ALIH KODE DAN CAMPUR KODE PADA NOVEL BADAI MATAHARI ANDALUSIA KARYA HARY EL-PARSIA (Transfer code and mix code in Novels Badai Matahari Andalusia Karya Hary El-Parsia)
AbstractThe language produced by speakers is a reflection of a culture that it adheres to because, incommunication, it certainly has a close relationship with the other person so that the language spoken can bewell understood. A discussion can take place if the style used can be followed so that the message delivered canbe received. This study aims to analyze code-switching and code-mixing in novels Badai Matahari CreationHary El-Parsia. The method in this research is descriptive qualitative carried out by not prioritizing the numbersbut prioritizes the depth of appreciation of the interaction between the concepts being studied imply. The type ofresearch in the literature is. The source and type of data of this research are the data written on novel BadaiMatahari Andalusia. The results of the study showed that in the Solar Storm novel, there were seven quotes fromthe Code and nine quotes from the Code. Code Transfer and Mix The most dominant code is the Transfer ofCode by mixing Indonesian, English, Arabic. In other words, the author Hary El-Parsia in his work uses theTransfer of Code and Mixed Code as the hallmark of his work.Keywords: Code Transfer, Code Combination. Novel. Badai Matahari Andalusia