Reflexões de uma formação docente: educação física escolar articulada com educação ambiental

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Marion Costa da Silva

INTRODUÇÃO: O texto apresenta abordagem sobre formação continuada com professores da Secretaria Municipal de Educação da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro (SME), baseada em experiências com Esporte de Orientação que motivou a formulação de uma proposta interdisciplinar a ser desenvolvida nas Unidades Escolares.OBJETIVO: Analisar a possibilidade de uma ação educativa entre a educação física escolar e a educação ambiental por meio de uma prática pedagógica com o esporte de orientação. MÉTODOS: Foram oferecidas duas formações docentes, distribuição de um material didático (Cartilha Pedagógica do Esporte de Orientação) para o desenvolvimento das aulas práticas nas Unidades Escolares, e a viabilização de duas aulas externas em ambientes naturais para prática do esporte. Os professores de Educação Física que participaram deste processo formativo fizeram uma avaliação sobre as experiências oportunizadas com o Esporte de Orientação dentro e fora das Unidades Escolares.RESULTADOS: A formação docente possibilitou vivências exitosas com a prática do Esporte de Orientação, tanto no ambiente escolar quanto no ambiente natural. Para os professores, as experiências viabilizaram reflexões e discussões sobre um trabalho interdisciplinar para questões socioambientais e experiências inéditas m ambientes naturais para os estudantes.CONCLUSÃO: A partir das experiências oportunizadas e avaliadas positivamente pelos professores, compreendeu-se a importância de ampliar e aprofundar a proposta pedagógica. Assim, a Coordenadoria de Projetos de Extensão Curricular (CPEC) da SME planeja e se organiza para desenvolver o Projeto #MAPAAÇÃO, visando à materialização de ações pedagógicas que relacionam intrinsicamente educação, esporte e sustentabilidade através do Esporte de Orientação.Reflections from a teaching formation: school physical education articulated with environmental educationABSTRACTBACKGROUND: The text presents the approach on continuing education with teachers from Rio de Janeiro Municipal Education Secretariat (SME-RJ) based on experiences with the “Orienteering Sport” that motivated the formulation of an interdisciplinary proposal to be developed in School Units.OBJECTIVE: Seeking to analyze the possibility of an educational action between School Physical Education and Environmental Education through a pedagogical practice with the Orienteering Sport.METHODS: Two teaching courses were offered, distribution of didactic material (Pedagogical Guide to Orienteering Sport) for the development of practical classes in School Units, and the possibility of two external classes in natural environments for the practice of sport. The Physical Education teachers who participated in this formative process made an assessment of the experiences provided with the Orienteering Sport inside and outside the School Units. RESULTS: Teacher training enabled successful experiences with the practice of Orienteering Sport, both in the school environment and in the natural environment. For teachers, the experiences enabled reflections and discussions on interdisciplinary work for socio-environmental issues and unprecedented experiences immersed in natural environments for students.CONCLUSION: From the opportunized experiences and positively evaluated by the teachers, the importance of expanding and deepening the pedagogical proposal was understood. Thus, the Coordination of Curricular Extension Projects (CPEC) of Municipal Education Secretariat (SME) plans and organizes itself to develop Project #MAPAAÇÃO, aiming at the materialization of pedagogical actions that intrinsically relate education, sport and sustainability through Orienteering Sport.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 327-330
Tongyang Chu

ABSTRACT Introduction Outdoor sports can help people develop good living habits and improve people’s physical fitness. For this reason, it is very important to cultivate sports hobbies and analyze the factors of healthy sports. Objective To understand the factors that affect the healthy sports behavior of college students, we provide a reference for the relevant departments of the school and physical education teachers. Methods The thesis uses literature data method, questionnaire survey method and mathematical statistics method to analyze sports influencing factors with college students as the research object. Results The physical education method and the completeness of the facilities will affect the students’ interest in sports. Students from different family backgrounds have very different preferences for healthy sports. Conclusions The school environment and sports atmosphere are the main factors that constitute the school sports environment. College students’ cognition and understanding of healthy sports will affect their own sports situation. Level of evidence II; Therapeutic studies - investigation of treatment results.

Valentyna Honcharuk ◽  
Oksana Gomotiuk ◽  
Lidia Pletenytska ◽  
Valentyna Zvozdetska ◽  
Nadiya Lanchukovska ◽  

We aimed to develop pedagogical techniques among students, improve their pedagogical abilities as important components of pedagogical excellence during practical classes in the educational disciplines “Introduction into the specialty”, “Culture of professional speech and communication”, “Pedagogy”, “The content and types of professional activities in the field of physical culture and sports”, in particular: organizational, creative, perceptual abilities, emotional stabilit y, optimistic forecasting, For future physical culture teachers to learn how to introspect their skills in pedagogical interaction, we proposed such topics for creative reflection: “My pedagogical culture”, “Pedagogy: science or art”, „My memories of my favorite teacher”, “Physical culture teacher of the future” etc. The inclusion of students in personally oriented activities through the use of the latest educational technologies and the introduction of a special course in the educational process “Fundamentals for the development of pedagogical skills of future physical education teachers” made it possible to reveal the potential of each future teacher of physical education. The comprehensive observance of the above-mentioned pedagogical conditions ensured the effectiveness of the pedagogical skills development of future physical education teachers in the process of training.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 217-226
Sabrina De Souza ◽  
Viviane Preichard Duek ◽  
Larissa Cerignoni Benites

Objetivo: Identificar os aspectos da produção acadêmica na área da Educação Física escolar frente ao trabalho docente diante dos alunos com deficiência nas escolas regulares. Método: Este estudo trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, descritiva que se valeu da estratégia da pesquisa documental. A busca privilegiou a plataforma Scielo e periódicos CAPES, apresentando oito termos combinados pelo operador ‘and’ e como critérios de inclusão os artigos publicados nos últimos dez anos e encontrados na língua portuguesa. Resultados: Resultando em 53 artigos que compuseram o acervo documental do estudo. A análise dos dados se deu de maneira qualitativa descritiva utilizando-se do processo de leitura, codificação e categorização, o qual oportunizou a discussão dos dados em dois eixos: (1) A escola frente as demandas da inclusão, onde apontou-se para as questões inerentes a escola, e; (2) As percepções dos professores de Educação Física, onde se levantou os diferentes tipos de percepções que os professores possuem quando se trata de trabalhar com a inclusão e com os alunos com deficiência dentro da educação regular. Conclusão: Como consideração final revela-se que aspectos como as condições dos espaços escolares e recursos materiais, dificuldades, a formação profissional, enfrentamentos da prática pedagógica, visão dos e sobre os alunos e o papel da Educação Física possuem um amplo destaque da literatura, compreendendo os aspectos do trabalho do professor e sua relação com os desafios da docência em situações de inclusão, apresentando um cenário de dificuldades, mas sobretudo de possibilidades e superações.ABSTRACT. The work of the teacher of physical education with the student with disabilities in regular education. Objective: To identify aspects of academic production in the area of Physical Education in front of the teaching work in front of students with disabilities in regular schools. Method: This study is a qualitative, descriptive research that used the documentary research strategy. The search privileged the Scielo platform and CAPES journals, presenting eight terms combined by the ‘and’ operator and as inclusion criteria the articles published in the last ten years and found in the Portuguese language. Results: Resulting in 53 articles that composed the documentary collection of the study. The data analysis was qualitatively descriptive using the process of reading, coding and categorization, which made it possible to discuss the data in two axes: (1) The school faced the demands of inclusion, where it was pointed out to the issues inherent in school, and; (2) The perceptions of Physical Education teachers, where the different types of perceptions that teachers have when it comes to working with inclusion and with students with disabilities within regular education are raised. Conclusion: As a final consideration it is revealed that aspects such as the conditions of school spaces and material resources, difficulties, professional training, confrontations of the pedagogical practice, vision of and about students and the role of Physical Education have a broad emphasis on literature, understanding the aspects of the teacher’s work and their relationship with the challenges of teaching in situations of inclusion, presenting a scenario of difficulties, but above all possibilities and overcomes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 31 (1) ◽  
Roseli Belmonte Machado ◽  
Denise Grosso Da Fonseca ◽  
Natacha da Silva Tavares

In addition to discussing Physical Education and its curricula from the advent of recent educational policies, this article also proposes to move an important debate on the last stage of Basic Education, High School. This article presents analyses developed from the research that aimed to reflect on the inclusion of Physical Education in the Languages Area, discussing the relationship between the curricular proposals for Basic Education and the pedagogical practice of Physical Education teachers in High School. The methodology was based on Foucault’s studies. We intend to show that projects for training and formatting individuals have been placed in society and the current Brazilian reality, especially in the case of secondary education. We understand that these training projects are transposed with other discourses in order to gain the empathy and compliance of the population, which had long been questioning the organization and the teaching model. However, this is in fact a setback because, instead of reformulating methodologies and allowing knowledge to make sense for students, it causes them to remove from their formation that which does not seem interesting or useful to them, and, if in the future these individuals identify those gaps, they will be solely responsible for solving them.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 79-85
Wesly Otoni Ferreira ◽  
Bianca Henriques de Oliveira ◽  
Vinicius Do Carmo Fontana ◽  
Mariana Zuaneti Martins

INTRODUÇÃO: Nesse artigo expomos o desenvolvimento de uma experiência vinculada ao tênis no curso de licenciatura em educação física. OBJETIVO: O objetivo foi, com base nos pressupostos da pedagogia do esporte, propor uma série de jogos partindo do voleibol, esporte conhecido, para o tênis. Em segundo lugar, promover a problematização da “elitização” da modalidade e esboçar possibilidades para confeccionar bolas e raquetes para o jogo do tênis. MÉTODOS: Esse relato de experiência foi desenvolvido na disciplina de pedagogia do esporte do curso de licenciatura em educação física, com alunos/as do 6° semestre. Era uma turma de 26 alunos, que reunia diferentes níveis de habilidades e vivências esportivas, todos tinham algum contato com o esporte, mas nenhum com tênis. Foram realizadas 4 aulas, num total de 16 horas. Ao final da experiência, realizamos entrevista semiestruturada com 6 alunos/as que participaram das aulas e da confecção e teste dos materiais. RESULTADOS: Os alunos/as demonstraram um envolvimento e mobilização com a proposta de série de jogos de uma prática conhecida, voleibol, para uma menos conhecida, o tênis. Desenvolveram suas propostas de confecção de materiais com criatividade e nos seus relatos afirmaram ser uma possibilidade muito factível de se promover esse tipo de aula nas escolas, ainda que a ausência dos materiais oficiais possa ser sentida. Esse fator, ao mesmo tempo em que promoveu um certo desconforto, por jogar sem os “materiais oficiais”, também permitiu problematizar a ideia de que a elitização é inescapável à prática do tênis. CONCLUSÃO: Essas possibilidades, inseridas no curso de formação, permitiram ao licenciando vislumbrar possibilidades de atuação com a modalidade na prática pedagógica cotidiana na escola. ABSTRACT. Tennis inclusion in the training of physical education teachers: teaching experiences and reconstruction in the degree course. BACKGOUND: In this article we expose the development of an experience linked to tennis in the physical education undergraduate school. OBJECTIVE: Based on the assumptions of sport pedagogy, we aimed to offer a series of games starting from volleyball, a well-known sport, for tennis. Second, to promote the problematization of the “elitization” of the sport and to outline possibilities for making balls and rackets for the game of tennis. METHODS: This experience report was developed in the sport pedagogy discipline of the physical education degree course, with 6th semester students. It was a group that brought together different levels of skills and sports experiences, everyone had experiences with sports, but with few modalities. Four classes were held, for a total of 16 hours, between practical and theoretical activities. At the end of the experiment, we conducted a semi-structured interview with 6 students who participated in the classes and the making and testing of the materials. RESULTS: The students showed involvement and mobilization with the offered content (proposed series of games from a known practice, volleyball, to a lesser known one, tennis). They developed their proposals for making materials with creativity and in their reports they said it was a very feasible possibility of promoting this type of class in schools, even though the absence of official materials can be felt. CONCLUSION: These possibilities, inserted in the training course, allow the undergraduate student to glimpse possibilities of action with the modality in the daily pedagogical practice at school.

2018 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-68
Patric Paludett Flores ◽  
Yedda Maria da Silva Caraçato ◽  
Ana Luiza Barbosa Anversa ◽  
Bruna Solera ◽  
Luciane Cristina Arantes da Costa ◽  

Introdução: analisar o papel do Estágio Curricular Supervisionado (ECS) na formação inicial de professores de Educação Física implica em entender que o conhecimento pedagógico especializado se legitima na prática, e, mais do que no conhecimento das disciplinas, compreende os procedimentos de transmissão, de forma complexa e desafiadora, dos conhecimentos da cultura corporal de movimento. Nesse sentido, esta Objetivo: verificar, a partir da perspectiva de estudantes-estagiários, a organização e relevância da realização do ECS, bem como, a compreensão didático-pedagógica que esses apresentam com relação à realização desse primeiro contato com o ambiente escolar. Métodos: participaram deste estudo qualitativo, trinta e cinco acadêmicos de uma instituição pública do norte do estado do Paraná/Brasil. As informações levantadas decorreram dos relatórios finais apresentados na disciplina de ECS I. Resultados: da análise das informações coletadas emergiram-se duas categorias de apresentação dos resultados: a) organização e estrutura da disciplina de ECS I e b) significados do ECS I para a formação docente. Na primeira categoria, os participantes destacam que a carga horária das ações do ECS possui caráter excessivo frente aos demais componentes curriculares, porém entendem que tal processo se faz necessário pois possibilita uma efetivação da relação teoria e prática. Na segunda, revelam que o ECS auxilia na reflexão contínua do futuro professor para com o exercício da sua profissão, traduz-se em uma ação educativa a partir da práxis, torna-se meio de socialização profissional, e, possibilita a reflexão das amarras entre a profissão e a escola. Conclusão: entende-se que o estágio se configura como um dos componentes essenciais na lapidação do processo inicial de construção do ser professor em suas mais diversas facetas para o contexto escolar dentro da formação de professores de Educação Física.ABSTRACT. Initial training of physical education teachers: a look at the supervised practicum. Background: analyze the role of the Supervised Practicum (SP) at the initial training of the Physical Education Teachers implies understanding that specialized pedagogical knowledge is legitimated in practice and, more than the knowledge of the subjects, comprehends the procedures of transmission of the knowledge of body movement culture, in a complex and challenging way. Objective: to verify, from the perspective of student-trainees, the organization and relevance of the SP, as well as the didactic-pedagogical understanding that the students present regarding the accomplishment of this first contact with the school environment. Methods: Thirty-five students from a public institution in the north of the state of Paraná/Brazil participated in this qualitative study. The collected information came from the final reports presented in the SP I subject. Results: from the analysis of the information collected, two categories of results were presented: a) organization and structure of the SP I subject and b) SP I significance for teacher training. In the first category, the participants emphasize that the workload of the SP actions is excessive compared to the other curricular components, but they understand that this process is necessary because it allows an effective relationship between theory and practice. In the second, they reveal that the SP helps in the continuous reflection of the future teacher towards the exercise of their profession, it is translated into an educational action from the praxis, it becomes a means of professional socialization, and, it allows the reflection of the relations between the profession and the school. Conclusion: it is understood that the practicum is one of the essential components in the stoning of the initial process of construction of being a teacher in its most diverse facets for the school context within the training of Physical Education teachers.

2019 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
pp. 217-225
Thaise Ramos Varnier ◽  
Otávio Tavares ◽  
Wagner Dos Santos

A review of the academic debate concerning teaching values through physical education provides thoughts to consider regarding the educational potential of sport to promote the attitudinal dimension, with Olympic education as a reference. In addition to this trajectory, we attempt to understand the following question: How are studies pedagogically valuable for the pedagogical practices of physical education, with sportsas their content? The aim of this paper is to analyse pedagogical practices in the school environment, directed towards teaching values through sports, specifically soccer, by physical education teachers. This is a research-training type of descriptive study, which uses two semi-structured interviews and the creation of an autobiographical narrative as sources. By adapting the rules of soccer, the teacher created the “humanisedsport” method. It is concluded that the “humanised sport” method surpasses the limits of a classical Olympic education to meet socio-cultural needs.

2018 ◽  
Vol 78 (3) ◽  
pp. 288-300 ◽  
Jennifer Fane ◽  
Shane Pill ◽  
Joss Rankin

Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine how pre-service physical education (PE) teacher education students understand health education and their role as health educators. The challenges that a cohort of pre-service teachers ( n = 20) majoring and minoring in PE face in engaging in a socially contextualised understanding of health are examined. Design: Study participants were in a semester length foundational health education course. Following ethics board approval, participants’ reflective journals were accessed for data. The data were coded for themes and then analysed using Windschitl’s framing of constructivism in practice. Setting: Undergraduate health education teacher education programme at an Australian university. Results: Findings reveal how PE teacher education students made meaning of socially contextualised and contested areas of health, and developed their own understanding of health education pedagogical practice. Common challenges were evidenced by the students when attempting to explain their expanding understanding of health education pedagogy and practice. Conclusion: The simple understandings and conceptual ambiguities evident in this group of students help to explain why health education taught in secondary schools by PE teachers more often takes the form of ‘PE theory’ than health education.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 3
Åge Lauritzen ◽  
Reidun Nerhus Fretland ◽  
Joar Fossøy ◽  
Petter Erik Leirhaug

Fair play som omgrep fekk ein styrka posisjon i revidert læreplan i kroppsøving frå august 2012. Det forsterka fokuset på fair play i kroppsøving er allereie drøfta i fleire artiklar, men det føreligg lite forsking med empiri frå norsk skule om korleis fair play blir oppfatta og arbeidd med i faget. Målet i denne artikkelen er å undersøke lærarar si oppfatning av fair play som omgrep i kroppsøving, korleis dei praktiserer fair play i undervisinga og om tydeleggjeringa i læreplanen har medført endring i deira undervising. Metoden for datainnsamling er fokusgruppeintervju med totalt 19 lærarar som underviser i kroppsøving på 5.–7. årssteg. Det kjem fram at lærarane i praktisk arbeid med elevane sjeldan nyttar omgrepet fair play direkte, men at meiningsinnhaldet dei legg i fair play er sentralt i både kroppsøvingsundervisinga og deira profesjonelle yrkesutøving i eit allmenndannande perspektiv. Dei har i liten grad endra praksis som følgje av tydeleggjeringa av fair play, og fleire lærarar uttrykker at dei ikkje nyttar læreplanen i kroppsøving. Dette vert sett på som ei utfordring dersom fair play skal stå fram som planlagd erfaring og læringsutbytte for alle elevar i kroppsøving.Nøkkelord: fair play, kroppsøvingslærarar, undervisingspraksis, kroppsøvings-didaktikkPerceptions and pedagogical practice of fair play in physical educationAbstractIn Norway, the concept of fair play was strengthened in the 2012 revised curriculum for physical education. Although several articles already have discussed possible consequences of this, few empirical studies have been conducted about how fair play is perceived and enacted in the Norwegian school context. This article aims to examine teachers’ understanding of fair play in physical education, how they put fair play into practice in teaching, and to what extent the revised curriculum has led to changes in teachers’ practices. The research method involved focus groups with a total of 19 teachers who teach physical education in grades 5–7 (age 10–12 years). It appears that the teachers rarely use the term “fair play” directly in their work with pupils, and they do not express a change of practice after the strengthened focus in the curriculum. However, the teachers expressed that the values and understanding of fair play were central to both physical education teaching and their pro¬fessional practice in a more general educational perspective. Several teachers expressed that they did not use the written National curriculum for physical education. This, the article argues, will be a challenge if fair play is to become a planned learning experience and outcome for all pupils.Keywords: fair play, physical education teachers, teaching practice, physical education pedagogy

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