Nazigul Zhumagazhiyeva Nazigul Zhumagazhiyeva ◽  
Amir Kappassov Amir Kappassov

Background: The study of the problems of forming a healthy lifestyle is due to the increase and change in the nature of loads on students in connection with: -the introduction of new educational programs that require a large proportion of students ' self-training; -emotional pressure - the case of a pandemic causes fear and limits the communication of students; many students do not live in a family, work part-time; -increasing risks of man-made nature (worldwide digitalization, introduction of IT technologies); These loads provoke negative changes in the state of health of students. Purpose: 1) Identify the main factors that prevent the formation of a healthy lifestyle of medical students. 2) Suggest optimal ways to solve stressful situations that prevent the formation of a healthy lifestyle for medical students.

2020 ◽  
Tat'yana Karaseva ◽  
Aleksandr Mahov ◽  
Svetlana Tolstova

The textbook presents the content of the main sections of the course, as well as educational and methodological materials for independent work of students. It is intended for full-time and part-time students of the training areas 49.03.01 "Physical culture", 49.03.02 " Physical culture for persons with disabilities in the state of health (adaptive physical culture)", studying the discipline "Therapeutic physical culture".

2019 ◽  
pp. 19-22
Kristina Anatolevna Eletskaia

The article reveals the problem of preserving and strengthening the physical health of children, their motivation to lead a healthy lifestyle. The section «Diary of health» is shown and the fragment of occupation providing formation of physical health taking into account possibilities of the educational content of a subject «The world around» is presented. Work allows the child to control the state of health and increases interest in a healthy lifestyle.

2021 ◽  
pp. 73-79
E.A. Tepper ◽  
T.E. Taranushenko ◽  
A.N. Narkevich ◽  

The publication presents results of investigation of health of 437 school students at diff erent stages of school education (before entering school, after the 1st grade, at the moment of transition to subject-oriented learning and upon completion of school education) and depending on the school starting age. Dynamic detectability analysis of school students with consideration for the school starting age within a period of 10 years has shown an increase in the ratio of school students with diseases of the upper respiratory tract, skeletomuscular system and vision organs. Substantial growth of the listed pathologies was predominant at the 2nd and the 4th stages of observation and predominantly in school students who started their education at the age of 6 and 8. The data obtained have enhanced the importance of formation of healthy lifestyle habits and skills in the students and their parents within the framework of the National Priority Projects of Russia. Aim of study. To evaluate the state of health in school students who started their education at different ages within a 10-years observation period based on dynamic analysis of depleted and general incidence, detection rate of the relevant pathology (ARVI) and health index. Material and methods. Within the framework of the study, dynamic evaluation of the state of health in 437 school students at diff erent stages of school education (before entering school, aft er the 1st grade, at the moment of transition to subject-oriented learning and upon completion of school education) based on medical history and medical documents, data obtained from clinical examination, statements of physicians in niche specialities based on medical checkup data. Th e results obtained are presented for groups of school students with consideration for the school starting age.Results. Results of the study with analysis of school students’ health state indices attest to a decrease in functional reserves and a more adverse trend in incidence indices (depleted, general and the number of diseases per one student in a year) during school education among children who started their education at the age of 6 and 8. Conclusion. The presented analysis of schools students’ state of health at diff erent stages of school education depending on the school starting age has made it possible to present generalised data on the incidence in school students over a 10-years period of dynamic observation, outline adverse trends in the state of health in children who started their school education at the age of 6 and 8 years and to note the necessity of a more careful attention to children at a lower chronological age in comparison to a more functionally prepared peers, while that increases the probability of maladaptation under the circumstances of school workload with consequent deterioration of the child’s health and high incidence during the whole period of studying.

Natalia Rudenko ◽  
Tatiana Tuchak ◽  

The article analyzes the fiscal role of the excise tax on excisable goods (products) produced in Ukraine in the context of permanent changes in the tax legislative framework and within the framework of the global crisis through the coronavirus disease COVID-19. The concept of excise tax has been substantiated, a list of excisable products (goods) has been provided in accordance with legislative acts, the payers of this tax have been specified. The most important events and transactions that influenced the amount of tax revenues from excise tax are investigated. The authors believe that the main reason for the changes in the administration process and the receipt of the excise tax are the European integration transformations and the conditions of the global socio-economic crisis. Based on the difficult economic situation in the state, some legislative acts regulating the collection of excise tax from excisable products produced in the country were considered. It was revealed that a moratorium on the payment of excise tax was imposed on the territory of the studied state for a certain period. This event made its own adjustments to the proceeds from the payment of excise tax on excisable products (goods) produced domestically, and also allowed domestic producers to move from the place of economic stagnation. In Ukraine, they began to actively manufacture and sell antiseptic and disinfectants of their own production to protect citizens. According to the data of the State Treasury Service of Ukraine, the authors analyzed the indicators of tax revenues for each type of excisable products (goods) of domestic production. It was revealed from which products more tax was received during the study period. The main factors that influenced the receipts of excise tax from excisable goods produced on the territory of Ukraine in the period of 2019, as well as for 9 months of 2020, have been determined.

Е.Ю. Соколов ◽  
А.И. Адаев ◽  
А.А. Фомин ◽  
Л.Г. Магурдумова

In article the importance of use of psychotherapeutic actions of self-control by employees of a dangerous profession is stated during the work in emergency situations. The state of health of fighters who before the direction in business trip were trained previously in self-control methods at different stages of performance of a fighting task, with a condition of group of the military personnel who didn’t pass preliminary training in energy saving methods is compared.

S.S. Hasanova ◽  
R.R. Hatueva ◽  
A.L. Arsaev

This article discusses the pros and cons of applying professional income tax. Professional income tax is not mandatory, but an alternative way to pay 2 taxes on self-employment or part-time work. The introduction of this tax can mediate an increase in revenues to the state budget, which is of particular importance for the country in post-crisis conditions.

Victoria Ruzhenkova ◽  
Irina Sheremet’eva ◽  
Viktor Ruzhenkov

Stress negatively affects the mental health of students, causes anxiety and depression, leads to poor academic performance, lowers level of professional training and success in the future. The purpose of the research is to study the state of mental health of medical students to develop recommendations for the prevention of maladaptation. Materials and methods. 252 5-year students aged 20–29 (22 ± 1,1) years, 168 (66,7 %) females and 84 (33,3 %) males (137 students of Belgorod State University and 115 of Altay State Medical University (ASMU)) were examined by medico-sociological and psychometric methods. Results. It was established that every fifth student of the Belgorod State University and every third of the ASMU did not enter the medical university on their own initiative. Less than half (43 %) of Belgorod State University students and 30.4 % of the ASMU ones are convinced that the choice of profession was correct, 35 and 37.4 % are, consequently, completely disappointed with it. Students of Belgorod State University dealt with training stress factors poorer and, as a result, have more pronounced mental symptoms of training stress, difficulties in organizing the daily regimen, irregular nutrition, and fear of the future. Regardless of the region of studying, the number of students not committed to the medical profession, after 5 years of study, is more than 3 times higher among those who enter the university not on their own initiative. Students of the ASMU hit substances, skipped classes, played computer games and took sedative drugs more often to overcome academic stress. The degree of anxiety before the exams in students of Belgorod State University was higher (9 points) than in their peers from the State Medical University (7 points). An extremely high (8–10 points) level of anxiety before exams was characteristic of 75,9 and 44,3 % of students, respectively. The former were more likely to experience clinically significant panic attacks: 27,7 and 6,1 %. Conclusion. Given the high incidence of social phobia (19,1–24,1 %), depression (22,6–32,2 %) and anxiety (21,9– 27,8 %) among medical students, the development and implementation of psycho-correctional programs aimed at the formation of adaptive ways to overcome stress, reduce anxiety and depression is required. This will prevent the development of psychosomatic disorders and addictions.

2015 ◽  
Vol 66 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-52
Katalin Nagyváradi ◽  
Zsuzsa Mátrai

AbstractSeveral research works in the related international literature on sociology and health sciences deal with the state of health in one selected population. In these studies, the chosen sample is often connected with special jobs, especially with healthcare professionals and their working conditions. These studies predominantly examine the self-rated subjective health status using questionnaires. There are others that assess the state of health based not only on self-rated subjective indicators, but also using objective data gained by measuring. Considering the international experiences, we chose a special population in our research – healthcare professionals working in an institute for chronically ill psychiatric patients. Our choice was influenced by the fact that we wanted to include their unique working conditions when exploring and assessing their health status. Moreover, our approach was to assess the objective state of health alongside the subjective factors, as our hypothesis was that the majority of the indicators presumably coincided. The data were collected with the help of three questionnaires and some indicators of the objective health statuses were measured. The findings were processed using the SPSS 17.0 mathematical-statistical software package. Following the descriptive statistics, we applied hierarchic cluster-analysis based on results of the WHOQOLD-BREF26 life-quality questionnaire, the WHO WBI-5 Well Being Index, and on the body composition analysis. The results show the objective and subjective health status of population and the factors that influenced it; the working conditions and the interpersonal contacts in the workplace. The conclusion was that in the examined population the subjective and objective health status doesn’t coincide.

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