андан ары өнүгүүсү үчүн башкы бириктирүүчү факторлордон болуп жаш муундардагы жалпы адамзаттык баалуулуктарды калыптандыруу маселеси биринчи орунга чыгат. Болочок мугалимдердин кесиптик билим алуусунда жалпы адамзаттык баалуулуктарды терең түшүнүүсү, алардын келечектеги кесиптик даярдыгына жардам берет. Демек, аларга жалпы адамзаттык баалуулуктарды сиңирүү абдан маанилүү учур талабы экендигин көрөбүз. Түйүндүү сөздөр: жалпы адамзаттык баалуулуктар, адамгерчилик, адеп-ахлак, руханий баалуулуктар, учурдагы көйгөйлүү маселелер, жаш муундар, базар экономикасы ж.б... Аннотация. В статье затронута одна из актуальных проблем современности – достойное воспитание молодого поколения. Статья рассматривает проблематику воспитания молодежи и формирования общечеловеческих ценностей. В статье речь идет о роли произведений Чингиза Айтматова в воспитании молодежи. В условиях перехода в новый социально-экономический период меняется нравственно-духовный мир молодежи, в том числе у студентов. С этой точки зрения на первый план выходит задача формирования общечеловеческих ценностей, которые должны стать главным объединяющим фактором дальнейшего социокультурного развития общества. Обогащение опыта глубокого понимания общечеловеческих ценностей у будущих педагогов в профессиональном обучении способствует формированию подготовленности будущих педагогов профессионального обучения в будущем, также важно привить в них систему общечеловеческих ценностей. Ключевые слова: общечеловеческие ценности, гуманность, нравственно-этические принципы, духовные ценности, рыночная экономика. Annotation. the article touches on one of the pressing problems of our time - the decent education of the younger generation. The article considers the issues of youth education and the formation of universal values. The article deals with the role of the works of Chingiz Aitmatov in the education of youth. With the transition to a new socio- economic period, the moral and spiritual world of young people is changing, including among students. From this point of view, the task of creating universal human values comes to the forefront, which should become the main unifying factor in the further socio-cultural development of society. The enrichment of the experience of a deep understanding of human values in future teachers contributes to the formation of preparedness of future teachers of vocational training in the future, it is also important to instill in them a system of universal values. Keywords: universal values, humanity, thinker, wise, moral and ethical principles, spiritual values, market economy.

Madara Eversone

The article aims to highlight the role of Arvīds Grigulis’ (1906–1989) personality in the Latvian Soviet literary process in the context of the Latvian Soviet Writers’ Union, attempting to discover the contradictions and significance of Arvīds Grigulis’ personality. Arvīds Grigulis was a long-time member of the Writers’ Union, a member of the Soviet nomenklatura, and an authority of the soviet literary process. His evaluations of pre-soviet literary heritage and writings of his contemporaries were often harsh and ruthless, and also influenced the development of the further literary process. The article is based on the documents of the Central Committee of the Latvian Communist Party, the Latvian Soviet Writers’ Union and the Communist Party local organization of the Latvian Soviet Writers’ Union that are available at the Latvian State Archive of the National Archives of Latvia, as well as memories of Grigulis’ contemporaries. It is concluded that the personality of the writer Arvīds Grigulis, although unfolding less in the context of the Writers’ Union, is essential for the exploration of the soviet literary process and events behind the scenes. The article mainly describes events and episodes taking place until 1965, when Arvīds Grigulis’ influence in the Writers’ Union was more remarkable. Individual and further studies should analyse changes and the impact of his decisions in the cultural process of the 70s and 80s of the 20th century.

Stefan Gründer

Acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) are proton-gated Na+ channels. Being almost ubiquitously present in neurons of the vertebrate nervous system, their precise function remained obscure for a long time. Various animal toxins that bind to ASICs with high affinity and specificity have been tremendously helpful in uncovering the role of ASICs. We now know that they contribute to synaptic transmission at excitatory synapses as well as to sensing metabolic acidosis and nociception. Moreover, detailed characterization of mouse models uncovered an unanticipated role of ASICs in disorders of the nervous system like stroke, multiple sclerosis, and pathological pain. This review provides an overview on the expression, structure, and pharmacology of ASICs plus a summary of what is known and what is still unknown about their physiological functions and their roles in diseases.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Gabriel Sigmund ◽  
Cristina Santín ◽  
Marc Pignitter ◽  
Nathalie Tepe ◽  
Stefan H. Doerr ◽  

AbstractGlobally landscape fires produce about 256 Tg of pyrogenic carbon or charcoal each year. The role of charcoal as a source of environmentally persistent free radicals, which are precursors of potentially harmful reactive oxygen species, is poorly constrained. Here, we analyse 60 charcoal samples collected from 10 wildfires, that include crown as well as surface fires in forest, shrubland and grassland spanning different boreal, temperate, subtropical and tropical climate. Using electron spin resonance spectroscopy, we measure high concentrations of environmentally persistent free radicals in charcoal samples, much higher than those found in soils. Concentrations increased with degree of carbonization and woody fuels favoured higher concentrations. Moreover, environmentally persistent free radicals remained stable for an unexpectedly long time of at least 5 years. We suggest that wildfire charcoal is an important global source of environmentally persistent free radicals, and therefore potentially of harmful reactive oxygen species.

2020 ◽  
Vol 41 (Supplement_2) ◽  
N Iwahashi ◽  
J Kirigaya ◽  
M Horii ◽  
T Abe ◽  
E Akiyama ◽  

Abstract Background The early transmitral flow velocity (E) divided by the early diastolic velocity of the mitral valve annulus (e') is referred to as the “E/e' ratio,” is useful even for ST elevation acute myocardial infarction (STEMI). However, the role of late diastolic velocity (a') which reveals the atrial function for STEMI is still unclear. Objectives We evaluated the clinical usefulness of tissue Doppler including atrial function for a first-time STEMI by long time follow up. Furthermore, we evaluated the meaning of each parameters by performing immediately after PCI or 2 weeks later. Methods We treated consecutive 571 first-time STEMI patients by immediate PCI within 12 hours after onset, and we examined 270 patients at immediately after PCI (GroupA, 65 years, 250 male) and 301 patients at 2 weeks after onset (GroupB, 64 years, 243 male). We examined trans mitral flow and TDI, then defined E/e' as LV filling pressure and A/a' as left atrial function. We followed them for a long time (>5 years). The primary end point (PE) was cardiac death or re-admission for heart failure (HF). Results We followed the patients in Group A for 10 years, Group B for 5 years. PE occurred in 64 patients in GroupA during 10 years, and 45 patients in GroupB during 5 years. We analyzed the univariate and multivariate Cox hazard analyses and we compared e' and a', E/e' and A/a' (Table). In GroupA, a' and A/a' were the independent predictors, on the other hand neither a' nor A/a' were the predictors in GroupB. E/e' was an independent predictor both in GroupA and B. Conclusion TDI parameters have different meanings by the timing of echocardiography after onset of a first-time STEMI. These results demonstrated that atrial dysfunction immediately after onset of STEMI suggests the poor prognosis after STEMI. Cox Hazard Proportional Analysis Funding Acknowledgement Type of funding source: None

Eva Marín ◽  
Maria Carme Sistach ◽  
Jessica Jiménez ◽  
Miguel Clemente ◽  
Guillem Garcia ◽  

AbstractLong-time preservation of manuscripts depends on the stability of their support. One of the most important degradation processes of paper manuscripts containing iron gall ink is the acid hydrolysis of cellulose. The heterogeneity of the distribution of their constituent materials, together with the defined position of ink as a source of degradation agents, makes it difficult to obtain reliable and detailed information about degradation processes. The aim of this study is to contribute to the knowledge of the acid degradation process by looking at the distribution of relevant variables (pH, acidity and alkaline reserve) on real untreated iron gall ink containing manuscripts at different degradation stages. The study discusses the well-known differences between surface and cold extraction pH determination. It corroborates the relationship between pH, acidity and alkalinity and degradation stages, pointing out that acidity values for some manuscripts in apparent good condition are not far from those obtained for degraded manuscripts. The results indicate that in some partially degraded manuscripts, the coexistence of acid areas and areas with an alkaline reserve which do not participate in the neutralization process is possible. The role of water as a solvent for this equilibrium has also been evaluated.

2015 ◽  
Vol 776 ◽  
pp. 531-567 ◽  
Jolet de Ruiter ◽  
Rudy Lagraauw ◽  
Frieder Mugele ◽  
Dirk van den Ende

Millimetre-sized droplets are able to bounce multiple times on flat solid substrates irrespective of their wettability, provided that a micrometre-thick air layer is sustained below the droplet, limiting $\mathit{We}$ to ${\lesssim}4$. We study the energy conversion during a bounce series by analysing the droplet motion and its shape (decomposed into eigenmodes). Internal modes are excited during the bounce, yet the viscous dissipation associated with the in-flight oscillations accounts for less than 20 % of the total energy loss. This suggests a significant contribution from the bouncing process itself, despite the continuous presence of a lubricating air film below the droplet. To study the role of this air film we visualize it using reflection interference microscopy. We quantify its thickness (typically a few micrometres) with sub-millisecond time resolution and ${\sim}30~\text{nm}$ height resolution. Our measurements reveal strong asymmetry in the air film shape between the spreading and receding phases of the bouncing process. This asymmetry is crucial for effective momentum reversal of the droplet: lubrication theory shows that the dissipative force is repulsive throughout each bounce, even near lift-off, which leads to a high restitution coefficient. After multiple bounces the droplet eventually hovers on the air film, while continuously experiencing a lift force to sustain its weight. Only after a long time does the droplet finally wet the substrate. The observed bounce mechanism can be described with a single oscillation mode model that successfully captures the asymmetry of the air film evolution.

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