Rare species of Sorbus L. growing in Dagestan and introduction in the Mountain Botanical Garden
The collection fund of rowan trees of the Mountain Botanical Garden, located at an altitude of 1700 m above sea level (Gunib plateau), includes 30 species, 5 varieties, cultivars and hybrid forms. There are 6 species of rowan in Dagestan, introduced from natural habitats, of which three species are included in the Red Book of Dagestan, and are included in the Red List of Endemic Species of the Caucasus (IUCN). As a result of the search and research work, new locations of four rare and endangered species of rowan ( S. caucasica, S. graeca, S. kusnetzovii, S. subfusca ) that are threatened with extinction in Dagestan were identified. The geographical coordinates of the exact location of rowan species are marked, and maps of the species' range on the territory of the Republic of Dagestan are compiled. For further monitoring observations, the total number of species was clarified, the biomorphological indicators and the age structure of the populations were studied. Under the conditions of culture, they were propagated by seeds and vegetatively by grafting on the rootstock of S. aucuparia .