cultural tradition
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Perspektif ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 290-304
Muhammad Subarkah

Abstrak Kreativitas karya budaya melalui lagu dalam sejarah Indonesia semenjak dahulu hingga kini ternyata sangat efektif menjadi alat komunikasi perubahan sosial dan politik. Di zaman dahulu dalam tradisi budaya Jawa ada yang disebut tembang atau lagu yang dipakai sebagai sarana komunikasi untuk memberikan arah petunjuk bagi perubahan tersebut. Tembang atau lagu ternyata menjadi alat menghela pesan kesadaran publik atas berbagai persoalan yang terjadi. Kajian atas sarana komunikasi melalui lagu itu ternyata dapat menjadi penanda atas perubahan sosial politik yang menandai sebuah era zaman. Dalam tulisan ini membahas soal perubahan komunikasi sebuah lagu di era menjelang kemerdekaan Indonesia atau era modern Nusantara. Lagu rakyat Banyuwangi yang dikenal dengan nama ‘Genjer-genjer’ yang pada awal pembuatannya di zaman Jepang hanya sebatas berfungsi lagu hiburan semata, namun pada suatu waktu dalam sebuah arus zaman bisa berubah menjadi lagu yang sangat kental dengan pesan sebuah ideologi dan politik. Bahkan, lagu rakyat yang memakai syair bahasa daerah Jawa dengan dialek Banyuwangi ini, nantinya berubah dan dianggap sebagai alat propaganda yang efektif sebuah kekuasaan politik yang bersifat nasional bahkan internasional. Di masa kini lagu Genjer-genjer semakin menarik karena telah dinyanyikan oleh orang asing dengan memakai bahasa asing atau melepaskan syair aslinya. Akibatnya lagu ini yang dahulu begitu popular, kemudian dalam beberapa puluh tahun saat terjadinya perubahan rezim menjadi terlarang dan menghilang dari telinga publik, kini mulai dikenal dan terdengar semarak kembali. Adanya kenyataan tersebut, maka melalui kajian ini, publik kemudian menjadi memahami kembali arti dan nilai pentingnya sarana komunikasi dari karya budaya melalui sebuah lagu pada umumnya, serta lagu ‘Genjer-genjer’ pada khususnya. Sebuah lagu ternyata bisa sangat efektif menjadi sarana komunikasi. Lagu ternyata tak bermata tunggal, yakni hanya hiburan dan pelepas ekpresi pribadi belaka. Lagu punya banyak fungsi dan wajah. Abstract The creativity of artistic works through songs in Indonesian history from the past until now has become very effective as a communication tool for social and political change. In ancient times in the Javanese cultural tradition, a so-called tembang or song was used as a means of communication to provide directions for these changes. Tembang or song turned out to be a tool to convey a message of public awareness of the various problems that occurred. The study of the means of communication through the song became a marker for the socio-political changes that marked an era. This paper discusses the difference in the transmission of a song in the period leading up to the independence of Indonesia or the modern era of the archipelago. The Banyuwangi folk song known as 'Genjer-genjer' which at the beginning of its creation in the Japanese era was only limited to functioning as an entertainment song, but at one time in a period, it could turn into a song that was very thick with the message of an ideology and politics. This folk song, which uses Javanese rhymes with the Banyuwangi dialect, will later change and be considered an effective propaganda tool for a political power that is national and even international. Nowadays, the song Genjer-genjer is more interesting because it has been sung by foreigners using a foreign language or releasing the original lyrics. As a result, this song, which used to be so popular, then in a few decades when the regime change took place, became banned and disappeared from the public's ear, is now starting to be known and sounds lively again. With this fact, through this study, the public will then understand the meaning and value of the importance of means of communication from cultural works through a song in general, and the song 'Genjer-genjer' in particular. A song can be very effective as a means of communication. The song does not have a single eye, that is, it is only entertainment and a mere release of personal expression. Songs have many functions and faces.

Dandan Qi ◽  
Jiaxin Liu ◽  
Mingliang Li ◽  
Jianjun Li

Intangible cultural heritage is not only a precious heritage of humans, but also an ancient and vivid historical and cultural tradition, which contains profound cultural values. In the process of development, the development of intangible cultural heritage tourism faces problems such as the inheritors' not actively inheriting, the government's failure to take corresponding incentives and interventions, and the over-development of intangible cultural heritage development enterprises. Starting from the stakeholders participated in the development of non-heritage tourism, this paper constructs three groups of evolutionary game models, studies the strategic evolution path of each subject, and uses simulation experiments to verify. The game results show that the size of the parameters determines the choice of the final strategy, and the strategic choices of the three players are interrelated. Only by taking precise measures from the perspective of different stakeholders, can be the efficiency and reasonable development of intangible cultural heritage tourism resources be achieved and the regional economic development be supported.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 645
Jana Katunar ◽  
Marija Kaštelan Mrak ◽  
Vinko Zaninović

The aim of this research was to provide a better understanding of factors influencing the performance of (small) agricultural producers. Considering the importance of agricultural producers, not just for maintaining a steady supply of products but also for the preservation of the population (and cultural tradition) of rural areas, the development of sustainable agricultural business is a matter of public interest. This paper considers wine producers and their market channels, i.e., the factors influencing the relationship between wine producers and market intermediaries, by applying ideas taken from agency theory. We developed a conceptual model with our defined measure of agency costs as the mediator variable between multiple regressors and the firms’ financial and non-financial performance as regressions. We used the approach of Baron and Kenny to investigate whether agency costs act as a mediator variable. The data needed to test the proposed conceptual model were collected through questionnaires and contextual interviews with the Croatian wine producers (n = 124). We found that more self-reliance in the distribution process, supported by factors related to the bargaining strength, had a positive influence on wine producers’ performance. The results also support the assumption that agency costs act as a full mediator variable between a producer’s attributes and its performance.

2022 ◽  
pp. 36-50
Ornella Discacciati

The article analyzes the role played by the journal "Na postu" in the marginalization of village literature. In the 1920s, the role played by this journal was more important than generally expected, because the editors were able to accelerate and in a certain way guide the government's choices in the cultural sphere. As a result, an entire strand of Russian cultural tradition was obliterated. The village literature writers were slandered and then physically o socially liquidated or replaced with authors ideologically conforming to the new collective farm literature.

2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-18
Joane Souza ◽  
Renan Almeida ◽  
Ruth Almeida ◽  
Rafael Chagas ◽  
Ian Almeida

The aim of this work is to discuss and analyzing which criteria adopted for fish consumption in the Belém, Pará State, Metropolitan Region through the analysis of the consumer socioeconomic profile, the origin of his knowledge about the theme and his preferences about their fish buying and consumption habits, based on the answers obtained through a questionnaire. The methodology was the application of a questionnaire through the Google Forms platform,composed of 16 questions related to the themes addressed in this work directed to fish consumers in the municipalities of Ananindeua, Belém, Benevides, Castanhal, Marituba, Santa Bárbara do Pará and Santa Isabel do Pará. The questionnaire reached a total of 239 people. When asked about the preference in the choice of fish the dourada appears with about 68% as the preferred species for consumption in the BMR. The survey shows that most purchase places for consumption are the neighborhood fairs with 59% of the answers. Most respondents (about 60%) prefer fresh fish as the most sought-after form of conservation. As to the reason for the choice, the main answer obtained was the taste present in 89% of the interviews. Many respondents claimed that they would consume all types of fish, on the other hand, Tamuatá was chosen as the fish that respondents would not eat because it was seen in poor hygiene environments and had a strong flavor and odor. When asked how they learned to identify the fish freshness, 67% of respondents answered that this knowledge came through family teaching, showing that preference is a personal question and is related to the consumer cultural tradition.

2021 ◽  
pp. 136843102110679
Joe P. L. Davidson ◽  
Filipe Carreira da Silva

In recent years, images of climate catastrophe have become commonplace. However, Black visions of the confluence of the Anthropocene and the apocalypse have been largely ignored. As we argue in this article, Black social thought offers crucial resources for drawing out the implicit exclusions of dominant representations of climate breakdown and developing an alternative account of the planet’s future. By reading a range of critical race theorists, from Frederick Douglass and W. E. B. Du Bois to Octavia Butler and Ta-Nehisi Coates, we propose a rethinking of the climate apocalypse. The African American theoretical and cultural tradition elaborates an image of the end of the world that emphasises the non-revelatory nature of climate catastrophe, warns against associating collapse with rebirth, and articulates a mode of maroon survivalism in which the apocalypse is an event to be endured and escaped rather than fatalistically expected or infinitely delayed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 74
Melisa Apellaniz ◽  
Niall G. Burnside ◽  
Matthew Brolly

Temperate grasslands are considered the most endangered terrestrial ecosystem worldwide; the existent areas play a key role in biodiversity conservation. The Aguapey Valuable Grassland Area (VGA), one of the most well-preserved temperate grassland areas within Argentina, is currently threatened by the anthropogenic expansion of exotic tree plantations. Little is known about the impacts of afforestation over temperate grassland landscape structures; therefore, the aim of this study is to characterize Aguapey VGA landscape structural changes between 1999 and 2020 based on remotely sensed data. This involves the generation of land cover maps for four annual periods based on unsupervised classification of Landsat 5 TM and 8 OLI images, the estimation of landscape metrics, and the transition analysis between land cover types and annual periods. The area covered by temperate grassland is shown to have decreased by almost 22% over the 20 year-period studied, due to the expansion of tree plantation cover. The afforestation process took place mainly between 1999 and 2007 in the northern region of the Aguapey VGA, which led first to grassland perforation and subsequently to grassland attrition; however, Aguapey’s cultural tradition of cattle ranching could have partially inhibited the expansion of exotic trees over the final years of the study. The evidence of grassland loss and fragmentation within the Aguapey VGA should be considered as an early warning to promote the development of sustainable land use policies, mainly focused towards the Aguapey VGA’s southern region where temperate grassland remains the predominant land cover type.

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (39) ◽  
pp. 98-112
Teresa Grabińska

There are briefly presented two trends in security sciences developed in the last 10 years: the issues of security culture and the issues of personal safety. Both approaches to security designate methods of threefold insight into the state of security and ways to improve it for an individual and a group. The subject of the discussion will be a comparative analysis of these two approaches to securitology. The research hypothesis is that the approach focused on personal safety emphasizes the importance of the cultural tradition of an individual or group, while the approach focused on the culture of security raises the importance of appropriate shaping of the security structure. This correspondence clearly refers to the determinants of personal safety. The discussed topic is very important for the development of theoretical securitology, especially in connection with the increasingly topical issues of the so-called multiculturalism in a globalizing world. Determinants of personal safety make it possible to study (also in an empirical way) of the individual and group feelings of security. In this way, the combination of the security culture and the presented concept of personal safety opens the way to the humanization of securitology.

Doxa ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 181-215
Sergey Troitskiy ◽  
Anna Troitskaya

Research traditions that have developed in relation to certain cultural phenomena are often limited by the framework of national cultures, the specifics of the studied personality and its creative activity. At the same time, the cultural and social demands underlying these studies do not actually imply the conversion of the identified cultural values from one national (cultural) tradition to another. Thus, it is unlikely that representatives of border territories, as well as territories that had actual ex-territoriality and freedom to choose cultural identification, can give in to an unambiguous definition of cultural identity. Odessa was good example of it. Here the marginality of the frontier cultural zone created its own unique cultural topos, with its “mixed” identity, for which the territorial, ethnic, cultural and linguistic boundaries were not absolute, were mobile, created conditions for the formation of seemingly contradictory ideas about the “eastern West”, about “imperial Jewishness”, “Jewish Russianity”, etc. For the Jewish citizen of Odessa, the national (Jewish) or imperial (Russian) component played a great role. The internal contradictions that exist in these identification models were either resolved in favor of one of the models, or removed due to the local identification model provided by the immediate environment, which we called the environment. In this article, we would like to show this environmental influence through the personality of Mikhail Filippovich Freidenberg, who is known to historians of science and technology as an inventor, but little known to literary historician (mainly as the father of Olga Mikhailovna Freidenberg and the uncle of Boris Leonidovich Pasternak). In our opinion, the description of the artistic and journalistic, as well as satirical works of Mikhail Freidenberg deserves attention. With his name, the intellectual environment of Odessa at the end of the XIX century takes on a holistic appearance, at the same time exposing the problem of “intellectual crowding” of the imperial province. The phenomenon of the environment is conceptualized by the example of the family of Mikhail Freidenberg and relations with relatives, as well as by describing the influence of this environment on Russian culture in the late XIX – first half of the XX century through the formation of the personalities of Olga Freidenberg and Boris Pasternak. It is important to overcome disciplinary boundaries and show how the environment promotes the realization of creative opportunities and how it sets these opportunities. We do it based on the available biographical data, memoirs, diaries and other documents.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Marek Kozlowski ◽  
Rahinah Ibrahim ◽  
Khairul Hazmi Zaini

PurposeThis study aims to examine the trajectory of the urban growth of Borneo by portraying its resilient settlements in the pre-colonial times, tropical sensitive colonial architecture, the built environment of the post–independence period and finally the contemporary city image. This is followed by a comparative study of its major urban centres and determining how globalisation and neoliberalism impact the traditional urban settlements of this island and poses a threat to its rich biodiversity.Design/methodology/approachThis study uses case study research methodology involving selected cities on the Island of Borneo including Kota Kinabalu, Sandakan, Miri and Kuching (Sabah and Sarawak, Malaysia), Bandar Seri Begawan (Brunei), and major cities of the state of Kalimantan, Indonesia. Data collection includes a literature review, content analysis, field assessment and observations. The major research objectives would address past and current issues in the selected urban environment of Borneo. They address the historical evolution of major cities of Borneo, current urban development trends, the deterioration of the traditional urban fabric as a result of post–independence development and later globalisation.FindingsThis study found that the rich cultural tradition and climate-responsive architecture from the past have been discontinued to pave way for fast track and often speculative development. The results contribute in the convergence of existing shortcomings of cities from three nations on Borneo Island in guiding future sustainable urban planning agenda for achieving a resilient city status while reinstating the character and the sense of place. The study expects the recommendations to become prerequisites for future urban planning in sensitive tropical regions.Originality/valueThis research identified a new “Borneo approach” to urban development. The study strongly recommends top priorities for the central, state and local governments of Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia allowing the planners and decision-makers to establish a new tropical urban planning initiative with the ample design practice for this unique region in Southeast Asia. The results of this study can serve as the guiding principles for other urban environments in fragile and sensitive tropical regions.

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