scholarly journals Factors Associated With Myopia Incidence at Regional General Hospital DR. Adnaan WD Payakumbuh Year2017

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 33
Rahmi Kurnia Gustin ◽  
Saskia Andiny

Myopia or nearsightedness is a form of the refractive disorder that can cause blindness. The prevalence of myopia has been reported to be as high as 70% -90% in some Asian countries, 30% -40% in Europe and the United States and 10% -20% in Africa. Survey of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia 1993-1996 obtains refractive abnormalities in Indonesia of 24.72% ranks first in 10 most eye diseases. The case of myopia in RSUD Dr. Adnaan WD Payakumbuh as many as 725 people. This study aims to determine the factors associated with the incidence of myopia in RSUD Dr. Adnaan WD Payakumbuh. Research type using analytic study with cross-sectional approach. The research was conducted at Poli Mata RSUD Dr. Adnaan WD Payakumbuh in April to September Year 2017. The population of this study was all patients who visited the Eye Poly RSUD Dr.Adnaan WD Payakumbuh Year 2016 as many as 725 people. Sampling using non-random sampling technique (Nonprobability) with the number of 88 people.Data collection using doctoral questionnaires and diagnosis. The data analysis result of research includes univariate and bivariate analysis using the chi-square test. The results obtained from 88 respondents as many as 48 respondents (54.5%) myopia, 52 respondents (59.1%) age are not at risk, 54 respondents (61.4%) have a history of myopia and 7 respondents (8.0%) close looking activity is quite heavy The result of age analysis with myopia occurrence obtained p-value = 0,000, Family History with myopia incidence obtained p-value = 0.000 and Activity View With the occurrence of myopia obtained p-value = 0.000. It can be concluded that age, family history and near seeing activity have a connection with the incidence of myopia. It can be concluded that age, family history, and near looking activity are statistically related to the incidence of myopia. It is recommended to all people to avoid bad habits and always check eye health to the doctor.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 545
Nurul Mouliza

Dysmenorrhea is a complaint that is often experienced in adolescent girls during menstruation precisely in the lower abdomen. The incidence of dysmenorrhea in Indonesia is 76%. The results of an initial survey of 22 young women had 16 young women experiencing dysmenorrhea and 6 other young women not experiencing dysmenorrhea. The purpose of this study was to determine the factor associated with dysmenorrhea in Teenage girls in MTs State 3 Medan in 2019. Methods this research was conducted with an analytic survey research design with a cross-sectional approach. The population is young women in MTS State 3 Medan, taken by simple random sampling technique amounted to 57 people. Data analysis used univariate analysis using frequency distribution and bivariate analysis using chi-square test. Chi-square test results obtained value of P-Value = .045 which means there is a significant relationship between the age of menarche with dysmenorrhea, P-Value = .033 which means there is a significant relationship between menstrual period with dysmenorrhea, P-Value = .009 which it means that there is a significant relationship between family history and dysmenorrhea in MTs State 3 Medan. Based on the results of research can be concluded that there is an age relationship menarche, long menstruation and family history with Dysmenore in young women in MTs Negeri 3 Medan in 2019. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 29-37
Sitti Marya Ulva ◽  
Sinar Jannah

The percentage of families in Lapulu Village that had healthy latrines was 64,84% who met the health requirements and 35,16% who did not meet the health requirements in 2019. This shows that the ownership of healthy latrines is still lower than the national achievement. This study aims to determine the factors associated with low ownership of healthy latrines in the coastal areas of Lapulu Village, Kendari City. The research design was observational, with a cross-sectional approach. The population in this study was 437 respondents, while the study sample was 209 respondents. The sampling technique used was proportional random sampling technique. The analysis were performed using the Chi-Square test. The results of statistical tests with chi-square obtained the value of land availability (p-value=0,000), knowledge (p-value=0,031), and income (p-value=0,000). It can be concluded that there is a relationship between land availability, knowledge, and income levels associated with low ownership of healthy latrines in the tidal area of ​​Lapulu Village, Kendari City. Therefore, it is hoped that the community and local government will establish this inter sector collaboration with related agencies to increase community ownership of healthy latrines.

2017 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 17 ◽  
Aria Gusti

Judul : Faktor-Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Gejala Neurotoksik Akibat Paparan Pestisida Pada Petani Sayuran Di Kenagarian Alahan Panjang Kabupaten SolokLatar belakang: Sekitar 60% petani penyempro sayur di Kanagarian Alahan Panjang mempunyai riwayat gejala neurotoksik.. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan gejala gangguan syaraf pada petani penyemprot yang menggunakan pestisida di Kanagarian Alahan Panjang Kabupaten Solok.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan rancangan cross-sectional. Subyek penelitian sebanyak 75 responden. Penarikan sampel dilakukan secara random. Variabel yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini meliputi jenis pestisida, komposisi pestisida, pemakaian alat pelindung diri, dan gejala neurotoksik. Instrument penelitian menggunakan kuesioner Q18 versi Jerman. Analisis data menggunakan uji Chi-square pada taraf signifikasi 5%.Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebanyak 62,7% petani penyemprot sayuran pernah mengalami gejala neurotoksik. Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan ada hubungan signifikan antara jumlah dan komposisi pestisida yang digunakan dengan gangguan neurotoksik pada petani sayuran (p-value <0,05). Sedang kebiasaan pemakaian alat pelindung diri tidak berpengaruh terhadap kejadian gangguan neorotoksin.  Simpulan: Jumlah dan komposisis pestisida berhubungan dengan gangguan neurotoksik pada petani sayuran di Kanagarian Alahan Kabupaten Solok. Petani sayur disarankan untuk memperhatian komposis pestidian dan tidak menggunakan secara berlebihan dalam menyemprot sayuran. AbstractTitle: Factors related with neurotoxic symptoms on pesticides exposed vegetable farmer in Kanagarian Alahan Panjang, Solok DistrictBackground: Around 60% of vegetable farmer sprayer in Kenagarian Alahan Panjang have experienced of the neurotoxic symptoms. The purpose of this study was to determine factors associated with neurotoxic symptoms on vegetable farmer sprayer with pesticide in Kenagarian Alahan Panjang Solok District in 2016. Method: Type of this research was quantitative using cross-sectional design. The sample were 75 respondents. Sampling using simple random sampling technique. Processing data using univariate and bivariate analysis with chi-square test. Results: The result of this research showed (62,7%) vegetable farmer sprayer have experienced of the neurotoxic symptoms. Bivariate analysis showed there were significant relationship (p<0,05) between pesticide composition and amount of pesticide with neurotoxic symptoms. There was no significant relationship between use of personal protective equipment with neurotoxic symptoms. Conclusion: The number and compostion of pesticides were factors which had associated significantly with neurotoxic symptoms. It was suggested to vegetable farmers to change organofosfat pesticide which was not dangerous to health like faction of pyrethroids. Vegetable farmers were suggested to use appliance protector of X’self completely when activity of mixing and application of pesticide.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 138-146
Eva Kartika Hasibuan ◽  
Masri Saragih

Effective leadership is required by the head of the room to create a good performance on nurses to achieve the purpose of the room is provide good and quality health serviceThis study aims to determine the effective leadership of head room with the performance of nurses in nursing care at RSU. Sari Mutiara Lubuk Pakam. Researchers used descriptive research method correlation with cross-sectional approach. The population in this study nurse who was on duty in the inpatient unit RSU. Sari Mutiara Lubuk Pakam totaling 55 people. The sample in this study used a total sampling technique with 55 respondents. The data collection technique using a questionnaire given to respondents. The results of this study are analyzed in univariate effective leadership of head room (81.8%) with sufficient performance of nurses (50.9%). After bivariate analysis with chi-square test showed that there is a relationship effective leadership of head room with the performance of nurses (p-value = 0.003). This study recommends that the head of the room more attention to implementation of the tasks of nursing care by nurses, as well as providing support in working order, the better the performance of nurses.   Kepemimpinan efektif diperlukan oleh kepala ruangan dalam menciptakan kinerja yang baik pada perawat pelaksana untuk mencapai tujuan ruangan yaitu memberikan pelayanan kesehatan yang baik dan berkualitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kepemimpinan efektif kepala ruangan dengan kinerja perawat dalam melakukan asuhan keperawatan di RSU. Sari Mutiara Lubuk Pakam. Peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif korelasi dengan pendekatan cross-sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini seluruh perawat pelaksana yang sedang bertugas RSU Sari Mutiara Lubuk Pakam berjumlah 55  responden. Sampel dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik total sampling dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 55. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan kuisioner yang  diberikan kepada responden. Uji statistik yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah uji chi-square. Hasil penelitian ini dianalisis secara univariat yaitu kepemimpinan kepala ruangan efektif (81,8%) dengan kinerja perawat cukup (50,9%). Setelah dilakukan analisis bivariat dengan uji chi-square didapatkan hasil yaitu ada hubungan kepemimpinan efektif kepala ruangan dengan kinerja perawat (p-value=0,003). Penelitian ini merekomendasikan agar kepala ruangan lebih memperhatikan pelaksanaan tugas asuhan keperawatan oleh perawat, serta memberikan dukungan dalam bekerja agar kinerja perawat semakin baik.

2017 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 67
Rita Sari ◽  
Anifatmawati Anifatmawati

<em>Background: DHF is still an endemic problem for people. Prevention and eradication of DHF until now has not been able to free the community from DHF. Objective: This study aims to determine the relationship of knowledge and implementation of DHF prevention with the incidence of DHF in South Pringsewu in the working area of Pringsewu Public Health Center in 2015. Methods: The subjects of this study are the South Pringsewu community of 80 respondents. This research type is analytic survey, using quantitative research methods with cross sectional approach. The sampling technique in this research uses systematic sampling technique. Bivariate analysis using chi-square test with a confidence level of 95%. Results: The results of the study showed that there was a relationship between the level of knowledge and the incidence of DHF with p value 0.012 (p value &lt;0.05) and there was a correlation between the implementation of prevention with DHF incidence with p value 0.002 (p value &lt;0.05). Conclusion: The incidence of DHF is related to the factor of lack of knowledge and the implementation of prevention of DHF endemic emergence</em>

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 547-562
Ernyasih Ernyasih ◽  
Isnie Nurajizah Wijayanti

The amount of waste in Indonesia in 2019 will reach 68 million tons and plastic waste is estimated to reach 9.52 million tons or 14 percent of the total existing waste. (Regional Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia, 2017). In 2018 the total amount of waste in Bekasi Regency reached 152.3 tons per year. The composition of waste from plastic sources ranks first in the type of non-organic waste with a percentage of 9% (Bekasi Regency Environmental Service, 2018). Many impacts are caused by plastic bags on the environment, human health, and marine life. This study was conducted to determine the factors associated with reducing the use of plastic bags in the Bekasi Regency. The study design used was cross-sectional with primary data distributed through a questionnaire. A sample of 319 people, the retrieval is done by simple random sampling technique. Data analysis used chi square test (α = 0.05). Variables related to reducing the use of plastic bags are knowledge (p-value = 0.009 and OR = 0.465) and attitude (p-value = 0.038 and OR = 0.587). While the variables that were not related to the reduction in the use of plastic bags were age (p-value = 0.509), gender (p-value = 0.065), education (p-value = 0.667) and salary (p-value = 0.359). Factors that influence the reduction in the use of plastic bags in the Bekasi Regency are knowledge and attitudes. It is hoped that there will be an increase in the application of plastic bag costs in government policies regarding the plastic bag diet so that the use of plastic bags in the community can be minimized.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 341-347
Mustar . ◽  
Hasnidar . ◽  
Indryani .

Breast milk consists of the nutrients and immunity needed for the growth and development of babies in the first months. Breastfeeding until the end of two years is recommended because it has physiological and psychological benefits for both mother and baby. Lactation failure is often caused by several lactation problems, one of which is the problem of breast engorgement. Postpartum mothers with breast engorgement due to incomplete emptying process of the mammae with breast pain when it is pressed. The purpose of this study is to determine the factors that influence the breast engorgement in postpartum mothers. The research design is a quantitative analytical survey with a cross-sectional approach with a population of 50 respondents and a sample of 35 respondents with purposive sampling technique, data analysis using univariate and bivariate analysis. The results showed that there is a relationship between breastfeeding techniques and the occurrence of breast engorgement with the results of the chi square test statistical test obtained p-value 0.02α<0.05, there is a relationship between the condition of the nipple and the occurrence of breast engorgement with the results of the chi square statistical test -value = 0.01α<0.05, and there is a relationship between breast care and the occurrence of breast engorgement with the chi square test statistical test results obtained -value = 0.03α<0.05. There is a relationship between breastfeeding techniques, the condition of the mother's nipples, and breast care with the occurrence of breast engorgement. Keywords: Breast Engorgement, Breastfeeding Technique,Nipple condition, Breast Care.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-43
Athi Linda Yani ◽  
Arifa Retnowuni

Adolescence can be said to be a period of storm and stress, which is characterized by disequilibrium or imbalance of attitudes and emotions, which makes adolescents easily change, fluctuate, and uncertain. Adolescence is also a period of transition where at that time it was necessary to adjust from childhood to adulthood. Adolescents who have not been able to solve the problems experienced will lead to prolonged conflict, the inability to face existing problems can cause frustration and bring up aggressive reactions. The purpose of this study is to find out the factors related to the aggressiveness of adolescents who live in the boarding school. This study uses a descriptive correlation design using a cross sectional approach. The study was conducted in Islamic boarding schools with a sample of 150 santri. The sampling technique used was proportionate stratified random sampling. The measuring instrument used is a questionnaire that has been tested for validity and reliability. This study uses univariate and bivariate analysis using chi-square test. The results of the study revealed that there was a significant effect (P value <0.05) between parenting (p value = 0.000), and the aggressive behavior of adolescents in boarding schools. And there was a significant effect (P value <0.05) between peers (p value = 0.003), with the aggressive behavior of adolescents in boarding schools. The environment has a large influence on adolescent behavior. With the imitation process they learn to do the same thing as they can witness with their aggressive behavior.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 87-91
Haspita Rizki Syurya Handini ◽  
Yussie Ater Merry ◽  
Dhina Khairina

Measles rubella (MR) immunization is to provide immunity against measles and rubella. To reduce measles and rubella, the government carried out the MR immunization campaign. The target of MR immunization achievement is at 95%; however, in West Sumatra Province it is still at 38,98% and Padang City is at 47%. The purpose of this study was to determine the determinant factor as participation in MR immunization for toddlers. This analytic survey used a cross sectional study design. The population was mothers who had toddlers with a sample of 86 respondents taken by proportional random sampling technique. The instrument used was a questionnaire. Data processing was analyzed by bivariate and multivariate using chi square test and logistic regression. The results of the bivariate analysis showed factors related to MR immunization, namely knowledge (p = 0.003), level of education (p = 0.006), and attitude (p = 0.006), while employment (p = 0,222) and number of children (p = 0,160) were not related to MR immunization and the most influential variable was the level of knowledge with p value 0.009 and OR 0.28. It can be concluded that knowledge, education and attitude are related to maternal participation in MR immunization with the most influential variable being knowledge. Therefore, there needs to be innovation in providing counseling to mothers and families about the importance of MR immunization.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 149-153
Nurmaliza Ema ◽  
Wiwi Sartika ◽  
Siti Qomariah

The use of contraceptives is one way to control the population explosion. It is estimated that in 2013 the world population growth acceleration will experience a higher increase. In 2025 the world's population will increase to 8.1 billion, and will continue to grow in 2050 to become 9.6 billion. This study aimed to see the relationship between knowledge and support from husbands in the use of injection family planning at the Afiyah Pratama Clinic. This research method with analytic survey using cross sectional design. It will be held on December 1 to 31 2019 at the Afiyah Pratama Clinic. With the population, namely family planning acceptors who visited dikilinik with a total of 57 respondents. The sampling technique was using Accidental Sampling. The research instrument used was a questionnaire. Data processing procedures include Editing, Coding, Processing, Cleaning. The analysis used was univariate, bivariate and multivariate. Bivariate analysis using the chi-square test with a confidence level of 95%. From the research results, it was found that the knowledge obtained p-value = .002, while husband's support was p-value = .000. So it can be concluded that the husband's knowledge and support greatly influence the use of contraceptives.   Keywords: Knowledge, Husband Support, KB injection ABSTRAK   Penggunaan alat kontrasepsi merupakan salah satu cara untuk mengendalikan ledakan penduduk. Diperkirakan pada tahun 2013  percepatan pertumbuhan penduduk di dunia mengalami peningkatan lebih tinggi. Pada tahun 2025 penduduk dunia akan naik menjadi 8,1 miliar , dan akan terus berkembang pada tahun 2050 menjadi 9,6 miliar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat hubungan pengetahuan dan dukungan suami dalam penggunaaan KB Suntik di Klinik Pratama Afiyah. Metode penelitian ini dengan survey analitik menggunakan  design cross sectional. Pelaksanaannya pada tanggal 01 sampai 31 Desember 2019 di Klinik Pratama Afiyah. Dengan populasi yaitu ibu aseptor KB yang berkunjung dikilinik dengan jumlah 57 responden. Tehnik pengambilan sampel dengan Accidental Sampling. Instrument penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuesioner. Prosedur pengolaan data dengan Editing, Coding, Processing, Cleaning.  Analisis yang digunakan secara univariat, bivariate dan multivariate. Analisa Bivariat menggunakan  uji  chi-square dengan tingkat kepercayaan 95%. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan bahwa pengetahuan didapatkan nilai p-value=.002, sedangkan dukungan suami p-value=.000. Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengetahuan dan dukungan suami sangat mempengaruhi dalam penggunaan kontrasepsi KB. Kata Kunci: Pengetahuan, Dukungan Suami,  KB suntik..

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