Synthesis based on corn fatty acid and hexamethylenediamine study of imidazolines as preservative fluids

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (08) ◽  
pp. 32-32
Rüfanə Asif qızı Əlizadə ◽  
Gültəkin Məhərrəm qızı Quliyeva ◽  
Rəşad Rəhim oğlu Ağakişiyev ◽  
Rəhimə Mahmud qızı Fərhadova ◽  

Metal structures depending on the operating conditions, react with the aggressive part of the environment and as a result corrode. This corrosion not only leads to the loss of large amounts of money, but also to ecological problems. Corrosion processes require the development of economically efficient and environmentally safe, highly effective anti-corrosion materials. Therefore, the extension of the service life of metal equipment, the creation of corrosion inhibitors, conservation fluids and lubricants with different compositions to increase the quality and efficiency of work in production processes are promising areas. Extensive research of inhibitors as a means of protection against corrosion in conservation fluids is based on the economic and simple structure of the applied technology. Thus, when using this method, the addition of small amounts of substances with an inhibitory effect to the aggressive system, without any changes in the existing technological system is sufficient for long-term protection of the metal. Therefore, in modern times, the safest method to protect metals from corrosion is a passive protection method that provide inhibitors are widely used. Key words: conservation fluids, inhibitor, imidozalin

The choice of cost-effective method of anticorrosive protection of steel structures is an urgent and time consuming task, considering the significant number of protection ways, differing from each other in the complex of technological, physical, chemical and economic characteristics. To reduce the complexity of solving this problem, the author proposes a computational tool that can be considered as a subsystem of computer-aided design and used at the stage of variant and detailed design of steel structures. As a criterion of the effectiveness of the anti-corrosion protection method, the cost of the protective coating during the service life is accepted. The analysis of existing methods of steel protection against corrosion is performed, the possibility of their use for the protection of the most common steel structures is established, as well as the estimated period of effective operation of the coating. The developed computational tool makes it possible to choose the best method of protection of steel structures against corrosion, taking into account the operating conditions of the protected structure and the possibility of using a protective coating.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 169-173
Andrzej Lorkowski ◽  
Robert Jeszke

The whole world is currently struggling with one of the most disastrous pandemics to hit in modern times – Covid-19. Individual national governments, the WHO and worldwide media organisations are appealing for humanity to universally stay at home, to limit contact and to stay safe in the ongoing fight against this unseen threat. Economists are concerned about the devastating effect this will have on the markets and possible outcomes. One of the countries suffering from potential destruction of this situation is Poland. In this article we will explain how difficult internal energy transformation is, considering the long-term crisis associated with the extraction and usage of coal, the European Green Deal and current discussion on increasing the EU 2030 climate ambitions. In the face of an ongoing pandemic, the situation becomes even more challenging with each passing day.

Oksana Gaiduchok ◽  
Oleksiy Stupnytskyi ◽  

In modern times, it is believed that by reducing the risk of military intervention, military security has lost its relevance, and economic security has become a priority of national interests. The principle of economic security is as follows: national interests are supported through an economic system that supports free exchange and ensures the upward mobility of the nation. The analysis of economic security is based on the concept of national interests. It is well known that the problem of national security and its components cannot be considered only from the standpoint of current interests; it is closely related to the possibilities of their implementation over a significant, long-term period. Each stage of realization of national interests of the country is characterized by its assessment of its geopolitical, geostrategic and geoeconomic conditions, security threats and the main carriers of these threats, the mechanism of realization of national interests (each of the stages has its own assessment of the main definitions and categories of security, the main vectors of geoeconomic policy). Economic security is the foundation and material basis of national security. A state is in a state of security if it protects its own national interests and is able to defend them through political, economic, socio-psychological, military and other actions. There is a close connection between economic security and the system of national and state interests, and it is through this category that the problems of economic potential and economic power of the state, geopolitical and geoeconomic positions of the country in the modern world are intertwined. At a time when regional forces are trying to expand markets, provide access to finance and the latest technology, economic security has become a necessary component of the ability of regional forces to expand their influence. The article is devoted to the study of economic security of Ukraine and its components using the model of quantitative assessment of economic security of Ukraine. Using the Fishburne method, a model is built that allows to obtain an integrated assessment of the level of economic security based on the synthesis of nine partial indicators.

2020 ◽  
pp. 10-21
V. G. Babashov ◽  
N. M. Varrik ◽  

The emergence of new types of space and aviation technology necessitates the development of new types of thermal protection systems capable of operating at high temperature and long operating times. There are several types of thermal protection systems for different operating conditions: active thermal protection systems using forced supply of coolant to the protected surface, passive thermal protection systems using materials with low thermal conductivity without additional heat removal, high-temperature systems, which are simultaneously elements of the bearing structure and provide thermal protection, ablation materials. Heat protection systems in the form of rigid tiles and flexible panels, felt and mats are most common kind of heat protecting systems. This article examines the trends of development of flexible reusable heat protection systems intended for passive protection of aircraft structural structures from overheating.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Saeed Peyghami ◽  
Tomislav Dragicevic ◽  
Frede Blaabjerg

AbstractThis paper proposes a long-term performance indicator for power electronic converters based on their reliability. The converter reliability is represented by the proposed constant lifetime curves, which have been developed using Artificial Neural Network (ANN) under different operating conditions. Unlike the state-of-the-art theoretical reliability modeling approaches, which employ detailed electro-thermal characteristics and lifetime models of converter components, the proposed method provides a nonparametric surrogate model of the converter based on limited non-linear data from theoretical reliability analysis. The proposed approach can quickly predict the converter lifetime under given operating conditions without a further need for extended, time-consuming electro-thermal analysis. Moreover, the proposed lifetime curves can present the long-term performance of converters facilitating optimal system-level design for reliability, reliable operation and maintenance planning in power electronic systems. Numerical case studies evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed reliability modeling approach.

Histories ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 108-121
Satoshi Murayama ◽  
Hiroko Nakamura

Jan de Vries revised Akira Hayami’s original theory of the “Industrious Revolution” to make the idea more applicable to early modern commercialization in Europe, showcasing the development of the rural proletariat and especially the consumer revolution and women’s emancipation on the way toward an “Industrial Revolution.” However, Japanese villages followed a different path from the Western trajectory of the “Industrious Revolution,” which is recognized as the first step to industrialization. This article will explore how a different form of “industriousness” developed in Japan, covering medieval, early modern, and modern times. It will first describe why the communal village system was established in Japan and how this unique institution, the self-reliance system of a village, affected commercialization and industrialization and was sustained until modern times. Then, the local history of Kuta Village in Kyô-Otagi, a former county located close to Kyoto, is considered over the long term, from medieval through modern times. Kuta was not directly affected by the siting of new industrial production bases and the changes brought to villages located nearer to Kyoto. A variety of diligent interactions with living spaces is introduced to demonstrate that the industriousness of local women was characterized by conscience-driven perseverance.

2021 ◽  
Vol 43 (3) ◽  
Nick Hopwood ◽  
Staffan Müller-Wille ◽  
Janet Browne ◽  
Christiane Groeben ◽  
Shigehisa Kuriyama ◽  

AbstractWe invite systematic consideration of the metaphors of cycles and circulation as a long-term theme in the history of the life and environmental sciences and medicine. Ubiquitous in ancient religious and philosophical traditions, especially in representing the seasons and the motions of celestial bodies, circles once symbolized perfection. Over the centuries cyclic images in western medicine, natural philosophy, natural history and eventually biology gained independence from cosmology and theology and came to depend less on strictly circular forms. As potent ‘canonical icons’, cycles also interacted with representations of linear and irreversible change, including arrows, arcs, scales, series and trees, as in theories of the Earth and of evolution. In modern times life cycles and reproductive cycles have often been held to characterize life, in some cases especially female life, while human efforts selectively to foster and disrupt these cycles have harnessed their productivity in medicine and agriculture. But strong cyclic metaphors have continued to link physiology and climatology, medicine and economics, and biology and manufacturing, notably through the relations between land, food and population. From the grand nineteenth-century transformations of matter to systems ecology, the circulation of molecules through organic and inorganic compartments has posed the problem of maintaining identity in the face of flux and highlights the seductive ability of cyclic schemes to imply closure where no original state was in fact restored. More concerted attention to cycles and circulation will enrich analyses of the power of metaphors to naturalize understandings of life and their shaping by practical interests and political imaginations.

Kyungpyo Hong ◽  
Stephanie Nadya Sutanto ◽  
Jeong A. Lee ◽  
Jongsup Hong

Ni–Rh and Ni–Co nano-scale alloys exhibit high methane conversion, hydrogen yield, resistance to carbon formation, and long-term stability at low temperatures, allowing them to cope with the various operating conditions of direct methane-fueled PCFCs.

1977 ◽  
Vol 53 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-80
H. Taguchi ◽  
Z. Abdul-Cader ◽  
J. Perry ◽  
E. H. Reynolds ◽  
I. Chanarin

1. The isolated choroid plexus of the rabbit takes up 5-methyltetrahydrofolate from the incubation medium. 2. Other folate analogues (pteroylglutamic acid, methotrexate, 5-formyltetrahydrofolate = folinic acid) inhibited the uptake of 5-methyltetrahydrofolate. 3. The uptake of 5-methyltetrahydrofolate was inhibited by low temperature, anaerobic conditions and dinitrophenol. 4. The anticonvulsant drugs, diphenylhydantoin and phenobarbital, had no effect on 5-methyltetrahydrofolate uptake. 5. The inhibitory effect of pteroylglutamic acid on the uptake of 5-methyltetrahydrofolate by the choroid plexus may explain the effect of long-term folic acid therapy in aggravating vitamin B12 neuropathy in pernicious anaemia.

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