scholarly journals Charge properties and currents in the silicon/nanoparticles of zinc oxide heterostructure irradiated by the solar light

Doklady BGUIR ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 19 (8) ◽  
pp. 10-14
A. A. Kuraptsova ◽  
A. L. Danilyuk

Silicon/zinc oxide heterostructures have shown themselves to be promising for use in photovoltaics. This paper presents the results of modeling the charge properties and currents in a Si/nanosized ZnO particle with different types of conductivity under sunlight irradiation. The simulation was carried out using the Comsol Multiphysics software package. The energy diagrams of the investigated heterostructures were plotted, the charge properties and currents flowing in the structure were investigated, the dependences of the rate of generation of charge carriers on wavelength on the surfaces of silicon, zinc oxide, and at the interface between silicon and zinc oxide, the rate of recombination of charge carriers at various wavelengths of incident radiation was obtained. The regularities of the influence of wavelength of the incident radiation on the charge density and electric potential on the surface of heterostructures have been established. It is shown that the potential on the surface of the p-Si / n-ZnO heterostructure is positive, depends on the wavelength of the incident radiation and reaches the maximum of 0.68 V. For other structures, it is negative and does not depend on the wavelength: n-Si / p-ZnO –0.78 V, p-Si / p-ZnO –0.65 V, n-Si / n-ZnO –0.25 V.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 ◽  
pp. 101071
Bruno P. Falcão ◽  
Joaquim P. Leitão ◽  
Lídia Ricardo ◽  
Hugo Águas ◽  
Rodrigo Martins ◽  

2015 ◽  
Vol 727-728 ◽  
pp. 607-611 ◽  
Kshitij Chopra ◽  
Kritika Nigam ◽  
Sujata Pandey

This paper analyses the behaviour ofpiezoelectric transducer for harvesting energy. The transducer was designedusing different materials for harnessing energy that include Zinc Oxide, LeadZirconate Titanate (PZT-2) and Quartz. The transducer was simulated using thesematerials and the voltage generated from ambient vibrations was analysed. MEMsmodule of COMSOL Multiphysics Simulation software was used to perform thesimulations. Behaviour of different materials towards various frequencies madeknown in this study gives an opportunity to estimate the fabricated device and alsosheds light on prospective applications it fits.

2020 ◽  
Vol 180 ◽  
pp. 108857 ◽  
Moondeep Chauhan ◽  
Teenu Jasrotia ◽  
Gurveengeet Kaur ◽  
Chander Prakash ◽  
Rajeev Kumar ◽  

2006 ◽  
Vol 514-516 ◽  
pp. 68-72 ◽  
Pedro Barquinha ◽  
Elvira Fortunato ◽  
Alexandra Gonçalves ◽  
Ana Pimentel ◽  
António Marques ◽  

The purpose of this work is to present in-depth electrical characterization on transparent TFTs, using zinc oxide produced at room temperature as the semiconductor material. Some of the studied aspects were the relation between the output conductance in the post-pinch-off regime and width-to-length ratios, the gate leakage current, the semiconductor/insulator interface traps density and its relation with threshold voltage. The main point of the analysis was focused on channel mobility. Values extracted using different methodologies, like effective, saturation and average mobility, are presented and discussed regarding their significance and validity. The evolution of the different types of mobility with the applied gate voltage was investigated and the obtained results are somehow in disagreement with the typical behavior found on classical silicon based MOSFETs, which is mainly attributed to the completely different structures of the semiconductor materials used in the two situations: while in MOSFETS we have monocrystalline silicon, our transparent TFTs use poly/nanocrystalline zinc oxide with grain sizes of about 10 nm.

2014 ◽  
Vol 104 (1) ◽  
pp. 013112 ◽  
Nazek El-Atab ◽  
Ayse Ozcan ◽  
Sabri Alkis ◽  
Ali K. Okyay ◽  
Ammar Nayfeh

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