scholarly journals Hubungan indeks massa tubuh (IMT) awal kehamilan dengan luaran maternal neonatal

e-CliniC ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Rut C.F. Weku ◽  
John J.E. Wantania ◽  
Joice M.M Sondakh

Abstract: Maternal nutritional status is very important for the outcomes of pregnancy. The best indicator for measuring the nutritional status is Body Mass Index (BMI). Abnormal BMI in early pregnancy is associated with various complications for the mother as well as the baby. This study was aimed to obtain the relationship between BMI in early pregnancy and maternal and neonatal outcomes. This was a retrospective analytical study with a cross sectional study. The results showed that there was a siginificant relationship between BMI in early pregnancy and blood pressure (p=0.049), but there was no significant relationship between BMI in early pregnancy and mode of delivery (p=0.067), birth (p=0.100), infant mortality (0.377), and APGAR score (p=0.100). Conclusion: Pregnant woman with BMI ≥25 kg/m2 had a risk of hypertension in pregnancy and a sectio caesarea in delivery; and the baby showed a tendency of low birth weight, risk to death, and asphyxia.Keywords: BMI, pregnancy and maternal neonatal outcomes Abstrak: Status gizi ibu sangat penting terhadap luaran kehamilan. Indikator untuk mengukur status gizi ialah Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT). Ibu dengan IMT awal kehamilan yang tidak dalam batas normal berkaitan dengan berbagai komplikasi baik terhadap ibu maupun bayi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara IMT awal kehamilan dengan luaran maternal neonatal. Jenis penelitian ialah analitik-retrospektif dengan desain potong lintang. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan bahwa IMT awal kehamilan berhubungan bermakna dengan tekanan darah (p=0,049), tetapi tidak ditemukan hubungan bermakna antara IMT awal kehamilan dengan cara persalinan (p=0,069), berat badan lahir bayi (p=1,000), kematian bayi (p=0,377), dan APGAR skor (p=1,000). Simpulan: Ibu dengan IMT≥25 kg/m2 berisiko mengalami hipertensi dalam kehamilan, cenderung menjalani persalinan dengan seksio sesarea, dan bayinya cenderung memiliki berat badan lahir rendah, mengalami kematian, dan asfiksia. Kata kunci: IMT, kehamilan dan luaran maternal neonatal.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 53
Oktarina Sri Iriani ◽  
Dyah Triwidyantari ◽  
Tati Hayati

Masalah gizi seimbang di Indonesia masih merupakan masalah yang cukup berat. Pada hakikatnya berpangkal pada keadaan ekonomi yang kurang dan terbatasnya pengetahuan tentang nilai gizi dan makanan yang ada. Kekurangan atau kelebihan makanan pada masa hamil dapat berakibat kurang baik bagi ibu, janin yang dikandung serta jalannya persalinan. Oleh karena itu, perhatian terhadap gizi dan pengawasan berat badan (BB) selama hamil merupakan salah satu hal penting dalam pengawasan kesehatan pada masa hamil. Untuk mengetahui “ Hubungan status gizi ibu sebelum hamil dengan penambahan berat badan selama hamil”. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah hasil desain penelitian deskriftif yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan status gizi ibu sebelum hamil dengan penambahan berat badan selama hamil. Populasi ibu hamil trimester III di wilayah kerja PMB Bidan W yaitu sebanyak 55 orang yang berkunjung ke PMB Bidan W. Untuk mendapatkan jumlah responden peneliti melakukan pengumpulan dengan tekhnik rancangan penelitian Cross Sectional Study dengan seluruh ibu hamil trimester III. Kemudian peneliti akan menghitung menggunakan rumus BMI yaitu Berat (badan dalam kg) : Kuadrat tinggi badan (dalam ukuran meter). BMI = (BB) / (TB) x (TB). Dilanjutkan dengan analisa data melalui beberapa tahap yang dimulai dengan editing, coding, tabulasi.Hasil : Hasil penelitian yang didapatkan Dari 55 responden status gizi ibu hamil bahwa hampir setengah dari responden status gizi ibu hamil dengan kategori normal sebanyak 22 orang dengan presentasi 40%. Dari 55 responden penambahan berat badan ibu selama hamil bahwa hampir setengah dari responden penambahan berat badan dengan kategori baik sebanyak 20 orang presentasi 36,4%. Ada hubungan status gizi ibu sebelum hamil dengan penambahan berat badan selama hamil di PMB Bd Warsah Kabupaten Bandung Barat. Hal tersebut dapat dibuktikan dengan hasil uji statistik menggunakan Chi – square dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan p = ,000 < 0,05.The problem of balanced nutrition in Indonesia is still a serious problem. Essentially stems from a lack of economic conditions and limited knowledge about nutrition in Indonesia. Lack or excess of food during pregnancy can have a negative effect on the mother, the fetus and the course of delivery. Therefore, attention to nutrition and control of body weight (BB) during pregnancy is of the important things in health surveillance during pregnancy. To determine the relationship between maternal nutritional status before pregnancy and weight gain during pregnancy. The type of research used is the result of a descriptive research design that aims to determine the relationship between maternal nutritional status before pregnancy and weight gain during pregnancy. The population of thitd trimester III pregnant women in the PMB Midwife W working area, west bandung district, was 55 people. To get the number of respondents, the research was was collected using a cross sectional study design technique with all 3 trimester pregnant women checking their weight and height.Then The researcher will calculate using BMI formula, namely body weight (in kg) : height squared (in maters). Followed by data analysis through several stages starting with editing, coding, tabulation. The results of the study obtained from 55 respondents of the nutritional status of pregnant women that almost half of the respondents of the nutritional status of pregnant women in the normal category were 22 people with a presentation of 40%. Of the 55 respondents who gained weight in the good category, 20 people had a percentage of 36.4%. There is a relationship between maternal nutritional status before preganancy at PMB Midwife W West Bandung Regency. This can be proven by the results of stastical test using Chi – square in this study showing p =, 000 < 0.05

Seyedeh Hajar Sharami ◽  
Zahra Abbasi Ranjbar ◽  
Fatemeh Alizadeh ◽  
Ehsan Kazemnejad

Background: Concentrations of plasma lipids levels during pregnancy clearly increases. According to some studies, dyslipidemia is effective in the incidence of preeclampsia and insulin resistance. Objective: This study aimed to examine the relationship between hyperlipidemia and maternal and neonatal outcomes in pregnant women. Materials and Methods: This is a cross-sectional study which was conducted on two groups of pregnant women with hyperlipidemia and normal ones to assess maternal and neonatal outcomes. Maternal data including gestational age, mother’s age, body mass index, and maternal weight gain during pregnancy, gestational diabetes mellitus, preeclampsia, cholestasis, and delivery method. Also, birth weight and Apgar score were gathered as the neonatal outcomes. Results: The results showed that the prevalence of abnormal lipid parameters increased with increasing gestational age. In pregnant women with dyslipidemia in combination with increased triglyceride, cholesterol and Low-density lipoprotein, and decreased High-density lipoprotein, the incidence rates of gestational diabetes (p < 0.001), preeclampsia (p < 0.001), cholestasis (p = 0.041), fetal growth retardation (p < 0.001), and macrosomia (p < 0.001) were statistically higher. Conclusion: Dyslipidemia was associated with some adverse effects of pregnancy and harmful fetal outcomes. Therefore, it seems that adding laboratory assessment of lipid profiles before and during pregnancy can be effective in early diagnosis of dyslipidemia. Key words: Dyslipidemias, Gestational diabetes, Preeclampsia, Fetal macrosomia.

Nutrients ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 1041 ◽  
Pilar Pérez-Ros ◽  
Rafael Vila-Candel ◽  
Lourdes López-Hernández ◽  
Francisco Miguel Martínez-Arnau

Objective: This study aims to assess the relationship that frailty has with nutritional status and functional risk factors in community-dwelling older adults. Methods: Cross-sectional study in community-dwelling older people, independent for walking and without impaired cognition. Frailty was assessed by Fried criteria. Nutritional status was analyzed by the Mini Nutritional Assessment Short Form (MNA-SF), biochemical markers (albumin, total proteins, cholesterol, lymphocytes, and hemoglobin); and anthropometric parameters (body mass index [BMI], body fat percentage, handgrip, and perimeters). A comprehensive geriatric assessment analyzed other risk factors: functionality, cognition, falls, comorbidity, polypharmacy, physical activity, and quality of life (QoL). Results: We included 564 elderly people with a mean age of 76.05 (standard deviation 3.97) years; 63.1% (n = 356) were women, and 83.9% (n = 473) were prefrail, and frail. The sample presented high functionality and a nutritional status with a predominance of overweight and obesity. Factors associated with frailty (R2 = 0.43) were age over 75 years (odds ratio [OR] 3.31, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.76, 6.21; p < 0.001), female gender (OR 2.37, 95% CI 1.24, 4.52; p = 0.009), anemia (OR 2.45, 95% CI 1.19, 5.02; p = 0.015), falls (OR 1.94, 95% CI 1.12, 3.25; p = 0.016) and the fear of falling (OR 4.01: 95% CI 1.76, 9.16; p = 0.001). Performing more than 3 weekly hours of physical activity was found to be a protective factor (OR 0.23, 95% CI 0.15, 0.35; p < 0.001). Conclusions: The relationship between frailty and malnutrition in functionally independent community-dwelling older people is unclear. More studies are needed to know what nutritional markers are related to frailty, cognition, and functionality in order to discriminate the risk factors for community-dwelling older people at risk of malnutrition and dependency.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Fauziah Yulfitria ◽  
Ani Kusumastuti ◽  
Erika Yulita Ichwan

Menstrual disorders such as delayed menstruation, irregular cycle, menstrual pain, or hypermenorea can bring so much discomfort to women caused by biological abnormalities and psychological factors. However, nutritional status can also play a role in contributing to this disorder. This study aimed to determine the relationship of nutritional status to menstrual disorders in midwifery students. This descriptive analytical study used a cross sectional study design and a correlation study to find the relationship between the independent variables and dependent variables. The samples were all the first grade students of Midwifery Department of Poltekkes Jakarta Kemenkes III by 150 people. Based on the bivariate test, there was a relationship between nutritional status and polimenorea/oligomenorea (0.000), hipermenorea/hipomenorea (0.006) and amhea (0.001). The lecturers of the midwifery program are expected to put more concern on this problem by providing counseling about this issue so that the students can get prepared to face the disorder by having nutritional food in their daily life.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 65-70
Hariani Hariani ◽  
Deris Atma Subrin

Early menstruation in adolescents can be influenced by nutritional status and nutrients consumed by teenagers. This studyaims to determine the relationship of nutrient intake and nutritional status on the incidence of early menstruation at SMPN 1East Kabaena. This research is descriptive analytic with Cross Sectional Study. The population in this study were allstudents of SMPN 1 East Kabaena as many as 94 people. Sampling technique was purposive sampling. Data were obtainedusing a questionnaire and anthropometric measurements. Data were analyzed by using Chi-square test. Results show thatfrom 42 adolescents who consumed enough energy, there were 25 people (59.5%) experienced early menstruation, andfrom 38 adolescents who consumed less protein, there were 29 people (76.3%) experienced early menstruation. While the33 adolescents who consumed less fat, there were 25 people (75.8%) experienced early menstruation, and of 37 teenagerswho consumed more carbohydrates, there were 24 people (64.9%) had normal menstruation, while from 37 teenagers whohad over-nutrition status, there were 24 people (60.0%) had normal menstruation. The results show that there is arelationship between nutritional intake and nutritional status with the incidence of early menstruation in female students atSMPN 1 East Kabaena.

Emi Nur Sariyanti ◽  
Diffah Hanim ◽  
Sapja Anantanyu

Background:Blood pressure is a disease that is often found in the elderly. Many studies show that socioeconomic status is closely related to the incidence of hypertension especially in the elderly. In addition, since hypertension is generally associated with being overweight and obese, nutritional status can also be a factor for experiencing hypertension in the elderly.Objective:To analyze the relationship between income and nutritional status with the incidence of hypertension in the elderly.Method: This study used a cross-sectional study design involving 133 elderly respondents in the area of the Klaten Community Health Center. Income data were obtained using the respondents’ basic characteristic questionnaire. Nutritional status was obtained based on anthropometric measurements of body weight and height which were calculated using the Body Mass Index (BMI). While blood pressure data were obtained from Sphygmomanometer measurements. The data obtained were analyzed using the Spearman test with a p-value <0.05. This study was approved by Ethics Commission UniversitasSebelasMaret.Results: The results of this study indicate there is a relationship between income and the incidence of hypertension in the elderly (p=0.046) while the nutritional status has no relationship with the incidence of hypertension (p=0.640).Conclusion: High income has a low risk of the elderly experiencing hypertension, while nutritional status good or not they do not have a risk of hypertension.International Journal of Human and Health Sciences Vol. 05 No. 01 January’21 Page: 81-84

Tufan Oge ◽  
Vehbi Tokgöz ◽  
Yusuf Cakmak ◽  
Melih Velipasaoglu

Aim: The aim of the study was to compare the outcomes of emergent and planned peripartum hysterectomy. Methods: This retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted in two hospitals. Maternal and neonatal outcomes were compared according to the emergent and planned peripartum hysterectomy. Results: Totally 34020 deliveries were evaluated retrospectively and 66 peripartum hysterectomy cases were analyzed. Of these patients, 31 cases were planned surgery and 35 cases were emergent surgery. The patients who underwent planned peripartum hysterectomy had lower rate of blood transfusion (83.9% vs. 100%, p=0.014), higher postoperative hemoglobin levels (9.9±1.3 vs. 8.3±1.3, p<0.001) compared with the emergent hysterectomy group. The birth weight was lower although the apgar scores were higher in the planned surgery compared with the emergent cases. Conclusion: The planned peripartum hysterectomy with a experienced team provide less need for transfusion and improved neonatal outcomes in regard to the emergent peripartum hysterectomy.

2001 ◽  
Vol 21 (5) ◽  
pp. 441-447 ◽  
Wai-Kei Lo ◽  
Kwok-Lung Tong ◽  
Chun-Sang Li ◽  
Tak-Mao Chan ◽  
Andrew K.M. Wong ◽  

Objective Superior patient survival on continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) with 3 x 2-L exchanges has been reported from Hong Kong. This study examined the relationship between indices of dialysis adequacy and nutrition and patient survival on CAPD in Hong Kong. Design A cross-sectional study on prevalent CAPD patients. Patients were assessed for indices of dialysis adequacy and nutritional status with a composite nutritional index (CNI). Patients were then followed for 24 months. Survival data were analyzed according to adequacy indices and nutritional status. Setting All prevalent CAPD patients in nine dialysis centers in Hong Kong as of 1 April 1996. Main Outcome Measure Mortality. Results 937 patients were assessed: 68.2% were using 3 x 2-L exchanges per day; mean age was 54.6 ± 13 years. Mean total Kt/V was 1.83 ± 0.42 and total creatinine clearance was 55.6 ± 19.5 L/week/1.73 m2. 19% of patients were moderately to severely malnourished according to the CNI. There was no significant correlation between indices of adequacy and serum albumin or CNI. The 1- and 2-year patient survival from the time of assessment was 90.9% and 79.8%. There was a trend toward better survival in patients with Kt/V greater than 2.0, but it was not statistically significant. Peritoneal Kt/V did not impact survival in anuric patients. Malnourished patients had poorer survival than patients who were better nourished ( p = 0.0259). After adjusting for age and diabetes, CNI was predictive of mortality but Kt/V and creatinine clearance were not. Conclusions This study demonstrates the importance of nutritional status over adequacy indices in predicting patient survival. There was a lack of correlation between nutritional status and conventional indices of dialysis adequacy.

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