2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2a) ◽  
pp. 66-77
Suriadi Samsuri

ABSTRAK   Pendidikan karakter harus dimulai sejak dini. Karena anak-anak adalah generasi penerus bangsa. Pembentukan karakter sejak usia dini sangat mempengaruhi karakter masa depan bangsa ini. Membangun karakter akan tumbuh dengan baik, jika dalam proses pertumbuhan mereka mendapat perhatian dan bimbingan dari orang tua dan sekolah. Mengelola karakter anak-anak tidak cukup hanya melalui pembelajaran di kelas, tetapi sekolah harus menerapkan sebuah pembelajaran melalui pembiasaan atau budaya sekolah. Kegiatan pembiasaan yang dilakukan oleh Madrasah Tebas Parit Jawai, Kabupaten Sambas bukan hanya memberikan perintah, tetapi guru memberikan contoh praktis secara langsung  kepada anak-anak   Kata Kunci : Manajemen, Karakter, Anak.   ABSTRACT   Character education must begin early. Because children are the future generation of the nation. Formation of characters from an early age greatly influences the future character of this nation. Character building will grow well, if in the process of growth they get attention and guidance from parents and school. Managing children's character is not enough to only be taught through classroom subjects, but schools also apply it through habituation or school culture. Habitual activities carried out by the Parit Jawai Private Islamic Junior High School Madrasah Tebas, Sambas District are not just orders, but the teacher gives direct or exemplary practice to the children. Keyword:  Management, Character, Childrent

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 181-198
Wahyuningsih Usadiati ◽  
Maida Norahmi

The research is an inventory aimed at identifying and categorizing the character values in the English package books for students of Islamic Junior High School or Madrasah Tsanawiyah by considering their relevance to Islamic character values in the Quran and Hadits. The method used was content analysis following Bogdan and Biklen model by analyzing, grouping, sorting, and synthesizing the values taken from the package books to draw the patterns.  The patterns were discussed to conclude the final findings to be disseminated as the list of inventory.  The main data source was the English package books published by the government and the supporting data were the Core Competencies taken from Curriculum 2013 for Junior High School (SMP) and Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) or Islamic Junior High School students. There are 10 values inserted in the package books that are relevant to the Islamic religious characters. The result showed various English expressions relevant to Islamic character values which have a long-term and sustainable effect as a reference for character building by English teachers in developing English supplementary materials for Islamic Junior High School students.

ScienceEdu ◽  
2019 ◽  
pp. 67
Muhammad Fiky Mayshandy

Abstract Character education of junior high schools in Indonesia is arguably less preferred. In fact, it only becomes limited to discourse in formal education. This article discusses the importance of character education in formal education. Starting from looking example of applications in China. Then, the business continued its application in formal junior high school education. These efforts include the establishment of character education as one of the reasons why the important of character building for student capital to mature.   Keywords: character education, design

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 233-248
Esti Rahmah Pratiwi

Character building for student should be applied in the early age. It is important because early age is the crucial time for student to develop their potential ability. The purpose of this research is to determine the real form of character building through hidden curriculum theory. The research uses a quantitative method. The results showed that: 1) the implementation of the hidden curriculum in SMP IT (integrated Islamic of junior high school) Masjid Syuhada belong in a good category. With the highest percentage value of 29.54%, the group score indicates as good criteria. 2) Character building in the 2 grade of SMP IT (integrated Islamic of junior high school) Masjid Syuhada categorized as good enough, with the highest percentage value of 27, 28%. The group score indicates as good enough criteria. 3) There is a positive and significant influence of hidden curriculum in the student's character, as if the score of hidden curriculum increased by 0.649. Hidden curriculum influence 52.7% in student’s characteristic, while 47.3% are influenced by other factors.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 278-285
Vitri Yunesa

ABSTRACT Environmental care character for students is important to be formed, because the environment will affect the existence and benefit of humans. The character Building is through character education at school. Islamic junior high school Diniyyah Al-Azhar Muara Bungo is an educational institution that seeks to familiarize students with caring for the environment. The purpose of this research is to explain students environmental care character building at Islamic Junior High School Diniyyah Al-Azhar Muara Bungo. This study uses a qualitative method. The research informants were selected by purposive sampling and numbered 14 people. Technique of checking the validity of data by data triangulation. Data analysis techniques with interactive models Miles and Huberman. The findings of this research were: (1) through environmental picket activities, (2) provision of facilities that support environmental care activities, and (3) environmental care slogans Keywords: Environmental Care Character, Students, School, Character Education

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 141
Eni Kurniawati Kurniawati ◽  
Sunarso Sunarso

Abstract Policy on character education has long been applied in Indonesia, with the hope to develop a civilization to be more dignified and become savvy citizens and not experiencing a moral crisis. However, by looking at the reality of the matter at this time, a moral crisis never stops destroying the nation's generation. If not treated immediately it will trigger the development of characters that do not reflect the identity and character of the nation that will result in a weak future generation. Therefore, this study aims to determine the character of the students that is implanted or formed through the school culture in Taruna Nusantara. The research is a qualitative case study research, the data collection techniques used were interviews, observation and documentation. The results showed that the effective character education is the transformation of culture and life in a boarding school that is in Taruna Nusantara High School in Magelang. Character formation of students can be achieved through school's culture as being in the grand of designing character education, because of character as a "moral excellence" or morals in the wake of various policies (virtues) who in turn only has meaning when based on the values that apply in the culture.

2009 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 85-94
I G. A. K. Wardani

Facing the rapid changing world, concern on the future of the nation is increasing. This is due to the fact that a lot of practices in schools, families, as welf as in society do not conform with the etical conduct, moral, and good manner that are universially accepted by human being. Therefore, all people who concern on the future of the nation, especially educators, should aware of the importance of character education, in order to save the future generation from moral degradation. Related to the problem, this aims at trigerring the awareness of educator to the importance of character education, by discussing the conceptual meanings ( what, why, and how) of character education, then followed by the possibility for implementation, and ended with the implication on education and teacher education.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Rodiantifitri Nengsih

Kurangnya moral anak bangsa saat sekarang ini, seperti pembegal yang marak dilakukan oleh kalangan pelajar SMP atau SMA, seks bebas, pornografi, narkoba, dan minum minuman keras sudah membuat miris kalangan pendidik. Karena pendidikan moral anak tidak hanya tugas keluarga, tapi juga guru sebagai pendidik. Dan tidak hanya tugas guru agama, tapi guru mata pelajaran biologi. Melalui pembelajaran berkarakter disekolah, dapat diharapkan lulusannya memiliki keimanan dan ketaqwaan kepada Allah swt, berakhlak mulia, berkarakter mulia, komptensi akademik yang utuh dan terpadu, sekaligus memiliki kepribadian yang baik sesuai norma-norma dan budaya Indonesia. Hal ini, sesuai dengan tujuan pendidikan nasional indonesia. Pendidikan karakter adalah pendidikan yang membangun kulaitas moral yang bersifat positif. Pembelajaran biologi mengajarkan kita mencintai ciptaan Allah SWT, karena pencipta dari ruang lingkup biologi adalah Allah SWT. Wujud cinta kepada Allah SWT adalah menjalankan segala perintah-Nya serta menjaduhi segala larangan-Nya. Ruang lingkup biologi biologi adalah ciptaan dari Allah SWT, dan ini membuktikan bahwa pembelajaran biologi mampu membangun karakter cinta kepada Allah SWT. Kata Kunci: Pembelajaran Biologi, Nilai Karakter Cinta Kepada Allah SWT  Children who lack moral nation Now Singer Currently, such yegg The flare was conducted by Student Among OR junior high school, free prepaid sex, pornography, drugs, and drinking water Liquors Already MAKE sad Among Educators. BECAUSE Education Kids moral NOT Just telecoms families, BUT Also teachers as educators. And NO Only telecoms religious teachers, teachers eye BUT biology lesson. Learning Through school character, can be expected graduates have shown faith and devotion to Allah, noble, noble character, academic komptensi The Whole And integrated, have a personality Good Simultaneously Under the norms and culture of Indonesia. It Singer, Match WITH Indonesian national education goals. Character Education Is The Building Education kulaitas moral That is positive. Learning biology teaches kita Loved the Creation of Allah, BECAUSE Creator Of The scope of biology is Allah SWT. A form of love shown to Allah SWT is running All His command menjaduhi And All His prohibitions. The scope of biology is biology Creation Of Allah, And the singer proving that learning biology Able to Build Character Love kepada Allah SWT. Keywords: Learning Life, Love Character Values To Allah

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 203
Wiwit Puji Amalia ◽  
Sumarwati Sumarwati ◽  
Budhi Setiawan

<p><em>This research is a qualitative descriptive research aims to (1) describe and explain the structure of folklore of Purbalingga District, (2) to describe and explain the social care values contained in Purbalingga District folklore, (3) describe and explain the relevance of folklore as the character buildingand teaching material in Junior High School. Data and information are collected through informants and documents. Data collection is done through observation, recording, interview, and document analysis. Research sample is determined by purposive sampling technique. Validation of data is done by triangulation. The results of this research are:</em></p><em>(1) the structure of folklore Purbalingga District, (2) social caring values contained in Purbalingga District folklore, (3) relevance of folklore as the character building and teaching material in Junior High School.</em>

Wenny Anggraeni ◽  
Syahnan Daulay ◽  
M. Oky Ferdian Gafari

The media serves to direct students to gain various learning experiences. The aim of this study is to know the feasibility of interactive multimedia development in children' story of character education-based. Sources of data in this study were obtained from: 1) Respondents: 7th grade students of Junior High School Panca Budi Medan which amount to 23 students, 2) Informants: validators, students and Indonesian language teachers of Junior High School Panca Budi Medan. The results of the feasibility of learning media validation by instructional media design experts was declared "very good" The assessment of the content feasibility aspect was declared "very good" with a total average percentage of 91%. The assessment of the presentation feasibility was declared "very good" with a total average percentage of 83%. The assessment of the graphic feasibility was declared "good" with a total average percentage of 77%.

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