В. В. Третьяков ◽  
В. С. Мякотных

Для определения места и роли дегенеративных изменений поясничного отдела позвоночника в патогенезе синдрома нижних мочевых путей и успешности проведения лечебных мер наблюдали 106 мужчин пожилого и старческого возраста, страдающих доброкачественной гиперплазией предстательной железы и патологией позвоночника. Длительные хронические боли в пояснице испытывали 48 (45,3 %) пациентов, у 93,8 % из них отмечали никтурию, у 75 % - затруднения при мочеиспускании, у 60,4 % - ложные позывы на мочеиспускание, что мотивировало обращение к урологу. Выявленные с помощью опросника IPSS различия, соответственно 21,78±4,33 и 16,33±4,61 балла, указывали на негативное значение хронического болевого синдрома в формировании общей клинической картины урологической патологии. У лиц старческого возраста болевой синдром и симптомы раздражения мочевых путей были менее выраженными, чем у лиц пожилого возраста, а обструктивные симптомы, наоборот, более отчетливыми. Хронические болевые синдромы в поясничной области значительно чаще ( р <0,001)регистрировали у 67 пациентов с удовлетворительными и неудовлетворительными результатами лечения по поводу расстройств мочеиспускания, чем у 39 с наилучшей эффективностью. Таким образом, патология поясничного отдела позвоночника и связанные с ней хронические болевые синдромы вносят существенный вклад в патогенез и клиническую картину синдрома нижних мочевых путей и в результативность лечения расстройств мочеиспускания. Выявленные особенности следует учитывать в процессе диагностики и лечения комбинированной патологии. In order to determine the place and role of degenerative changes in the lumbar spine in the pathogenesis of lower urinary tract syndrome and the success of treatment measures, 106 elderly and senile male patients suffering from benign prostatic hyperplasia and spinal pathology were observed. Long-term chronic lower back pain was experienced by 48 (45,3 %) patients, 93,8 % of them had night urination, 75 % had difficulty urinating, and 60,4 % had false urge to urinate, which motivated them to contact a urologist.The differences identified using the IPSS questionnaire, respectively 21,78±4,33 and 16,33±4,61 points, indicated a negative value of chronic pain syndrome in the formation of the overall clinical picture of urological pathology. Among the senile patients, pain and urinary tract irritation symptoms were less pronounced than among the elderly patients, and obstructive symptoms, on the contrary, were more pronounced. Chronic pain syndromes in the lumbar region were significantly more frequent ( p <0,001) among 67 patients with satisfactory and unsatisfactory results of treatment for urination disorders than among 39 with the best efficiency. Thus, the pathology of the lumbar spine and associated chronic pain syndromes make a significant contribution to the pathogenesis and clinical picture of the lower urinary tract syndrome and to the effectiveness of treatment of urination disorders. The identified features should be taken into account in the process of diagnosis and treatment of combined pathology.

2018 ◽  
Vol 20 (6) ◽  
pp. 67-72
D Yu Pushkar ◽  
M Yu Gvozdev

Material and methods. The study included patients (n=164) in peri- and postmenopause, having a laboratory-confirmed picture of the genitourinary menopausal syndrome - atrophic vulvovaginitis and suffering from recurrent lower urinary tract infections (UTI) - cystitis and urethritis. All patients underwent standard antibacterial therapy (ABT) UTI in accordance with the results of bacteriological urine culture according to Russian clinical guidelines on urology. Against the background of ABT, 164 patients received additional therapy with Trioginal® (the study group - SG) containing estriol, micronized progesterone and Lactobacillus casei rhamnosus Doderleini 35 (LCR 35) lactobacillus strain. Trioginal® was administered intravaginally in two stages: for 20 days, 2 capsules per day, then for 10 days, 1 capsule per day. In the comparison group - CG (n=67) with ABT, Ovipol Klio® (estriol monopreparation) was additionally intravaginally used in two stages: for 14 days, 1 suppository per day, then for 2 weeks, 1 suppository 2 times a week. The control group consisted of 30 patients receiving only standard ABT UTI, local hormone therapy for vulvovaginal atrophy (VVA) was not performed. The observation period was 12 months after the end of the course of therapy. At all stages of treatment, a subjective and objective assessment of the severity of urination disorders and urogenital atrophy (UDI-6 questionnaire), their impact on the quality of life of patients (questionnaire IIQ-7), indicators of bacteriuria, bacterial urine culture and vaginal biocenosis, frequency of undesirable phenomena were carried out. According to the initial characteristics of the group of patients were comparable. Results. At all stages of the study, in the group of patients who received therapy with the use of the Trioginal® drug, there was a significant improvement in the clinical picture of urination disorders compared to the CG and the control (main) group - MG (in SG - 18% at the end of therapy versus 100% before the start of therapy; CG - 26 % versus 100% respectively; Ledger - 58% versus 100% respectively; p

2005 ◽  
Vol 54 (1) ◽  
pp. 113-117
A. A. Semenuok ◽  
I. V. Pospelov

Disorders of urination in women, manifested by various disorders of the accumulative and evacuation functions of the lower urinary tract, are stated in 46% of all visits to the urologist. Among the numerous complaints in patients suffering from endometrioid disease, a large place is occupied by complaints of disorders of the act of urination. Currently, there is a significant increase in the number of these patients.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 ◽  
pp. 117955652097503
Magda Rakowska-Silska ◽  
Katarzyna Jobs ◽  
Aleksandra Paturej ◽  
Bolesław Kalicki

Voiding disorders result usually from functional disturbance. However, relevant organic diseases must be excluded prior to diagnosis of functional disorders. Additional tests, such as urinalysis or abdominal ultrasound are required. Further diagnostics is necessary in the presence of alarm symptoms, such as secondary nocturnal enuresis, weak or intermittent urine flow, systemic symptoms, glucosuria, proteinuria, leukocyturia, erythrocyturia, skin lesions in the lumbar region, altered sensations in the perineum. Functional micturition disorders were thoroughly described in 2006, and revised in 2015 by ICCS (International Children’s Continence Society) and are divided into storage symptoms (increased and decreased voiding frequency, incontinence, urgency, nocturia), voiding symptoms hesitancy, straining, weak stream, intermittency, dysuria), and symptoms that cannot be assigned to any of the above groups (voiding postponement, holding maneuvers, feeling of incomplete emptying, urinary retention, post micturition dribble, spraying of the urinary stream). Functional voiding disorders are frequently associated with constipation. Bladder and bowel dysfunction (BBD) is diagnosed when lower urinary tract symptoms are accompanied by problems with defecation. Monosymptomatic enuresis is the most common voiding disorder encountered by pediatricians. It is diagnosed in children older than 5 years without any other lower urinary tract symptoms. Other types of voiding disorders such as: non-monosymptomatic enuresis, overactive and underactive bladder, voiding postponement, bladder outlet obstruction, stress or giggle incontinence, urethrovaginal reflux usually require specialized diagnostics and therapy. Treatment of all types of functional voiding disorders is based on non-pharmacological recommendations (urotherapy), and such education should be implemented by primary care pediatricians.

2016 ◽  
Vol 48 (11) ◽  
pp. 1783-1788 ◽  
Tori Nault ◽  
Priyanka Gupta ◽  
Michael Ehlert ◽  
Emily Dove-Medows ◽  
Marlene Seltzer ◽  

Spine ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 43 (19) ◽  
pp. E1152-E1156 ◽  
Elizabeth G. Lieberman ◽  
Ryan M. Boone ◽  
Stephanie Radoslovich ◽  
Valentina Haj ◽  
Jayme Hiratzka ◽  

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