scholarly journals Comparative Analysis of American and European Yachtsman Profile for Better Marketing Placement of Croatia as Tourism Destination

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 147-154
Ivo Andrijanić ◽  
Natalija Parlov

AbstractCountries develop their nautical tourism depending on their nature potentials and resources and in line with their national economic strategies. The main development determinant is a national strategy as the basis of all plans and activities. The nautical tourism development encourages tourism destination development and impacts on economic and social sustainability. Nautical tourism is a specific form of modern tourism trends whose extremely important and highly profitable economic influence is largely visible in numerous multiplicative effects. Renown world researches prove that nautical tourism is one of the most important economic activities in tourism sector, perceived in Croatia as one of the most competitive tourism products. The objective of this paper is to point at the necessity of differentiation of communication strategy and marketing placements towards target markets focused on attracting yachtsmen taking into account their different demographic and sociographic profile. The research and comparative analysis conducted in American and European yacht clubs showed significant differences in selection of tourism destinations based on demographic and sociographic profile of yachtsmen in specific geolocation. The purpose of this work is to prepare the comparative analysis of the European and American yachtsmen profiles, which will serve to create targeted strategic marketing model of attracting foreign yachtsmen in selection of their holiday tourism destination. The conclusions of this research show that Croatia has still not fully capitalized its potential in the nautical tourism sector and that the more comprehensive market segmentation is necessary in the process of planning how to attract foreign yachtsmen.

2021 ◽  
Jean Vasile Andrei ◽  
Mihaela Cristina Drăgoi ◽  

The health crisis has exerted a significant pressure on the global economic system, implicitly on the evolution of tourism, value chain creation and supply chains, generating shocks on various national economic sectors. In this context, the objective of the paper is to make a brief synoptic analysis on the evolution of the tourism sector in some EU countries. Two periods of time were considered - before the onset of the pandemic (2018-2019) and during the pandemic (in 2020). The results of the analysis confirm the specific trends of reducing the multiplicative effects that tourism has on the economy as well as the decrease, even contracting of the sector, a phenomenon identified through specific analyzed indicators.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 139-146
Natalija Parlov ◽  
Davor Perkov ◽  
Željko Sičaja

AbstractContemporary business is largely based on digital information. Traditional media forms lose battle in a new global surrounding. Therefore, knowing specific terminology and postulates of new conditions in the digital information market is essential. Globalization is an inevitable process overtaking all economic activities, including tourism sector intertwined with various advertising activities in order to place and sell its products and services. Digital marketing is thus more and more used. In that context, world tourism organizations and national tourist agencies play a role of communicator, trying to create desired mental image of a specific country as a tourism destination in the minds of final consumers. They use branding to make one country uniquely recognizable in the market. The aim of this paper is to present new trends in tourism destination branding process by using the means of digital marketing. The main purpose of this research was to analyse marketing activities and communication strategies of European countries, perceived as the largest tourism market, and compare them with the tourism promotion of Croatia in various markets. The results of the analysis of Croatian activities in promoting its tourism destinations imply there is still a large potential to improve implementation of digital marketing means by preparing the strategy of integrated market communication. The analysis of marketing activities of tourism developed countries shows trends in digital marketing that can serve as a model for development of Croatian tourism brand in global digital surrounding.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 133
Firdaus Yuni Dharta ◽  
Rastri Kusumaningrum ◽  
Chaerudin Chaerudin

AbstrakKeberhasilan pengembangan destinasi wisata merupakan salah satu fondasi dalam memperkuat sektor pariwisata di Indonesia. Salah satu aspek yang menjadi masalah utama dalam pengembangan destinasi wisata di Kabupaten Karawang adalah lemahnya strategi komunikasi yang diterapkan oleh para pengelola wisata terutama berkaitan dengan pelayanan wisatawan dan upaya promosi wisata. Sebagian besar pengelola destinasi wisata di Karawang belum mendapatkan bekal yang cukup dalam tata cara penerimaan wisatawan yang baik dan dalam upaya promosi, sebagian besar hanya mengandalkan upaya promosi terpusat yang dilakukan oleh instansi yang menaungi sektor pariwista di Kabupaten Karawang. Dari beberapa kelemahan mengenai strategi komunikasi tersebut, maka perlu dilakukan suatu kegiatan sebagai bentuk pendampingan kepada para pengelola wisata untuk memperkuat pengembangan destinasi wisatanya. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini adalah memberikan pengetahuan dan pemahaman pengelola destinasi wisata tentang penerapan komunikasi yang tepat dalam memberikan pelayanan kepada pengunjung dan upaya promosi secara mandiri oleh para pengelola wisata. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah sosialisasi dan penyuluhan yang dilakukan dengan penyampaian materi, diskusi, dan tanya jawab. Hasil dari kegiatan ini pengelola destinasi wisata mampu memahami pentingnya pelayanan prima yang diterapkan dalam menerima kunjungan wisatawan serta pentingnya melakukan upaya promosi destinasi wisata secara mandiri untuk meningkatkan jumlah kunjungan wisata.Kata Kunci: destinasi wisata, pelayanan prima, promosi pariwisata, pengembangan pariwisataAbstractThe success of developing tourim destinations is one of the foundations in strengthening the tourism sector in Indonesia. One aspect that to be main problem in developing tourism destinations in Karawang Regency is the weak communication strategy implemented by tourism managers, especially on tourist services and tourism promotion. Most of the managers of tourism destinations in Karawang have not received sufficient provisions in the procedures for receiving good tourists and in promotional activity, most of them only rely on centralized promotional strategy doing by agencies that oversee the tourism sector in Karawang Regency. Of the several weaknesses regarding the communication strategy, it is necessary to carry out an activity as a form of assistance to tourism managers to strengthen the development of their tourism destinations. The purpose of this activity is to provide knowledge and understanding of tourism destination managers about the application of proper communication in providing services to visitors and promotional activity independently by tourism managers. The method used in this activity is socialization and outreach which is carried out by delivering material, discussion, and question and answer. The results of this activity, tourism destination managers are able to understand the importance of excellent service applied in receiving tourist visits and the importance of promoting tourism destinations independently to increase the number of tourist visits.Key Word: tourism destination, excellence service, tourism promotion, tourism development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 42
Irma Kharisma Hatibie ◽  
Srilian Laxmiwaty Dai ◽  
Anggraini M.S Lagalo

The tourism sector is built based on development that prioritizes welfare, especially for people in rural areas. Not only as a sector that can provide an economic boost but at the same time providing a sense of security against concerns over the overexploitation of natural resources. Therefore, as part of the process in the management of a tourism destination, it requires an in-depth study of instruments that can assist tourism destination management in assessing the environmental resilience crisis. This instrument is needed to reduce environmental impacts, which are currently feared to damage the environment around the destination. One of the instruments used in this research is the criteria and indicators of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC). The method of this research used a descriptive qualitative method, comparative analysis (implementation and indicators). The purpose of this research is to answer the challenges of environmental vulnerability issues in a destination using one of the GSTC criteria and indicators. The result of this research is Tunggul Arum tourism village does not fulfill the environmental-based on GSTC criteria and indicators.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-56
Ananta Raj Dahal

Tourism sector is a very importance in Nepalese’s economic activities. In this sector there are so many problems and opportunity. In this research had analysed the problems and prospects of tourism development in Nepal with reference to Bhaktpur Durbar Square (BDS) in Bhaktpur district. Primary data were used for the main information and secondary data also used for supplementary sources of information. Primary data collected by direct personal interview through semi-structural questioner. Both local trade/business people and tourist those who were available in the time of survey were used as a samples. Tourist visit here for holiday pleasure, business and research purpose. Length of tourist stay is very few and time of re visit also few. For the development of tourism sector Nepal increase physical facilities and improve infrastructure of old and new tourism destination.

Helia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Kateryna Vasylkovska ◽  
Olha Andriienko ◽  
Oleksii Vasylkovskyi ◽  
Andrii Andriienko ◽  
Popov Volodymyr ◽  

Abstract The analysis of the production and yield of sunflower seeds in Ukraine for the period from 2000 to 2019 was conducted in the article. The comparative analysis of the gross harvest of sunflower seeds and the export of sunflower oil for the years under research was carried out. The dependence of exports on gross harvest was revealed and its share was calculated. It was determined that the export of sunflower oil has increased over the years under research, which indicates a significant Ukraine’s export potential. It was found that the increase in the share of exports by 15.9% was made possible by a qualitative change in yield, that was ensured by the changes in the cultivation technology and by the selection of sunflower hybrids that are better adapted to climate changes. The recommendations for further improvement of cultivation technology in connection with climate change in order to further increase yields and the export potential of Ukraine were given.

2016 ◽  
Vol 8 (6) ◽  
pp. 52
Fatos Ukaj

<p>Nowadays, every branch of economic activities is a subject of the various influences in which they cannot have an impact. The capabilities of an enterprise to have a significant impact on business environments can be done through the creation of their own brand. Hence, this has become a tool for the identification of its products and enterprises. Enterprises have exploited brand as a means by which businesses have improved their own turnover, competitive position in the market, and winning the loyalty of their consumers. In Kosovo, there is an increasing trend of enterprises in creating a brand for their own products. Thus, this gives them a higher possibility for identification by the consumers, fosters the development of marketing policies, and provides them the opportunity to break through new markets. The scope of this paper is to determine the importance and rationale for the creation of certain brands. It was able to achieve this through a research of perception for the brands by consumers, as well as finding out grounds and influential factors during their selection of certain brands. The data acquired have proved that there are some advantages of enterprises that have a well-known brand. Also, the various factors which influence customer’s decision include physical product handling features, good experiences, packaging, warranty, etc. The data presented will help in the future for an increase in awareness on the importance of branding in the practice of enterprises. Therefore, this is with the aim of creating a good image for the products as well as enterprises.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 39 (39) ◽  
pp. 54-69
Vanya Banabakova

Logistics continuously expands its application areas. In modern conditions, there is a need to apply logistics in areas not related to its traditional applications such as military and business spheres, resulting in the identification of a third area with the name social logistics. Social logistics aims to introduce a social (human) factor into the systems and to apply logistic principles and methods in solving the problems of society. Social logistics can be defined as a set of actions that ensure the effective functioning of social systems (such as a set of social phenomena, processes and subjects), applying the principles of logistics. For the purposes of this paper, a number of scientific approaches and methods have been applied, such as system approach, comparative analysis, critical analysis, synthesis and others. Social logistics plays an important role in national security, including economic and social security. The purpose of this paper is to explore the role of social logistics in enhancing national security, including economic and social security.

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