The article discusses the concept of stress as a mechanism of decision-making, situation solving and "ineffective personality" changing in contexts of the abrupt change of conditions and circumstances of habitation. When circumstances appear to be unsolvable by ordinary measures, i. e., a person cannot handle them; the extreme decision-making mechanism is activated, which in essence is a holisticinsight mechanism. More precisely, the mechanism hidden behind the holistic insight of creativity, allowing by inspiration comprise and combine enormous volumes of material, as we show in [1], may have roots in the holistic insight mechanism of solving ambiguous, complex and deadly situations. This "mechanism", including deep delta rhythms and involving a holistic system in solution of the situation through hyper attention or hyper concentration, may also include, as in hypnosis, the mechanisms of identity change (you are the painter Repin, you are fearless warriors, berserks, etc.). We assume that this is not a pathological mechanism, but an insuperable mechanism of development and survival, which blockade is caused by culture sets. If an individual continues fighting, the insight mechanism and mechanism of personality transformation are actuated. This may be achieved by a holistic coverage of personal experience. If an individual fails to solve the situation, then it may result in a blackout, when a person imitates the others, not remembering it afterwards, running with others, etc. If there is no such example, then various scenarios may exist; with the "blackout", the searching may be carried out appropriate of behavior patterns in the person's memory and abrupt change of personality to a completely different one (Napoleons, fearless movie warriors, some dreams, etc.). The delta state is related to some sleep phases in brain waves (delta rhythms as in a deep sleep), and as of in sleep we can be different personalities, so in the delta state a person can experience other personalities in reality. In the state of sleepwalking a person can walk in a night of sleep without remembering it. We believe that the delta state of stress is the same mechanism as in sleep, only the body is completely subordinated to a sleeping or new personality. As sleep is the processing of daily information, so the delta state of stress is the processing and determination of information in reality. In a state of heightened danger, you actually get direct access to this “processing center”. But you need to be able to use it. It is possible to easily imitate the majority of stressful disorders with sleep deprivation or prolonged sensory deprivation (resulting in a direct request). But since there is no real reason, some disorders will cease manifesting when the normal regime is restored. With creativity, we generally see the direct control of the "processing center" (the same as in a night of sleep and in deadly danger) without side effects. Anxiety, or more properly, attention and concentration on a problem, are consciously arisen in creative work. And all processes, like in a sleep being controlled, are controlled in the creative work: instead of flashes ‒ flashes of ideas; instead of hallucinations ‒ control of auditory, visual, tactile images; instead of chaos ‒ sounding music or pictures; instead of compulsive thoughts ‒ concentration; instead of manias ‒ super concentration; instead of “dissociation” of personality ‒ almost living heroes of literary writings; instead of torn feelings ‒ strong rueful feelings; instead of uncontrollably rushing thoughts ‒ unprecedented speed of creativity, etc. A controlled analogue corresponds to each disorder, which is the most complex evolutionary advantage of species and achievement of humanity. In essence, stress is the same attempt to solve a problem, especially when the problem cannot be solved by the means of a given personality. PTSD is apparently the same attempt to solve a problem by anxiety on the problem and other remedies of the organism to draw attention, typically, to the unresolved and previously unfinished problem, especially when it cannot be solved. Frequently, PTSD occurs when the problem has not been resolved by one or another way, even post factum. Most commonly, a person with PTSD did not take actions against its repetition: he/she did not conquer an enemy, did not learn to win, does not have experience and protective measures, etc. Winners who do not want to change the past, allegedly, were out of PTSD (compare the World War II (better the Great Patriotic War for Russia) and the Vietnam War when it was first diagnosed PTSD: those who wanted to replay, change or abolish the past, experience variants of PTSD; those who are proud of victory or of themselves call the same situation the best time of life). The rider recalls with tenderness children's falls from a horse. PTSD is essentially an open problem for those who could not solve the problem at that time (young children, women), or cannot solve the problem (injured or maimed, have a moral problem or injury), or do not want to solve the problem. In essence, the work with PTSD should begin with a problem solving, temporary or artificial, ensuring security, changing a person so that he/she can cope with the problem, and providing him/her with remedies to cope with the problem, directing activity to the problem, getting used to think about the problem ‒ the person must solve the problem inside oneself, be prepared for solving this or a similar problem outside, prepare ways to to solve the problem. In other words, create a positive view of the problem means solve the problem. In essence, PTSD is a challenge that must end with the renewal of person and the creation of a new one, as in creativity.