Characterization and Classification of Soils of Jalingo Metropolis, North-east, Nigeria
The study was aimed at the characterizing and the classifying of soils of Jalingo metropo- lis in Taraba State, North-East Nigeria. Profile pit was dug on each of the three different sites of the study area as identified using free survey. The profile pits were described and sampled bases on horizon differentiation for laboratory analyses. A total of 10 samples were collected. Data generated were analyzed using descriptive statistics to determine their coefficient of variation. The result indicated that the horizons were mostly reddish when moist at different contrasting level. The textural classes were mostly loamy sand while the sub-angular blocky structure was observed in the entire subsurface horizons. The horizons of the pedons were well drained. Sand fraction had means of 826.80 g/kg, 816.80 g/kg and 766.8 g/kg for pedons 1, 2, and 3 respectively. Clay fraction increased in an in- creasing soil depth which formed an argillic horizon. Sand fraction, bulk density and parti- cle density recorded low variation (≥0 % ≤5.22 %) in among the pedons. Soil pH(H2O) had a mean of 6.40 in pedon 1, 6.43 in pedon 2 and 6.41 in pedon 3. Organic carbon ranged from ≥2.0 g/kg ≤0.43 g/kg while cation exchange capacity ranged from ≥4.58 cmol/kg ≤5.01 cmol/kg among the pedons. The percent base saturation had a mean of 66.6 %, 65.1 % and 66 % in pedon 1, 2 and 3. Hence, pedons 1 and 2 were classified as Grossarenic Kandiustalfs (Arenic Lixisols), while pedon 3 was classified as Arenic Kandi- ustalfs (Loamic Lixisols) according to USDA soil taxonomy and correlated with world reference base.