scholarly journals Obcość jako kategoria analityczna w badaniach nad polską emigracją artystyczną

2017 ◽  
Vol 61 (1) ◽  
pp. 101-121
Tomasz Ferenc

Biographical interviews conducted among Polish émigré artists have revealed several key categories. One of them is the feeling of otherness, which turns out to be a complex and multifaceted category. In the artists’ ‘mythologies’ their sense of foreignness, otherness, and even awareness of the hostility of the outside world appears very often and becomes part of their biographies and artistic ethos. Emigration generally exacerbates this condition. In the emigrant experience, the foreignness of the new place of residence and prolonged absence from the home country has its consequences. Very often emigré artists experience a dual sense of otherness: in the home country that they have left and in the new place of residence. However, this does not mean that the feeling is connected solely with suffering. Many artists are able to use this feeling to find subject matter and stimulation for creative work. These artists continually derive inspiration from being an outsider. The author uses  biographical material to show the different trajectories of foreignness and the various creative strategies used by emigré artists. Otherness is shown to be a key category of their experience but not an entirely unambiguous one.

Antela Voulis

Petro Marko is considered by critics as one of the founders of modern Albanian prose. Scientific assessments of Petro Markos’s creativity are mainly based on long and short prose, in the form of genuine critical studies, short predictions, comments and analysis. There are papers of this nature written by scholars such as: Floresha Dado, Adriatik Kallulli, Bashkim Kuçuku, Ali Aliu, Robert Elsie and many others. The subject matter of these articles varies from simple information to moments of writer’s life, to genuine studies and analysis regarding interpretation and explanation of different elements of the structure of his literary works. In this case, we would like to highlight an article written by the author Bashkim Kuçuku, namely the novel “A name on four streets”. In this particular paper, Kucuku discusses the symbolism of the novel’s title, that even in its metaphorical form didn’t escape the punishment of dictatorship censure, closely connected with the tragic fate that followed Petro Marko. And by doing so the researcher gives us a detailed insight of the connection between his work and a broader background of Marco’s biography. In this context, together with the detailed analysis of the novel’s title, we will find the key point that paves the way for penetrating the original metaphor and symbolism of the story. According to Kuçuku, Petro Marko is a dignified, idealist, as well a stoic writer for justice and social equality. It is precisely this book, “A name in four ways”, that distinctly portrays the aforementioned author as one of the leading writers of prose in Albania and this work is one of his most distinguished among all the others. It is the aim of this study to harmonize the internal narrative analysis of the prose style with the poetic expression of all Petro Mario’s creative work.

2019 ◽  
pp. 116-127
Liudmila N. Shaymukhametova ◽  

The methodological elaborations of the rubric of the journal “My fi rst transcriptions” will present examples from assignments from the attempts of creative work of beginning pianists with the musical text. The offered assignments carry the aim of teaching certain universal techniques of artistic transformation of the composer’s primary text. The fi rst article devoted to this subject matter examines the register allocation and the doubling which were applied in everyday music-making in the 16th and 17th centuries during the varied re-exposition of the clavier text into various ensembles. The technique of their application is simple and accessible to contemporary listeners as well; it presumes the utilization of timbral possibilities of the present-day piano and keyboard synthesizer. At the basis of the elaboration of the assignments there are fragments of J.S. Bach’s instructive compositions from such compilations as “Kleinen Preludien und Fugen,” “Klavierbüchlein für Wilhelm Friedemann Bach,” as well as the “French Suites,” all of which assume a transformation of the clavier text for performing it in various variants and instrumental ensembles. These are the introductory pieces to the cycles: the preludes, fantasies or the pieces in the dance genres.The lessons are organized in the piano classes upon the conditions of “sight-reading” either in a solo manner, or with participation of partners in the form of intonational etudes. The analysis of the semantic structures applies role playing games in the subject matter of “I am playing the organ,” “there is a rehearsal of a historical orchestra going on,” “Trio for two fl utes and cello,” etc.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (14) ◽  
pp. 73-96
Marcin Kawczynski

In concert and especially in teaching practice, Edvard Grieg’s Violin Sonata in F Major op. 8, which was written in 1865, is labelled as his youthful composition. Considering the time when it was created, it is an undisputed fact, but such a term has negative connotations and may also make one’s attitude towards artistic explorations within the piece shallower. It is worth to mention here that it was this very Sonata in F Major that attracted the attention of the great Ferenc Liszt. In his article, the author attempts to point to different sources which inspired Grieg during the initial period of his creative life. These influences can be divided into national ones (Norwegian) and European ones (based on the firm roots of the European musical heritage). There is no doubt that the composer is another link in the great Romantic tradition, both in terms of composition technique and form, as well as regular studies at the Conservatory in Leipzig. However, the matters related to the national element are much more difficult to look at using a comprehensive approach. While experiencing and analysing Norwegian folk music, one needs to consider to what extent Grieg’s music draws from it. In this aspect, the author discusses the issue of how well Grieg knew the music from his home country as well as objective obstacles in reflecting its idiom in artistic music. Norwegian folk instruments as such, in this case – the violin: hardingfele, seem an interesting element. These diverse influences were present throughout the whole period of Grieg’s creative work and can be seen already in his youthful Sonata in F Major – even though sometimes they are barely noticeable because of not having a mature form. Nevertheless, the awareness of rich- ness and many layers included in this composition should stimulate performers to study it in a diligent and in-depth way.

2019 ◽  
Alina Lisa Bergedieck

This dissertation presents 26 biographies and the stories of migrants from 11 different countries who came to Germany between 2011 and 2015. Based on a one-year period of research conducted in Münsterland (NRW) in 2015/2016, the work approaches its subject matter from an individual perspective in order to highlight the multidimensionality of migration and thus liberate migrants from the image of a passive mass of people, which is often propagated in politics and the media, and introduce them as autonomous actors. The biographies are outlined in detail by means of narrative interviews in order to investigate the reasons why the people interviewed decided to migrate. Therefore, this work shows that in addition to the obvious reasons for a person leaving their home country, such as war, persecution and discrimination, even complex biographical events and experiences can influence their decision to migrate.

Ismael M. Fahmi ◽  
Lanja A. Dabbagh

There are a number of literary texts which earn their raison d’etre from the exotic nature or unfamiliar features in the subject matter of the creative work. One of the brilliant and of standing poets of all ages is Robert Browning. Robert Browning (1812-1889) chose a literary genre alien to his powers as a poet, and a topic beyond the range of a man who had little firsthand knowledge of the Levant. Since he had the power to transfer historical stories magically to forever recited and read poems all over the world and through all ages till the recent one. This poet composed a tragic play entitled The return of the Druses (1843). Literary histories tell us that it was a failure on all accounts. One of the logical reasons for this failure was presumably Browning’s ignorance of the culture he wished to depict in this work. This article is an analysis of the play, to which very little attention was paid even by the specialists in Browning studies. The conclusion is that Browning provided for the readers and spectators a rather weak image of the Druses as individuals and as a community. They are shown to be gullible and misguided as a community. Their leadership is shown as cunning, dishonest, and Machiavellian.

2017 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 71-102 ◽  
Jerzy Bański

Abstract The objective of the report is to attempt the identification of the most significant factors that will shape Polish countryside until the year 2050 and to outline the feasible scenarios of changes in rural areas. The study is based primarily on qualitative analysis and on the knowledge of experts specialising in rural subject matter in its different thematic domains. Six groups of factors were distinguished (economic, technological, legal and administrative, political, socio-demographic, natural) and for each of these groups the most important conditions were analysed. The image of the Polish countryside in the perspective of the decades to come will most probably not undergo radical shifts. However, we can make the proposition that this countryside will be more diversified, more socially and economically active, and more attractive as the place of residence and of work.

Aleksandr N. Ratnikov

Gavrila Derzhavin’s creative work marked an important stage in the formation of Russian poetry. Raised in the works of previous generations of poets, Gavrila Derzhavin mastered the best samples of Russian and foreign solemn panegyric works, creating on their basis a special form of his own batal ode. What contributes to a full and deep understanding of the process of formation and development of Gavrila Derzhavin’s batal lyrics, is a study of the conception of the Russian odic tradition related to the time of Peter I. The place of poetry in the life of society had been rethought during this period; poetry had been rationalised at the service of the state. Poetry texts started to be used as musical and poetry accompaniment of holidays, solemn meetings of reigning persons or praise of military successes. Russian literature responded to this request by the appearance of various samples of solemn, panegyric poetry - cantos and other solemn poems. During the reign of Peter I, who were the most prominent representatives of the panegyric lyrics were Theophan Prokopovich (1681–1736), Stefan Yavorsky (1658–1722) and Dmitri Rostovsky (1651–1709). The chosen batal works of the above-mentioned authors as well as the batal lyrical poetry by Gavrila Derzhavin are the subject of research within the framework of this article. The numerous correspondences and elements of continuity between the panegyric cantos and the odes by Gavrila Derzhavin expressed in a similar system of allegorical image-symbols, as well as in orientation to antique specimens and to biblical motifs, are revealed in the comparative study of solemn panegyric works of batal subject matter and the batal ode of Gavrila Derzhavin.

2020 ◽  
Vol 58 ◽  
pp. 45-56
Denis O. Timiryaev

The article is devoted to the analysis of V.V. Rozanov’s views on the situation in the western borderlands of the empire – Western Russia. Those views were expressed in his publicism on the Polish issue. As sources of information the author uses the articles published in the period of the publicist’s active creative work in 1890s–1914. In his articles Rozanov promptly responded to all current events in the region. His debut in covering that subject matter can be traced to the publication of his reflections regarding the personality of M.N. Muravyev-Vilensky and the latter’s contribution to the «Russian Case» in Western Russia (informational cause was the opening of the monument to him in Vilna). Also he was interested in the following subjects of Western Russia problematic: the problem of introducing local government in Belarusian provinces; the outbreak of religious violence between Catholics and Orthodox Christians in Belarus and Kholmshchina in 1905–1907; the problem of the compliance of the government policy in the Western provinces with the true national goals. In his articles Rozanov repeatedly drew the authorities’ and society’s attention to the danger of Polish nationalism and to the danger of the repeated attempts to assimilate the Russians (Belarusians and Ukrainians) of the Western region. He never stopped worrying about the situation with the Orthodox Christians. The inconsistency of judgments and views inherent to Rozanov was vividly demonstrated in his publications devoted to that subject.

AJS Review ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 37 (2) ◽  
pp. 371-386
Chaya Shacham

This article touches upon the theme of delayed return: a familiar literary theme that is manifested in different languages, cultures, and periods; it usually involves a man returning to his home and wife after a prolonged absence during which he was presumed dead, while his wife's circumstances radically changed. S.Y. Agnon published two well-known works on the subject: “And the Crooked Shall Be Made Straight” (1912) and “Fernheim” (1949), which are the object of this study. This article approaches these two works in a comparative context from a genre analysis—a novella versus a short story—arguing that the subject matter sometimes dictates the choice of genre. Thus, the two delayed returns differ markedly. The novella form is well-suited to “And the Crooked Shall Be Made Straight” which places the devout protagonist, upon his delayed return, in a tragic dilemma, while Fernheim's is not a delayed return in the exemplary-archetypal sense.

Roman Denysenko

Keywords: results of work, subjects of property rights of intellectual property, jointproperty rights of intellectual property The article deals with an issue of allocation of rights to the results ofworks that are intellectual property subject-matter, created during research or developmentand engineering works. It is considered what can be the result of works andin what form.It analyses problematic issues of the multiplicity of subjects of intellectual propertyrights to the results of work under the contract and the relationship between themon the prosecution of the joint intellectual property rights to the results of work. It isdetermined that the subjects of contractual relations of research or development andengineering works in addition to the executor and the customer should also includethe creator (author, inventor) — a specialist working in a research institution or in acompany, whose creative work resulted in the intellectual property subject-matter.Attention is drawn to the joint rights to service subject-matters created as a consequenceof labour-related duties execution.The norms of special legislation on the relationship on the use of an invention(utility model) and an industrial design, the disposal of property rights of each of theholders (owners) of a patent (certificate) are studied.Laid out in the article gives the ground for making conclusion about the need to supplementthe regulation of relations on the prosecution of the joint intellectual propertyrights to the results of work by including general provisions on the procedure for the useof intellectual property subject-matter and disposal of property rights on conditions establishedby the contract for research or development and engineering in Article 896 ofthe Civil Code of Ukraine. The author proposes to supplement Article 896 of the CivilCode of Ukraine with Chapter 3 as follows: «3. If the results of works have features ofintellectual property subject-matter, then special details of prosecution of propertyrights of intellectual property can be provided in the contract».

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