A metrological era for quantum computing

2014 ◽  
2019 ◽  
Mark Fingerhuth ◽  
Tomáš Babej ◽  
Peter Wittek

2018 ◽  
Rajendra K. Bera

It now appears that quantum computers are poised to enter the world of computing and establish its dominance, especially, in the cloud. Turing machines (classical computers) tied to the laws of classical physics will not vanish from our lives but begin to play a subordinate role to quantum computers tied to the enigmatic laws of quantum physics that deal with such non-intuitive phenomena as superposition, entanglement, collapse of the wave function, and teleportation, all occurring in Hilbert space. The aim of this 3-part paper is to introduce the readers to a core set of quantum algorithms based on the postulates of quantum mechanics, and reveal the amazing power of quantum computing.

2001 ◽  
Timothy E. Havel ◽  
David G. Cory

2002 ◽  
Giulio Casati ◽  
Carlo Beenakker ◽  
Tomaz Prozen ◽  
Philippe Jacquod ◽  
Giuliano Benenti

2004 ◽  
Lov K. Grover

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