Lorna D. Capito

The study was conducted at the Eastern Samar State University Main Campus during the second semester of the school year 2018 to 2019. It aimed to determine the employment readiness of the respondents in terms of their personal skills; instructional skills; and management skills. It also intended to describe their student teaching performance in terms of their average grade in Student Teaching in the Elem/Sec Schools subject; and to determine whether there is significant relationship between these variables.. Likert-type questionnaire was used to gather data as well as secondary data and employed both Descriptive and Inferential statistics for the analysis of the gathered data.. The findings of the study revealed that the respondents’ employment readiness were interpreted as “Much Skilled”. It also reflected that 95.6% or majority of the senior students were excellent in their teaching performance. Further results reflected that there was no significant relationship between employment readiness in terms of personality skills and instructional skills components of the respondents and their student teaching performance but a significant relationship between employment readiness of the respondents in terms of management skills and their student teaching performance. The results of the study implied that COED senior students are ready for employment and that they have developed the necessary skills for teaching and can excellently practice the techniques , skills, and positive attitudes in teaching in preparation for the real world of teaching profession as reflected in their student teaching performance. These findings also implies that student teachers’ skills in managing classroom activities, efficient planning and organizing can highly influence their outlook and preparedness towards the teaching profession .Hence, student teaching curriculum must be enhanced towards improving the management skills of students.

Lorna D. Capito

The study was conducted at the Eastern Samar State University Main Campus during the second semester of the school year 2018 to 2019. It aimed to determine the self-image of the respondents in terms of their positive self-image and negative self-image . It also intended to describe their student teaching performance in terms of their average grade in Student Teaching in the Elem/Sec Schools subject; and to determine whether there is significant relationship between these variables.. Likert-type questionnaire was used to gather data as well as secondary data and employed both Descriptive and Inferential statistics for the analysis of the gathered data.. The findings of the study revealed that the respondents’ perception of their level of positive self-image result to an aggregate mode of 13 which is interpreted as ‘high level’ while their level of negative self-image resulted to an aggregate mode of 14 which is interpreted as ‘ low level’ It also reflected that 95.6% or majority of the senior students were excellent in their teaching performance. Further results reflected that there was no significant relationship between the respondents’ level of positive and negative self-image and their student teaching performance . Hence the null hypothesis was accepted. The results of the study implied that the respondents’ total level of positive subjective perception of themselves, including the image of their body and impression of their own personality and capabilities are high and that they have developed the necessary skills for teaching as reflected in their student teaching performance. These findings also imply that although the respondents’ level of positive self-image is high, it does not influence their student teaching performance and outlook and preparedness towards the teaching profession. KEYWORDS: self-image, student teaching performance

2020 ◽  
Vol 101 (6) ◽  
pp. 24-28 ◽  
Lisa Borden-King ◽  
Warren Gamas ◽  
Kathy Hintz ◽  
Chelsie Hultz

Accreditation agencies and organizations calling for higher academic standards in the teaching profession have called for increasing minimum grade point averages and scores on standardized tests. However, it’s not clear that these requirements actually improve teaching. Lisa Borden-King, Warren Gamas, Kathy Hintz, and Chelsie Hultz researched whether teacher candidates’ scores on the Core Academic Skills Tests for Educators or their grade point averages correlated with scores on final student-teaching evaluations. They found no correlation between test scores and GPAs and how well teacher candidates performed as student teachers. They propose that, instead of focusing on standardized tests as admission criteria, teacher education programs should incorporate more clinical practice time, with opportunities for feedback that candidates can use to improve their teaching or decide not to enter the profession.

1989 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 312-317 ◽  
Reginald T.A. Ocansey

This article describes a systematic approach (an Effective Supervision Guide) for organizing data generated during student teaching. The Effective Supervision Guide (ESG) allows supervisors and student teachers to identify and/or trace changes in teaching performance. The ESG involves (a) establishing a baseline of teaching performance, (b) selecting behaviors that need remediation or maintenance, (c) specifying strategies for remediation and maintenance of targeted behaviors, (d) establishing performance criteria for targeted behaviors, and (e) indicating beginning and ending dates for targeted behaviors.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 38
Fifukha Dwi Khory ◽  
Setiyo Hartoto ◽  
Sudarso Sudarso ◽  
Bayu Budi Prakoso

This study aims to determine the quality of prospective PE teachers (PPET) in implementing learning management program (LMP) in a partner school of Universitas Negeri Surabaya. Descriptive qualitative approach wa applied. The research subjects were ten PPET who conducted LMP. There were three criteria that would be assessed by the supervising teacher: (1) students’ feasibility to become a PE teachers; (2) need of teacher competence; and (3) competence in student teaching. Research findings showed that the average of students’ feasibility score as student teachers 80.5 (very feasible). Based on the supervising teacher’s perception, the school needs quality teachers who have good academic skills, master the latest curriculum and teaching materials, have good classroom management skills and problem solving, and are creative and inovative. The quality of PPET was sufficient because they were able to manage the class, develop a lesson plan based on the 2013 curriculum, master teaching techniques, know the latest information of the 2013 curriculum, have high self-development ability, dedication, and discipline. In conclusion, the results of this study were able to describe the quality of PPET in conducting LMP, but this study only had few subjects, the findings might not be able to generalize the whole population.

2015 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Lijueraj J. Cuadra ◽  
Bayron Barredo

Competence, ability, and knowledge of student teachers could affect their performance as teachers. Thus, teacher education institutions should focus on preparing student teachers to be competent and efficient in managing today’s classrooms. The study examined the correlates of teaching competencies among student teachers of the College of Education at the Visayas State University (VSU), Philippines. Branching Diagram Analytical Technique (BRANDT) was used to describe the relationship between the student teaching performance and performance of the method subjects. A bivariate correlation was also applied to find the relationship among student performance, hobbies, skills, organizations, and grades in methods subject. Additionally, Analysis of Variance (One-way ANOVA) was utilized to interpret further and analyze the data. The results showed that there’s a significant relationship among student teaching performance, some personal attributes, and grades in the method subjects. Therefore, the number of organizations the students were involved in was highly related to their ratings in the method subjects. The student teachers’ knowledge and application of educational principles and methods were relevant in their teaching competence. However, it is recommended that the relationship between teaching performance and competence should be further evaluated. 

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-81
Ping Liu

This study investigates the professional development of elementary student teachers in a teacher education program. Student teaching is a process for pre-service teachers to apply learning in an authentic school context, and one critical aspect of professional development is through reflection. The participants were primarily examined through their weekly reflections on teaching and learning experiences over an eight-week period. Using the state Standards for the Teaching Profession as a framework, the student teachers chose to reflect on topics they were most interested in exploring. Results indicated that the participants gave predominant attention to classroom management; the standards that received the least reflection were organizing curriculum and planning instruction. Analysis of the reflection journals also revealed how the student teachers grew as individuals and in interaction with others in a learning community. Based on the results, implications for teacher education are proposed. Limitations are also discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (7) ◽  
pp. 95
Inmaculada García-Martínez ◽  
Eufrasio Pérez-Navío ◽  
Miguel Pérez-Ferra ◽  
Rocío Quijano-López

Emotional intelligence (EI) and stress are constructs that often characterize the teaching profession and are inversely related. There is evidence in the literature that suggests the importance of teachers working on EI in order to learn coping strategies and improve their teaching practices. This descriptive and correlational study had the purpose of examining the social–emotional profile of future teachers based on their EI and academic stress levels in order to provide guidance for future stressful situations that will affect their future professional development. For this purpose, we used a random sampling for convenience in a university population enrolled in degrees of education at Andalusian universities (Spain), getting a sample of 1020 pre-service teachers. The results pointed to a superiority in EI, academic stress, and academic achievement in favor of females compared to males. The relationship among EI, academic stress, and student teachers’ achievement was demonstrated. Furthermore, some components of EI were positioned as important factors to improve student achievement and reduce academic stress. Once the high incidence of these constructs on academic achievement was confirmed, the importance of developing EI and coping and stress skills training programs, aimed at improving academic success and their subsequent professional development, was demonstrated.

2021 ◽  
pp. e20200014
Elise St. John ◽  
Dan Goldhaber ◽  
John Krieg ◽  
Roddy Theobald

Emerging research finds connections between teacher candidates’ student teaching placements and their future career paths and effectiveness. Yet relatively little is known about the factors that influence these placements and how teacher education programs (TEPs) and K-12 school systems match teacher candidates to mentor teachers. In our study of this process in Washington state, we find that TEPs and K-12 systems share overarching goals related to successful student teacher placements and developing a highly effective teacher workforce. However, distinct accountabilities and day-to-day demands also sometimes lead them to prioritize other objectives. In addition, we identified informational asymmetries, which left TEPs questioning how mentor teachers were selected, and districts and schools with limited information with which to make intentional matches between teacher candidates and mentor teachers. The findings from this study inform both practice and research in teacher education and human resources. First, they illuminate practices that appear to contribute to informational gaps and institutional disadvantages in the placement of student teachers. Additionally, they raise questions about what constitutes an effective mentor teacher and provide researchers and policymakers with better insight into the professional realities of teacher educators and K-12 educators, as well as those of district human resource (HR) coordinators, which is important given their differing accountabilities and distinctive positionings in the education of teacher candidates.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-50
Arnold Ngatia ◽  
Dr. Allan Kihara

Purpose: This study sought to assess the determinants of sustainability of donor funded community projects in Garissa County. The study specifically focused on community participation, financial administration, training and leadership and management on sustainability of donor funded community projects in Garissa County. The variables were anchored by the freirean theory, results theory, competency theory and the systems theory.Methodology: The study adopted a descriptive research design and the population included donor funded project managers, donor agencies and project beneficiaries. Mugenda and Mugenda’s sample determination formula to acquire a sample size of 246 respondents. Further, the study employed stratified sampling so as to determine the exact number of respondents from the different categories. Primary data was collected through semi structured questionnaire while secondary data was collected through  desk search techniques from the internet from past scholarly articles. Quantitative data was analysed using a multivariate regression model while qualitative data was analysed using content analysis method.Results: Inferential results revealed a positive and significant relationship between community participation and sustainability of donor funded community projects and also positive and significant association between financial management and sustainability of donor funded community projects in Garissa County.Contribution: The study concluded that an improvement in various indicators of community participation such as donor funded community projects leaders’ vision, community empowerment and community decision-making, programme planning, monitoring and evaluation, leadership and management skills, establishment of linkages between project components, supervision and mobilization of local resources will result to positive and significant effect on sustainability of donor funded community projects in Garissa County. The study also concluded that improvement in some of the indicators that define financial management results to positive and significant effect on sustainability of donor funded community projects in Garissa County.

2010 ◽  
Vol 106 (3) ◽  
pp. 769-784
Tomotaka Mishima ◽  
Akihiro Horimoto ◽  
Toshiaki Mori

The purpose of this study was to investigate how education majors' images of teaching, teachers, and children change before and after student teaching, with special attention to the grade level (Grades 1–2, 3–4, 5–6) taught by the student teachers at primary school in Japan. A total of 126 student teachers from an education faculty (49 men, 77 women) participated in this study using metaphorquestionnaires before and after student teaching. For images of teaching, responses to the factors Dull Event and Live Event changed, suggesting that students started to develop more positive, active, and clear images of teaching. For images of teachers, responses on the factor Performer changed, suggesting that students started to develop more active images of teachers. For images of children, responses on the factors Critic and Pure-minded Person changed, suggesting that student teachers started to develop more realistic images of children. However, grade level taught had no significant effect.

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