scholarly journals Techno-Economic Study of Substation Electric Power in Indonesia: A Mini-Review

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-32
Rosyid Ridlo Al Hakim ◽  
Eko Ariyanto ◽  
Yanuar Zulardiansyah Arief

Energy is something that people need every day. One of the energies that are glorified to meet people's energy needs is electrical energy. The need for electrical energy in Indonesia continues to increase in line with economic growth and the increasing population. One of the components of electric power that is useful for delivering electric current to transmission networks is a substation. With the feasibility of techno-economic, it is possible to know the feasibility of the quality of an electric power system based on financial analysis. This paper provides a mini-review of the techno-economy of substation electricity and its maintenance in several regions in Indonesia today. The research stages consist of literature study, identification of article titles, article abstract screening, complete article selection, and mini-review reviews. Several studies are still not widely applied to the calculation of the cost of energy consumption to customers. In addition, the basic cost of providing electricity, the profit from electricity sales, and the payback period method need to be improved in research related to the techno-economic analysis of electrical energy. It is important to do this to determine the potential feasibility and the estimated advantages and disadvantages of an electric power system.

2019 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-92 ◽  
Evgeniia Markova ◽  
Inna Sidler

Our paper addresses an integral model of the large electric power system optimal development. The model takes into account the age structure of the main equipment, which is divided into several types regarding its technical characteristics. This mathematical model is a system of Volterra type integral equations with variable integration limits. The system describes the balance between the given demand for electricity, the commissioning of new equipment and the dismantling of obsolete equipment, as well as the shares of different types of power plants in the total composition of the electric power system equipment. Based on the developed model, we got numerical solution to the problem of finding the optimal strategy for replacing equipment with a minimum of the cost functional. The case study is the Unified Electric Power System of Russia. Calculations of the forecast for development of the electric power system of Russia until 2050 were made using real-life data.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 23-31
Riska Salsabila Sugiarto

Abstract: The substation is one of the components of the electric power system that is an important role in the distribution of electrical energy and load regulation. In the process of distributing electrical energy, continuity of good service is needed, but the interferences still often occur, both internal and external. On Sunday, July 21, 2019 there was an  interference, Lakarsantri feeder CB failed to trip so make the incoming 20kV CB trip. That interference was caused by the burning of the Switching Substation in the Citraland area. Therefore, a new relay setting is needed as a recommendation to use transformator 2 to avoid the recurrence of a similar fault. The relay settings have shown good results where the working time of the relay on the outgoing feeder side is faster than the incoming feeder 20kV and the incoming transformator 150kV side,  when coordination simulated using the E-TAP 12.6.0 software by entering the current setting and the time setting, it shows good coordination because when there is an interference on the outgoing feeder, CB outgoing feeder works first, not the incoming feeder 20kV CB or the incoming transformator 150kV CB. Preventive maintenance on other equipment such as CB and CT need to be be done to increase of equipment reliability to reduce the occurs of protection failure or damage to the equipment

2014 ◽  
Vol 1008-1009 ◽  
pp. 426-429 ◽  
Alexander O. Egorov ◽  
Stanislav A. Eroshenko ◽  
Vladislav O. Samoylenko ◽  
Pavel V. Kolobov ◽  
Daniil A. Glushkov

In this paper advantages and disadvantages of island mode generator operation are considered. There are significant difficulties when it is necessary to provide operational stability and power quality in the system isolated from utility electric power system (EPS). Operation of the isolated system (referred to as “island”) is possible but only in case special technical requirements are met and protection and automation devices are adjusted properly. The absence of technical requirements in Russia led to the necessity of foreign guides and instructions investigation. The analysis of the possibility of foreign experience implementation in the field of autonomously operating systems in Russian power systems is conducted.

Ladifata Mogmenga ◽  
Bouchaib Hartiti ◽  
Amadou Diallo ◽  
Adama Ouedraogo ◽  
Nébon Bado ◽  

This article focuses on the economic and financial calculations concerning the production of electrical energy from photovoltaic installations connected to the grid. The estimation of energy production is done in fifteen cities in Burkina Faso. Among these localities, ten cities are homes to synoptic stations. The economic return in terms of the return on investment of the electricity production from PV installations is calculated by using the method of budgeted capital. The cost of the energy produced by photovoltaic installations during their operational lives (taken here equal to 25 years) is calculated and compared with other economic parameters. The observation shows that Gaoua records the smallest production and that the highest production is recorded in Ouahigouya. The analysis of the cash flows generated by the operation of these PV installations shows that the profits are perceptible from the 8th year in Ouahigouya and the 9th year in Gaoua. An Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 14.42% is obtained in the locality of Ouahigouya. For locality of Gaoua the IRR is equal to13.72%. The calculation of Leveled Cost Of Energy (LCOE) gives an average value of 60 Fcfa / kWh for a discount rate of 4%. This value is almost equal to half the average price of electricity in Burkina Faso, which is 119 Fcfa / kWh.

Foristek ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
Agus Siswanto ◽  
Reza Alfian ◽  
Erfan Subyanta

In an effort to provide reliable and efficient electrical energy, substations have an important role in regulating the demand for electric power loads and as a center for securing electrical power system components in a certain area. Frequent disturbances become a benchmark for an electric power system whether or not it is good or not in an effort to provide reliable and efficient energy. One of the maintenance measures is temperature measurement using thermal imagers, which is commonly referred to as thermovision measurement.Thermal imager is a tool that can be used for predictive maintenance activities to monitor the condition and performance of an equipment so that the possibility of equipment failure can be minimized. In October 2020, after thermovisiting transformer bay 6 at the Sunyaragi substation, it was discovered that there was a hotspot on the T-phase separation blade, causing heating of the blade, the above conditions can result in a decrease in PMS performance, with the worst condition if left alone can result in damage to the PMS blade and can also melt when the peak load is on the transformer 6. Under these conditions, maintenance is carried out by maintaining contact resistance, insulation resistance, and grounding resistance. The results of the analysis of contact resistance after maintenance show that the equipment is in good condition and still suitable for use, with a value of 7μΩ for the R phase, 6.5μΩ for the S phase, and 6.7μΩ for the T phase.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2111 (1) ◽  
pp. 012038
Muhamad Ali ◽  
Zaenal Arifin

Abstract PT Barata is one of Indonesia’s leading turbine component manufacturers, requiring a large amount of electricity for production. Along with the increase in production and factory expansion, the need for electricity continues to increase so that it continues to add power to reach 3780 KVA. One of the weaknesses of the electric power system at PT Barata is using six (6) 20kV/400 V, 630 kVA transformer units. This system produces a no-load or core loss of 8150 Watts. In one year, the power loss reached 71.394 kWh at the cost of IDR 118,514,040.00. Power loss is permanent and lasts all the time during the use of the Transformer. This article aims to redesign the electrical system at PT Barata using a single 4000 kVA transformer. The redesign of the electric power system at PT Barata was carried out by 1. Observing and measuring the electric power system at PT Barata, 2. calculating the resulting losses, 3. conducting studies and designs, 4 comparing the ratio of the total power loss of the electric power system currently with a new design, 5. Propose a redesign to management for implementation. Calculation and analysis of the new design with a 4000 kVA transformer obtained a core loss of 4450 Watt at the cost of Rp. 64,905.030.00, resulting in a savings of IDR. 53,965,980.00 per year. The new design will save 45% in operating costs compared to the previous six transformer units.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2016 (4) ◽  
pp. 68-70 ◽  
P. Chernenko ◽  
O. Martyniuk ◽  
V. Miroshnyk ◽  

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