scholarly journals Application of a preliminary decision on the method of determining the customs value as a state service in the field of customs affairs

2021 ◽  
pp. 48-57
Zareta Rudneva

The article considers the conditions for the provision of public services by participants of foreign economic activity to obtain a preliminary decision on the application of the method of determining the customs value, identifies the risks of applying a preliminary decision associated with the possibility of evading customs payments and advantages for doing business.

1980 ◽  
Vol 54 (3) ◽  
pp. 283-302 ◽  
Donald A. Ritchie

In our day, when the question of how and to what extent and by whom economic activity should be regulated is wide open as between legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government and a galaxy of highly developed private interest groups, the traditional Progressive idea of the just and all-wise commission as final arbiter seems dated. Mr. Ritchie shows that it was an idea to which James M. Landis clung enthusiastically, largely as a result of his experience on the Securities and Exchange Commission, until his later experience as Chairman of the Civil Aeronautics Board and finally as a lawyer representing one of the parties at interest before the Board. From the mounting evidence that a successful regulatory function grows, if at all, out of an appreciation of the economic realities of the particular activity being regulated, may yet come a national policy to which all may repair. Piling up such evidence is one of the most valuable public services the historian can render.

2011 ◽  
pp. 2231-2252
Francesca Andreescu

Underpinning £136 billion of economic activity in the United Kingdom, Britain’s National Mapping Agency is a commercialising public sector organisation having trading fund status and existing in the intersection of two different spheres—the public and the private. Recognised as a leading participant in the geographic information industry, within which it is forging partnerships with key private sector companies, the organisation has enthusiastically grasped e-business as an all-embracing phenomenon and implemented a new strategy that transformed the way it did business. Drawing on longitudinal data gathered over a period of four years, this article explores the processes of strategic and organisational transformation engendered by e-business implementation in this organisation and discusses the successful elements, as well as some of the challenges to its change efforts.

Francesca Andreescu

Underpinning £136 billion of economic activity in the United Kingdom, Britain’s National Mapping Agency is a commercialising public sector organisation having trading fund status and existing in the intersection of two different spheres—the public and the private. Recognised as a leading participant in the geographic information industry, within which it is forging partnerships with key private sector companies, the organisation has enthusiastically grasped e-business as an all-embracing phenomenon and implemented a new strategy that transformed the way it did business. Drawing on longitudinal data gathered over a period of four years, this article explores the processes of strategic and organisational transformation engendered by e-business implementation in this organisation and discusses the successful elements, as well as some of the challenges to its change efforts.

2020 ◽  
Stepan Kubiv ◽  
Vasyl Fedyuk ◽  

The foreign economic activity of domestic enterprises of the agricultural sector is characterized by high potential for further development, however, in the current and retrospective perspective does not show significant trends for long-term dynamic growth in the future. Therefore, it is necessary to develop and use a number of scientific proposals that logically follow from the results of the analysis and take into account the national characteristics of doing business in a high level of economic and political instability. One of the directions of scientific research to solve the outlined scientific topical problem is the formation of methodological and applied tools for assessing the development of foreign economic activity of enterprises in the agricultural sector. Today the problem of scientific and economic substantiation of the stages of evaluation of foreign economic activity of agricultural enterprises and their interpretation is relevant, which allow to influence the solution of specific management problems with the implementation of creative ideas and reduce the cost of their commercialization. The article analyzes the sequence of stages of the process of selecting indicators for evaluating foreign economic activity of agricultural enterprises, which, unlike others, describes the procedure for taking into account factors influencing foreign economic activity, criteria for selecting indicators for its analysis, sources of information and analysis of foreign economic activity. indicators with a high level of information value and which will be calculated on the basis of fully available information. Factors detail the search for rational indicators to describe the dynamics of certain processes, as they reflect the relationship between the elements of economic systems. Establishing criteria for selecting FEA evaluation indicators makes it possible to sort out those indicators that are not suitable for monitoring the studied processes. Areas of analysis reflect the nature of the information that should be reflected in the indicators selected for evaluation.

2009 ◽  
pp. 1665-1689
Francesca Andreescu

Underpinning £136 billion of economic activity in the United Kingdom, Britain’s National Mapping Agency is a commercialising public sector organisation having trading fund status and existing in the intersection of two different spheres—the public and the private. Recognised as a leading participant in the geographic information industry, within which it is forging partnerships with key private sector companies, the organisation has enthusiastically grasped ebusiness as an all-embracing phenomenon and implemented a new strategy that transformed the way it did business. Drawing on longitudinal data gathered over a period of four years, this article explores the processes of strategic and organisational transformation engendered by e-business implementation in this organisation and discusses the successful elements, as well as some of the challenges to its change efforts.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  

Abstrak. Implementasi Bentuk-Bentuk Akad Bernama Dalam Lembaga Keuangan Syariah. Pada dasarnya, Islam adalah agama yang sempurna mencakup segala bidang kehidupan manusia. Sebagai makhluk sosial, manusia tidak bisa lepas untuk berhubungan dengan orang lain dalam memenuhi kebutuhan hidup. Kebutuhan manusia sangat beragam, sehingga secara pribadi tidak mampu untuk memenuhinya dan harus berhubungan dengan orang lain. Hubungan antara satu manusia dengan manusia lain dalam memenuhi kebutuhan harus terdapat aturan yang menjelaskan hak dan kewajiban keduanya berdasarkan kesepakatan. Proses untuk membuat kesepakatan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan keduanya, yaitu dengan proses untuk berakad atau melakukan kontrak. Dalam pembahasan fikih, akad atau kontrak yang dapat digunakan bertransaksi sangat beragam, sesuai dengan karakteristik dan spesifikasi kebutuhan yang ada. Oleh karena itu, tulisan ini akan mengkaji bentuk-bentuk akad yang lebih berfokus pada bentuk-bentuk akad bernama. Hal ini merupakan syarat yang utama bagi orang yang melakukan aktivitas ekonomi dan bisnis serta memiliki akibat hukum bagi pihak yang berakad. Abstract. Implementation of Akad Bernama in Sharia Financial Institutions. Property played an important role and have a significant influence in human life. As social beings, humans cannot escape to connect with others in meeting the needs of life. Human needs are very diverse, so personally not able to fulfill it and to be in touch with others. The relationship between one human being with another human being to meet the needs there must be rules that define the rights and obligations of both consensual. The process for making a deal to meet the needs of both the process for berakad or perform a contract. In the discussion of jurisprudence, the contract or contracts which can be used to transact very diverse, according to the characteristics and specifications of the existing needs. Therefore, this paper will examine the forms of contract that is more focused on forms of contract named. This is the main requirement for people doing business and economic activity.

Agnieszka Siedlecka

Conducting economic activity, regardless of its nature, is connected with creating a product which will be of particular interest to its future consumers. According to the Tourist Institute’s data, the number of inbound tourists in the forthcoming years will be on the increase. Particularly interesting seems to be the trend indicated by The European Travel Commission (ETC) according to which the increase of awareness connected with environmental protection will result in a bigger interest of tourists in the spots with balanced development being of great importance. As regards Lubelskie region (NUTS 2), it is crucial to develop tourism in rural areas, ecotourism as well as agritourism. In order to acquire customers, agricultural households need to take actions to create and promote an interesting offer. Only if they propose the product attractive to customers, will it be possible. The purpose of the following article is to analyse the offer of products provided by agricultural households located in high nature value areas of Lubelskie region and to answer the question whether doing business in those areas positively influences the product offer range. To achieve the aforementioned objective, the research in agricultural households from high nature value municipalities and those with lower environmental values was carried out. It was conducted in November and December 2013. The results obtained by the author indicate that the location of households offering tourist services in high nature value areas has a significant impact on an extended product offer. It may be influenced by both environmental factors as well as household owners’ activity.

Stephan Haggard ◽  
Marcus Noland

Because authoritarian regimes like North Korea can impose the costs of sanctions on their citizens, they constitute “hard targets.” Yet such regimes may also be immune—and even hostile—to economic inducements if those inducements imply reform and opening. Can economic carrots and sticks by used effectively with respect to such systems? This book draws on an array of evidence—trade data, surveys of Chinese and South Korea firms doing business in North Korea, and an analysis of the country’s political structure—to capture the effects of sanctions and inducements. The book also provides a detailed reconstruction of the role of economic incentives in the bargaining over North Korea’s nuclear program. While it highlights the difficulties sanctions have faced, it also shows the reluctance of the leadership to weaken its grip on foreign economic activity, suggesting that inducements may have limited effect as well. The case is made through a detailed reconstruction of negotiations over North Korea’s nuclear program. Discussing parallels to Iran, the book urges policy makers to think in terms of gradual strategies—including informational ones—that may have effects only over the long run.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  

Abstract. Monopoly on Rent-Seeking and Dumping Policy in Business Ethics (Study on Muslim Economists’ Opinion). Monopoly on rent-seeking and dumping policy occurs because people leave the moral values in their business. Some people argue that business is purposive to gain the profit. Islam does not prohibit a person from doing business activity, either in the condition there is one seller (monopoly) or there are other sellers. In addition, Islam also does not prohibit a person stocking of goods for inventory purposes. The prohibition of monopoly on Rent-Seeking and dumping policy that caused of tyrannize, maltreat others, and include businesses that are not in accordance with ethics. An economic activity can be regarded as ikhtikar if it meets two conditions; first, the hoarding object is the goods of the community's needs; second; the purpose of stockpiling is to achieve profit above the normal profit.Abstrak. Monopoli Rent-Seeking dan Dumping Policy Dalam Etika Bisnis (Studi Pendapat Para Ekonom Muslim). Monopoli rent-seeking dan dumping policy terjadi didorong oleh realitas bisnis yang mengabaikan nilai-nilai moralitas. Bagi sementara pihak, bisnis adalah aktifitas ekonomi manusia yang bertujuan mencari laba semata-mata. Islam tidak melarang seseorang melakukan aktivitas bisnis, baik dalam kondisi dia merupakan satu-satunya penjual (monopoli) maupun ada penjual lain dan Islam juga tidak melarang seseorang menyimpan stok barang untuk keperluan persediaan. Aktifitas monopoli Rent-Seeking dan dumping policy merupakan suatu aktifitas ekonomi dalam bidang bisnis yang kegiatannya dilarang, karena dapat mendzalimi dan memudharatkan orang lain dan temasuk kepada bisnis yang tidak sesuai dengan etika bisnis. Akan tetapi  sebuah aktifitas ekonomi baru dapat dikatakan sebagai ikhtikar jika memenuhi setidaknya dua syarat; pertama, objek penimbunan merupakan barang-barang kebutuhan masyarakat, dan kedua; tujuan penimbunan adalah untuk meraih keuntungan diatas keuntungan normal.

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