Stela Lanes ◽  
Otniel Pontoh ◽  
Vonne Lumente

Abstract The study examines the bussiness management of bottom gillnet fishery in Manado Tua 1 village Manado city. This study aims to identify and assess fisheries management that includes venture capital, the catch, the marketing system, sharing system, labor system, performance of the functions of business management and financial analysis of the bottom gillnet fishery. The result of the study, the required capital of Rp. 4, 100,000. the catch is classified as demersal fish. Marketing system of fishermen, wholesaler, fish traider and consumers. But if it catches a bit of a marketing system directly to consumers. Sharing system 50% for owners and 50% for fishermen workers. The labour are needed 3-4 people. Keywords: Bussiness Management, bottom Gillnet, Manado Tua 1   Abstrak Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang manajemen usaha perikanan jaring insang dasar di KelurahanManado Tua 1.Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan mengkaji manajemen usaha perikanan yang mencakup modal usaha, hasil tangkapan, sistem pemasaran, sistem bagi hasil dan sistem tenaga kerja, pelaksanaan fungsi-fungsi manajemen. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, modal yang dibutuhkan sebesar Rp. 4.100.000.Hasil tangkapan ialah ikan yang tergolong demersal, sistem pemasaran dari nelayan, pedagang besar, pedagang pengecer, konsumen. Tetapi jika hasil tangkapan sedikit, sistem pemasaran yang dilakukan dari nelayan langsung kepada konsumen. Sistem bagi hasil 50% untuk nelayan pemilik dan 50% untuk nelayan pekerja. Tenaga kerja yang dibutuhkan 3-4 orang. Kata Kunci: Manajemen Usaha, jaring Insang Dasar, Manado Tua 1

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (07) ◽  
pp. 20880-20885
Luh Kadek Budi Martini ◽  
Putu Sri Astuti ◽  
Luh Komang Candra Dewi

Challenges by traditional fruit market traders in Denpasar are weaknes in business management, bookkeeping administration sales strategy, buyers service, communication techniques, and rotten fruits that do not sell yet untapped. The purposes of this empowerment are to (1 ) improvement of business management, (2) increased of knowledge for traders: bookkeeping administration is the procedure of recording financial transactions and can easily perform financial analysis, sales strategy, especially arrangement of merchandise (display), service to buyers, communication techniques and transactions honest but still profitable, (3) utilization of rotten fruit that is not sold to be processed into MOL (local microorganisms) for the manufacture of organic fertilizers in the household scale. The method used is counseling and training. The results of the activities are as follows: 1) fruit trader group can already well manage its trading business.2) fruit trader group can make good administration and business bookkeeping 3) fruit trader group can make marketing strategy by arranging (display) with well, and already use Show Case for display merchandise, customer visits increased 25%. 4) Fruit merchant group can already utilize rotten fruit as MOL for liquid crop fertilizer

Dušan Baran ◽  
Andrej Pastýr ◽  
Daniela Baranová

Abstract The success of every business enterprise is directly related to the competencies of business management. The business enterprise can, as a result, create variations of how to approach the new complex and changing situations of success in the market. Therefore managers are trying during negative times to change their management approach, to ensure long-term and stable running of the business enterprise. They are forced to continuously maintain and obtain customers and suppliers. By implementing these measures they have the opportunity to achieve a competitive advantage over other business enterprises.

Wiwin Brenda Boloha ◽  
Grace O. Tambani ◽  
Olvie V. Kotambunan

Abstract This study researched the business management of purse seine net ini Kumo Village. The study is aimed at knowing the business management of purse seine net which includes working capital, work force, catching operation, marketing of yiedls of catch, and product, sharing system. Based on the study, the capital needed is in the amount of 396.250.000. While the manpower needed are 18-20 persons, the catching operation is conducted sat nigt, the marketing system in the from fisherman, fish anction market (TPI), middlemen, consumers, but some of the catch (fish) are sold to trading middleman who buys directly from fisherman at fishing ground, and then sold to consumers. The product. Sharing system is 50% for the owner and 50% for the working fisherman. Key Words: Business management, purse seine net, Kumo Village Abstrak Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang manajemen usaha soma pajeko di Desa Kumo. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui manajemen usaha soma pajeko yang mencakup modal usaha, tenaga kerja, operasi penangkapan, pemasaran hasil tangkapan, sistem bagi hasil. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, modal yang dibutuhkan sebesar Rp. 396.250.000. Tenaga kerja yang butuhkan 18-20 orang, operasi penangkapan dilakukan pada malam hari, sistem pemasaran dari nelayan, TPI, pedagang perantara, konsumen, tetapi ada juga yang dijual pada pedagang perantara (petibo) yang langsung menemui nelayan di daerah penangkapan kemudian dijual ke konsumen. Sistem bagi hasil 50% untuk nelayan pemilik dan 50% untuk nelayan pekerja. Kata kunci: Manajemen Usaha, Soma Pajeko, Desa Kumo

Our Nature ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-36 ◽  
Mir Mohammad Ali ◽  
Md. Mosaddequr Rahman ◽  
Md. Yeamin Hossain ◽  
Md. Zillur Rahman ◽  
Md. Alomgir Hossen ◽  

This study aimed to explore the marketing channel, marketing cost and marketing margin and problems associated with fish marketing in order to provide recommendations for efficient fish marketing system in Barisal city, southern Bangladesh. Data were collected from seven fish markets of Barisal, southern Bangladesh including Port road fish market, Taltoli bazar fish market, Chaumatha fish market, Notullabad bus stand fish market, Kasipur bazar fish market and Bazar road fish market. Both primary and secondary data were used during 1 year study period from May, 2011 to April, 2012. Primary data were collected through field surveys and pre-structured questionnaire was used for interviewing of 10 organizers, 20 aratdars (commission agent), 50 fish traders and 100 consumers. Secondary source of information consists of published materials such as journals, textbooks, newspapers and also from interviewing different government and non-government officials and members of various fisheries related cooperative societies. The results of this study revealed 11 fish marketing channels in Barisal city’s fish marketing system. The average marketing cost ranged from 4.15% to 8.33% (6.76±0.98) % of the final retail price. The highest and lowest average fish price were recorded as USD 7.07/kg and USD 1.03/kg for giant fresh water prawn and silver carp, correspondingly. Intermediaries’ marketing margin on different species’ marketing fluctuated from 29.6% to 50.28% (39.38±5.22) % for silver carp and brown shrimp marketing, respectively. Establishment of modern fish landing center and retail markets near the fish landing port, introduction of government fish shops and  insulated and refrigerated fish vans and fish carriers, training of all personnel related to fish marketing about fish handling, quality of fish, hygiene practices, improvement of existing fish market structure, provision for government and private funding assistance for fishers/fish farmer, formulation and enactment of independent act/ordinance for fish landing and marketing are highly recommended. DOI: Nature (2014), 12(1): 28-36

Marine Policy ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 63 ◽  
pp. 172-179 ◽  
Ögmundur Knútsson ◽  
Daði Már Kristófersson ◽  
Helgi Gestsson

2006 ◽  
Vol 78 (2-3) ◽  
pp. 143-157 ◽  
L.R. Garces ◽  
I. Stobutzki ◽  
M. Alias ◽  
W. Campos ◽  
N. Koongchai ◽  

Nadia Watung ◽  
Christian R. Dien ◽  
Olvie V. Kotambunan

Abstract The study examines the social economics characters of fisherman in Lopana southern of Minahasa north Sulawesi province. This study aims to identify and assess fisherman lifes that includes economics and social, the fisherman society in Lopana, fish distribution, education, etc. The result of the study, people in Lopana mostly works as fisherman for their life, the catch is classified as pelagic fish. Marketing system of fishermen, wholesaler, fish traider and consumers. But if it catches a bit of a marketing system directly to consumers. Sharing system 50% for owners and 50% for fishermen workers. Keywords: Social economics character of fisherman, Lopana   Abstrak Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang karakteristik sosial ekonomi masyarakat nelayan di Desa Lopana Kecamatan Amurang Timur Propinsi Sulawesi Utara. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mempelajari aspek sosial dan ekonomi masyarakat nelayan yang mencakup masyarakat nelayan, pendidikan, dll. Kebanyakan masyarakat di Lopana bekerja sebagai nelayan untuk kehidupan mereka, hasil tangkapan yang diperoleh kebanyakan ikan pelagis.Sistem pemasaran dari nelayan, pedagang besar, pedagang pengecer, konsumen. Tetapi jika hasil tangkapan sedikit, sistem pemasaran yang dilakukan dari nelayan langsung kepada konsumen. Sistem bagi hasil 50% untuk nelayan pemilik soma dampar dan 50% untuk nelayan pekerja. Kata Kunci: Karakteristik sosial ekonomi, Soma Dampar Pancing ulur, Desa Lopana

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 105-121
Fauji Yamin ◽  
Anna Fariyanti ◽  
Siti Jahroh

Skipjack tuna is the result of the main capture fisheries in the South Halmahera district which experienced significant growth of 4,2 percent during the 2016-2018 period, but increased production experienced constraints in the marketing system and caused income uncertainty for fishermen and traders. The purpose of this study was to determine the marketing system of skipjack tuna in the South Halmahera Regency using a structural, behavioural, and performance (SCP) approach. The sampling method uses snowball sampling which started with 68 fishermen. The results showed that the market structure formed was an oligopsonistic market structure and there was a barrier to market entry of 14 percent. Meanwhile, market behaviour shows that fishermen only act as price takers. Based on the marketing margin analysis, there are 10 (ten) skipjack fish marketing channels. Judging from the value of large skipjack fish, marketing channel 7 has the highest margin value of 70,4 percent and the lowest is channel 8 of 53,9 percent. Meanwhile, the marketing channel of small fish the highest margin value is marketing channel 9 of 73,9 and the lowest is channel 9 of 65,1 percent. While the value of farmer share, channel 1 has the highest value of 70 percent and the lowest is channel 7 of 36 percent. Overall, skipjack tuna marketing channels have not been efficient.

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