scholarly journals Penguatan Strategi Komunikasi Pada Pengelola Destinasi Wisata Di Kabupaten Karawang

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 133
Firdaus Yuni Dharta ◽  
Rastri Kusumaningrum ◽  
Chaerudin Chaerudin

AbstrakKeberhasilan pengembangan destinasi wisata merupakan salah satu fondasi dalam memperkuat sektor pariwisata di Indonesia. Salah satu aspek yang menjadi masalah utama dalam pengembangan destinasi wisata di Kabupaten Karawang adalah lemahnya strategi komunikasi yang diterapkan oleh para pengelola wisata terutama berkaitan dengan pelayanan wisatawan dan upaya promosi wisata. Sebagian besar pengelola destinasi wisata di Karawang belum mendapatkan bekal yang cukup dalam tata cara penerimaan wisatawan yang baik dan dalam upaya promosi, sebagian besar hanya mengandalkan upaya promosi terpusat yang dilakukan oleh instansi yang menaungi sektor pariwista di Kabupaten Karawang. Dari beberapa kelemahan mengenai strategi komunikasi tersebut, maka perlu dilakukan suatu kegiatan sebagai bentuk pendampingan kepada para pengelola wisata untuk memperkuat pengembangan destinasi wisatanya. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah memberikan pengetahuan dan pemahaman pengelola destinasi wisata tentang penerapan komunikasi yang tepat dalam memberikan pelayanan kepada pengunjung dan upaya promosi secara mandiri oleh para pengelola wisata. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah sosialisasi dan penyuluhan yang dilakukan dengan penyampaian materi, diskusi, dan tanya jawab. Hasil dari kegiatan ini pengelola destinasi wisata mampu memahami pentingnya pelayanan prima yang diterapkan dalam menerima kunjungan wisatawan serta pentingnya melakukan upaya promosi destinasi wisata secara mandiri untuk meningkatkan jumlah kunjungan wisata.Kata Kunci: destinasi wisata, pelayanan prima, promosi pariwisata, pengembangan pariwisataAbstractThe success of developing tourim destinations is one of the foundations in strengthening the tourism sector in Indonesia. One aspect that to be main problem in developing tourism destinations in Karawang Regency is the weak communication strategy implemented by tourism managers, especially on tourist services and tourism promotion. Most of the managers of tourism destinations in Karawang have not received sufficient provisions in the procedures for receiving good tourists and in promotional activity, most of them only rely on centralized promotional strategy doing by agencies that oversee the tourism sector in Karawang Regency. Of the several weaknesses regarding the communication strategy, it is necessary to carry out an activity as a form of assistance to tourism managers to strengthen the development of their tourism destinations. The purpose of this activity is to provide knowledge and understanding of tourism destination managers about the application of proper communication in providing services to visitors and promotional activity independently by tourism managers. The method used in this activity is socialization and outreach which is carried out by delivering material, discussion, and question and answer. The results of this activity, tourism destination managers are able to understand the importance of excellent service applied in receiving tourist visits and the importance of promoting tourism destinations independently to increase the number of tourist visits.Key Word: tourism destination, excellence service, tourism promotion, tourism development.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 57-64
Maimunsyah Rosalinda

The cities of Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar, the province of Aceh on the western tip of the Sumatra, is one of the halal tourism destinations in Indonesia. Development or promotion that is certainly not inseparable from several important elements, including elements of language. The purpose of this study is as an initial step to find out the need for Arabic in developing Halal tourism sector in Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar, knowing the need for Arabic for halal tourism promotion and services in Banda Aceh and Aceh Besar and knowing the steps for tourism development Halal taken by the Tourism office. Data collection techniques in this study were conducted by interview and questionnaire. The results of this study are that Arabic is needed in efforts to develop halal tourism in Aceh and Aceh Besar. . Keywords: Language; Arab; Tourism; Halal

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 73
Devin Cahya Triansya ◽  
Beta Budisetyorini

 AbstractThe continuous rapidly growth of tourism sector with the tight competition in the field of tourismmakes not all tourist destinations in the world always experience an increase in the number of tourist visits each year. Banjarmasin City, dubbed the “Kota Seribu Sungai” or "City of Thousand Rivers" and is known as the Thousand Rivers tourist destination has experiencedfluctuate number of tourist arrivals and tend to decline. The fluctuate number of tourist arrivalssourced from tourist visiting decisions can be influenced by various factors, including tourism destination productsand image. This study aims to see the effects of tourism destination products consisting of physical products, people, packages, and programsalsothe image of tourism destinations consisting of cognitive image and affective image on tourists visiting decision to the city of Thousand River Banjarmasin. The data obtained were taken by questionnaire to 123 tourists by accidental sampling. The results of the research were analyzed using multiple linear regression with two equations, namely (I) The influence of tourism destination products on tourist visiting decision and (II) The impact of tourism destination image on tourist visiting decision. The resultsfound the positive influence of tourism destination products to thetourist visiting decision of 54.5% and the image of tourism destination on the tourist visiting decision of 53.4% and the rest of 45.5% and 46.6% influenced by other factors not examined. The results of the analysis also showed the effect of tourism destination products variable partially consisting of physical products, packages, and programs have an effect on the decision of tourists while people have no influence. As for the variable image of tourism destinations in partial consisting of cognitive image and affective image affect the decision of tourists visiting to Kota Seribu Sungai Banjarmasin. 

2011 ◽  
pp. 1050-1068
Lluís Prats-Planagumà ◽  
Raquel Camprubí

The competitiveness of tourism destinations is a relevant issue for tourism studies, moreso, is a key element on the daily basis of tourism destinations. In this sense, the management of tourism destinations is essential to maintain competitive advantages. In this chapter tourism destination is considered as a relational network, where interaction and cooperation is needed among tourism agents, to achieve major levels of competitive advantage and a more effective destination management system. In addition, the perceptions of tourists are obtained from two main sources. The first one is the social construction of a tourism destination previous to the visit and the second one is obtained from the interaction between tourists and tourism destination agents during the visit. In this sense, the management of tourism destination to emit a homogenous and collective image is a factor that can reduce the gap if dissatisfaction from the previous and real tourist perception. The authors specifically discuss the importance of a common agreement of tourism agents on virtual tourism images projected through official Web sites, considering that the literature focused mainly in how to promote and sell destinations trough Internet but not in terms of exploiting a destination joint image. Finally, in order to analyze the integration of a tourism product and determine their consequences in tourism promotion an empirical research has been done, using the case of Girona’s province. The main findings determine that, although interactions among tourism agents can improve destination competitiveness, little cooperation in tourism promotion on Web sites is achieved, as well as a few uses of technological resources in the Web sites to facilitate to tourists a better understanding of tourism resources in the area.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 313-335 ◽  
Valerià Paül ◽  
Juan-Manuel Trillo-Santamaría ◽  
Fiona Haslam-Mckenzie

The literature on the development of tourism destinations neglects to question their precise origins. Thus, it makes sense to research the when, how and why a particular place attracts tourists to the point of being considered an up-and-coming destination. The case of Trevinca-A Veiga (Galicia, Spain), a mountain area which is emerging as a tourism destination, is analysed through 28 semi-structured interviews with stakeholders regarding the initial phases of tourism development. Six different narratives (rather than simply one), regarding the emergence of Trevinca-A Veiga as a tourism destination, are identified. These are not mutually exclusive stories, rather, they appear interwoven and in dialogue with each other, complementing and sometimes even contradicting each other. The article shows that the origin of a destination has to be understood not only in its materiality but also through its intangible dimensions. This includes discussing the place name used by a destination and its spatial coverage and scale, and negotiating the dimension and type of demand that is desired. Therefore, the origin of a destination is a process with multiple interpretations sustained by a complex social net. The conclusions include a set of recommendations for tourism destination development in a mountain area with no previous development.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 97
Febrianto Hakeu ◽  
Sri Sunarti

AbstractThis article aims to determine the Shafar Bathing Ritual Process in Kec. Atinggola Buata Village, North Gorontalo Regency, and knowing the Implementation of Regional Government Policies in the Cultural Tourism sector towards Shafar Bathing Rituals in North Gorontalo District, and formulating solutions to the identified constraints. This article is analyzed based on a descriptive qualitative approach. The results of the analysis of this article are 1) Shafar's bathing ritual starts from the morning at 06.30 WIB with the recitation of Al-Quran verses (Surah Al-Kahfi, Surah Yasin), and the traditional event of bathing Shafar then ends with eating together. 2) Tourism development in Atinggola District is quite good, seen from the policy of the District Government. North Gorontalo and 3) In implementing tourism development, the Tourism and Culture Office always tries to develop tourism in Atinggola District, namely by carrying out tourism promotion programs, tourism destination development programs, and tourism partnership programs. The tourism promotion program is carried out by organizing the Shafar bathing ritual which is carried out once a year in addition to tourism promotion via the internet. While the tourism partnership program, the Tourism and Culture Office collaborates with several related agencies to help develop tourism in Atinggola District.

2020 ◽  
Ahsani Taqwiem ◽  
Harun Al Rasyid Muhammad ◽  
Ali Maulidi

The enormous economic potential of halal tourism has recently begun to be discussed. Crescent Rating data notes that in 2014 Muslims spend about USD126.1 billion globally on Islamic tourism, and Indonesia as the 6th most popular halal tourism site in the world. This potential needs to be cultivated by Indonesia. Lombok Island as one of the most popular Islamic tourism destinations in Indonesia - in 2015 it received two awards (the Best World Halal Tourism Destination and World Best Halal Honeymoon Destination). The governor of Nusa Tenggara Barat Zuelkiflimansyah has expressed interest in further developing halal tourism in Lombok by promoting some additional destinations such as Senggigi Beach, Gili Trawangan, and Rinjani Mountain. This paper offers SWOT analysis of the development of halal tourism on the Lombok island.  Keywords: Islamic Economy, Halal Tourism, Lombok Island

Lluís Prats-Planagumà ◽  
Raquel Camprubí

The competitiveness of tourism destinations is a relevant issue for tourism studies, moreso, is a key element on the daily basis of tourism destinations. In this sense, the management of tourism destinations is essential to maintain competitive advantages. In this chapter tourism destination is considered as a relational network, where interaction and cooperation is needed among tourism agents, to achieve major levels of competitive advantage and a more effective destination management system. In addition, the perceptions of tourists are obtained from two main sources. The first one is the social construction of a tourism destination previous to the visit and the second one is obtained from the interaction between tourists and tourism destination agents during the visit. In this sense, the management of tourism destination to emit a homogenous and collective image is a factor that can reduce the gap if dissatisfaction from the previous and real tourist perception. The authors specifically discuss the importance of a common agreement of tourism agents on virtual tourism images projected through official Web sites, considering that the literature focused mainly in how to promote and sell destinations trough Internet but not in terms of exploiting a destination joint image. Finally, in order to analyze the integration of a tourism product and determine their consequences in tourism promotion an empirical research has been done, using the case of Girona’s province. The main findings determine that, although interactions among tourism agents can improve destination competitiveness, little cooperation in tourism promotion on Web sites is achieved, as well as a few uses of technological resources in the Web sites to facilitate to tourists a better understanding of tourism resources in the area.

Linda Astuti ◽  
Khairil Buldani

As a consequence of the optimization resources area policy, tourism was becoming one of the favored sectors. Development of the tourism sector could run well with good communication between the Government and society, so communication was considered important in the development process. Therefore, it was necessary to develop a communication strategy so that messages could be received well. The purpose of this study was to determine the communication strategy development undertaken by the Department of Culture and Tourism of Bengkulu province in tourism development by using analytical tools Lasswel components. Research results showed that the Department of Culture and Tourism has been communicated by applying the Lasswell model.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 147-154
Ivo Andrijanić ◽  
Natalija Parlov

AbstractCountries develop their nautical tourism depending on their nature potentials and resources and in line with their national economic strategies. The main development determinant is a national strategy as the basis of all plans and activities. The nautical tourism development encourages tourism destination development and impacts on economic and social sustainability. Nautical tourism is a specific form of modern tourism trends whose extremely important and highly profitable economic influence is largely visible in numerous multiplicative effects. Renown world researches prove that nautical tourism is one of the most important economic activities in tourism sector, perceived in Croatia as one of the most competitive tourism products. The objective of this paper is to point at the necessity of differentiation of communication strategy and marketing placements towards target markets focused on attracting yachtsmen taking into account their different demographic and sociographic profile. The research and comparative analysis conducted in American and European yacht clubs showed significant differences in selection of tourism destinations based on demographic and sociographic profile of yachtsmen in specific geolocation. The purpose of this work is to prepare the comparative analysis of the European and American yachtsmen profiles, which will serve to create targeted strategic marketing model of attracting foreign yachtsmen in selection of their holiday tourism destination. The conclusions of this research show that Croatia has still not fully capitalized its potential in the nautical tourism sector and that the more comprehensive market segmentation is necessary in the process of planning how to attract foreign yachtsmen.

2016 ◽  
Vol 10 (01) ◽  
pp. 1-26
Aditha Agung Prakoso

Nowadays, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta is announced as one of tourism destination in Indonesia. It is confirmed that Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta in Regulation of Government No 50 of Government No 50 Year 2011 is belong to 50 national tourism destinations as known as National Tourism Destination Borobudur – Yogyakarta and its surrounding area. To accomplish The Act No 10 Year 2009 on Tourism and Regulation of Government No 50 Year 2011 on Grand Strategy of National Tourism Development, so Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta composed Grand Strategy of Regional Tourism Development that called Regulation of Regional Government No 1 Year 2012 on Grand Strategy of Regional Tourism Development Provence Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. It is expected to give positive multiplier effect for Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta community. Keywords: tourism destination, multiplier effect, grand strategy of national tourism development, tourism planning

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